The female name is given - which means: description of the name. The name of the girl is given: a secret, the meaning of the name in Orthodoxy, decoding, characteristics, fate, origin, compatibility with male names, nationality

The female name is given - which means: description of the name. The name of the girl is given: a secret, the meaning of the name in Orthodoxy, decoding, characteristics, fate, origin, compatibility with male names, nationality

In this article you will learn about what the name is given, what are the variations of the emergence of the name. How can you characterize girls with the name Dana, and many other facts about this name. Further more.

A woman named Dana is considered a real professional in various types of activities. It easily reaches the highest professionalism. It has enviable perseverance and a sense of duty developed to infinity. It is these character traits that help to cope with difficult tasks, to bring everything that has begun to the logical end. The name is given to girls firmness in achieving career heights.

Read on our portal an article on a similar topic: The female name Arina is its meaning, the description of the name. In the article you will find all the information about this name, ranging from its secrets and significance in the Orthodox Church, ending with a description of fate, origin, and a connection with men's beautiful names.

Danes do not like to engage in command types of work or sports. Girls players, but they love the Danas of single games. And sport, and literature, and art, and music - everything is subject to them. They can quickly change interests. Today they visit the exhibition, tomorrow they go to the night club and hang out there until the morning. Dana hobbies are active communication with people, they love countless mass gatherings, feed on this energy.

What does the name are given according to the church calendar?

The women who belong to the name Dana are ready for everything for their goal, they will not even refuse to commit unusual actions for themselves. But the question is not about that. It is interesting that the name is given on the church calendar. And, as a rule, in such situations when a girl with this name is baptized, they give her the name of the saint whose Christmas time occurs on the Baptism Day of the baby.

It turns out that the name of the girl becomes double. One name is known to everyone, the other only to parents and godparents. It is desirable to god parents, and the real parents, to keep secret the name of the girl, which the priest gave her at baptism. Then the girl cannot be jinxed. And in general it is impossible to send damage to people with a double name. Especially if no one knows him.

IMPORTANT: Pay attention to the article on our portal: Women's name Assol - its meaning, description. You will find information about the secret, the meaning of the name, the characteristic features of its owners, information about fate, origin, compatibility with some male names.

When is the name day, the day of the Angel is Dana on the Orthodox calendar?

In the Orthodox calendar there is no day of the Angel of Dana. There is no Angel Day with that name and in the Catholic calendar. Unfortunately, despite the popularity of this name in ordinary life, there are no references to the saints with this name in the calendar. The name is given popular not only among the Slavs, in other countries, the name can be found in the form of such an interpretation as Daniela, Danaila, Danu, Dane, etc.

The patron saint of the name Dana

There are several interpretations about who is the patron saint of this name. The name is given in Hebrew means: the gods are my judges, and in Czech: given by the Lord. And if you explain the ancient Celtic scriptures, then it is given - the ancestor of the tribes Dan. These are divine tribes, they existed even before the appearance of the sons of Mile. The sons Mile were ordinary people, they fought with the tribes of the gods and drove them away. Those, in turn, went to live in the dungeons of Ireland. And then they became elves, goblins, fairies. Dan was called Dayna in Ireland.

The mystery of the name is Dana

The name Dana makes the owners its mysterious, false naive. These qualities attract many men. The first impression then passes when a woman opens and everything ends with quarrels, a divorce. But those are given that were born in the summer months, are soft, more tolerant, because they are happy.

What nationality is given to the name?

This is not to say that the name Dana is of Russian origin. Since this is a popular name around the world for many peoples (Poles, Bolivars, Arabs, Belarusians, Chekhov, Irish, etc.). Someone considers him jewishDaniela what came from - Daniel. Slavic clones named after Dana are such names as:

  • Bogdan
  • Danitsa
  • Vladana
  • Danna
  • Vidana
  • Danaya.

Name Dan: origin and meaning, popularity

Daniela or the name Dana, which is now being discussed, has the Hebrew roots of origin or Arabic. The name is very popular all over the world. It is worn by representatives of countries such as:

  • Germany, UK, Belgium
  • Bulgaria, Iraq, Latvia, Italy
  • Russia, Czech Republic, Lithuania, Romania
  • Ukraine, USA, France, Slovakia
  • Czech Republic, the Netherlands, etc.

In general, the name means a resident of Denmark, an arbiter. There are still Such values \u200b\u200bare given in other nationalities:

  1. Dana has a Latin version of origin from Donat (granted).
  2. In Persia, Dana means - knowing, wise.
  3. Among the Arabs, Dana means - a huge pearl, clever.
  4. In Serbia, Bulgaria Dana means an asterisk, morning dawn.
  5. In Poland, Belarus, the Czech Republic - granted.
  6. The Jewish meaning of the name Daniel: My judge is the Lord.
  7. The Persians considered Dan Wise and Knowing.
  8. The Celts Dana or Dan is a representative of the gods in Ireland. They fought with the sons of Mile (people) who won the war. Then the gods were forced to go into the dungeon, where later they became goblins, fairies, elves. Dana began to patronize the elves, fairies. And her name was Dayna.
  9. The Turkish version of the name Dana means Glory.

IMPORTANT: In popularity, the name is given in 167th place. And this is in the world, it means it is very common. According to the assumptions of statistical data, 3347108 people on Earth have the name Dan, this is about 0.048% of the total planet.

The name is given in English, Macedonian - different languages

Next, interpretations will be presented in different languages. The name Dana is written like this:

  1. In Russian - Dana
  2. In Czech - Dana
  3. In German - Dana
  4. On Lithuanian - Dana
  5. On Romanian - Dana
  6. On Slovak - Dana
  7. In English - Dana
  8. On Bulgarian - Dana
  9. In Hungarian - Dana
  10. On Slovenian - Dana
  11. In Ukrainian - Dana
  12. In Belarusian - Dana
  13. In the Macedonian - Dana

How is the name Dana written in the passport?

The name Dana consists of only four letters and this is the full name is not diminutive, etc. In the passport they write the name as follows: Dana.

IMPORTANT: You can independently find out how to write a name or last name in a foreign passport thanks to the translator on the portal It is enough to insert the necessary word and press the key - Translation. Get the finished result after a second or two.

Dana: What is the abbreviated short name, diminutive?

For the name Dana, there are affectionate examples. After all, the baby with this name always wants to be called, somehow affectionately, so that the name sounds cute. The following names that are pleasant for sound can be considered:

  • Danochka, Danyushka, Denochka
  • Danusha, Danush, Danushka,
  • Danushonok, Danonka
  • Danuska, Danusya, Dainusha
  • Danusik, Duska, Danulchik, Danulya
  • Danushenka, Danchik, Danulka.

Video: Dana - characteristic of the name, description, fate

What patronymic is suitable for the girl to the name of Dana? Compatibility with male names

The name is given pleasantly, and the patronymic to select for it is a pleasure. It is not necessary to use the rules for such names that male names with a large accumulation of consonant letters, etc. will not go here. Therefore, the name is given perfectly with almost any male names. Examples:

  1. Dana Sergeevna
  2. Dana Vadimovna
  3. Dana Viktorovna
  4. Dana Alexandrovna
  5. Dana Denisovna
  6. Dana Igorevna
  7. Dana Nikolaevna
  8. Dana Vladimirovna
  9. Dana Andreevna
  10. Dana Arturovna
  11. Dana Dmitrievna
  12. Dana Maksimovna
  13. Dana Bogdanovna
  14. Dana Vladislavovna.

If you believe in compatibility by horoscope and names, then girls named Dana are best suited men with names:

  • Leonid, Leonty
  • Matvey, Makar
  • Grigory, Eugene
  • Denis, Miron.

Happy birthday greetings are given in poetry and prose - images, photos

When you have a familiar girl who has a great name Dana. Sometimes there is a problem, what words you can choose to congratulate the girl on your birthday. See examples of such congratulations below.

Wishes to Dana
Congratulations, Dana!
Danochka, happy birthday!
Danochka, happy birthday!

Congratulations are given in prose:

Happy Angel Day

Video: Song named Dana

Video: I love you Dana - Song

Images, photo: tattoo named Dana

Lovers sometimes make a tattoo on their hands or other parts of the body with the name of their beloved. The name is given can be beautifully written as follows:

Beautiful tattoo named Dana
Beautiful tattoo named Dana
Beautiful tattoo named Dana
Beautiful tattoo named Dana
Beautiful tattoo named Dana
Beautiful tattoo named Dana

Suspension with the name of Gold: Photo

An excellent gift for a girl who has a gold chain and suspension. See the example of such a surprise below the photo. Yes, the decoration in a single copy, because the name is not as popular as Elena or Valeria + Vika. Find the suspension is a little problematic.

Suspension with the name Dana
Suspension with the name Dana

Name Dana: Hobbies, Activities, Business

If we talk about hobbies for girls who are named, then these are players with various interests. Only they do not like to be in any team. They like to be in the center of universal attention. They are happy to spend rest in crowded places, even feed on people's accumulations.

Dana on the shoulder any business for which she takes. She has high determination, she does not retreat to difficulties. The leadership respects employees with such qualities, because it is easy for them to go up your career ladder. Dan cannot be replaced in the workplace. It covers a thousand cases and brings them to the end.

For Dana, such specialties as a teacher are more suitable. She loves to organize people and children. The career of the journalist, the leading, actress, singer, is also perfectly suitable for Dana. It can be a social employee or work as a medical representative, in psychology it can reach great heights.

Name Dana: Health and psyche

Although psychologically the girls who have a name are healthy, they are able to reason well and even delve into the thoughts of others, in childhood they behave carelessly. The health of the DAN in childhood is weak, they are often tormented by infectious diseases, diseases of the throat. Dan needs to be tempered from a small age. An adult will cease to hurt. Scoliosis may still be a problem, because Dana will not prevent the pool from driving to engage in swimming.

Name Dana: Sexuality, Marriage

The name is given to its carrier leadership characteristics, and they are in everything. And in relation to his man, these qualities also act. Dana without hesitation can take a step towards her man. It may be the initiator of relations and their breaks. I do not agree to completely forgive a cold attitude towards myself. Sometimes he communicates very sharply with his second half. This all leads to loud showdowns, scandals. Not every man is ready to endure this.

In addition, Dana is very jealous of his man. Sometimes her jealousy is simply unbearable. Because the man leaves. If a girl creates a family, then it is very demanding on a partner and leads in all positions. Not everyone will be able to yield to a woman a leading place in the family, because Dana is suitable for a soft person. But she dreams of a strong man who will take the reins of government into his own hands. But dreams of dreams. Dana knows how to really love, takes care of his households, which makes her a real soul. And they love her for this. In sexual terms, given is ready for all sorts of experiments. Nevertheless, mental unity with a partner for give in the first place.

Characteristics of the zodiac signs suitable for the name of Dan

The name is given is typical for representatives of such signs as Capricorn and Taurus. Judge for yourself, according to the description of these zodiac signs:

  • Capricorn It differs in absolute perseverance and thanks to him and achieves the tasks. Capricorns in nature have leading qualities of character. They do not miss various chances that fate presents them. Unfortunately, rest is incomprehensible to them. When they find themselves in a situation that you should still relax at sea or somewhere else, then they are provided with spleen.
  • Taurus It is able to overcome any difficulties because by the strength of the will of the will no one can compare. They can be calm for the time being, for the time. If they are touched for the living, then you can fall under the whole lava of emotions. To argue with Taurus is an ungrateful lesson. But when they are aware of their mistakes, they admit in their wrongness.

Flower, plant, wood-talisman for the name Dana

Dana is green in color. This color is the best for her. The name Dana characterizes the personality as a strong, with a solid character. At the same time, a deeply sincere person is given, able to support loved ones and give the last penny to loved ones. She is able to earn good means and is not afraid to overcome difficulties. It has wit, it can have fun. A talisman flower is a fluffy dandelion, and a talisman tree is alder.

Stone-the-dumpman to the name of Dana

The name is given - for strong women. And at the same time they are vulnerable, and their sensuality is higher than that of anyone. Therefore, they are often offended, and this is the first cause of quarrels in family relationships. Stones-stones suitable for the name of Dana:

  • Crystal mountain, quartz, opal
  • Aquamarine, jasper
  • Rubin, diamond, topaz
  • Circus, tourmaline, carnelian.

Totem animal named after Dana

Women who bear the name given are able to cope with both family problems and professional. Their totem animal is a falcon. Already in itself, this says that they will not be sprayed on trifles and proud, hardy. They will be able to achieve heights in this life, achieve their own in any way.


Numerology named after Dana

With numerology for girls bearing the name is given, everything is simple. If you calculate the number of this name, then the amount will turn out four. It is four that is a good number for girls. Four in nature have a huge temperament, they are individual. Fours honor traditions, love organization in everything, they are responsible people, love constancy, consistent in their decisions, have a rational mind, reliable.

Pseudonym to the name of Dana

Only fantasy will help to come up with a pseudonym to the name Dan. After all, the name is not so often found in films, fairy tales or cartoons. And I would like the pseudonym to be unique. Examples:

  • Daenerys
  • Dana Blake
  • Dana Montana.

Dana name - celebrities

The name is given quite popular all over the world, there are many outstanding people who have achieved great success, among them:

  1. Dana Burk is a singer who sings songs of various genres, from classics, ending with rock and techno.
  2. Broherkova Dana-an orientation athlete, in 2008 became the world champion.
  3. Dana Dawson - singer, actress in the USA.
  4. Zovopkova Dana-in 1958, broke all the records for throwing a spear.
  5. Ivy Dana is an actress in America.
  6. Borisova Dana - the TV presenter on the Russian channel received a reward from the Minister of Defense "For Patriotic Propaganda"
  7. Dana Foux is a famous actress in America. She played a role in the movie "Through the Universe."
  8. Agisheva Dana is a Russian actress who has achieved international awards at festivals.
  9. Glover Dana - voiced cartoons, cinema: Shrek, wedding commotion, etc. A talented singer, he writes songs and performs them.
  10. Perino Dana is the second press secretary in the White House.
Borisova Dana
Borisova Dana

Video: Name Dana: Intuition, Intelligence, Morality

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