“The life path is a constant choice”: school works for the OGE, the exam, arguments, examples from life and literature

“The life path is a constant choice”: school works for the OGE, the exam, arguments, examples from life and literature

Soon the end of the school year and the OGE, the exam, the final works on the Russian language and literature are coming. Topics for these exams can be very diverse. Of course, it is impossible to predict, but you can practice writing and already come to the exam prepared.

Read on our website another article on the topic:   "Composition on the topic" Love for the Motherland ". You will find examples, sample for the OGE, exam.

In this article below you will find several options for essays on the topic "The life path is a constant choice" For different examination disciplines. Study them, try to rewrite without errors. Also consider the arguments, examples from life and literature, quotes. All this will help to write a competent essay. Read further.

What arguments can be brought to an essay on the topic “Life Way is a constant choice”?

The life path is a constant choice
The life path is a constant choice

Arguments to an essay on this topic "The life path is a constant choice", examples from Russian classical literature, which we will present below, can serve.

Work great writer Anton Pavlovich Chekhov - "On Love".

  • The whole essence lies in the unexpected, fateful meeting of the main characters - Paul and Anna, who at first glance fell in love with each other.
  • But she has been married for a long time and raises children, and he is poor and is not able to provide her future. She will not be able to give what she was so used to for many years of life in wealth and luxury.
  • Each of them is faced with a difficult choice - to leave everything as it is or take a chance, thereby gaining simple human happiness.
  • This difficult period of reflection, thinking, making a final decision is the most difficult thing in this world.
  • As a result, they remain just friends, without letting into their life a true, pure and sincere love.

Another argument is roman Ivan Goncharov "Oblomov".

  • The main character, Ilya Ilyich, once rich, successful landowner - has recently been in thought about his life, about the upcoming move.
  • Of course, he constantly puts off this issue, spending more than twenty hours a day in bed.
  • His life changes dramatically when his childhood friend arrives - Stolz, who manages to raise the overgrown nobleman to his feet and force him to go out.
  • In this case, he is also faced with a choice, which his friends and relatives accept by the end of the work.

The third example is the famous the story of Alexander Sergeyevich Pushkin "Dubrovsky".

  • In it, the main characters are the son of the old prince and his ally - Troekurov. Once he hurts the feelings of his friend, how he puts him before the choice - to take revenge, showing who is who, or leave it as it is, but remaining anyone.
  • Without letting go, he is tormented by doubts: is it worth it to do this with almost a native person whom you know almost your whole life? And yet, his choice falls on the first option. He goes and takes revenge on him, in the beginning, setting fire to the village.
  • Then, accidentally falling in love with his daughter, he tries to steal her in various ways, often going to desperate measures.

These arguments from literature can be used to write work on this topic. Great examples and confirmation of the fact that you know this subject and topic.

"The life path is a constant choice": examples from life for composing

You can describe a couple of situations that can serve as a clear example of life for writing on the topic "The life path is a constant choice". For example:

First It happened to me a few years ago, at the next meeting with my own, as it seemed to me, friends. For ten years, supporting my best friend in everything, I could not imagine that as soon as he had a relationship with a girl - he would forget me in a few days. I was very happy for him, but subsequent ridiculous excuses for my repeated offers to meet and chat, as before, began to bring doubts to me. After some time, it became not good for me in the evening and I decided to dial it on the phone to hear the words of support, there may be some help. As a result, I heard - you go sleep and everything will be fine. Now, after so many years, I let go of the situation, but the sediment remained. Ultimately, both me and my friend had to make a choice. And he was right for each of us.

The second example The situation that happened to me two years ago can serve. Arriving by acquaintance, for the next acting courses - no one could think that a small team of like -minded people in a short period of time would grow into a real, friendly theater. But then, after the first trial lesson - I thought to continue to walk or not. This was the choice. My intuition gave the right hint and I continued to engage.

"The life path is a constant choice": quotes for essay

Many writers, famous people and their followers have a lot of quotes that reinforce the theme of essays: "The life path is a constant choice".

  • “A person must make a choice. This is his strength - in the power of his decisions " - Brazilian poet and prose writer Paulo Coelho.
  • “There is always a choice in life. You either act or run away. Continue to forgive or revenues. Love or hate. But do not inactive! " - French philosopher and writer, contemporary Bernard Verber.
  • "Once, having made a choice, in our life, we pay at a big price ..." - Russian poet Yuri Kolchak.

Below you will find several options for essays on this topic. Read further.

A sample of the final composition "Life path is a constant choice"

The life path is a constant choice
The life path is a constant choice

Our whole life mainly consists of constant decision -making. Sometimes, they are the most ordinary - to walk to the store or wait for the bus, which will arrive in 10 minutes. Here is a sample of the final composition "The life path is a constant choice":

Often in our lives there are complex solutions - for example, when you are friends with two people, but they do not like each other. How to be in this situation? How to maintain good relations with both people? In most cases, when it comes to something global, the decision made can greatly affect the near future.

If you approach the topic "The life path is a constant choice" From a philosophical point of view, the specialists of this area believe that there is no a priori. The personality for himself is made only by the decision that considers necessary. But she must understand that for all further consequences all responsibility lies exclusively on the person himself.

Turning to classical literature, you can find many similar examples. For example, in the social novel of Fedor Mikhailovich Dostoevsky "Crime and Punishment". As everyone knows, its main theme is the choice. The protagonist, Rodion Raskolnikov, initially rushes between the murder of a rich old woman, followed by appropriation of all jewelry and money for himself, and continuing his life in poverty and worthlessness, writing cheap statues. The same internal struggle takes place in his native sister, Duni, who is offered to marry an unloved, but rich man, providing herself and the mother with a good housing wealthy.

Summing up a result, I will once again note that once again, faced with a problem called “choice” - it is important to always listen to internal intuition, the heart and the response of the soul to make a decision. And remember, it should be true, first of all, for you. No need to try to please someone.

An essay on the topic "Life path is a constant choice" for the exam

The USE usually gives life topics for essays that the graduate will be able to reveal and show what his horizons he has, how he understands the literature and will be able to reveal any topic. Of course, it is better to train such stories in advance, but if you no longer have time, we will help. Here's an essay on the topic "The life path is a constant choice":

When we have to choose between something, it is always difficult and painful. But in order not to remain in a state of stagnation, we are forced to make dramatic decisions that further affect our lives and relationships with a narrow or wide circle of people. And even those quiet ones who want to stay forever in the shadows and not move anywhere - life will drive ahead itself, giving a kind of impetus.

Similar situations are often found in domestic literary works. A clear example of this is a historical story A.S. Pushkin "Captain's daughter", In which Peter Grinev, with a kind of bifurcation of his life path, is not lost, but independently decides where to go and what to do. Even, in a personal meeting with the angry Pugachev, not afraid of a possible execution, he stands on his to the end. At this moment, he does not think about the help of the Almighty. And the response of the robber surprises not only readers, but also the character himself. Pugachev, who suddenly remembered this fellow in a severe frost, when he shared a sheepskin coat with him, for his kind heart and courage - gives him life.

In addition to Pushkin, you can turn to the heroes Chekhov playwho until the last did not want to realize that the symbol of their childhood, Cherry Garden, soon the end will come. Constantly, delaying this moment, their natural heritage, as a result, went on auction Lopakhin, who later destroyed him. However, having made a decision right away - they could redeem the estate with all the adjacent, or at least preserve the planting of the trees, protecting them until the end of life. History ends with mutual farewells: with each other and with past life. Thus, life itself makes a choice for them - to go to a new being, to start all over again, from scratch.

In conclusion, it must be noted once again that even with unwillingness to choose, life itself will take the necessary step and lead a person where necessary.

“The life path is a constant choice”: a school essay for the OGE.

Our life almost always consists exclusively of choice. From different: large, small, essential, simple. Each person is faced with this, but not everyone thinks that the choice is made almost every day. Everything is done on the machine. So, you need to write an essay for the OG on the topic "The life path of a person is a constant choice". Here is an option:

Sometimes, it happens that life circumstances develop in such a way that when making a decision, it can lead to irreparable consequences. It is clear that it is impossible to avoid mistakes or it is impossible to make any decision, but a person needs to analyze such situations, in the future, preventing their occurrence.

For example, consider the play Alexander Nikolaevich Ostrovsky "Thunderstorm" And one of his heroines is Katerina. She is forced to solve the whole work. Having married a rich manner of Tikhon Kabanov, the son of a local Kabanikha, in front of which everyone “goes on tiptoe”, a young girl is uneasy. She feels all the injustice of this society. Before the wedding, her life was colorful, cheerful, idle. The girl loved freedom. Here, in a new environment, she feels like in prison, tormenting the choice - to remain rich under the roof or tore with the groom and leave for a walk, but poor.

The next serious test is a meeting with a young man named Boris. Between them, feelings instantly flare up, which are the result of crazy love and affection for each other. A dilemma again arises in front of her - surrender to his sincere feelings and leave her husband into the unknown with his new chosen one, or to stay near the legitimate husband, surrounded by money, wealth and care. As a result, having learned about Boris’s departure to Siberia, he decides to go with him, but he throws her. Relatives learn about her treason. Katerina is left alone.

Working on an essay, an understanding of the importance of choosing in our lives comes, how much a person needs to trust his intuition when making a decision.

"The life path is a constant choice": essay-reasoning

The life path is a constant choice
The life path is a constant choice

Another version of the essay on the topic "The life path is a constant choice" You will find below. This is a real reasoning of an adult, and not a small child who already understands what life is and we always have to make a choice. Here is such an essay:

If you think for a second, then we can come to the conclusion that indicates that starting from early childhood, we have to unconsciously make decisions. For example, when several types of cookies and sweets are served at home for tea-it is impossible to eat everything, you must choose something, but leave something. Or, coming to the amusement park, parents set a condition - you can ride a “snake” or “frog”. Again, we have a choice.

A story from the field of literature can serve as a story Ivan Alekseevich Bunin "Pure Monday", in which the main character is a very young girl, cannot decide on the future life. She loves a luxurious, beautiful life. It cannot live a day without idleness and fun. And at the same time, it is important for her to develop spiritually - to visit church services, to come to temples weekly, to study the sacred scriptures. She could realize the search for herself and God in this world only in this way. Complicated the situation - love in a young man. This whole story is filled with ongoing spiritual torment.

Another story of the same author, reinforcing our topic, is “dark alleys”. The main characters, Nadezhda and Nikolai, who fell in love with each other overnight, were from different social layers. Initially understanding this, they continued to see each day. Once, he decided to break his relationship, married to himself. Nadia decided not to associate the bonds with anyone, realizing that her heart belongs to one single person until the end of her life. This story clearly proves the fact that everyone chooses his future for himself, listening only to himself and his intuition.

Of all of the above, I want to highlight the most important thing. You never need to be afraid of a dead end that has arisen in its path. At such moments, it is very important to listen to the inner voice, which will certainly help make a choice.

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