The female name Galina - which means: description of the name. The name of the girl Galina: Secret, meaning of the name in Orthodoxy, decoding, characteristics, fate, origin, compatibility with male names, nationality

The female name Galina - which means: description of the name. The name of the girl Galina: Secret, meaning of the name in Orthodoxy, decoding, characteristics, fate, origin, compatibility with male names, nationality

Galina is an interesting Russian name that was widespread in the last century. Now again gaining popularity.


The name is Orthodox, Russian. Borrowed from Greek. Located in the hundreds of the most popular and often used names. Currently experiencing a new wave. Characterizes his owner as "Calm", "serene", "quiet". Sometimes Galina called "Sea surface", On the basis of the name of the sea nymph Galena. It has a calm, wayward and stubborn character.

Read on our website another article on the topic: "The most popular female names are beautiful, popular, modern". You will find a lot of interesting information about the meaning of names.

From this article you will learn about the interpretation, origin and meaning of the name Galina. We will also tell you about the talismans of this adversary and a lot of other interesting information. Read further.

What does the name Galina mean by the church calendar?

In the Orthodox shrines, names are chosen, starting from the date of birth. To make the choice of adversation correctly, they look at the date:

  • Birth
  • Sanding - at the eighth day of life
  • Baptism - forty day of life

If there are no female names these days, they look at the church calendar - three days before and three days after the event.

The name is Orthodox, is of Greek origin. Sounds like Galina, Galena. A calm worker and goodwill itself. It can achieve everything that she wants.

Galin's patron saint

In the villages of a woman named Galina They are found five times more often than in cities. Such ladies patronizes:

  1. Holy Martyr Galina Corinth. She voluntarily, together with other Christians, was subjected to martyrdom and was beheaded, but did not renounce Christianity.
  2. The daughter of the Roman emperor Septimium, righteous Galina.

Name days celebrate on the day of their glorification.

The secret of the name Galina


The name is Christian and has several meanings. Translated from ancient Greek denotes "calm" and "Calm". Translated from Italian denotes "Chicken" or "Chicken". In the Orthodox version Galina - "Kitty."

The mystery of the name is that it is simultaneously a quiet sea ladder and a clot of powerful energy. Active and purposeful worker. It can perform several things at the same time, but always in the first place she has a house and a family.

Name Galina: Russian or not, what nationality is the name Galina?

Name Galina Russian borrowed. Has Greek roots. Therefore, it can be said with confidence that by nationality the nation is Russian, but it came from the ancient Greeks.

Galina name: origin and meaning, popularity

It is believed that the name came from the ancient Greek name of the mythical galena's sea nymph. Comes from the analogy:

  • Galena - Galina - Galinka - Galyukha - Gulya
  • The name translated from ancient Greek is translated as "Serene" and "Calm".

The name gained particular popularity in the middle of the last century, throughout the former Soviet Union. Since then it is received 12 girls from 1000 newborns. This is a 70th place in the hundreds of the most popular dialects.

Galina - Deciphering the name from Greek

Galene - The name of the Sea Nereid - the patroness of the calm sea. Literal translation or decoding from Greek "Calm", "Silence", "Shtil".

Galina's name in English, Latin, different languages

Sometimes you need to find out how the name is written and sounds in different languages \u200b\u200bof the world. It is more often used in English, Latin. This adversation will be so written:

  • In English - Galina
  • In Latin - Galina

In Ukrainian, Bulgarian - Galina, in the Belarusian - Galina. Here's how it is written in other languages:

Galina's name in English, Latin, different languages
Galina's name in English, Latin, different languages

How is the name Galina written in the passport?

A passport is an important document that is necessary to travel abroad. It must be filled in a special way. The application is also filled correctly for receiving it. How the name is written in the passport Galina?

  • The only correct option for writing in capital or in -in -law letters: Galina

If you need to translate other data for such documents, then you can do this using website Insert the word into the form and click on "Translation". All is ready.

Galina: What is the abbreviated short name, diminutive?

We all remember from childhood, how our parents and grandparents called us not just a name, but a brief or diminutive-mall form. It's cute and beautiful. This is how abbreviated and affectionately you can call a girl with adversary Galina:

  • Galya
  • Gala
  • Galinka
  • Glachonok
  • Galka
  • Galyukha
  • Galyusha
  • Gulya
  • Ganya
  • Ganechka

Of course, you can come up with your own version, which may once become popular. It will be the most unique, sweet and beautiful.

Galina: The meaning of the name, character and fate

Women who received the name Galina, very calm. They have an extremely balanced character and powerful energy aura. Never make decisions in a fit of emotions. Always guided only by the mind and logical thinking. They are characterized as assiduous, patient, obedient, reasonable, often beautiful needlewomen. They have strongly developed intuition, which is included only in exceptional cases. Such women can be useful for everyone who needs help. At the same time, they try not to flaunt and not attract increased attention.


  • The owners of the name are often very contradictory.
  • They can be called sociable, secretive, friendly, closed, incredulous, quickly in common language.
  • They are positive, mysterious and unpredictable.
  • They have more negative features than positive. And yet they, as a magnet, attract people with their charm and positive thinking, attentiveness, care and optimism.


  • Girl by name Galina It has many fans.
  • She is always in the spotlight and will marry only for the person whom he will come up with for herself and who will suit her more.
  • However, he will be crazy about her, and there is no best wife for him.

Such a girl has a good soul and a soft heart. Always acts according to conscience. It does not be rude for no reason, but does not tolerate criticisms. Does not allow you to control yourself. And always cuts the truth directly in the eye.

What middle name is suitable for the girl to the name Galina: compatibility with male names

The middle name is important to man as his name. It should sound beautiful and combined with the adversary. What middle name is suitable for the girl to the name Galina? The girl can be called that if she has such a middle name:

Middle name for the girl
Middle name for the girl

Another important and compatibility with male names. Women named Galina Conclude the strongest marriage unions with men by name:

  • Alexei
  • Anatoly
  • Artemy
  • Archp
  • Valery
  • Victor
  • Venedikt
  • Vladislav
  • George
  • Gennady
  • Miron
  • Svyatoslav
  • Sergey
  • Tikhon
  • Yuri
  • Jacob

The most suitable in terms of romantic relationships:

  • Albert
  • Demyan
  • Ermolai
  • Naum
  • Nikita
  • Savely
  • Spartacus
  • Yaroslav

Strong feelings for life can be binded. You can not start relations with men by name Ephraim, Nestor, Thaddeus and Mstislav.

When is the name day, Galina's Angel's Day is an Orthodox calendar?

Name days are celebrated on the dates of veneration of the patron saint. If you don’t know which day to choose, then consult with the priest in the church. Here are the Orthodox patronesses of women named Galinaaccording to the church calendar:

  1. Saint Galina Korinfskaya - it is necessary to celebrate name day in the spring - April 29 and March 23.
  2. The righteous man Galina Rima, the daughter of the Roman emperor Septimium is revered - February 23.

Angel's Day is celebrated on the day of man’s baptism in the church. You can still celebrate this date on the birthday of the patron saint.

Congratulations on the Day of Angel Galina short in verses and prose

There are many beautiful verses on Galina. Congratulations for the most beautiful, amazing and charming girl or woman on earth with an angel day are short in verses and prose:

Happy Angel Day
Happy Angel Day
Happy Angel Day
Happy Angel Day
Happy Angel Day
Happy Angel Day

Song named Galina

There are many different songs with the name Galina. For example, from the repertoire of the vocal ensemble "Kind well done." Composer David Tukhmanov, to the verses of Leonid Zavalnyuk:

Light in the shower on behalf of
Your simple one,
And you are me, and you are me
I forgot, here's the trouble.

Viburnum blooms in the meadows,
Galina, Galina,
Where are you, where?

I considered you a narrowed
But he missed time.
I did not bother to say
About that, here's the trouble.


I dance and pour jokes,
As if everything passed
But woeful and terrible to me
It happens, here's the trouble.


Light in the shower on behalf of
Your simple one,
And you are me, and you are me
I forgot, here's the trouble.

Kalina crumbled.
Galina, Galina,
Where are you, where?

The song was written in the 70s for Joseph Kobzon and immediately became popular.

Video: Via Kind well done - Galina

Everyone is well known to the Ukrainian folk song "Bends Galya water". She became very popular after the performance of the Marienichi trio.

Video: Galya carries water. Ukrainian folk song

Here are more beautiful songs with this name:

Video: Arthur Rudenko - Galina (novelty)

Video: Song about Galina Galya

Video: "Galina." Valery Semin sings

Video: I love you Galina

Video: Super Hit Galina

Tattoo named Galina

Since the appearance of a tattoo on the human body, they began to apply images with the name of the most significant in human life. The more expensive a person, the more sincere the gift will be, the more important the image acquires. It is performed in different languages \u200b\u200band different parts of the body: wrist, forearm, shoulder. Here are sketches of a tattoo named Galina:


Suspension with the name Galina from gold: photo

In order for the name of an dear person to be always there, there is an opportunity to order a suspension from precious metal and in your own design. This can be done in any jewelry workshop or on the website of the manufacturer of gold jewelry. Here are a photo of the pendants with the name Galina From gold:

Suspension of gold
Suspension of gold
Suspension of gold
Suspension of gold
Suspension of gold
Suspension of gold
Suspension of gold
Suspension of gold
Suspension of gold
Suspension of gold
Suspension of gold
Suspension of gold
Suspension of gold
Suspension of gold

Galina name: intuition, intelligence, morality

Women of the named after names Galina It can be attributed to the natural, energetic and purposeful. They stubbornly go to their goal and of course achieve it, sometimes, even contrary to public opinion.


  • Developed unusually good.
  • But the owners of natural qualities are rarely relying in case.
  • They count on their mental abilities more and trust analytical abilities more.
  • If they show intuitiveness in the decision, then completely by chance.

Intellectual abilities:

  • The main feature of such a woman is pedantry, prudence and judgment in all actions and actions.
  • Thinking over her actions, she can achieve what she desired with minimal physical forces, material costs and moral losses.


  • Pragmatism in relationships manifests itself in everything.
  • It will help and fulfill the necessary instructions at work, but not just that.
  • Careful and patient, but requires the same attitude to oneself.
  • It can only be completely disinterested in the family circle, among children and husband.
  • Moreover, it must play the dominant role in the family.
  • A woman chooses a life satellite from a large number of applicants, weighing all the advantages and disadvantages.
  • Then he critically evaluates his choice and only then allows himself to show any feelings for him.

She needs a real man who took place in the profession and will be able to provide the chosen one with a separate housing and a certain level of comfort. Otherwise, life will destroy their family.

Galina name: hobbies, activities, business

Calm, patient and reckless Galina have all the necessary talents for creativity. You can envy their perseverance and determination.


  • The carrier of this female adobe is all the case, no matter what she would take.
  • She loves to need to need to need, knit, embroider.
  • He will be happy to go on a trip or simply agree to spend a vacation on the seashore.
  • He likes to spend time reading an exciting book or relax in nature.


  • Galins are very hardworking.
  • They do not gossip and do not intrigue.
  • They strive to do everything better than others.
  • Disciplined, do not allow themselves to be late.
  • Always fulfill the promised.
  • Therefore, they are appreciated by managers, often encouraging for a good job.
  • They themselves can become excellent bosses, quickly moving along the career ladder.
  • Such women can be artists and writers, athletes and doctors, teachers and politicians.


  • Galina, having opened their own business and devoting time to entrepreneurship, they easily achieve certain successes.
  • They are respected by business partners and even competitors.
  • They are diplomatic and assertive.

The directness and ability of these women to establish work in the team guarantees success.

Galina name: Health and psyche

Name carriers Galina, in general, have good physical data. They grow active and developed. They try to follow their physical form. They visit the gym and are often at the doctor’s appointment. Additional characteristics depend on the time of year and the sign of birth. In adulthood, changes in the cardiovascular system are possible.


  • In winter, such women are subject to frequent colds.
  • They do not cost anything to wet their feet and earn pharyngitis.
  • Born in the summer, Gali have problems with frequent changes in the mood.
  • Autumn owners of this adherence suffer from chronic diseases associated with liver or gall bladder.
  • Born in the spring, you should fear a sore throat.


  • Such women are very persistent and consistent in their actions.
  • They are quite difficult to convince in something.
  • Show high demands for themselves and others.
  • Therefore, relationships with people can rarely become trusting.

She lacks flexibility and condescension in relationships. The quarrel may end with resentment, but it will not take revenge and melt anger. She will simply forget this man and will not communicate with him further.

Galina name: sexuality and marriage

Attractive and charming in nature Galina, It has many admirers and admirers. Looking at them for a long time, he chooses for himself the most worthy.


  • Having made a choice, she becomes a leader in a couple.
  • She sets dates and places of meetings, makes plans and chooses a vacation spot.
  • He does not rush into the pool with his head, but leads a measured sex life.
  • From the partner requires complete satisfaction and in response gives an unforgettable pleasure.
  • It can fall in love once and for life, it sometimes significantly changes her plans.

Family and marriage:

  • Union Galina Often created on a sober calculation.
  • Only the coincidence of a love relationship and the marriage union gives these women a strong and happy family.
  • Passion remains somewhere aside.
  • Therefore, the spouse finds her in a completely different place.
  • It is demanding and does not go to any compromise.
  • Life in the same house with her parents does not like her. Because of which, there are often discords and partings.

In marriage, such a woman is a good mistress. She easily copes with the household. If it is stimulated in time with praise or compliment becomes an ideal wife. It shows severity with children, but always fair. The house has inaudibly clarifications of relations and empty scandals.

Which zodiac sign is the name Galina?

For the name Galina The signs of fiery are more suitable Aries and air elements Libra.

Fiery Aries Inborn leader. He knows how to adapt to various circumstances. It has pronounced perseverance and perseverance. Freedom and independence has been gaining from childhood. He does not like subordination and does not endure criticism. It will always command, if not open, then because of the curtains.

The air sign of the scales He knows how to impress. Easily captures the necessary information and knows how to masterfully use it, achieving significant success in the business sphere.

Galin's name

Ring with a stone-staman jasper
Ring with a stone-staman jasper

Talismans Galina are several stones: grenade, jasper and jade.

  • Pomegranate - Protects its owner from betrayal, the negative impact of damage and the consequences of bad dreams. In India, grenade is a symbol of friendship and devotion, love and tenderness. In Egypt, he was considered a symbol of fertility. The Mongols are sure that grenade increases physical strength and gives fearlessness to its owner.
  • Jasper - The personification of generosity and nobility. Gives the owner patience and perseverance. The owner of the stone is in peace and harmony with himself. Helps to develop their intellectual abilities. Concentrates attention and stimulates the gift of foresight. Gives strength and perseverance to move forward to achieve its goal.
  • Nephritis - symbolizes love and disinterestedness. Personifies strength, energy, longevity and perfection. Enhances virtues and brings immortality. The darkening of the stone means his unrighteous life.

A positive influence is noted in stones received by a person honest ways - a purchase or in the form of a gift. Helps people active. It is contraindicated to wearing such talismans to wear uninitiated and led, their last strength can be deprived.

Flower, plant, wood-dalisman for the name Galina

Talisman flower-fragrant peas
Talisman flower-fragrant peas

Talismans from the plant world also have their own strength. They symbolize reunion with the outside world.

  • Galina flower - fragrant peas. It means blissful pleasure, because you can feel a stream of soft, positive, kind and delightful energy, just looking at it.
  • The plant is clover. Promotes the fulfillment of desires and the realization of a dream. Helps to build a happy future, promises to find the love of his life. Brings good luck in any deeds and undertakings.
  • The dalisman tree is pine.Symbolizes openness, straightforwardness, vitality, fertility and immortality.

The animal world also protects and protects man with its symbols. Read further.

Totem animal named after Galina

Totem animal - Bird Galka
Totem animal - Bird Galka

The totem is the symbolism of our ancestors. They were sure that this is a spirit that helps a person throughout his life. The totem animal of the name Galina:

  • Bird Galka. Symbolizes enormous ability to work, the ability to foresee the danger.

It is also the personification of inconstancy, cunning, envy and dodgy.

Numerology named after Galina

Each letter in numerology has its own separate meaning. General Formula for calculating the name of the name:

  • G - 4, a - 1, l - 4, and - 1, n - 6, a - 1

And now we will do the calculation:

  • 4+1+4+1+6+1 \u003d 17, total: 1+7 \u200b\u200b\u003d 8

Name number Galina - 8.

  • Eights are strong and mysterious personalities who set a goal and then stubbornly achieve it.
  • They have a sharp mind, insight, judgment.
  • Thanks to pragmatism and determination, they always achieve material prosperity, professional growth and dizzying career.

Often such women are touchy, their subsequent steps become unpredictable. Can be ambitious and powerful. The chiefs of the eight sometimes believe that a tough attitude towards employees is the only right one.

Pseudonym to the name Galina

The pseudonym is better to come up with it yourself. This will become a way to reveal your best professional qualities or, conversely, hide your negative characteristics of your own environment. For the pseudonym, such forms are used:

  • Gala
  • Galena
  • Galusha
  • Galka
  • Galuha
  • Blazus
  • Linusya


You can substitute other words in Russian or English for these forms and you will get an interesting nickname. For example:


Famous people, celebrities named Galina

Among the stars many popular and famous, very famous and respected women are named after Galina:

  • Galina Vishnevskaya - opera singer
  • Nesasheva - pop singer
  • Ulanova - legendary ballerina
  • G. Ustolskaya - composer
  • Nikolaeva (Volyanskaya), G. Serebryakova, G. Shcherbakova - writers


  • Galina Kulakova - legendary skier
  • Drusmenshchikova - swimmer
  • G. Gorokhova - Fenceline
  • G. Urbanovich - gymnast
  • G. Zybina - athlete

Cinema and theater actresses:

  • G. Polish
  • G. Volchek
  • G. Skorobogatova
  • G. Kovalev

And also a well-known neurosurgeon Shatalova and biophysicist G. Mozhaev.

The most significant events in life Galina There will be its self -realization. It is important for her to take place in the profession, to get the recognition of others. It is important to become a good wife and mistress at home. Create your own amazingly harmonious family circle that will read and respect it. Otherwise, it begins to show all the signs of depression, suffer from a nervous disorder, goes far into itself.

Video: The meaning of the name Galina - Karma, character and fate

Video: The meaning of the name Galina is the secret of the name

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