Composition on the topic “Why do you need to read books?”: Arguments, conclusion. Why do you need to read books about the war?

Composition on the topic “Why do you need to read books?”: Arguments, conclusion. Why do you need to read books about the war?

Why do you need to read books? Such a question is often asked by teachers at school during class work. On this subject, children write compositions. In this article you will find a lot of useful and you need information.

In the digital era, when children and adolescents are more passionate about social networks and gadgets, the book seems to be incredibly boring. But, in fact, books need to be read, because it is they who can make the personality of comprehensively developed, competent and erudite. Reading also helps to replenish the vocabulary, which is very important for modern children who are closer than literary speech.

Why do you need to read, how to start and how much do you need to read per day? Look for the answer to this question below. Also, this article published essays on this topic, which are needed to complete home and cool tasks in the Russian language, starting with 5th grade. Read further.

How to start reading books, how much do you need to read a day and whether to read at all?

Books need to be read
Books need to be read

Everyone who reads the books is known that a person will not be able to captivate himself for a long time if he is not interested in it. And the child is even more so. It is for this reason that most students do not read the literature that was set for the summer. And many parents think that in the hot season of the year you need to give the children to relax, and not torment them with Dostoevsky or Turgenev. So how to start reading books, how much should you read a day and whether to read at all?

In order to develop a useful habit of reading in yourself, you should temporarily move away from the annoying and “mandatory” classics and turn to your preferences. Find out those of the child. It should not be forced to read it - you need to create the conditions under which he himself will be accustomed to books and will enjoy reading. It is worth knowing the following:

  • First you should choose works that are easily read.
  • An interesting and close to an adult or child is important, plot.
  • Quite often, representatives of all ages read adventure literature, detectives, science fiction or fantasy are more willing than literature from the school course.
  • Therefore, if a teenager or a child became interested in entertaining, and “not very useful” (in terms of learning) a book, you should not condemn him for this.
  • The impulse itself is important.

Moreover, the reader is inclined to develop as the experience is gained. Sooner or later Harry Potter It will seem too simple to him, and he will turn to more elevated and complex writers. The main thing is to be patient and encourage a beginner.


  • Also, you should not put the mandatory “norm” for reading.
  • Each young reader has its own individual limit - one reads quickly and in a day it may well overpower 150 pages, and the other reads only 30 pages in the evening.
  • That is why there is no need to arrange competitions.
  • The main thing is that the book is interesting, and the person regularly addresses it.
  • It is important to love the reading process, and not perceive it as a burden.

Do not think that if there is the Internet, then you do not need to read books. One does not interfere. And even in old publications, you can always draw new and useful for yourself. Regarding the duration:

A minimum for reading is considered 30 minutes a day. As a rule, this is available to people with different levels of intellectual development, different education and vocabulary.

A child or a teenager who only becomes a book lover should not recommend books with complex formulations, boring descriptions.

Advice: Choose the works in which the active actions of the heroes take place. They will seem more interesting.

Also, in the case of young readers, books in which characters are the peers of the book lovers are well read. This allows the book and real world to be “on one wave”, as a result of which the work can be read “binge”.

Some people think to become an intelligent person, you need to read many books. This is not entirely true. It is better to read two books in a month, but to understand the essence and really draw something from there than to overcome the entire home library, simply reading the text and not understanding the meaning. In general, reading is self -improvement, development and formation of a smart person, which has literacy.

Composition-filming on literature on the topic “Why do you need to read books for children”: 5 reasons, arguments for grade 5-9

Books need to read children
Books need to read children

In the fifth grade in the Russian language or literature, children are set to write an essay-reasoning on the topic "Why do you need to read books to children?". It is often difficult for a child to do this. To help you, we offer such an essay that will be described 5 reasons, Why is it necessary, with arguments for 5-9 class. Read further. This is an essay:

In my class, few people like to read. Suppose Artem believes that it is boring and it is better to play football with friends all day. Katya believes that the most interesting in the world is social networks, and Andrei likes computer games more. I believe that you need to read books. Even in our time, it is very interesting and exciting. These are the 5 reasons for the children to read books:

  1. Books help to know the world around them better. Of course, everyone has their own preferences. Suppose my younger sister like books about animals with pictures, and I like to read about spacecraft and other civilizations. It seems to me that books are the experience that a child can gain as if “in absentia” without living all these events personally.
  2. Books help to understand how to act in a particular situation. We can say that, using the example of heroes, the writer shows how or not to do, he, as it were, teaches the reader.
  3. Books improve the vocabulary. Last year, I read what I was asked for the summer. Having come to school in September, and starting to communicate with my peers, I noticed that my speech has become more beautiful and interesting, parasitic words began to arise less often.
  4. Books teach to separate reality from fiction. Reading literature, the child understands that things are divided into real and those invented. And never will confuse them again.
  5. Books bring together. Some literary works like “Lord of the Rings” or “Harry Potter” have so many fans around the world that they have long become a subculture and cult.

Therefore, the favorite book sometimes allows not only to become more competent, but also to find millions of like -minded people around the world, with whom you can be friends and always find common topics for conversation.

Why do you need to read different books about the war: essays, mini-processing briefly

Books about the war must be read
Books about the war must be read

There is nothing more expensive than peacetime. However, history cannot be forgotten. On the Great Patriotic War Our ancestors committed many feats. They risked their lives so that their grandchildren and great -grandchildren had the opportunity to be happy and not be exposed to daily danger. That is why it is necessary to store memory and know history. Why do you need to read different books about the war? Here are an essay, mini-processing briefly:

Books about the war are much more interesting than a history textbook. Therefore, this is a great way not only to remember important milestones, but also to feel like an epicenter of events, to experience the atmosphere in which people in wartime were. It is also a great occasion to ask myself the question: “Would I have the courage to do what the heroes of these works do?”

Books about the war are taught by stories:

  • Of course, some writers sometimes make their own adjustments so that the narrative is not dry and boring.
  • But, one way or another, the main events and names of settlements, as well as the names of real historical personalities, a person from books can find out.

Books about the war illustrate life:

  • The reader can imagine that time. Perhaps it will be even more realistic than if he watches the film of the same name.

Books about the war are taught to appreciate life:

  • In peacetime, a person perceives freedom, his life and possibilities as what is given from birth and what "of course."
  • Reading military literature, the idea involuntarily arises that you need to appreciate everything that you have.
  • After all, no one knows when the thread of life breaks.
  • Moreover, the works about the war are sometimes forced to reassess values. After all, many people at that time had much less than they now even have the poorest.

Books about the war sang virtues:

  • On the example of heroes, the reader understands that there is a feat, that there is a betrayal.
  • The reader also learns how to react in complex and extreme situations, why you need to be courageous, courageous, decisive.

We can say with confidence that the literature of the war in some way is "textbooks of courage."

Conclusion - why you need to read books: 5 sentences

Books need to be read
Books need to be read

At the end of any literary creation or essay, conclusion follows. He usually generalizes all of the above. Here's a conclusion on the topic "Why you need to read books" in 5 sentences:

You need to read books because they not only replenish the vocabulary, expand the horizons and make a person more erudite, but also because they have an educational function. A person learns the world through the actions of heroes, forms a new system of values. We can say that books make it possible to “learn life” remotely, without stuffing their “cones”. Develops literature and imagination. A person who reads a lot can, over time, finds a writer's talent in himself or become an interesting and multifaceted interlocutor, which will help him very much in his future life.

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