Composition, presentation on the topic "They defended their homeland": for grade 4-5

Composition, presentation on the topic

Write an essay on the topic “They defended their homeland” simply. Look for an example in the article.

The theme of the protection of the homeland is one of the most common topics for school works. The first reason for such popularity is that the feat of our people in the fight against Nazi invaders will never be forgotten. Regarding the second reason, it is associated with a purely “male” profession of a military man, about which every boy dreams of in childhood and adolescence. Or rather, with its specifics. Despite the fact that schoolchildren idealize reality, they often agree that in order to be a soldier, you need to be hardy, brave, strong and strong -willed.

Our site has composition on the topic "Why did the war deprive the child of childhood" with arguments and examples from life. Such a topic is asked to write to children in different classes, as well as on OGE and the exam.

Below you will find several works on the protection of the homeland. Such works often ask to write in grade 4-5, When children are becoming the formation of a person, and it is at this age that patriotism must be developed. Read further.

How to write an essay on the topic: "They defended their homeland": Example

"They defended their homeland"

Each Russian family has a person who fought in war. It can be a grandfather, grandmother, the older generation - parents, brothers, sisters, aunts or uncles. We all honor the memory of our defenders. Here's an example of how you can write works on the topic "They defended their homeland":

Not so long ago, I asked my mother to show me an old album with film photos. She had long said that there is a photo of the young dad and her, a photo of a grandmother and grandfather - participants in the war. Everything new is interested in me, so for several days I begged my mother to get it from a dusty shelf. In the end, she did it. For almost the whole evening we drank tea, examined pictures and talked. As it turned out, there were also heroes in our family. Moreover, there were many of them.

My great -great -grandfather is Yakov Andreevich. He was the commander of a tank brigade. Being shell -shocked, he managed to take out five people from the battlefield. Of course, not all at once, but one by one. All this was happening under the plump fire. The Germans did not want to let them go and fired.

I often represent myself in the army. But it seems to me that if I were in war, I would be very afraid. And our ancestors selflessly defended their homeland, even at any moment they could die. These were very strong -willed and brave people. I also want to be like that! How can I learn the courage?

And another my great -grandfather was a scout. Yes, something like Stirlitz in the film. It seems to me that it is very difficult to be among enemies, but not to give yourself out. Moreover, you must be ready that you will suddenly be revealed and try to take your life at any moment.

My great -grandmother was a pilot. She went to the front, attributing to herself 3 years. Since she was then only 15. There were only girls in the squadrons for 13-20 years. I also do not understand how they were not scared. That is why I respect those people whose duty is to protect their homeland. And it doesn’t even matter if this happens in military or peacetime. It seems to me that only a real man can become a soldier, and even more so, an officer: strong, brave, resourceful. The war shows that female courage is no worse than male. I am very proud of my grandmother. Although we did not see each other. I was born after she died.

I really like to go to the historical museum with my mother, look at the weapons and things of those years, to imagine the life of the then people. I also really love films about the war. They sometimes scare, and sometimes convey the whole essence of the Russian soul. Of course, I understand that the directors show everything a little differently than it was in reality. But still, this is a great reason to once again recall those who did not spare their lives, defended our country from the enemy.

I already told my mother that I want to become a military man. But she says this is too dangerous profession. And he wants me to learn English and become a diplomat. But it seems to me that a few more years will pass, and I will be able to convince her. Each 9th May, laying flowers on Eternal flame I speak "Thanks" The fact that he made every effort to ensure that the sky over our heads was bright.

Of course, I would like to have never to be wars in the world. And the weapon was used only on exercises to give a signal or warn about danger.

"There is such a profession-to protect the homeland": an essay for grades 4-5

"There is such a profession - to protect the homeland"

Our grandfathers and great -grandfathers in the war were defending their homeland earlier, but now there are such heroes. Standing on the defense of their nation is their profession. We are proud of such people: military, border guards, etc. Here is an essay on the topic "There is such a profession - to protect the homeland":

Now to me 10 years. In my free time, I really like to play the war with friends. But none of my friends never thought about the fact that there was such a profession - to defend their homeland. They all want to be businessmen, athletes, artists.

It seems to me that they do not even fully understand how magnificent the title is an officer. I understand that I am still small and now they will not take me into the army. But I have imagined myself to accomplish feats many times, and then flaunting in front -line form with orders and medals. Being a military man is difficult. You suffer various kinds of hardships. We have to get very strongly physically (much more than we are in physical education lessons), but it seems to me that it is worth it. True, only a brave person can protect the homeland.

There are different troops in the army. I'm not afraid of heights, so I would like to serve in the landing. By the way, when I mature a little, I will definitely jump with a parachute. It is interesting to feel what it is? And I also know how to shoot a little. Not so long ago, dad took me with him to Tire. And I even got into the target a couple of times. It seems to me that if I train, I can fully protect my homeland, like adults.

I do not understand how you can not want to be a soldier. It is dangerous, but very interesting. I have a cousin Pasha, and he 17. Very soon, he must go to pay off the homeland. But he stubbornly refuses. He says that if he does not go to the university, he will ask the doctors to come up with a disease or will simply hide from the military registration and enlistment office until the draft age comes out. But I will definitely go to serve. It is a pity that until they take me there.

It seems to me that those who protect their homeland are the most necessary people on earth. After all, they suffer a lot of trials so that people in the world feel calm, under protection. We do not see them, but they are. In every country and in every city. By the way, my dad was in the army. He served in the Navy. And Vovka from a parallel class, said that a sailor is not a real warrior.

But it seems to me that the defenders of the Motherland can be called both pilots and tankers, both military sailors and signalmen, both generals and ordinary. Therefore, I argued for a long time with Vovka on this occasion. I wonder if Vovka himself will go into the army? It seems to me to get sick. He is very cowardly. Offends only the weak. And a real soldier, on the contrary, must protect the weak. So there will be no defender of the Fatherland from Vovka.

Even now, when there is no war, the defender of the Motherland is one of the most important and necessary professions in the world.

Presentation on the topic "They defended their homeland"

Presentation on the topic
Presentation on the topic "They defended their homeland"

In order for children to know the greatness of the feats of their grandfathers and great -grandfathers, at school they often ask to write not only works, but also to make presentations. This material helps to see clearly what the child wants to say. For example, in slides, he can reflect the exploits of his ancestors or tell about the war as a whole and what he knows from the material passed. To make such material simply on your laptop or computer, using a program that is installed on it. Here are slides for the presentation on the topic "They defended their homeland":

Presentation on the topic
Presentation on the topic "They defended their homeland"
Presentation on the topic
Presentation on the topic "They defended their homeland"
Presentation on the topic
Presentation on the topic "They defended their homeland"
Presentation on the topic
Presentation on the topic "They defended their homeland"
Presentation on the topic
Presentation on the topic "They defended their homeland"

Some children see only romance in the war and exploits, some are seriously configured to protect their country and its borders. One way or another, books and films about the war, cool hours and lessons of courage help the children to instill the right values \u200b\u200band raise people with a capital letter in them. Even if none of them becomes a real personnel military man, they will still be good specialists, sincere and understanding people, samples of will and spirit. Moreover, only one who remembers the history of his country is really alive.

Video: Project on the topic "They defended their homeland"

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