The female name Milena - which means: description of the name. The name of the girl Milena: The Secret, the meaning of the name in Orthodoxy, decoding, characteristics, fate, origin, compatibility with male names, nationality

The female name Milena - which means: description of the name. The name of the girl Milena: The Secret, the meaning of the name in Orthodoxy, decoding, characteristics, fate, origin, compatibility with male names, nationality

Milena is a beautiful female name that translates as “sweet”. He has an interesting interpretation, meaning, origin, and there is also a secret.

Milena -This is a Christian female name, known since ancient times, but has become especially popular in the early 21st century, especially in Russia and the countries of the former USSR. Despite the fact that this naming has Slavic roots, it is quite common in the West.

Read on our website another article on the topic: "The most popular female names are beautiful, popular, modern". You will find a lot of interesting information about the meaning of names.

The main reason for the popularity of the name Milena You can consider its beautiful sound. We will tell in detail about other features and important aspects in this article below. Read further.

What does the name Milena mean  according to the church calendar?

Each name has a special energy that can give its carrier any qualities and character traits. Many people believe in it. However, there is another aspect, especially close to those who are interested in religion - this is the church meaning of the name. Let's look at what the name means Milena.

  • There is no this advent in the church calendar. Therefore, during baptism, parents will need to choose a new name to the child.
  • Owners of the above adhesion can be read by the righteous Militsa. At a baptism of a girl by name Milena can be given as a name Militsa, so Melania - In honor of Melania Roman.

The importance of such an adversary according to the church calendar is important for believers, including because this information contains the name of the patron saint. Militsa means "cute", a Melania - “dark -skinned” or “tanned”.

Interesting to know: The saint even has those names that are absent in Orthodox calendars.

Patron saint of Milen  

As already written, each human name has its own patron. About who is the holy intercessor of the owners of the name Milena, we will tell further in the article.

  • Despite the fact that this adherence is absent in the Orthodox calendar, he has a saint. So, the patroness of the bearers named after Milen in Orthodoxy, it is generally considered the holy princess Militsa Serbian.

For a believer, the patron saint is not only an intercessor, but also an angel to whom you can turn into difficult life moments. That is why for people close to religion, this is so important.

The secret of the name Milena


Each name has something secret and carries a secret. What is hidden in the name Milena? This is uniquely called that it has not one, but two secrets at once:

  • Stubbornness

Such a good -natured girl seems to many surrounding people a weak and supple person who is easy to break and achieve what she wants. However, this opinion is erroneous. When she wants something, in no case should you find yourself in her path.

  • Jealousy

Adult Milena He is inclined to be jealous of other people's successes achieved in her opinion by dishonest ways. It is worth treating such information with absolute seriousness. The carriers of the name and their loved ones can confirm it. And indeed it is. Such girls are very jealous of everything.

Milena's name: Russian or not, what nationality is the name Milen?

Another question that is often interested in people regarding the name is his nationality. Russian name Milena Or not, and what nationality is it?

  • This adhesion is of Slavic origin.
  • Moreover, it is equally popular both in the east and in the West.
  • Women named Milen can be found not only in Russia, but also in the USA, Italy, France and other European countries.

Due to very popularity and widespread, it is impossible to say with confidence about any nationality of this advent. Everyone from any country can say that this name appeared in his state. And since it will be problematic to prove the opposite, everyone has the right to do so.

Milena's name: origin and meaning, popularity

No less curious information interested in many are the meaning and origin of the name Milena. About what means and where this nation has come from is described below.

  • The name has Slavic origin.
  • It is formed from the word "cute" and has an identical meaning.

In the rating of the popularity of Russian names, Milena It is located in 18th place, next to Milan. According to statistics, every fifth girl out of a thousand, in Russia, is called that way.

Many people believe that the adversary has energy, so its meaning is important to them. Others are more interested in popularity or origin. This means that any information about the name and its characteristics is equally important and has the right to exist.

Milena - decoding a name from Greek

As already written, the name Milena Has Slavic roots. And like other Slavic dialects, it can be deciphered from the Greek language. Translated as "Cute", "pretty".

Milena's name in English, Latin, different languages

naturally, Greek is not the only language that can be translated into words, including names. Consider how the name is written Milena In English, other different languages.

Milena's name in different languages
Milena's name in different languages

In Latin, this naming is written in the same way as in English - Milena.

How is the name of Milen written in the passport?

Travel to other countries is a normal and ordinary phenomenon, as well as a change of place of residence. However, trips to other countries are impossible without such an object as a passport. At the same time, spelling of a person’s adventure in a passport can be very different from the usual one. Let's see how the name is written in the passport as Milena.

Before writing this in a foreign passport, they are transferred to Latin. This can be done independently using website So, this name will be written like this: Milena.

Important: Remember that all personal data in the passport are written in capital or in -capital letters.

Milena: What is the abbreviated short name, diminutive?

Each name has an abbreviated or, as it is customary to say a diminutive form. Milena not an exception. Consider all the existing abbreviated forms of this adhesion.

  • Milushka
  • Darling
  • Milenchik
  • Milena
  • Milena
  • Milena
  • Lana
  • Lena
  • Milka
  • Mile
  • Mila
  • Mel
  • Milka

The diminutive form of the name exists in order to express a favorable attitude towards a person. Therefore, knowledge of abbreviated forms of adults can be useful to every person.

Milena: The meaning of the name, character and fate

What does the name mean and what fate does it prepare its carrier? - These are very important questions for people interested in esotericism and other, similar sciences. Therefore, below we will talk about the fate, nature and significance of such a female name as Milena.

  • Girls named by such an advent are distinguished by their gullibility. Sometimes their simple -mindedness can go beyond. This feature makes the girl poorly adapted to life. A small one can easily give out their toys or change them to unnecessary things.
  • However, with age, the girl changes a lot. She turns into a very stubborn person, which always and in everything wants to be a leader.
  • In an adult girl, such qualities as envy and jealousness often wake up.

Fate prepares this woman an image of a cold and deprived of the emotions of a lady. With such ladies, not just build relationships, so men do not linger for a long time next to them. However, finding a suitable life partner, she is able to become truly caring and soft, which promises a long and happy family life.

Despite the fact that not everyone believes in esotericism, energy of the name and other similar things, someone will still be useful to someone. Therefore, if you are interested, then study and use the tips given in the article.

What middle name is suitable for the girl to the name Milen: compatibility with male names

The middle name is an important part of the name of the person, as well as the surname. However, it is important that the patronymic is well combined with the adversary. What middle name is suitable for the girl to the name Milena? Consider compatibility with male names that combine well with this name. According to experts, the most suitable patterns are:

  • Vladimirovna
  • Sergeevna
  • Leonidovna
  • Anatolievna
  • Arsenovna
  • Arturovna
  • Borisovna
  • Veniaminovna
  • Vladislavovna
  • Igorevna
  • Olegovna
  • Rubenovna
  • Eduardovna

A beautiful and consonant combination of the name and patronymic of the child is really important. After all, the attitude towards himself will depend on how comfortable a person will be with his personal data.

When is the name day, Milena's Angel's Day is an Orthodox calendar?

The day of the angel and name day are very significant events and holidays for believers. But remember that these are different celebrations. The Angel Day is the day of baptism in the church, and the name day is the date of veneration of the patron saint. When the name day is Milena According to the Orthodox calendar?

  • Women named by this adversary celebrate name day once a year - on the first of August. This name is not in the Orthodox calendar, so Militsa is considered the patron saint.
  • The blessed Militsa, the wife of the Prince of Serbian, led a pious life, founded the monastery, died in 1405.

Name days are a very pleasant event for a person who, like any other holiday, deserves beautiful congratulations. Read further.

Congratulations on the Day of the Angel Milena short in verses and prose

Congratulations are always very pleasant, and if it is expressed creatively, then it is doubly pleasant. The culprit of the celebration will remember such a surprise for a long time. Consider what congratulations on the Day of Angel can be written Milena - Short in prose and verses.

Happy Angel Day
Happy Angel Day
Happy Angel Day
Happy Angel Day

Song with the name Milena

Another way to cheer a person’s mood and cause positive emotions is to perform a song with his name. You can simply congratulate him on the holiday or even admit love. Here are songs for Milena:

Video: Happy Birthday Milena

Video: I love you Milena

Video: Song about Milena

Video: Samvel Akobyan »Milena"

Tattoo named Milena

A more extreme, but interesting way to surprise a person is a tattoo with his name. Images on the body are made by lovers, as well as parents apply drawings with the name of their children. But the girls themselves love to fill their names on their arms, back or neck. Here is a tattoo named Milena:


Suspension with the name Milena of gold: photo

Gifts are different, both cheap and expensive. The second category includes nominal pendants made of gold. Make manufacturers and pendants with names. It is beautiful, stylish and unusual. Milena Such a suspension will be happy to wear. This is a great birthday gift or any other holiday. You can present a similar surprise and young parents who have a daughter with such an adventure.

Instead of a name, you can choose a pendant with a patron saint or first name of the name. Here are a photo of options:

Suspension of gold
Suspension of gold
Suspension of gold
Suspension of gold
Suspension of gold
Suspension of gold
Suspension of gold
Suspension of gold
Suspension of gold
Suspension of gold
Suspension of gold
Suspension of gold

Milena's name: intuition, intelligence, morality

It is no secret that the name can endow a person with certain abilities and character traits. And indeed it is. Here is a description of the character traits of the name Milena:


  • It has very developed intuition.
  • However, he listens to this feeling quite rarely, giving preference to education and conscience.


  • It has an analytical mindset, but at the same time is not devoid of creative abilities.
  • Thanks to this combination of abilities, the owner of the name is inclined to make non -standard decisions, which often allow you to achieve success.


  • Such a girl is a moral person. But at the same time, it is prudent and cold.
  • She will never empathize with someone else's grief or rejoice at someone's success.

Such a person is an interesting and versatile person. However, do not forget about such a factor as parenting. Indeed, in the end, it is this indicator that lays most of the character and determines what the child will be in the future, when it grows up.

Milena's name: hobbies, activities, business

Such concepts as hobbies and business are an integral part of life for many people. How are things with the activities of the owners of the name Milena?

  • As for hobbies, the main way to relax for her is the rest of the house surrounded by loved ones.
  • Noisy parties and clubs are not for this person.
  • Business is not the field of activity in which such a woman can succeed. The reason for this is uncertainty and indecision.

No matter how important things as business and work are not important, do not forget about the rest. Do not forget about vacation, weekend or just time with a family. This calms down, runs back and allows you to tune in to work again.

Milena's name: Health and psyche

It will not be an exaggeration to say that good health and strong psyche are the most important criteria of human life. Unfortunately, only some women can boast of this. How are things with the Owners of the Administration Milena?

  • It has been in good health from childhood. However, this does not stop her from time to time to complain about headache, the presence of nausea or abdominal pain, only in order to attract more attention to herself.
  • The psyche of such a lady is a very difficult thing. The owner of this adversary is cold and indifferent, because of which she has almost no friends.
  • In addition to everything, it is arrogant, self -confident and constantly stubborn.

People with one name are different, because other factors and education of a person plays a large role. However, the esoteric is interesting and you should not ignore it.

Milena's name: sexuality, marriage

Marriage is a very main stage in human life. However, not everyone can be successful. About how things are with the family life of the named after the bearers MilenaRead more.

  • As for the creation of the family, such a lady may have difficulties.
  • The fact is that due to congenital indecision, a woman with such a rolled can not dare to have a long time for a long time-marriage. In addition, it is quite happy with the home environment and accommodation in an apartment with parents.
  • The main thing in family values \u200b\u200bfor this girl is financial prosperity, stability and calm.
  • Sexuality is important for her, and she requires a partner of efforts. It itself is also not far behind, especially in bed. It also loves to get sexually.

As already written, marriage is a very serious step in life, the main obstacle for which may be indecision. And this problem can concern any person, regardless of adherence.

Which zodiac sign is the name of Milen?

Signs of the zodiac are a very interesting topic, especially when the question arises of their compatibility with names. It is very important. Which zodiac sign is the name Milena?

  • The most suitable signs of the zodiac for this adherence are Sagittarius and Fish.
  • Curious girl MilenaSagittarius It manifests itself in all life areas, therefore, with this versatile personality, it is always interesting to talk on any subject.
  • Milena-fish It comes up with plans that will never come true. And she is well aware that she does not prevent her from dreaming and fantasize. Such a girl can idealize the people who surround her. This always leads to disappointment and even depressive states develop.

A lot of people believe that astrological signs can determine the character of a person, and in combination with the name, this effect is naturally enhanced.

Calisman stone to the name of Milen  


Many people are interested in the influence of talismans on the life of a person, including stones. These are strong amulets that accompany us all the way.

  • Name Milena It has two stones at once: aventurine and amethyst.


  • The power of the mineral aventurine He will give the owner good luck, luck, success in the work of the field and correct health.
  • Gives self -confidence, increases the attractiveness for people around them.
Ring with a stabi-stamp amethyst
Ring with a stabi-stamp amethyst


  • The most expensive variety of quartz from pale lilac to rich purple. A distinctive feature of the stone - with a long stay in the sun, it turns pale.
  • This is a luxurious modesty.
  • Monarchs and priests wear jewelry with amethyst.
  • BUTmulet With this stone, a businessman will help to succeed, and a good family man who is looking for internal peace.

A curious fact: the ancient Greeks were sure that the amethyst stone could protect against alcoholism, as it could absorb wine couples.

Flower, plant, wood-talisman for the name Milen  

Alisman flower is a bell
Alisman flower is a bell

Probably, few know that named talismans are not only stones, but also plants.

  • Plants with amulets for the name Milena are: flower bell and wood ash.


  • A very good plant that has a beneficial effect in many countries and cultures of the world.
  • So, for example, many people believe that this flower is able to protect from evil spirits.
  • It is generally considered the symbols of talkative people and inability to preserve other people's secrets.

Delisman tree ash:

  • In many cultures, it is identified with the axis of the world.
  • It is believed that ash symbolizes the divine essence of man, renewing and revival of all things.
  • Such a tree helps a person in search of his purpose and place in life. It also develops such an ability as clairvoyance.
  • However, positive qualities act only on those who really want to know everything around and themselves.

Interestingly, ash also personifies the unity of opposites.

Totem animal named after Milen

Totem animal - swallow
Totem animal - swallow

Another talisman, which is often used relative to the name, is a totem animal. It was previously believed that a totem is the spirit of the family. This is a powerful protective amulet. At the name Milena There are two totem animals - this martin and grasshopper.


  • Symbolizes attachment to the house.
  • In Slavic culture, Swallow symbolizes the onset of spring and update of nature.
  • This bird is considered a saint, so it cannot be offended.
  • It is believed that the murder of a swallow promises trouble and misfortune.


  • Symbolizes frivolity. A symbol of trouble and God's punishment in the Bible, since it was the raids of these insects that devastated the fields. In addition, in many cultures, the grasshopper personifies the destructive passion, hatred and illness.
  • But as a talisman, this totem animal will teach Trust with your own instincts and internal rhythms.
  • Such people have a supernatural ability to instantly overcome any obstacles.
  • It turns out even better for them when they begin to listen to the inner voice and be guided by their own intuition and natural instinct.

Below even more interesting information. Read further.

Numerology named after Milen  

Numerology is a popular science in esotericism, which is also often related to names. What numbers are well influenced by the name Milena?

  • Happy for owners of this adversation, it is generally accepted number 5.
  • This number helps to achieve a philosophical attitude to life and contemplate only good.
  • It gives excellent intelligence, creative abilities, desire for freedom, and also helps to achieve an analytical warehouse of mind and the ability to think not as everything, standing out profitably against the background of other people.

Number 5 - This is a symbol of absolute freedom in everything: work, creative undertakings, personal life and self -expression.

Pseudonym to the name of Milen

In the modern world, pseudonyms are not uncommon, and the reasons for their use can be different. Some people do not want to show their personal information to the public. Other nicknames needs to communicate in social networks, and the third just like it. Let's look at popular pseudonyms for the name Milena.


Famous people, celebrities named Milen

As we already said, Milena - This is a very common and popular name. Among its owners are many famous people. Here are some celebrities whom the whole world knows about:

  • Milena Vukotich - Italian actress
  • Milena Kunis - actress from America
  • Milena Pen - a famous Canadian wrestler and model
  • Milen Farmer - singer from France
  • Militsa Nikolaevna-Grand Duchess, daughter of the Black-Gorsky Prince Nicholas
  • Milena Khubshmannova - (1933 - 2005) Czech linguist, specialist in Indian philology
  • Milena Kanoneero - decorator, costume designer in Italy, laureate of the Academy of Sciences and Bafta

Name Milena It has great demand in different countries of the world, not only because of beautiful sound, but also because of good symbols, high significance and unique energy, which can affect the character of the personality and endow it with strong qualities.

Video: The meaning of the name Milen - Karma, character and fate

Video: The meaning of the name Milen is the secret of the name

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