Feminine name Inna - which means: description of the name. The name of the girl Inna: Secret, meaning of the name in Orthodoxy, decoding, characteristics, fate, origin, compatibility with male names, nationality

Feminine name Inna - which means: description of the name. The name of the girl Inna: Secret, meaning of the name in Orthodoxy, decoding, characteristics, fate, origin, compatibility with male names, nationality

Name Inna, In addition to her unusual, beautiful sound, he endows his owner of many strong qualities that will be useful to her in life. This includes enormous hard work, energy, perseverance and ability to easily achieve goals.

Read on our website another article on the topic: "The most popular female names are beautiful, popular, modern". You will find a lot of interesting information about the meaning of names.

Despite all their qualities, representatives of the weaker sex by name Inna, They have a temperamental, and sometimes even unstable character. In this connection, it is sometimes difficult to find a common language with them. Read more about the nature of such women, their fate, read in the article below. We will also describe the interpretation of the adults, its significance and a lot of other interesting information. You will find out what kind of talismans this name has, which pseudonyms can be selected, etc. Read further.

What does the name Inna on the church calendar mean?

In the church calendar name Inna Present, but, no matter how surprisingly it was, in the male version. Inna - "floating". Of course, some consider it wrong to give a male name at the baptism of the girl, but this will be the most true step. According to one version precisely because of the sound, in the future the name acquired a female guise. Nameday Inna celebrates February 2 or 3 July. As a rule, a specific day is chosen based on the date of birth.

Saint patron named after Inna

The patron saint of the owners of this name is considered Inna Novodunwho was one of the students of the Apostle Andrei and the martyr, who lived back in the first century BC. Along with two other students, namely Pina and Rimma, he was tortured to death for his reverent attitude to the Christian faith.

The secret of the name Inna


From the energy side in the name Inna Quite strong character traits are laid, such as emotionality, passion and femininity. Girls with a similar name are distinguished by incredible honesty and devotion. Despite the fact that the heart Inna It is difficult to conquer, all obstacles in the future will be rewarded with its devotion.

It will become not only a beautiful companion in life, but also a real friend. She can not only cope in a difficult situation, but also help solve many problems. Since another distinctive feature of this naming is perseverance and determination. The main secret name is that previously it was exclusively masculine, which is repeatedly mentioned in historical encyclopedias.

Name Inna: Russian or not, what nationality is the name Inna?

Quite often, when choosing a name for a child, whether it is important to parents or not. Since at present it is increasingly clear that the names have different nationality. As for the name Inna, then it has Latin roots. But saying that previously the name was exclusively male, it can be called Old Russian. Therefore, those who want to name the girl exclusively with a Russian name, such an adversary is perfect.

Name Inna: origin and meaning, popularity

In fact, information about the origin of the name Inna enough. According to one version, it came from the word Innas, which can be found, both in Greek and Latin. According to one more popular version, this name is ancient Russian, and only after a long amount of time became female. And earlier he was worn by a martyr Inna Novodunwho lived in Malaya Scythia.

There is another interesting conviction of the origin of this beautiful name. It is believed that it took its roots from the Sumerian goddess Inanna. She was the patroness of family values, love, prosperity and fertility. Often a name Inna confused and echoed with Inessawhich is fundamentally wrong. It is worth remembering that these two names are similar only by their pronunciation, but have completely different meanings and origin.

Now the girls are rarely called the name Inna. In the last century, it was very popular. Foreign names are currently in fashion. Ancient dialects are a thing of the past. Now the so -called 6 girls out of 1000 are called.

Inna - decoding a name from Greek

Inna Climbs with the word "Innas"that deciphers from the Greek, as "Mountain crying stream" or "Strap stream". Such a version of origin is very popular, since the translation of this word is very echoing with the character traits of such girls. Excessive emotionality, as if a storm breaks out. In all controversial situations, such a woman will try to convey her point of view to the interlocutor and defend her.

Name Inna in English, Latin, different languages

The name sounds interesting Inna Not only in Russian, but also in other languages \u200b\u200bas well.

  • In Latin, this nagging sounds almost identical to Russian, namely Inna.
  • It is interestingly pronounced in English. Despite the fact that it is also written Innait sounds like Aina.
  • In Chinese, it will sound like Yuin.
  • In the Arabic language - Ayuna.
  • The name in Spanish sounds quite exquisite and proudly - Iness. It should be noted that in Spain it does not inclined.

Read more:

Name in different languages
Name in different languages

How is the name Inna written in the passport?

Unfortunately, there are frequent cases when the data is written in the passport incorrectly. Since this can bring a lot of problems abroad, it is necessary to clarify in advance how the name is written correctly in such an important foreign document.

Name Inna According to the rules that act today, it is written exclusively in capital letters as follows - Inna. All other options are considered incorrect. Do not forget that the law on writing its navigation in a passport is often changing, so before drawing up documents it is necessary to clarify the information again. You can also use the translite.ru siteon which transliteration of any words is performed - fast and simple.

Inna: What is the reduced short name, diminutive?

When, when choosing a child, future parents face the name Inna, some may seem slightly rude. But actually it is not. After all, there are a large number of diminutive variants of this name. And the imagination of parents and relatives allows you to come up with more and more new forms. So, for example, some call Innaabbreviated - Nyusochka, nyusy. It went most likely from the affectionate name Innusik. The most common short and diminutive forms can also be attributed to the following:

  • Innulchik
  • Innus
  • Innochka
  • Invalid
  • Innulya
  • Innushka
  • Innochka
  • Innusha
  • Nusik
  • Inch

You can come up with your interesting option for your child or other relative. He will be the sweetest and most beautiful.

Inna: The meaning of the name, character and fate

If we talk about the name Innaas an ancient Greek version of origin, then in a literal translation it means "Strap stream" or "Strong stream". We can say that this meaning completely falls under the character of a girl with this name. Many will call him difficult, but more correctly to say that Inna In her perfection, the owner of a strong, firm nature.

  • Her emotionality often scares others and repels.
  • But despite this, she is a devoted, able to truly love and be friends.
  • She will never tell her a secret and will not give out the most cherished secrets.
  • But despite these qualities, the girl can be a pancake, a prankster and that still flirting.
  • In her life there are always adventures full of dangers and adrenaline.

Fate Inna It almost always develops safely. She always achieves the goals, stands a mountain for her loved ones, achieves heights in the chosen profession.

What middle name is suitable for the girl to the name of Inna: compatibility with male names

Almost all parents when choosing a child pay attention to how it will sound with the middle name. This is quite reasonable, since the full name should be combined with the middle name and sound harmoniously. So the girl to the name Inna The following patronymics are ideal:

  • Arkadyevna
  • Alekseevna
  • Borisovna
  • Victorovna
  • Valerievna
  • Vladimirovna
  • Grigoryevna
  • Egorovna
  • Ivanovna
  • Mikhailovna
  • Mironovna
  • Olegovna
  • Romanovna
  • Yuryevna

As for compatibility with male names, here you can highlight:

  • Andrew
  • Basil
  • Ignat
  • Efim
  • Zakhar
  • Mark
  • Peter

With men who have these names, Inna The most likely are strong and healthy relationships, filled with harmony, love and devotion. But satellites named Alexander, Anatoly, Valery, Grigory, Stepan, Sergey and YuriIt is better to avoid.

When the name of the Angel's Day is in Inna according to the Orthodox calendar

Nameday Inna According to the church, Orthodox calendar, and in another way the saints, they immediately occur on two dates- 3 July and February 2. These dates are considered days of memory of the great martyr Inna Novodunsky. As a rule, for the name day, the date is selected that is closer to the girl’s birthday, or name day can be celebrated twice a year.

Angel Day is another date. This is the day of the baptism of man in the church. Many people believe that the name of the Angel is one and the same, but it is wrong. These are different dates and they are celebrated on different days, unless the day for baptism is specially selected.

Congratulations on the Day of Angel Inna are short in verses and prose

Congratulate Inna With an angel's Day, you can beautiful poems or sensual prose, which will not leave indifferent even such a strong girl as a birthday girl. Here are the congratulations on the day of the Angel short in verses and prose:

  • Let your angel at the head
  • Costs a soldier all year round,
  • Monitors happiness and health,
  • He, Inna, protects you. 
  • On the day of the name day, we congratulate Inna
  • Success, we wish you joy!
  • So that your angel is always there,
  • I protected with just a look. 
  • Happy Angel Day, dear Inna! Let all your ways open in your life, all bad weather will go away, and every day it will be filled with incredible tenderness, joy and smiles. May your heavenly angel help you in difficult situations, and fate will always be favorable!
Happy Angel Day
Happy Angel Day
Happy Angel Day
Happy Angel Day

Song named Inna

Each person is pleased to listen to the musical composition in which his name is mentioned. Inna It was no exception. You can meet at least a couple of beautiful songs with this adversary. For example, Yuri Badall performs a beautiful composition, and Igor Zavlet has a song with the mention of the same adversary. Listen to all the songs with this name:

Video: Yuri Badall Inna, Innochka

Video: Igor Zavlet "Girl named Inna" (Audio)

Video: I love you Inna - a song of love in the name

Video: Happy Birthday Inna. Song for Inna!

Video: Happy Birthday Inna - Birthday Song in the Name

Tattoo named Inna

Many people have a desire to fill a tattoo with their name or the name of a loved one. Inscription "Inna" It will be interesting to look in any variations of its spelling. Be it English Inna Or ordinary Russian. In addition, this adherence is not too voluminous, so it will not be so difficult to fill it. Here is a photo of the tattoo:

Tattoo named
Tattoo named
Tattoo named
Tattoo named
Tattoo named
Tattoo named

Suspension with the name Inna of gold: photo

Suspension with a name Inna It will be a great gift for the happy owner of such an unusual and beautiful adversary. Nowadays, it is not so difficult to find a decoration with a similar name. Since the range of jewelry is growing every day and keeps up with the times. You can choose as a suspension with a full name Inna, and with his first letter. In any case, the decoration will become one of the favorite. Here are a photo of the pendants of gold:

Suspension with the name of gold
Suspension with the name of gold
Suspension with the name of gold
Suspension with the name of gold
Suspension with the name of gold
Suspension with the name of gold
Suspension with the name of gold
Suspension with the name of gold
Suspension with the name of gold
Suspension with the name of gold
Suspension with the name of gold
Suspension with the name of gold
Suspension with the name of gold
Suspension with the name of gold

Name Inna: intuition, intelligence, morality

An important feature that is in the name Inna, is extraordinary intuition. Such a girl can surprise the people around her with her ability to look for true solutions even in the most difficult issues. Along with this, it has good observation, which allows you to extract from everything that is happening only what is really important. She has a living warehouse of mind and good intellect, which makes her interesting, and most importantly, a smart interlocutor. It can endlessly discuss the most diverse topics that are even far from its main sphere of activity.

Moral Inna It can slightly scare away even people close to her. It is worth remembering one thing - she does not forgive friends even the smallest betrayals. No need to try to deceive her, in any case she will take it to clean water. But despite all this, such a girl is absolutely German. She simply knows how to cross out the people offended by her from life and does not remember them.

Name Inna: hobbies, activities, business

Inna It is a rather multilateral personality. This is due to the ability to achieve almost any goal. Since childhood, a little girl has a large number of hobbies. Also, in adulthood, she always tries and everything is in time. From the main one we can highlight a huge love for cooking. Likes to experiment and invent his own recipes. In the future, she also tries to develop her children comprehensively, giving them to different sections.

Inna It can be a great leader in business. She is always ready for new ideas and discoveries in any field of activity. The most difficult projects will trust her. It is able to easily find a common language with any person, especially if her earnings will depend on this. The congenital talent of the actress in such a woman will arrange even the most strict boss.

Name Inna: Health and psyche

The main problem that concerns the health Inna, is her inner mental state. A delicate nervous system is the main impetus for all other diseases. Literally every failure and even small failure is a stress for her, as well as for her entire body. In addition, such a woman has problems with the endocrine system and digestion. It is worth paying attention to the diet of their nutrition, since the owners of this adversary are subject to allergic reactions.

Name Inna: Sexuality, Marriage

Inna It is incredibly sensual and ardor in kind. The sexuality granted to her drives crazy men and makes them do the most incredible actions for her. She experiences real bliss from the proximity and even simple touches of her beloved man. Based on the mood, she likes delicate kisses or passionate hugs. It is worth noting that in nature such a woman is a possession and a big jealous. If she suspects her partner in treason, everyone does not say hello. Therefore, in a relationship and marriage with such a girl you always need to be as sincere as possible, then she will devote her whole life to her beloved.

Which zodiac sign is the name Inna?

Name Inna It has two zodiac numbers at once. First - 8which corresponds to the sign Scorpio. This adhesion is ideally combined with this zodiac sign. Since their character is based on the general attraction of extreme situations and incredible perseverance. Scorpions by name Inna They are very strong personalities, which almost no one can resist.

The second zodiac number of this adherence - 5. The sign corresponding to him - a lion. Such personalities love to be in the spotlight and put all their positive aspects for public display. They love praise, but only deserved.

Stone-the-dinosman to the name of Inna

Ring with a stone-talisman-emerald
Ring with a stone-talisman-emerald

Each name has its own stone, which is a talisman. He protects from different ailments and evil people who want to do any harm. Name Inna It has several similar amulet stones at once:

  • Emerald Protects against strong magical influences of other people. And also gives extraordinary beauty and youth for many years.
  • Cornelian It helps to improve blood circulation function, thereby providing the owner of good health and protection against many diseases.
  • Amber will protect against various evil spirits, opponents and enemies.

What kind of stone-talisman to choose for yourself, you will feel yourself. Take the product with it or the stone separately in the palm and squeeze into a fist. If you feel cold and tingling, then this amulet does not suit you. If the hand is warm, then this is your amulet.

Flower, plant, wood-talisman for the name of Inna

Landysh flower named after
Landysh flower named after

Talisman for the name Inna is lemon Tree. The advantage is that it can be grown at home. If you manage to grow a beautiful and healthy tree with lemons, it will bring you great luck and happiness.

In addition, a flower is suitable for such women lily of the valley And one more tree chestnut. These plants will be able to pick up any mental and even physical pain, as well as add energy. The valley, being a delicate and sophisticated flower, will bring good luck in his personal life.

Totem animal named after Inna

The totem animal name is owl
The totem animal name is owl

Totem animal for the name Inna - owl. It is the personification of wisdom and determination. Of course, this girl is not always at a young age, this girl manages to use these qualities correctly. But over the years, she will learn to soberly evaluate every situation and remove the most useful from it. The owl accompanying this person in the life will help choose the right path, and also not to stumble. Belief in themselves, perseverance and grace, will help to achieve unknown heights.  

Numerology named after Inna

Each name has its own special numbers according to numerology, which bring good luck. U Inna number 6 It is the number of her body, and allows you to attract the attention of the opposite sex. Number 3 personifies the girl’s hidden inner world, thereby allowing him to use it correctly. The number of Inna's soul itself - 9.

Such a combination of numbers gives such a woman romance, the ability to join any team, to win the attention of her partner. According to these numbers, we can say that she is still such a lover of various parties and parties. But with age, these preferences will change to quiet family gatherings by the fireplace. Such a girl only in his youth seems like an eager, risky girl, but over the years, wisdom prevails over her.

Pseudonym to the name Inna

Pseudonyms to the name Inna There may be a huge number. After all, such a beautiful adversation not only sounds beautiful, but also unusually written. In any case, choosing a pseudonym, it is necessary to build on hobbies, or, from the main sphere of activity. Nickelings, combined with the main features of the character’s character, will also sound advantageous. For example, "Inna wave" or "Inna storm". It all depends solely on what purpose you need a pseudonym, and there may be a lot of options.

Here are nicknames for this name:

Pseudonym to the name
Pseudonym to the name
Pseudonym to the name
Pseudonym to the name

Famous people, celebrities named Inna

Celebrities or just great people named Inna Just a huge number. Most likely, this is precisely because of what a person is endowed with a similar name. Indeed, in addition to the fact that Inna always achieves the goal, they are endowed with the skill of acting from birth.

Among famous people, the following can be distinguished:

  • Inna Malikova is a beautiful singer and actress, who once won the hearts of her fans. He is the wife of Dmitry Malikov.
  • I. Pozhatseva - Russian and Soviet actress of cinema and theater.
  • I. Mikhailova - wife of the famous singer Stas Mikhailov.
  • I. Lisnyanskaya - Soviet poetess.
  • I. Bershtein - critic, literary critic, doctor of philological sciences.
  • I. Vishnevskaya - literary critic, doctor of art history.
  • I. Lyubimenko - historian, archivist.
  • I. Makarova - film actress. Roles in the films "Young Guard", "Girls" and others.
  • I. Churikova - actress. Roles in the films "Beginning", "Romanovs", "Shirley-Milli" and others.

Beautiful, unusual and sophisticated name Inna. It even sounds like a stretched string, reflecting the character of a woman. The strength of people with this name is simply incredible. Of course, sometimes it is difficult for them to keep emotions under control, but wisdom and determination will teach this. A woman with character and her point of view will not leave anyone indifferent, conquering many hearts in her path.

Video: The meaning of the name Inna: Karma, character and fate

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