Hidden diabetes: what is it, causes, symptoms, how is it manifested? Diet therapy with hidden diabetes: menu for a week

Hidden diabetes: what is it, causes, symptoms, how is it manifested? Diet therapy with hidden diabetes: menu for a week

Hidden diabetes is important to identify in a timely manner in order to prevent the development of type 2 diabetes. Read more in the article.

Diabetes mellitus is one of the most common endocrine pathologies. It is characterized by a violation of the production of the pancreatic hormone, insulin, which leads to glucose absorption disorders. With diabetes, the whole body suffers, since there is a serious malfunction of metabolic processes.

Read another article on our website on the topic: "Diabetes intelligence officer next to you: what is metabolic syndrome and how to deal with it?". You will learn about the signs, symptoms, methods of treatment, diagnosis and prevention of metabolic syndrome.

Many symptoms of pathology are familiar even to those people who have never encountered her. But what to do if diabetes proceed latent? And can diabetes be hidden? You will find answers to these questions in this article. Read further.

What is that, hidden diabetes - LADA (latent autoimmune diabetes) means: is there type 2 -type hidden diabetes of diabetes?

Hidden diabetes - LADA (latent autoimmune diabetes)
Hidden diabetes - LADA (latent autoimmune diabetes)

Hidden diabetes Lada (latent autoimmune diabetes) is a rather ambiguous diagnosis. Therefore, it is not surprising that many patients do not even suspect him. In addition, having learned about its existence, patients cannot immediately understand what exactly they suffer from. What is, it means hidden diabetes mellitus? Is there a hidden sugar type 2 diabetes?

  • Hidden diabetes is an endocrine disorder in which insulin fails and the occurrence of deviations from the norm in blood glucose.
  • Its level increases, but not so much as to go beyond the established norms. And the increase is persistent, not passing over time, although it is observed under special conditions (more on this).

At the same time, the concentration of blood sugar is not so high that insulin -dependent diabetes mellitus can be diagnosed. Therefore, to the question, whether the type of type 2 is hidden, the answer is unequivocal: no, it does not happen. But latent diabetes mellitus may well go into type 2 diabetes, if there is no timely reaction, and there is no proper treatment.

Hidden diabetes in adults: Causes

The main cause of any type of diabetes in adults is adverse genetics. But, besides this, the risk group also includes people with:

  • Hypertension
  • Hypokalemia (low potassium in the blood)
  • Excess weight
  • A history of serious viral pathologies

Also, regular delivery of hidden sugar tests are necessary for women who were diagnosed with gestational diabetes during pregnancy. The risk group also includes patients with diagnosed polycystic ovary syndrome.

Important: Doctors recommend even completely healthy people once a year to donate blood for hidden sugar for preventive purposes. It is very important not to miss the moment when the risk of developing pathology will be especially high.

Symptoms and signs of hidden diabetes in men and women: how does it appear?

Symptoms and signs of hidden diabetes in men and women
Symptoms and signs of hidden diabetes in men and women

Diabetes of this variety is not in vain called Latent (hidden). Due to the lack of pronounced symptoms, characteristic of the “open” form of the disease, it is very difficult to recognize it. In addition, if the signs of pathology made themselves felt, some patients simply do not pay attention to them, considering them a temporary phenomenon. For this reason, patients usually consult a doctor at the moment when diabetes from a hidden form moved into a full disease. How does the disease manifest? What are the symptoms and signs of hidden diabetes in men and women?

To avoid unpleasant and dangerous consequences, you need to go as soon as possible to an appointment with a therapist or an endocrinologist when:

  • Strong and frequent thirst, which is difficult to quench.
  • Changes from the skin: the appearance of peeling and difficult to heal wounds or ulcers.
  • Causeless skin itching, which has nothing to do with dermatological diseases.
  • Excessive and sharp set or, on the contrary, reducing body weight.
  • Frequent urge to empty the bladder.
  • Increased appetite with addiction to individual groups of products.
  • Causeless weakness, general ailment (and these symptoms can occur even if the patient's body receives the necessary night and day rest).
  • Bleeding gums.
  • Deterioration in the state of tooth enamel, which leads to shakiness, cringing or teeth.
  • Disorders from the reproductive system (men may have problems with an erection, in women - malfunctions of the menstrual cycle).
  • Reducing the sensitivity of the skin, arms and legs.
  • Visual disorders.

Symptoms of hidden diabetes in men and women are the same with the exception of failures in the work of the reproductive system. If you have at least a few of the above signs of the disease that do not disappear for a long time, immediately sign up for a consultation with a doctor. The pathology cannot be cured, but its further progression can be stopped. And the early diagnosis will help in this.

Important: Latent diabetes has its own stage of development. At the first stage, the glucose level is increased, however, during a laboratory study, a violation of tolerance to carbohydrates is revealed. Symptoms, as such, are absent at this time. It begins to manifest itself with an increase in the concentration of sugar in blood plasma, and in this case the development of a full -fledged type 2 diabetes.

Hidden type diabetes during pregnancy: symptoms and causes

The development of hidden diabetes during pregnancy is associated with impaired metabolism and hormonal background that occur during this period. Such an anomaly is called gestational diabetes, only without obvious signs and lack of deviations in blood readings.

  • The main reason why hidden gestational diabetes is hormonal restructuring that occurs in the body.
  • Against the background of the active production of steroid hormones (in particular, cortisol and progesterone) there is an increased effect on cell receptors that become resistant to insulin.
  • As a result, there is an increase in the level of glucose in blood plasma, which automatically entails the need for increased production of insulin cells of the pancreatic gland.

If the body does not receive what it needs, the concentration of sugar continues to grow. The result is the development of gestational diabetes. But, unlike diabetes that arose before pregnancy, the deviation in question does not lead to the occurrence of malformations of the fetus. In addition, it does not require insulin therapy. Nevertheless, when it comes to uncompensated hidden gestational diabetes, then such a pathological condition can complicate the course of pregnancy.

In this case, characteristic symptoms, as with true diabetes mellitus, not associated with pregnancy, is not observed. First of all, there is no significant deterioration in well -being, there is no insatiable thirst. As in other patients, blood donation is required to identify the pathological process for a biochemical examination.

Hidden form of diabetes in a child: symptoms and causes of LADA in children

Hidden form of diabetes in a child
Hidden form of diabetes in a child

The reasons for the development of a hidden form of diabetes in children are no different from those that are characteristic of adults. But most often in small patients, the disease becomes the result of a hereditary predisposition, and the impetus for its active development is the transmitted infectious disease of viral etiology. Also, some diseases that were subject to treatment with hormonal drugs can intensify the development of the disease. These are one of the main reasons for the development of LADA in a child.

Also, the disease often makes itself felt in adolescents. This is due to serious hormonal restructuring, which occurs in the body of the teenager. However, having manifested once, the disease will develop further, so it is very important for parents to monitor the well -being of the child in order not to miss the first signs of endocrine pathology.

  • First of all, the latent form of diabetes in children is manifested by a frequent drink.
  • This is one of the symptoms that parents should pay attention to.
  • The child drinks often and a lot, while he may change the course of the urination process. It is able to become more frequent or, on the contrary, become more rare.
  • Most of the urine is released at night. Such a deviation in the medical language is called "Nicturia".

You can also notice the increased interest of the child in sweet food. Not surprising, because the body, whose cells began to absorb sugar worse, need it acutely. And children with latent diabetes difficult to tolerate breaks between meals, always trying to find something inexpensive than you can have a bite. If there is nothing suitable, then after one and a half to two hours the child begins to complain about weakness.

Important: Be careful not to miss the first alarming calls. If you or your child have a genetic predisposition to diabetes, the slightest deterioration in well-being, which lasts within 1-2 months, should be the reason for seeking a doctor.

What diagnostics is carried out to detect hidden diabetes sugar - how to identify, determine, recognize: what is the name of a blood test, urine, test?

In case of suspicion of hidden diabetes mellitus, a comprehensive examination of the patient is carried out. The treatment doctor is engaged in treatment, and then, if the diagnosis is confirmed, the endocrinologist. What is the diagnosis to detect hidden diabetes? How to identify a pathology, determine, recognize? What is the name of a blood test, urine, test?

Diagnosis of the disease is based on:

  1. Double load method. Alternative name - sample or test of Stauba-tractta. The study is strictly on an empty stomach. The patient accepts 50 g of glucose, after which blood is taken for analysis. After an hour, the procedure is repeated and evaluated by the result. In a person who does not suffer from diabetes mellitus, an increase in the concentration of blood sugar will be noted only at the first sample. If there is a hidden form of the disease, an increase in glucose in blood plasma will be recorded in both cases.
  2. Analysis on glycosylated hemoglobin. With it, you can determine the blood sugar level over the past 90 days. Thanks to this study, it is possible to determine the violation of carbohydrate metabolism in the body as accurately as possible, and detect hidden diabetes in the earliest stages of its development.
  3. Laboratory research of urine for sugar. If a healthy person does not have sugar in urine, then with a hidden form of diabetes, it is found in different concentrations.

Only a thorough and comprehensive examination will give the most accurate results. Based on the data obtained, the doctor may conclude that the risk of transition of the latent form of the disease to full sugar type 2 diabetes.

Treatment of hidden diabetes sugar: therapy

Treatment of hidden diabetes mellitus
Treatment of hidden diabetes mellitus

Experts say that the hidden form of diabetes does not require drug treatment. To keep glucose levels within the norm, it is necessary:

  • Follow a diet
  • To live an active lifestyle
  • Take vitamins
  • Consume special biological additives or teas that regulate the concentration of glucose in the body

Such simple therapy, prescribed on time, will allow for many years to stop the progression of a hidden form of the disease and prevent its transition to a full type 2 diabetes.

Diet therapy with hidden diabetes: menu for a week

Diet therapy with hidden diabetes mellitus
Diet therapy with hidden diabetes mellitus

Read on our website another article on how to use baked onions to treat diabetes, hemorrhoids, boils and abscesses. You will find in it recipes, tips, contraindications for use.

Hidden diabetes in the initial stages is very well treated with diet. First you need to get rid of addiction to:

  • Sweets
  • High glycemic index fruits
  • Alcohol
  • Soda
  • Coffee
  • Fat and fried food
  • Pickled products
  • High cholesterol products

Instead of these products, preference should be given:

  • Low -fat veal, chicken, fish
  • Seafood
  • Vegetables (with the exception of beets, carrots and potatoes)
  • Greenery
  • Different types of cereals, especially buckwheat

It is best to cook food. It is also important to comply with the diet. Food should be in small portions every 4-5 hours. Diet therapy with hidden diabetes brings good results and helps prevent the development of the disease and the transition to type 2 diabetes.

In order to prevent the progression of hidden diabetes, you need to know what products and in what quantity can be consumed. The approximate menu for the week looks as follows:

Day of the week Breakfast Dinner Dinner




Steam or baked omelet with fresh vegetables Vegetable salad seasoned with vegetable oil, with boiled chicken breast and half avocado Baked chicken with a fresh piece of broccoli
Tuesday 2 boiled eggs with a handful of boiled asparagus Liszt salad with baked fish and fresh vegetables Beef steak with baked champignons
Wednesday Spaghetti made of whole grain flour, tsukini Salad sheet, turkey with vegetables and creamy sauce Avocado salad, a piece of bacon and Brynza
Thursday Bulgur porridge with blueberry and lemon crust Stewed lentil porridge, a piece of cod with raw vegetables Chicken with garlic sauce, buckwheat porridge (loose)
Friday Boiled eggs, toast made of whole grain bread Non -fat beef, stewed beans Salad with fresh vegetables, herbs and a piece of cheese
Saturday Small cottage cheese Vegetable salad with tuna and boiled egg Colored cabbage with a piece of boiled dietary meat
Sunday Porridge in milk diluted with water in a ratio of 1: 1 Beef steam cutlets, diet mushroom soup with champignons Baked fish with vegetables

These are only general nutrition recommendations. However, compliance with a diet is the main way to help control blood sugar. This is what the patient needs to care about his health and wants to prevent the progression of a dangerous endocrine disease.

The prognosis for hidden diabetes: consequences for health, can there be disability, increase pressure, complications of the health of the feet?

Hidden diabetes mellitus has favorable prognosis only if the patient observes the diet and constant control of the level of glucose in the blood. What are the consequences for health, can there be disability, increase pressure, complications of the health of the feet?

  • If you neglect simple security measures, the consequence will be the development of a full -fledged diabetes of an insulin -dependent form (type 2).

Complications in the form of violations of blood pressure and “diabetic foot” are not observed in this case. However, they cannot be completely excluded. If the patient admits the transition of hidden pathology to a full form of diabetes, then in the later stages of the disease, such complications are quite real.

Diabetes mellitus - decompensation: What is it?

Diabetes sugar - decompensation
Diabetes sugar - decompensation

Decompensation of diabetes sugar occurs when glucose, contrary to all measures taken, continues to grow steadily. In such a situation, patients are diagnosed with hyperglycemia, and sugar concentration reaches 10 mmol/l Or exceeds this indicator.

Decompensation is called such a deviation for the reason that the regression of the disease is no longer possible. In other words, diabetes mellitus can only progress, causing the appearance of new symptoms. In such circumstances, the risk of complications increases, so blood sugar should be controlled especially carefully.

How to hide diabetes?

Diabetes mellitus cannot be hidden if its first symptoms have already begun to appear. Moreover, they cannot be ignored, since the uncontrolled course of the disease is fraught with dangerous consequences. And not only for health, but also for life. Yes, with hidden diabetes, this is impossible, and disability does not occur during this period. However, you will have to monitor the situation, and regularly visit an endocrinologist-too.

For the prevention of diabetes sugar, you need very little. It is only necessary to eat properly, prevent hypodynamia, monitor hormonal background and avoid stress. And people who are at risk should visit the doctor and every 6 months take blood and urine tests for hidden sugar.

Treatment of diabetes with monastic: video

A graduate of the Lviv Medical Institute Konstantin Monastyrsky moved to live in the United States back in Soviet times and became an authoritative and professional nutrition consultant. He is familiar with diabetes personally, since the doctor was made this diagnosis. But he was able to defeat the disease with a functional nutrition. His technique is unique and few know about it.
When Konstantin fell ill with a sd, he immediately reviewed his diet, began to move a lot, lost weight. Medicines that doctors usually prescribe help control blood sugar, but they have many side effects. The American doctor proposes to completely abandon the pharmaceuticals and solve the problem through a special diet, completely excluding carbohydrates from the diet.
Watch the video in which the monastery talks about the treatment of diabetes without drugs.

Video: Diabetes - Cure without medication

If there are still questions, we offer to see a couple more videos with important and useful information.

Video: Diabetes Sugar Cut out Yuri Vilunas

Video: type 1 and 2 diabetes. It is vital to know everyone! Causes and treatment

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Comments K. article

  1. they write correctly that this is not hidden, and most importantly, you cannot ignore it. The grandmother so happened, the symptoms were noticed, but they barely dragged into the clinic, that’s the second type of diabetes. Now drinks inspilar and observes a diet

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