Diabetic foot, diabetic foot syndrome: symptoms, causes, treatment

Diabetic foot, diabetic foot syndrome: symptoms, causes, treatment

Against the background of diabetes, patients have problems with metabolic processes in the body. One of the possible deviations against the background of increased sugar in the blood is damage to nerves, blood vessels, ligaments and bones, leading to a pathology called diabetic foot.

Lestone of the extremities against the background of diabetes is more than half the patients. Diabetic foot syndrome It has different forms and is often accompanied by hidden symptoms. Pathology of an infectious nature requires timely treatment, otherwise complications can lead to amputation of the limbs and death.

Diabetic foot: symptoms

Diabetes mellitus reduces the functioning of immunity. Minor damage to the surface of the foot in the form of scratches, corns, corns can quickly develop into the inflammatory process, followed by the formation of trophic ulcers.

Serious ailment
Serious ailment

The first signs of a diabetic foot:

  • swelling and redness of the skin
  • reducing the sensitivity of the skin of the feet to external exposure
  • motor activity is accompanied by tingling and goosebumps
  • fast fatigue of the legs, sensation of chilliness
  • decrease in sweating, roughness and dry skin
  • cramps of calf muscles of frequent nature
  • bone deformation on the foot, problems with the choice of shoes
Symptoms can begin with the simplest
Symptoms can begin with the simplest

Superficial ulcers apply to internal fabrics, affect tendons and bone structures. Symptoms can have a weakly expressed character. The later the treatment begins, the higher the probability of complications.

Forms of diabetic foot

  • Distinguish several types of diabetic foot syndrome. Each form has individual symptoms.
  • With damage to the nervous apparatus of the extremities, it develops neuropathic diabetic foot. The characteristic features include Dry keratinized layer of the skin, change in bone shape, flat feet, frequent bone injury.
  • With damage to the vessels of the extremities, progresses the ischemic diabetic foot.Signs of this form are swelling and soreness of the feet while walking.
  • With a large -scale lesion, it manifests itself mixed form of diabetic foot. It occurs in diabetics with a long course of treatment.
Stages of development of diabetic foot
Stages of development of diabetic foot

Development of diabetic foot: Causes

  • The root cause of the formation of the diabetic foot is increased glucose content in plasma. The destructive effect on blood vessels leads to a deterioration in blood supply.  
  • Violation of blood supply and insufficient nutrition of tissues of the limbs provokes trophic change in the fabrics of the foot. This area is most vulnerable due to great remoteness from the heart muscle.
  • In addition to diabetes mellitus, the risk of developing diabetic foot increases with alcohol abuse, with hypertension, diseases of blood vessels, with congenital characteristics of the structure of the foot, etc.
  • Diabetic foot syndrome It arises with a neglect of its health. It is very important to undergo a timely examination and follow the recommendations of doctors.
Development occurs gradually, but quickly enough
Development occurs gradually, but quickly enough

Diabetic foot syndrome: diagnosis        

  • A specialist of the endocrinological department of the diabetes should be detected and the diabetic foot syndrome should be detected. For a comprehensive diagnosis, a doctor needs a result blood tests for the content of glucose, cholesterol, lipids.
  • At the initial stage, the motor activity of the foot is evaluated, checked sensitivity of the skin. After an external inspection, an ultrasound study of blood vessels is prescribed. It is important to the doctor to identify the depth of tissue lesions, to indicate the nature of changes in bone structures, to identify the nature of the infection. After the first visit to the doctor, you can prescribe a course of treatment.
  • When identifying serious problems, surgical intervention is carried out. The main task of the doctor is restore blood circulation in the vessels. In some cases, in order to save the life of the patient, operations with amputation of the limbs are performed.

Diabetic foot: treatment

  • Treatment of diabetic foot It begins with the regulation of the flowed diabetes. Medicines and a special diet are prescribed to reduce blood glucose.
  • For speedy healing of existing ulcers, the patient is limited to motor activity. It is important to reduce the load on the feet. For movement, a special shoes for diabetic foot with orthopedic insole.
  • For the treatment of diabetic foot syndrome, a course of antibiotics, drugs for narrowing blood vessels, and drugs stimulating blood supply are prescribed.
  • For healing of ulcerative foci, dead tissues and pus are removed, local treatment with antibiotics with sterile dressings is carried out.

Wound healing ointments for diabetics

  • In order to timely prevent purulent-nonsense foci, it is necessary to connect treatment with local drugs. For local treatment, solutions, suspensions, ointments, gels are prescribed.
  • For disinfecting inflamed tissues, ointments with an antiseptic effect are prescribed. In addition to the antimicrobial action of ointments, the regeneration of tissues improves.
  • Ointments for diabetics should not clog foci, so they are made on a water -soluble basis. For an effective result in their composition, there must be such active substances as Chloramphenicol, sulfanilamide, aminitrosol, neromycin. Ideally, the ointment should contain a complementary combination. Before prescribing the drug, a variety of infection pathogens is established.
It will be necessary to use ointments, gels and suspensions
It will be necessary to use ointments, gels and suspensions

Consider several effective ointments and gels to care for a diabetic foot:

  • Baneocin - Based on bacitrasin and neromycin. It has a wide range of action on various microorganisms and gram -positive bacteria.
  • Streptonitol- Sulfanilamide-based ointment effectively affects staphylo- and streptococci.
  • Collust - accelerates the healing of tissues with a diabetic foot due to the content of animal collagen in the composition. The substance helps to increase the production of its own collagen fibers.
  • Argosufan and Pasta Katocel - antiseptic drugs used in a complex to eliminate infection.

As a dressing material, ointment dressings with silver, dressing materials with povidon-yod, mesh of material with antiseptic balms are used.

Diabetic foot prevention in diabetes mellitus

Patients with diabetes are recommended after 35 years to carry out simple preventive actions:

  • expressing the feet and areas between the fingers weekly
  • regularly conduct hygiene of the legs, Better in cool water
  • more often change socks and tights, choose comfortable shoes
  • minimize the walk barefoot, without slippers, no socks
  • carefully cut the nails without haste, cut sharp corners and prevent the plate into the skin
  • exclude independent removal of coarse skin, connect a cosmetologist and doctor
  • in case of damage to the skin of the feet, always consult a doctor.

A patient with a diagnosis of diabetic foot needs to purchase good quality orthopedic shoes or orthopedic insoles.

Be extremely careful
Be extremely careful
  • With diabetes, you need to know what does the diabetic foot look like And regularly independently conduct an inspection for the identification of tumors, redness, etc. External signs.
  • Regular care for diabetic foot It will help to maintain the viability of tissues and full motor activity with a foot support.

Folk treatment of diabetic foot

To prevent a serious disease, it is necessary to perform targeted and systematic treatment. In combination with drugs, prevention of folk remedies is carried out.

Consider several effective means for the treatment of diabetic feet with folk remedies:

  • Tincture from eucalyptus and honey - Grind 50 g of eucalyptus leaves, pour 100 ml of hot water, put on small fire and freeze a quarter of an hour. After cooling, add a couple of tablespoons of honey to the decoction. Use for gauze lotions for ulcers on a diabetic foot. Healing of wounds and blood circulation in the vessels is accelerated.
  • Yogurt - moisten the gauze bandage in fresh yogurt and attach to painful areas of the leg. After sour -milk lotion, relief will occur.
  • Blueberries for the prevention of diabetic foot - Blueberry leaves are steamed with boiling water, infused and filtered. A decoction is used half a glass three times a day for a month.
  • Infusions of medicinal herbs for baths and lotions are also actively used. Pharmacy chamomile, eucalyptus, celandine It can be used both for the treatment of surface changes in the skin, and for daily hygiene.
In addition to medicines, popular treatment is also used
In addition to medicines, popular treatment is also used

Decoctions of medicinal herbs are used for steaming ripe skin, corns, corns. The keratinized skin should never be cut off. The optimal solution in this case is the soft use of pumice.

The usual laundry soap has a wound healing and disinfectant. Folk remedies help prevent severe complications of diseases, but do not replace drug treatment.

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  1. With diabetes, thank God did not reach complications. I just got a piece of paper with a diagnosis, connected specific measures. To this day, invariably following the diet, I drink Olidim in a tablet and vitamins. This helps to control the sugar level and prevent additional sores in diabetes.

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