Snezhana and Jeanne are the same name or not: how is they different? Is it possible to call Snezhan Jeanne and vice versa?

Snezhana and Jeanne are the same name or not: how is they different? Is it possible to call Snezhan Jeanne and vice versa?

Many people are sure that Snezhana and Jeanne are the same name. But this is not so.

Modes are in the name, and the once popular is forgotten. Now you rarely meet Snezhana and Jeanne, but perhaps in a couple of years a turning point will come, and the girls will begin to call that again.

Read on our website another interesting article on the topic: "The female name is given - which means: description of the name".

It often happens that many people consider certain names synonyms. But by calling a person to be a different call, you can offend him. Therefore, it is worth knowing for sure, or at least ask the owner himself - is it possible to call him that. Many are sure that Snezhana and Jeanne - These are the same names. But this is not so, described in detail below. Read further.

The meaning of the name Snezhan


"Snow Maiden", "Snezh", "Snezhka". The Slavic name came from these names Snezhana. And they, in turn, from the word "snow"- This is the meaning of this nation. For the first time in the registry office documents, the name is mentioned around the late 50s of the last century. The record indicates "Snezhina". In 1965, the "Melody" released a gramus for a song with that name.

Words from a song about Snezhan
Words from a song about Snezhan

U Snezhany No name day. In the Orthodox shrines there is no saint with that name. At baptism, the girl receives another, standing nearby in the church calendar.

  • A little snowball, as if repeating the fairy tale "Snow Maiden", loves grandfather and grandmother very much. With them she is obedient, only they are authority for her. Parents experience difficulties in the process of educating the girl.
  • Snezhana is gentle and vulnerable. Excessive emotionality is manifested by tears, unbalanced character. It creates its inner world, woven from experiences and unrest, filled with thoughts, almost let anyone let anyone go there.
  • Constantly needs love, guardianship and care. She and he likes to be a useful environment.
  • He loves meetings, communication with friends. The hospitable mistress who meets them in her house.

Snezhan is difficult to find a partner who understands and objectively perceives her. The search can be very long, and the mistake in choosing will be bitter and hardly perceived. Difficulties at the beginning of communication do not prevent her from remaining a charming woman who respects her partner. The ability to understand and well understand men helps to create a strong family. The union will become reliable if professional abilities are used in the same area.

The birth of a child for Snezhany - meaningful decision. She becomes an affectionate and caring mother, often in no hurry to return to work, preferring to grow and take care of herself. The father must be included in the process of education, otherwise the child will begin to “twist the ropes” from the mother. AT Snezhany There is no firmness and severity to his own baby.

She will easily build a career in business. Tactful and delicate, but able to direct the staff of employees to her, to be constructive in disputes. It shows the quality of the leader. The goal set by her is always real, and therefore achievable. Good intuition also helps her in this.

The meaning of the name of Jeanne


This name is not Slavic. It came to us as a variation in French name John, male John "Ivan, Yang". In French, Ivan sounds like Jean. The female name was popular in France. He was worn by the queens and representatives of the noble birth, and it sounded Jeanne. The very name of John was among the ancient Jews and means "pardoned by God."

For different peoples, the name is slightly changed, but recognizable:

  • Jeannet
  • Janet
  • Joan
  • Janat
  • Jane
  • Jan
  • Jena
  • Tayanin

It is believed that already a little girl Zhanul is able to show character. There is no rest from her. Disiently and stubborn. It grows up and turns into a witty, attractive girl, but rarely uses appearance data. He reacts sharply to statements in his address, because her opinion about herself is very high.

  • Prefers to choose serious professions, often associated with the exact sciences.
  • It is more comfortable for her to work in a men's team, as she does not tolerate empty conversations and female gossip.
  • At work, over time, he holds the position of leader, but without a large career take -off.
  • Personal life is difficult.
  • The desire to dominate and manage, control the situation, while her reaction depends exclusively on a changing mood.
  • It is difficult for men to adapt to such a partner.
  • Jeanne Sensual and impulsive, capable of rash acts for the sake of love, but can be restrained and careful. They are in no hurry to marry, the career is more important.

In the family, as at work, it rules the household with an “iron hand”. He makes decisions herself and is not interested in the opinion and desires of family members. Only a sincerely loving man will be able to obey. She also does not need a weak -willed and passive person.

Snezhana and Jeanne: the same thing or not?

These are different names. It is enough to see the history of origin. For the name Snezhana There are no male options, although snow or Snezhko can serve as possible. But at Jeanne There are male options, because it was thanks to them that this form appeared.

What is the difference between the names of Snezhan and Jeanne?

These rare names endowing its owners with special qualities of character. They protect the hostess from wrong actions. Snezhanaand Jeanne - Decent women, faithful and devoted, can be believed in the word. Contact, experiencing difficulties, help will not slow down. On this, these similarities are ending.

They differ, as mentioned above - the meaning, origin and presence or absence of male options. Even in sound, these are different adverses. Snezhana It sounds like something soft and tender, and Jeanne It is associated with something impudent and warlike.

Is it possible to call Snezhan Jeanne and vice versa?

It happens that Snezhana called Jeanne and vice versa. All thanks to the same part in these words. At the same time, giving a name to the child in the documents write doubled "H" At the end of the first ad). Considering this correct, because the name Jeanne There are two of them. But this is not entirely true. There is only one option in the directory of personal names - Snezhana. Nevertheless, the parents remain the right to write the name of the daughter when registering a newborn.

But it is important to rememberJeanne Not called SnezhanaAs vice versa.

The name complements the features inherited from parents, and also decorates and attracts if it is rare.

Video: The meaning of the name Snezhan - karma, character and fate

Video: The meaning of the name Jeanne is karma, character and fate

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