Ella's female name - which means: description of the name. The name of the girl Ella: Secret, meaning of the name in Orthodoxy, decoding, characteristics, fate, origin, compatibility with male names, nationality

Ella's female name - which means: description of the name. The name of the girl Ella: Secret, meaning of the name in Orthodoxy, decoding, characteristics, fate, origin, compatibility with male names, nationality

Ella is an elegant and exquisite female name that real aristocrats wear. He has an interesting origin and interpretation.

An unusually beautiful and exquisite female name, from which it blows aristocratism. Calling Ella Women who are of elegance and originality are worn.

Read on our website another article on the topic: "The most popular female names are beautiful, popular, modern". You will find a lot of interesting information about the meaning of names.

From this article you will find out what interpretation and origin of the adversary Ella, as well as what is his secret, talismans and a lot of other interesting information. Read further.

What does the name of Ella in the church calendar mean?

Ella In the Orthodox faith, it is not found as an independent name, therefore there is no importance in the church calendar. At the baptism of girls, parents are offered a choice of similar names or they can choose their favorite name themselves. For example, you can choose Elena - It means "Bright".

Saint patron named after Ella

Since the name Ella It is not found in the church calendar, then the patron saint of this name is not defined. This problem will be resolved at baptism. What will be the guardian angel will depend on what name the baby will call on the Orthodox. If the priest calls the girl Elena, then the holy patron will be a saint with the same name.

The mystery of the name Ella  


Owners of an unusually beautiful name Ella They have incredibly high conceit. They consider themselves very attractive, but at the same time they are prone to fullness. This is their secret. They are lovers at every opportunity to evade work and fulfill their duties. Using their cunning, they do not miss the opportunity to go to sick leave to arrange another vacation. And over everyday affairs, laziness prevails.

Ella name: Russian or not, what nationality is Ella's name?

According to the main version of origin, name Ella It is ancient Greek. Despite his Jewish and Norman roots, it first appeared in Greece. There is also such a version that Ella is a shortened form Eleanorbut these are completely different independent names.

Ella name: origin and meaning, popularity

Around the name Ella There are a lot of disputes of linguists and historians from different countries, since there are many versions of its origin, but so far no one has come to a consensus.

  • According to the Greek version, it is a derivative of the name of an ancient country "Hellas" And it means "Dawn" and "light".
  • On another - it appeared on the Earth of the promised and translated from Hebrew means "goddess" or "Pistachio tree".
  • According to the third version - the name has Norman roots, an abbreviated version of the German name "Alia"which means - "Other".
  • There is also another version - from the German word "Al"What is translated - "all".

Most often this name is used not as an independent, but as an abbreviated version of such advents as Helen, Elina, Eliza, Elizabeth and others. In Russia, the name is not very common and is quite rare. Of particular popularity is in English -speaking countries and European countries.

Ella - Deciphering the name from Greek

Since the name Ella There is no accurate version of origin and belonging to any country, then one can only be guided by the main translation from the Greek language. It is interpreted as "Bright", "radiant" and "dawn".

Ella's name in English, Latin, different languages

In Slavic countries, such a name is an extremely rare occurrence. Therefore, girls were rare for them, since it is not Orthodox. It has great popularity in European countries and sounds almost the same as ours, but differs in writing. For example, in English and Latin, the adversation will sound like "Ella" or "Ellie", Elea (Elea), but in Chinese - this "Young Chang". In Ukraine, it will be "Ella", and on Japanese - "ERA".

In addition to the name itself, in other countries, similar synonymous or derivatives of naps are common, such as - Elizabeth, Eliza, Elina and others.

How is the name Ella written in the passport?

When booking tickets and drawing up a visa, in the documents it will be necessary to indicate your data in Latin. Name Ella The passport and other similar documents should be indicated in Latin, as - Ella. It should be correctly written in capital or in -capital letters. All other options are considered incorrect.

If you need to transfer other personal data to Latin, then use the translite.ru site. It is convenient to translate words to Latin on it.

Ella: What is the abbreviated short name, diminutive?

Like all the adversary Ella It has abbreviated forms, which sometimes have nothing to do with the name. Here's how you can call a girl with such a call:

  • Elya
  • Ela
  • Lelya
  • Lola
  • Lena
  • Lesya
  • Nora

But the diminutive forms are as follows:

  • Ellochka
  • Elyusha
  • Hellenic

Of course, every parent will be able to come up with his own options for an interesting form for his daughter. It will be the most beautiful and cute option for the family.

Ella: The meaning of the name, character and fate

The meaning of the name always puts off its mark on the character and fate of a person. Ella It is very multifaceted and such an adversary appropriated different features to the bearers. But still there is one more common quality, which will be characteristic of almost all owners of such an adult. This is almost always a romantic nature at the same time, which loves when they care for and waiting for this, and dry rigidity, which is able to adapt to a certain rhythm of life, which is affected by its environment.

Ellochka A very cheerful and mischievous person cannot sit in one place, her activity simply goes off scale. A fantaser girl who is sometimes torn from reality, all the time hangs somewhere. Very curious, which sometimes leads to curious situations.

The main "+" of her character:

  • A very sociable personality, makes contact with absolutely all
  • Hardworking and purposeful nature
  • Curiosity and flexible mind
  • Friendship and kindness
  • Responsible and decent
  • Has a subtle sense of humor
  • Always for honesty and justice, hates a lie

Along with the pluses, there are also disadvantages of character:

  • Selfishness and moodiness.
  • A tendency to life in illusions, as a fantasement and a dreamy nature.
  • Very unbalanced, prone to mood swings, depending on the situation.
  • I inconstancy and inconsistency, is not ready to sit for a long time in one place, she needs a constant change of scenery.

It is also worth noting that such a girl is a good friend, but not a friend. She is always ready to console and cheer up with her optimism and a sonorous laugh, but you will never wait for support from her. Therefore, with regard to female friendship, it is only superficial, although she will find a different attitude for itself and will be extremely unhappy if it is not supported and not helped.

Ella Always glad to see in any company, as she is an excellent interlocutor. Develops his horizons with reading, watching films, monitors the novelties in the field of fashion, has an aesthetic taste.

It is difficult and almost unrealistic to predict the fate of a person with this name, if it concerns relations with the opposite sex. The only thing that can be highlighted is that she is not interested in short -term novels and intrigues, she needs reciprocity and reliability, support, love and passion in relationships. She will devote all herself to such a relationship and will become a good wife and mother, reveal and will be completely sincere. But it is worth it in everything and everywhere to control, otherwise responsibility should not be expected from it, because nature is very windy.

What middle name is suitable for the girl to the name Ella: compatibility with male names

In girls named Ella Such patronymics are very harmoniously combined:

  • Alekseevna
  • Andreevna
  • Valentinovna
  • Victorovna
  • Vitalievna
  • Vladimirovna
  • Evgenievna
  • Ivanovna
  • Mikhailovna
  • Petrovna
  • Sergeevna
  • Fedorovna
  • Yuryevna

In combination with the listed patronymics, the nature of such a girl is calm and phlegmatic, able to manage and control her emotions. It has an exquisite taste and a developed sense of measure, but in people it is very illegible.

  • In the relationship of a girl with representatives of the opposite sex, one important feature can be distinguished - this girl will fight for pure and devoted love to the victorious.
  • She will never enter into a relationship if she is not sure that the feelings are real, mutual and pure.

Ideal marriage compatibility is achieved with the owners of such male adversaries:

  • Vitaly
  • Victor
  • Dmitry
  • Evgeniy
  • Nikolai

It is with these men that they will be able to create a strong family, since both partners lead a rich and bright on emotions, they have joint views on relationships and common goals on life.

When is the name day, Ella's Angel's Day is an Orthodox calendar?

Since the name Ella The non -Orthodox and not recognized by the church, in the calendar this option is simply absent, so it cannot be found in the shrines. At the baptism of children, they call Eleanor, Emilia or Elena At the discretion of parents.

  • Emilia has a name day for the Orthodox calendar 1 and January 14.
  • Eleanor notes May 27, and Elena - January 28, March 19, June 3, 8, 10, July 24, August 10, September 17, November 12.

Angel Day is a different holiday, although many believe that this is one and the same with the names. Angel Day is a day of man’s baptism in the church. It is celebrated separately from the name day and another day.

Congratulations on the Day of Angel Ella short in verses and prose

All Ellochka creative personalities, respectively, and congratulations should be original. We offer short quatrains that are dedicated to these wonderful girls. And for the most creative, poems can be written yourself, which will undoubtedly surprise the birthday girl. But, if you do not have an essay talent, then we offer several options for congratulations on the Day of Angel Ella Short in verses and prose:

Happy Angel Day
Happy Angel Day
Happy Angel Day
Happy Angel Day

Song named Ella

Regarding musical works devoted to owners of a rare name Ella - There are not many of them, but a few. Modern performers and musical groups are admiring with admiration about the beauty and tricks of such girls, equating them to the queens. These songs:

Video: VUSSO - Ella

Video: Musical congratulations Ella

Tattoo named Ella

Tattoos with inscriptions and names that carry a special hidden meaning and meaning are still gaining momentum in underwear. Very often this is done in different languages \u200b\u200bthat are not clear to everyone to create an intrigue. Here are sketches and a tattoo named Ella:


Suspension with the name Ella from gold: photo

In jewelry, personal pendants, badges, pendants and bracelets remain popular. They can be purchased or ordered not only from precious metals, but also from different jewelry alloys, as well as decorated with stones to emphasize the peculiarity. Here is a photo of the pendant named Ella From gold:

Suspension of gold
Suspension of gold
Suspension of gold
Suspension of gold
Suspension of gold
Suspension of gold
Suspension of gold
Suspension of gold

Ella name: intuition, intelligence, morality

Ellochka has the finest intuition, which helps her find an approach to people. She is also an intellectually developed person, as she can support the conversation on any topic. Ella He does not like to study, but is engaged in self -development and loves to read.

The girl is slightly frivolous and loves to swim in male attention, but does not consider it necessary to waste herself on men. She is one of those who remained faithful and devoted to the only one, but at the same time does not disdain courtship from the outside. Her morality is in the first place.

Ella name: hobbies, activities, business

Girls with this name are curious and spend a lot of time after their favorite hobby - reading books. Their preference includes psychology and philosophy, also special interest is manifested in history and religion. Ella Museums and painting exhibitions are enjoyed with pleasure, as they are well versed in art. Since childhood, they show their abilities in music and design, they like to draw.

For such versatile personalities, it is better to realize yourself in creative professions and in the field of the beauty industry. They make good artists, architects and designers. And best of all show themselves in cosmetology, hairdressing and manicure business, excellent stylists grow from them. Therefore, you can create a business in this area.

You should not mark the leadership positions, as confusion and irresponsibility is rapidly lost. Ellochka is unstable, changing in the interests and preferences, she constantly needs a change of activity, so the leading position is not for her.

Ella name: Health and psyche

U Ella By nature, a fairly good health, but it undermines its constant searning and inventing for yourself sores. It is better to pay special attention to the mental state from childhood so that the slightest wound or ordinary abdominal pain does not cause panic or hysteria.

In order to avoid problems with the heart and digestive organs, you should not constantly lean on sweets, and for such girls it is just weakness, so they are prone to fullness. They just need to adhere to proper nutrition and then there will be no such problems.

Ella name: sexuality, marriage

The personal life of these dreamy and romantic persons is in full key. At a young age, a girl often twists novels, seeks adventures and new impressions. These sophisticated natures live emotions and they simply need a constant influx of new ones, otherwise, they simply will have an interest in the partner.

  • Ella Incredibly feminine and always attractive, fluids that attract men come from it.
  • She is sexy and very beautiful.
  • But the lack of passion and her coldness quickly repels them, since in her interests feelings, and not just sex.

There is a lot of dizzying hobbies, but love occurs only once. The girl is in no hurry to the aisle, as she does not like to cook and hates household chores in marriage. She needs a calm and balanced man who will be ready to accept her with all the shortcomings and will carry it in her arms.

What zodiac sign is the name of Ella?

The most successful signs of the zodiac for such an exquisite name are Taurus, Virgo and Capricorn.

  • Taurus They have powerful willpower, have a sober mind and they are reasonable. They show their calmness and softness, but it is worth offending the living, so the volcano of emotions will immediately wake up. They confidently demonstrate that they are special and will prove their case to the end. They also know how to recognize their wrongness and defeat.
  • Virgo are the exact opposite of the previous sign. They are perfect wives and mothers, the keeper of the hearth. Always calm and look at the world with a sober reasonable look. They love to keep everything under control and order in everything, they are characterized by practicality and pedantry. These ladies are not afraid of responsibility.
  • Capricorn They are distinguished by their perseverance on the way to the goal, they are prone to leadership and try to use every chance that life provides for them. Absolutely do not know how to relax, and if they have to, they begin to spare off.

The second half is not chosen by feelings, but with common sense and cold calculation, so the relationship is always happy.

Stone-the-dinosman to the name of Ella

Calisman stone to the name-sapphire
Calisman stone to the name-sapphire

Each person has his own talisman or amulet. It always performs a protective function, only the amulets are worn openly, but the talismans should be hidden from prying eyes. In addition to the protective function, they bring good luck in business, add health, attract love. For the name Ella Stones become such talismans - sapphire and nephritis.

  • Sapphire helps its owner in attracting attention of the opposite sex and exposing lies, and nephritis - gives vitality.

Amethyst is also suitable for these girls, with his help the diplomatic abilities of the individual and the ability to build strong social contacts are revealed.

Flower, plant, wood-talisman for the name Ella

Dandelion is a talisman flower
Dandelion is a talisman flower

Plants and talismans-trees are part of the inner world of a person. Such a piece for Ellathey become aspen and spruce.

  • Aspen It is a kind of symbol of energetic. Just the very quality, characteristic of all owners of this name, they are not at all from childhood and shine with their energy.
  • Spruce Symbolizes the captivity of character - such a girl is a very straightforward personality and always tells the truth in the eye, not afraid to offend or humiliate a person.

Another name is attributed to this name the flower is a dandelion, as sunny, bright as a cheerful representative of this name.

Totem animal named after Ella  

Eagle is a totem animal
Eagle is a totem animal

Symbols of the animal world reveal in man the features of personality that he manifests during communication with the outside world. Symbol of wit Ella protrudes eagle and falcon.

  • Such girls quickly gain confidence and become the desired person in any company.
  • And for the eloquence that the girl has, and the ability to smooth out conflict situations is responsible for the totem animal - chicken.

The competent and correct use of this knowledge helps to direct the strengths of the personality in the right direction.

Numerology named after Ella  

Going into numerology, girls with this name can be attributed to two numbers:

  1. The number of personality "8"
  2. The number of happiness "4"

Eight consider the symbol of infinity and being under its influence, Ella shows his enviable endurance and patience, perseverance in improving the results achieved. This adds superiority to her as a creative nature.

Four It brings joy, and happiness for this girl is recognition in society and a reliable partner in family life. She has many friends, but is prone to depressive states. Lives according to its rules and laws, shows waywardness in everything.

Pseudonym to Ella's name

Pseudonyms are used not only by famous personalities, but also by ordinary people, visiting social networks. Some try to hide behind a fictitious name, but most try to attract attention due to a spectacular and loud nickname.

The invented name for the girl is a reflection of her interests and preferences, so it should be original. Here is the pseudonym to the name Ella:

Pseudonym to the name
Pseudonym to the name
Pseudonym to the name
Pseudonym to the name
Pseudonym to the name
Pseudonym to the name

Famous people, celebrities named Ella

Since the name Ella In our country, it is not particularly popular, and more common in English -speaking countries, not so many famous personalities, but still there. Below are described some celebrities with this name.

Among philologists and translators in our country, glorified Ella Braginskaya.  Ella Karachkova He is a well -deserved master of sports of Russia of international class in badminton. Here's another list of celebrities:

Famous people, celebrities named
Famous people, celebrities named

All owners of this name strive for comfort, but comfort created not by them, but for them. This egocentrism is visible in absolutely everything. Whatever they do, no matter what environment they spin, first of all they think to themselves and calculate the benefits that they can extract. They are endowed with natural cunning and resourcefulness. At the same time, they remain responsive and are ready to share their knowledge from an aesthetic point of view. They know how to love not only themselves, but also their loved ones.

Video: The meaning of the name Ella. Female names and their meanings

Video: Ella. The name and health of the child. Names for girls

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