School works on a free topic - examples

School works on a free topic - examples

Examples of works on a free topic for schoolchildren.

You were given the task at school to write an essay on a free topic, but you do not know what to write about? Our article will definitely help you solve this problem. We have selected for you several examples for such school tasks.

School composition on a free topic

School composition on a free topic
School composition on a free topic
School composition on a free topic
School composition on a free topic

School composition on a free topic:

  • Family is a special world where it is always good, comfortable, where you are glad, they will always support you in difficult times and find kind words, if necessary to cheer. Each of us has people whom we trust, love, idolize. It is they who help us to rise when we stumble on the life path, rejoice at our achievements, and love us just like that, only because we live, breathe, smile for them. Each individual family is unique in its own way, and has its own habits and traditions. It is they who are a fastening link that helps all family members feel some unity.
  • There are many traditions in my family - ordinary and a little strange, but I all like them, as they show how friendly and loving our family we have. So, we have a tradition of a joint Friday dinner. All members of our family gather at the table, eat delicious food and discuss the past week. I really love Friday evening, because I see together all my beloved people - mom, dad, grandparents. Very often, our dinner smoothly flows from the kitchen to the living room, and a quiet family evening ends with board games, or grandfather simply tells us interesting stories.
  • We also have a Saturday tradition - we all go to cinema, theater, museum together, so to speak, join the beautiful. I really like this pastime with my family, because after a long walk we always go to the cafe, order delicious tea and sweets, and sit at a table near a huge window, considering a noisy city. When the evening comes, we go home together, prepare dinner, and then each of the family members spends the evening as he wants.
  • But the most pleasant tradition of our family, I consider the moment of going to bed. All family members will definitely wish each other good night. Mom always enters my bedroom, covers me with a warm blanket and tells me, or reads, a fabulous story. Such simple little things help me fall asleep the happiest person on the planet.
  • I also want to mention our holiday traditions for the New Year, Christmas, Easter, and the births of all family members, we always prepare a home cake. Mom bakes him herself, taking into account the wishes of the household. Sometimes it is a chocolate cake, sometimes a honey cake, we also love Napoleon, poppy, coconut. If we celebrate our birthday, then the cake is always made with candles, and they are blown first by the birthday man, and then all the members of the family together. This is very fun, and everyone can feel like a hero of the occasion. After the celebration of the New Year, Christmas, if there is snow, we definitely go all together to ride a hill - this is very good for health.
  • As you can see, the traditions of my family are quite simple, but it is they who help us feel the kinship, love of relatives. Therefore, when I grow up, I will do everything so that my family is also like that - friendly, fun, complete enthusiasm and energy. And I know for sure, in order to be a happy person, one must have loving people who are ready for you for anything.

Essay on the topic "free time"

Essay on the topic of free time
Essay on the topic "free time"
Essay on the topic of free time
Essay on the topic "free time"

Composition on the topic "Free time":

  • A person’s life cannot be called very simple. From birth, we have to learn. First, we learn to sit on our own, walk, talk. Then the children go to kindergarten, where they study the first independent self -service skills. Next is a school with its tedious lessons - mathematics, physics, chemistry. You don’t think, I’m not a loser, I just don’t really like these items, I like geography most of all, because this item introduces me to the countries in which I want to visit. I really like to travel, I like to get acquainted with new places in my free time, to admire nature.
  • True, I went to another country only once, but I really liked my journey. The parents and I got to the right place on the plane, and it was great. I saw the sky very close, it conquered me with its beauty and endlessness. And the positive emotions that I received, having met with a new country, charged me with a positive for a long time. I tried a new food, sweets, drinks for myself, visited many beautiful and interesting places, took so many photos that then I looked at them for more than a month.
  • Also, when there is free time, I like to go to the village to my grandmother. She is always glad to me, and surrounds me with care and love, I would say that she is a second mother for me. Grandma has an old stove at home in which she bakes delicious pies with cottage cheese and poppy seeds for me. You can’t even imagine how tasty they are. While the pies are cooling down, grandmother brews tea from dried currants and raspberries, he smells of the whole village. And then we drink tea with pies and talk a lot together. Sometimes my grandfather takes me fishing with me, and then I can enjoy the pristine nature for a long time - alive, always green, smelling of freshness.
  • And when parents are free, we go on a trip to our vast country. Each time we find new beautiful places that captivate us. So, we have already visited the distant regions of our country with their majestic mountain vertices, I saw a taiga with its impassable forests and an abundance of berries with my own eyes. We are bed Lake Baikal, and now I know exactly what the cleanest water in the world looks like. This year we decided to go to the sea, and I hope that I will be able to see the flocks of dolphins, touch the jellyfish with my hands, and to find out if the sunsets of the sun at sea are so beautiful, as people say about them.
  • I hope that there will be a lot of such wonderful travels in my life, and I can see the world from its best side, because traveling, I will learn a lot of new things. I advise you to find free time too and get acquainted with the outside world not through the screen of a computer, laptop or phone, but live, because you can get a more beautiful picture before your eyes.

Essay on the Russian language on a free topic

Essay on the Russian language on a free topic
Essay on the Russian language on a free topic
Essay on the Russian language on a free topic
Essay on the Russian language on a free topic

Composition on the Russian language on a free topic:

  • My birthday is the most important holiday of the year for me personally. I always wait for him with great impatience, because I know for sure that he will give me many pleasant surprises. As a rule, mom begins to prepare for him in a couple of days. She buys in advance products for the festive table, and everything that is needed for the most delicious chocolate cake in the world. As soon as my mother begins to cook it, I have a festive mood. All my friends love mom’s cake - it is very fragrant, soft, moderately saturated with syrup, and is always beautifully decorated.
  • Happy birthday morning, my parents always congratulate me. They include funny music and solemnly give me a gift. They kiss me on both cheeks, hug me tightly, wish you health and good marks. At this moment I feel very happy. A little later, grandparents come. They literally fill me with sweets that I love, and of course, present a gift. On my birthday, my mother allows you to eat as many sweets as I want, but I still don’t eat them a lot - a place for the largest piece of chocolate cake.
  • Then we all quickly have breakfast and start preparing for the holiday. First of all, we all adorn the room in which we will receive guests. Dad puffs a lot of bright colored balls, and we hang them along the walls and simply scatter them on the floor - it turns out very original, and even a little fabulous.
  • Approximately at lunch, mom begins to set the festive table for my guests. We always treat them with home sweets - a home marmalade, a grandmother's pie with lingonberries, and mother's chocolate cake. To all these goodies we add a lot of sweet fruits and compote from summer peaches. Of course, mom gives us not only sweet dishes, but we love them more than others.
  • I meet guests with a parade - my mother always buys a birthday new thing for me, she says that I should look perfect on an important day for myself. All my friends come to lunch, give me gifts, and all together we go to enjoy delicious home food. Having eaten a little, we have fun - we play games, dance, dad holds contests for us, quizzes, makes us riddles. And at the end of the day, mom serves her chocolate cake. Tired, but happy we eat it with great pleasure.
  • And you know, when my birthday ends, I do not regret it, because I know for sure that my next holiday will be even better and more fun, the main thing is that my relatives are always there. On this day, they let me feel how much they love me, so I decided that all my subsequent birthdays I would celebrate in the circle of my family.

Composition on a free topic - 2, 3, 4 class: "Forest Polyana"

Working on a free topic - 2, 3, 4 grade: Forest glade
Composition on a free topic - 2, 3, 4 class: "Forest Polyana"
Working on a free topic - 2, 3, 4 grade: Forest glade
Composition on a free topic - 2, 3, 4 class: "Forest Polyana"

Composition on a free topic - 2, 3, 4 grade: “Forest Polyana”:

  • The world around us is beautiful, just some of us treat it as consumers. They leave the garbage behind, not thinking about what harm to nature he can do. Such people also visited our beloved meadow, which my parents and I chose to hold overnights in the forest with tents. But first things first.
  • When parents have a couple of weekends, we get out of the borders of a noisy city, and spend one night in the forest - we spend the night in a tent. We already have our own favorite clearing, on which we love to relax. It is not very large, but picturesque. She is surrounded by centennial oaks and ate with lush branches. Nature seems to protect travelers from strong wind, and prying eyes.
  • Not far from the meadow there is a spring with delicious and clean water, which gives health and satisfies thirst well. We always break our camp in this place, as we feel as cozy as possible here. After rest, we always remove everything behind us, even small garbage. Parents say that we must respect the environment, otherwise, over time, such beautiful places will not remain at all.
  • Once, one of these weekends, we again decided to visit our forest glade. They collected tents, took a little food and hit the road. We were in anticipation of a wonderful vacation and all the way were in a good mood. But having reached the place, they were very upset. Our clearing was not recognized. The garbage was visible everywhere, one tree was cut, and its branches were lying everywhere. We stood dumbfounded, and did not know what to do. The first to come to his senses. He silently took the garbage bag and began to collect all the garbage into it. After standing a little, my mother and I joined in cleaning, and after fifteen minutes it was clean around.
  • Then dad began to collect all the scattered branches, folded them into a kind of bonfire, and we made fire. We decided to bake potatoes, so we had a lot of coal. To have time to do everything that we have planned, everyone went about their own business. Dad installed a tent, mom collected dry brushwood, I brought water from the spring and made sure that the fire burned all the time.
  • The sun was just sitting over the horizon, and everything was ready for us. We are saddles by the fire, ate delicious potatoes and admired the starry sky. After spending the night in a scarf, we went home, hoping that no one else would harm such a beautiful place.
  • This small incident showed me how most people relate to nature. It is unlikely that in their own house or apartment they scatter garbage everywhere and break household things. And the Earth is our common home, and it is very important that it always remains clean. Therefore, I decided that I would always help nature, and when I grow up, I will protect it from bad people with all my strength.

Composition on a free topic - 5, 6, 7, 8 grade: "View from the window"

Working on a free topic - 5, 6, 7, 8 grade: view from the window
Composition on a free topic - 5, 6, 7, 8 grade: "View from the window"
Working on a free topic - 5, 6, 7, 8 grade: view from the window
Composition on a free topic - 5, 6, 7, 8 grade: "View from the window"

Composition on a free topic - 5, 6, 7, 8 grade: “View from the window”:

  • A window is a kind of screen that translates us different pictures. Just people do not think that the window can show us a lot of interesting things, unless, of course, it is thoughtless to look at the distance thoughtlessly. Although in the modern world it is no longer customary to leave the windows not curtained. For most people, it is more familiar to close the window completely, so that even daylight does not fall into the room. Unfortunately, so we are closed from people, the world. Although in fact, what is happening outside the window can become a source of inspiration, peacefulness, can help to unwind.
  • Fortunately, I belong to the category of people who do not like to hide from the outside world, but with great pleasure they know him. Arriving from the school, I definitely have lunch. I rest a little while listening to music or reading a book. Then I sit down for lessons, make them for about 3 hours. When I finish with homework, I go to the window in the kitchen. It is located from the side of the garden, then there is a small field and a beautiful forest. I make myself tea or sweet cocoa, and begin to look at a fabulous picture.
  • Looking at the forest and its powerful trees, I imagine that these are fabulous heroes who went to the very edge of the forest glade to warm up in the sun. The sun warms them with its rays, and the wind blows off the dust of the roads from them along which they had to pass. They sit on the drying autumn grass, rest and talk quietly, about what they will do tomorrow. Here is a small fox who wants to hide behind them behind the backs of the giant gods from a strong wind ...
  • If you look at the field, you can see that green grass is still visible on it, and in some places bright flowers are even visible. They are very small, but their bright buds seem to shout autumn - wait, leave us a piece of summer and warmth, we have not yet seen a blue sky and a warm sun. Among the colors the first autumn breeze is noticeable. It seems to play with flowers - it blows lightly, almost imperceptibly, it enhances the movement of air flows, and bright buds begin to lean closer to the ground so that their petals do not suffer. A little more and warm sun will hide behind the horizon, the sky will become dark and a cool night will come ...
  • Also through the window I see a beautiful autumn garden. It seemed that yesterday he was dressed in green clothes, and the leaves were beautifully shimmering in the rays of the summer sun. But the street is already autumn, and the garden gradually changes its outfit on yellow-gold. In some places you can see a light reddish redhead on the leaves, it always attracts my gaze, since it is noticeably standing out on a yellow background.
  • With every blow of the wind, the leaves begin to tremble, some of them do not withstand the pressure, and in a bizarre dance to fall to the ground. On the branches of apple trees you can see lonely fruits that we did not have time to tear. They were so often washed by the rain that delicate skin shines, as if strewn with precious stones.
  • The evening will come soon, and a cold night will come behind him, where the autumn wind will rule with his friend rain. Waking up in the morning, I will definitely look out the window, and find out what they had done overnight. I find out how many leaves they could not stand their pressure, whether the bulk apples remained on the branches, whether there are large puddles in the yard, and of course, I’ll see how the mighty giants are doing on the edge of the forest glade. As you can see, looking out the window is very interesting, because in everything that surrounds us, there is its own attractive beauty that only needs to be seen.

Composition on a free topic - 9, 10, 11 grade: "Good person"

Working on a free topic - 9, 10, 11 grade: good person
Composition on a free topic - 9, 10, 11 grade: "Good person"
Working on a free topic - 9, 10, 11 grade: good person
Composition on a free topic - 9, 10, 11 grade: "Good person"

Composition on a free topic - 9, 10, 11 grade: “Good person”:

  • Who can be called a good person? Are you yourself a good person? It would seem simple questions, but sometimes it is very difficult to answer them. Of course, everyone will say that he is a good person, because he does nothing wrong with other people. Such people should offer to think, and what they did good to others. As a rule, after such a question, everyone falls into a stupor for one reason - they have nothing to answer, since they do nothing special.
  • Most people just live-go to work, to the store, returns to his apartment, and again comes out of it to work. Modern man even with friends most often communicates on the Internet. Although, in order to consider yourself a good person, nothing special should be done.
  • Probably going from work or study, you see on the street stray animals that just have nowhere to go. You can periodically feed them, or leave water somewhere in the park, because they are deprived of even such simple things. If, for example, the dog does not feel thirsty and hunger, it will be calm, and certainly will not run after people in search of food. A hungry dog \u200b\u200bis an evil dog. And this means that she can bite, attack a small defenseless baby. Having fed her, you will contribute to no one to suffer from the actions of the animal.
  • Surely you have an old neighbor who barely moves, and in order to reach the store, she spends a lot of time and effort. This undermines her and so poor health. If you are a really good person, then it will not be difficult for you to help your grandmother. You can always find time to run to the nearest store and buy granny, eggs, milk, something tasty for tea. You can even just look at her grandmother for tea, your attention will be pleased with her. Just do not forget to come with delicious ones. If you spend at least a small part of your time to help those who need it, then even such actions will make our world better.
  • I can confidently say that a kind person lives in my house with a pure heart. And this is my mother. Yesterday she walked from work and saw how the car knocked down a small dog. Mom did not pass by, she took her from the roadway and took her to the veterinarian. The doctor said that if not for mom, the animal would probably not have survived. We paid for the treatment of the dog, and at the family council we decided that after improving well -being, we would take the dog home. Now we will have a new family member who can feel what it means to live in the house, and not on the street.
  • As you can see, I have a real example of how to behave to a person in not the most pleasant situations. Thanks to my mother’s act, I know for sure that everyone who needs it needs to help, even if other people will condemn you for this. Making the world kinder, we ourselves become better.

Composition-description on a free topic-"Evening city"

Composition -description on a free topic - evening city
Composition-description on a free topic-"Evening city"
Composition -description on a free topic - evening city
Composition-description on a free topic-"Evening city"

Composition-description on a free theme-"Evening City":

  • The city is a kind of living organism that functions according to certain rules. My city is beautiful at any time of the day, but I like it most in the evening.
  • Evening. The sun begins to sink to the horizon, caressing with its rays of the roof of houses. They are covered with attractive gold, shimmer in different colors, as if clinging to the remains of a day. But the mistress of the night is inexorable, the evening inevitably comes into her rights. Bizarre shadows are gradually beginning to appear in the city, they cover houses, roads, plants, cars. Gradually, the last sun's rays are hidden behind the clouds.
  • It begins to darken and the city is illuminated by the light of a large number of lanterns. He still continues to live at a fairly fast pace, but is already starting to prepare for sleep. Buses and trolleybuses take people home. They look with a tired look at the distance, dreaming of getting into a warm bed faster.
  • In parks and cafeteria you can still meet funny companies, but they also hurry to their homes to their family and friends. A little more and city areas will be empty, and only wind and moon will rule on them. And only the hard workers will violate the silence of the beautiful evening with the sounds of their panels. These people invisible in the daytime will do everything so that in the morning our city shines and be beautiful. But a cheerful breeze prevents them from working. He picks up the leaves, circles them in the air and throws them to where everything was already removed ...
  • Gradually, sleeping areas are transformed, lights are lit in the windows of the houses - it means the owners are already at home. This creates a special cozy atmosphere, which gives peace and happiness. If you listen, you can hear children's laughter, apparently the baby rejoices at some trifle. Over time, the sleeping areas begin to be filled with smells - baking, fresh boiled borsch, homemade cutlets, aromatic coffee and tea. During this period, people gather together, and have dinner.
  • After some time, the amount of light in the windows of high-rise buildings begins to decrease, only sometimes flickering in the windows and lonely silhouettes on the balconies are visible. After dinner, people rest - watch TV, just admire the stars. A quiet evening is gradually turning into night. The light in the windows of the houses disappears, its inhabitants plunge into sleep. And only the lanterns, and the moon, continue to illuminate everything around, doing everything so that it is convenient for people. The city falls asleep safely, and begins to come to life only with the first rays of the sun.

Mini-processing on the free topic "Do parents need to help?"

Mini-processing on the free topic "Do parents need to help?"

Mini-processing on a free topic “Do parents need to help?”:

  • We live in a period when a person’s life is facilitated as much as possible. We do not need to carry water into the house for household needs, now even in the villages people have a water supply. The machine is erased by the machine, the bread machine bakes bread, the dishwasher itself washes the dishes. A person is maximally freed from what he used to spend a lot of time and effort. But does this mean that modern children should not help parents?
  • It seemed to me that there was no need for house help. If my mother or dad asked me to do something, I always refused them, because I thought that he was not overwhelmed. And so it was up to one unpleasant incident. At the weekend, my mother was engaged in general cleaning in the house, and wiped the dust on the cabinets, and fell from the chair to the floor. She screamed so much that I immediately realized that something bad had happened. Dad and I ran into the room together and tried to raise my mother. But as soon as she tried to stand on her leg, her pain intensified. We had to go to the hospital, where we found out that she broke her leg. Gypsum was applied to mom, and we returned home.
  • We placed it in the hallway near the TV, and went to finish the work that was started. It was necessary to go around, since I had to go to school in the morning, and dad to work. We cleaned almost until night, and went to bed already without strength. In the morning I woke up and did not feel the usual aromas from the kitchen. Mom always prepared breakfast for me while I was going to school. This time I had to be content with tea and sandwiches, since I could not do anything else. It was unpleasant, but nothing could be done, her mother was bad, and she was still resting.
  • Arriving from school, I realized that I would have to cope again, my mother still could not do anything. She wrote me a list, and I ran to the store for groceries. When I went home, I ran into a pharmacy and bought medicines for my mother. A mountain of dishes awaited me at home, which I had to wash. After that, under the guidance of my mother, I boiled vermicelli and sausages for dinner. And although I am already very tired, I still had to spend my time on lessons. I went to bed closer to midnight, almost without strength. Falling asleep, I realized how much mom and dad do for us. And she gets tired as I am today, every day. I was very ashamed of the fact that I refused to help her with homework, not sparing her when it was hard for her.
  • From all this situation, I made one important conclusion, parents need to help, even if it seems to you that they do almost nothing. They need our help, simply do not tell us about it. And if we help parents do housework, then they will have more time for a joint pastime, which brings their relatives closer.

Working on a free topic about winter holidays

Working on a free topic about winter holidays
Working on a free topic about winter holidays

Composition-story on a free topic about the winter holidays:

  • Probably, there is not a single schoolboy who would not like holidays. This is a period when you can sleep before lunch, do not run to additional classes. You can afford to play with friends as much as you like, and not worry that tomorrow you will get a deuce for an unacceptable topic.
  • Most children consider summer the best holidays, but I look forward to winter. Winter is a wonderful time in itself. It is during this period that we celebrate the New Year, we receive gifts from Santa Claus, and just have fun with rinks, hills.
  • For these winter holidays, I have planned a trip to the village to my grandparents. I will celebrate the New Year with them. Grandfather says that we will not kill a living forest tree, but we will bring fir twigs to the house. And you know, I agree with him. Why kill a living tree if it decorates the holiday for only a couple of days. Grandmother promised to prepare her corporate cake with cabbage and thin openwork pancakes for a festive dinner. In the morning of the first of January, I will go with my grandfather to my first winter fishing, I hope I am lucky to catch something.
  • Of course, all winter holidays I will not sit in the village. Mom and dad promised me to take me closer to Christmas, and take me to the puppet theater. I think it will also be very interesting there. After that, we will definitely go for a walk in the winter park. I really love our park, it seems a little fabulous to me when he dresses in his white robe. And when the park is snowing, I can wander around among snowy trees for hours, admiring its beauty.
  • But, perhaps, most of all I love our sorties on the slides outside the city. When a lot of snow falls, we take sledges and skis, and for the whole day we go to nature. I only do that that I ride on skiing, then on a sled. It is very funny! After outdoor activities, we always go to the coffee shop, where we warm with hot chocolate with cookies. I believe that this is divine food.
  • And long winter evenings, we gather the whole family in front of the TV and watch cartoons and comedies until night. I don’t know why, but for me the winter holidays pass as one moment, but still I always look forward to them.

The final essay is a free topic: "Which profession is more important?"

The final essay is a free topic: Which profession is more important?
The final essay is a free topic: "Which profession is more important?"

The final essay is a free topic, “Which profession is more important?”:

  • What kind of profession to choose, sooner or later everyone decides. At the moment, among graduates, such professions as: philologist, lawyer, marketer, doctor, historian, all professions related to the Internet sphere are popular. And few of them thinks whether they will have work if everyone seeks to receive only such an education. Do our country need so many lawyers, programmers, translators? If you weigh everything well, then you can conclude that it is better to pay attention to simpler professions. Why, you ask, but everything is very simple - in the end it will be easier for you to find a job.
  • For example, I want to become a cook in the future, since I dream of creating recipes for new original dishes, and feed them people. I perfectly understand that I will initially work as an assistant cook, but it does not scare me, I am ready to study and achieve new goals. I want to save a small amount of money and open a small cafe to be independent of others. It seems to me that with such a profession I will always be employed, since people need to feed people every day.
  • I also believe that girls can master the profession of a seamstress. Now you can easily buy any material for sewing clothes. If you master the modeling of clothing well, you can create your own brand, and earn even very decent. Many will say that this is not a very prestigious profession, but this is not entirely true. Yes, you will have to work a lot, but the work will always be, which means you will be a demanded person.
  • You can continue to infinity, but still, there are professions that are more important than others. They are an important link in a person’s life, help him in difficult moments of life. Imagine what will happen if all doctors, firefighters, police officers, border guards disappear in an instant, who will then protect us, our homes, health, the country? One can definitely say that they are very important, although not very popular among young people.
  • Such professions include, for example, a baker. It is this person who takes care that we always have fresh bread and aromatic pastries on our table. And in order to always be so, you need to know how to knead the dough, how much to withstand, and how much to keep in the furnace.
  • In view of all this, choosing your future profession, always take into account not only its popularity at the moment, but also its significance for other people. After all, having made the right choice, you will be proud that you benefit humanity.

Video: Image of Evgeny Onegin in the novel by A.S. Pushkin. Russian literature, grade 9

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