“Life to live is not to cross the field”: the final essay on literature, the work-building for high school students, secondary and primary school

“Life to live is not to cross the field”: the final essay on literature, the work-building for high school students, secondary and primary school

It will probably not be an exaggeration to say that each person at least once in his life has come across an expression "Life to live - do not cross the field", in one or another form. However, there are many who can clearly and intelligibly discover the true essence of this phrase.

Read on our website another article on the topic: "Composition on the topic" Love for the Motherland ". You will find examples, sample for the OGE, exam.

Obviously, the meaning of the expression "Life to live - do not cross the field" - Much deeper than it seems at first glance. This means that for a greater understanding of the essence and meaning of the phrase, it must be sorted out properly. So, let's look into the essence. Below you will find several works on this subject for schoolchildren, with arguments and reasoning. Read further.

What arguments can be brought on the topic: “Life to live - do not cross the field”: composition

"Life to live - do not cross the field"

Any statement with deep meaning requires any arguments and explanations. This phrase is also no exception. One of the most proven and reliable ways to argue something is to bring examples from literature. What arguments can be given on the topic: "Life to live - do not cross the field"? Let's remember and analyze the following works - they are directly related to the topic:

  • "War and Peace" - L. Tolstoy

The events of this novel unfold in two lines - during the war and during the world. This fact already implies a large number of difficulties and obstacles to the heroes and this is true. Leo Tolstoy filled his work with a large number of characters, whose fraction of which many severe trials, misfortunes and losses fall. However, the heroes do not break under the oppression of life circumstances, but study on them, pass all tests and become stronger. This is most clearly shown in the example of Natasha Rostova and Pierre Bezukhov.

  • As another argument, one can cite the work Boris Polevoy "The Tale of a Real Man"

The main character of the story is the pilot Alexei Meresiev, who crashes during the battle in 1942 and subsequently loses his feet. To become a disabled person at a very young age is a very difficult test that can break any person. However, at a difficult moment next to the main character, another character turns out to be - a deadly sick commissar Vorobyov, who does not lose heart despite his misfortune, and in the end charges Meresiev with his optimism. As a result, the pilot Alexei not only overcomes a difficult period in life, but also makes the impossible, starting to fly again.

  • It is worth remembering the play Maxim Gorky "at the bottom"

One of the heroes of this play, by the will of fate, falls into the very bottom of society, almost “to the bottom”, but does not betray his own ideals, remaining true to himself.

The writing:

In childhood, the world around us is simple and understandable, the time seems slow, viscous, and the days go their own. At the same time, people around are constantly making some plans: to graduate from school, pass exams, go study and get an education. Then I will find a job and over time, I will start a family. However, in reality, everything is much more complicated. Often life itself destroys plans, forcing you to look at the world with different eyes and change everything that is conceived.

Whether it is study or work, a person always has to achieve anything, fight and prove to others: "I stand something." Another inevitable life stage is the losses and blows of fate. Sooner or later, everyone faces this. Someone earlier, someone later.

Life is a complex thing that has more than one side of the coin. Everything is not and always good. Each person necessarily comes a period when everything starts to go not according to plan and it seems that the world around is crumbling. However, problems and difficulties are by no means a reason to give up. After all, as he said N. Ostrovsky: "Life must be lived so that it does not hurt for aimlessly spent time."

It remains to add that no matter what difficulties arise in life and no matter how difficult the blows of fate are - this does not mean that you need to give up and throw everything conceived. After all, in the end, obstacles are created in order to overcome them. And each test passed, as you know, ultimately makes a person stronger.

“Life to live is not to cross the field”: the final essay on literature

What does the expression mean "Life to live - do not cross the field"? What is its deep meaning? If you do not understand, then it will be difficult to write an essay. We will help. Here is the final essay on literature on this topic:

As the famous proverb says: "Life to live is not to cross the field." The significance of this expression is such that a person meets a large number of tests on his life path that cannot be compared with ordinary walks. At the same time, the thorns traveled can give a person wisdom and experience. Examples of life tests and complex destinies are very often found in Russian literature.

It is worth recalling, for example, a work M. Gorky "At the bottom". His heroes live in a night and despite the different origin, as well as age, all to one are broken by fate, at the very bottom of society. Vaska Pepel is the son of a thief, doomed to carry this stigma for the rest of his life. He is young, but already visited prison. Young Natasha survived humiliation and violence in the family. The noble baron failed to provide himself and was “at the bottom”, surrounded by those who were taught him from childhood with contempt. And the famous actor got into the night because he could not defeat alcohol dependence and, as a result, lost everything. All these characters are a vivid example of what does not matter where a person was born, whether he was growing in a dysfunctional family or once had a happy ticket in his hands. Everyone may face such difficulties, which at first glance is impossible to overcome.

This means that the proverb is a reflection of the real law of being. Life is a thorny path, walking along which people constantly face difficulties that overcome, albeit not always successfully. Life obstacles are primarily a source of enormous experience, which gives a person the opportunity to adequately pass his field, even if it is dotted with knights and bumps.

"Life to live-do not cross the field": essay-reasoning

The main message of this expression is understandable. If you need to write an essay-reasoning on this topic, then we will help you. It is simple if you know what arguments to use. Here's an essay:

Phrase "Life to live - do not cross the field" It means that the life path promises a person a lot of difficulties and trials. Most often, people use this proverb when they are faced with problems. This expression can console and give strength to move on. The truthfulness of this proverb is proved by many examples from literature.

For example, you can recall a novel I.A. Goncharova "Oblomov". The mass consciousness taught people to believe that the nobles lived well, because from childhood they did not feel the need. However, their life was also full of problems. What is Ilya Ilyich, who would like not to do anything, but he is surrounded by problems. The income falls, forcing him to leave his estate, and the lazy servant does not at all remove in the house. As a result, Ilya Ilyich must take everything into his own hands and solve problems himself, since no one will help. But Oblomov does not know how to do anything and everything is incredibly difficult for him.

From all of the above, we can conclude that this expression is completely true. Even the richest person is not safe from difficulties. All people must endure hardships and work. But the reward will be a priceless experience that will help in the future.

In fact, this expression is found in many languages. And these are not empty words. This proverb contains wisdom, which prepares a person for trials, and suggests that throughout the whole life path, it is necessary to have persistence and patience.

"Life to live is not to cross the field": an essay for high school students

"Life to live - do not cross the field"

In almost every class, children write essays on this topic. Often it is set at home, sometimes it is a test or final essay. Here's how you can write to his high school students:

In childhood, mothers read fairy tales to all the kids in which the heroes are beautiful and kind, merciful and happy. Listening to fabulous stories, children sincerely believe that life is filled with happiness. Growing up, they boldly step on their field of life, but it is literally permeated with difficulties and trials. Young guys and girls stumble, fall, rise, fall again. At this time, they understand that life to live - do not cross the field.

Someone lowers their hands, meekly obeys fate and flows aimlessly throughout life. Some, having fallen into roadside grass, spare themselves frantically and blame others in their suffering. And there are people who are desperately fighting adversity and adamantly go the right road to the goal.

Fiction considers numerous examples that motivate us to fight difficulties. Reflecting on the expression "Life to live - do not cross the field", I recall the story Mikhail Sholokhov "Fate of man."

The protagonist of the work is a simple person Andrei Sokolov, who had many tests. The war forced him to leave the house, his family and go to the front. Having received a severe injury, he was captured by the Nazis. He steadfastly endured the hardships and malice of the Germans in the concentration camp, while maintaining self -esteem. He managed to escape from captivity and return to duty again to fight with the enemy.

Having barely recovered from the captivity, Andrei finds out that his wife and daughters died. And at the end of the war on May 9, his son dies from the bullet of the German sniper, who was hoping with his father so much. For him, this was a strong shock. The hero received a huge mental pain, but he remained a generous and kind person. He directed all the spiritual warmth to the education of the adopted boy Vanyushka.

This work shows that a Russian person, losing the most expensive in life, does not despair, but finds the strength to live on. The author, depicting the real nature of the Russian soldier, wants to show us that his hero is not broken. It is impossible to break such people. It was they, the courageous people of an unbending will, opposed the enemy in the Great Patriotic War.

He describes difficult fate Maxim Gorky in the play "At the bottom". The inhabitants of the overnight stay have come to terms with their position, are not able to resist ruthless life circumstances. The characters did not just get to the bottom of society, they were at the bottom of their own souls. For example, Vaska Peplu, the son of a thief, is easier to go along a criminal road. If you look at Bubnov’s life, then there is no sense in life for him. He is selfish, only thinks of himself, does not believe that a person can benefit the country and others. Vasilisa, in order to improve her well -being, married by calculation. Unfortunately, the path of these heroes leads to the bottom of life.

Our life field is thorny. How we will pass it, is determined by each person, his actions and life goals. It is also important what people will be near us, what they will give us: the warmth of their hearts or cold indifference. But all life tests must temper our character and learn to live in order to adequately pass our “field of life”.

"Life to live - do not cross the field": an essay for a secondary school

Life is similar to a clean and boundless field. What will we grow on it? Fortunately or self -interest, common sense or stupidity, mercy or inhumanity? It depends on a person, his character, willpower and attitude.
A field with a flat surface, without holes and hills, you can cross many times. Here is an essay for secondary school on the topic "Life to live - do not cross the field":

The life path cannot be easily passed, because each of our days is filled with bad and good events, problems, difficulties, mistakes. It is also impossible to rewrite life from scratch. Sometimes we do actions for which it is a shame. Of course, everyone can stumble, go wrong. It is important to recognize your mistakes. It must be remembered that there is always a chance to fix them, and a person must take this chance.

Domestic literature considers many examples. As an argument to the designated thought, I will bring the act of a little hero from the story V.P. Astafyeva "horse with a pink mane".

The life lesson that the hero received was preserved in memory forever. The orphaned child was raised by grandmother Katerina Petrovna and grandfather. The young hero greatly cherished his relatives. Grandmother could only please her grandson in the post -war times with a gingerbread, similar to a horse. It was possible to get such joy after the sale of strawberries gained by the grandson.

And now our hero went to the forest in the morning with the guys. He scored the berries quickly, unlike friends who only ate them. Sasha, the eldest of the children of a neighbor Levontia, began to mock the hero that he was afraid of his grandmother. Getting to influence, the boy poured out the collected strawberries, and the guys quickly ate it. On the advice of friends, he filled the vessel with grass, and covered with a handful of berries on top.

The next day, the boy, burned by shame, asked his grandmother forgiveness and burst into tears. Summing off her grandson, the woman still gave him the promised gingerbread. Her merciful forgiveness is a lesson in sincere love, which the hero has learned for life. If he had not realized his act, he succumbed to his weakness, if not for the wisdom and enormous love of the elderly, it is not known in whatever the abyss dragged him to this chewing. The hero’s experiences, tears, repentance convinces the reader that he will never deceive and be friends with vile people. This is confirmed by the lines of the story: “How many years have passed since then! There are no living grandfathers, there is no grandmother, and my life is declining to sunset, but I still can’t forget the grandmother's gingerbread - that marvelous horse with a pink mane ”.

The life path of each person is individual. It is very difficult to pass it with dignity. Each of us decides what this path will be, but in fellow travelers we must take wisdom, honesty, friendliness, the ability to forgive, kindness and love.

"Life to live - do not cross the field": an essay for elementary school

"Life to live - do not cross the field"

Life is a complex thing. Since childhood, we meet difficulties and overcome them. Tests make us stronger, more wiser, more experienced. Here is an essay on this topic for elementary school:

They rightly say: life to pass - do not cross the field. Having met obstacles on their way, some people surrender. Others overcome them, go further and achieve success. And the person himself decides what actions to do - kind or bad. The meaning of the proverb is confirmed by many literary works.

So, the main characters of the story M. Zoshchenko "Christmas tree", Minka and Lelya without the permission of parents ate sweets from the Christmas tree, broke toys. When the guests came, they behaved rudely with them. They were punished for such an act, and gifts were given to other children. Father explained to the guys that it would be difficult for them to live with this behavior. No one will want to communicate with them and you can be alone. This case taught the heroes of the story to think about their actions, to be polite, kind and generous.

For example, Minka learned a valuable lesson of his father forever. Throughout his life, he never ate someone else's apple, did not offend the one who is weaker. In the adulthood of Minka, he became a good doctor and gave people only good.

In life, despite all the difficulties, there is a lot of fascinating and good. Each person is able to bring something special, useful to the surrounding world. The main thing is to be a worthy person.

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