What will happen if you boil a banana with cinnamon and drink this water overnight, before bedtime?

What will happen if you boil a banana with cinnamon and drink this water overnight, before bedtime?

The article will tell you how to make a drink from a banana with cinnamon.

What will happen if you boil a banana with cinnamon and drink this water overnight, before bedtime?

Such a little -known recipe is an excellent remedy for many problems, in particular vitamin deficiency and neurosis. His secret is that banana He has a large supply of magnesium, and he, in turn, is able to beneficially affect the nervous system: to relax, eliminate stress, normalize the functioning of the brain, improve sleep (make it strong and calm). Banana is not only a source of energy, but also a storehouse of other minerals. For example, potassium cares about muscle tone. This is important not only for the muscles of the whole body, but also for the heart. Another mineral - phosphorus, will help the body digest carbohydrates

The second, no less important ingredient in this cocktail is cinnamon. It is able to lower the level of sugar and cholesterol in the blood, and this is useful in that the risk of any cardiovascular disease is reduced. In addition, some studies have proven that cinnamon can have an antiseptic effect on the body and normalizes hormonal background (especially useful for women). Some scientists also found out in a number of tests that cinnamon helps fight cancer cells.

Against what diseases the cocktail is useful:

  • Arthritis
  • Arthrosis
  • Migraines and headaches of a different nature
  • Ulcer gastrointestinal diseases
  • Pathogenic bacteria
Ingredients and preparation of drinks
Ingredients and preparation of drinks

We lose weight on bananas and water with cinnamon: drink recipes

What is required:

  • Banana(ripe and sweet fruit) - 1 pc.
  • Cinnamon(ground, natural)-1-1.5 tsp.
  • Water -2-2.5 l. (the amount of water to taste)

How to make a cocktail:

  • The fetus is completely cleaned of the peel
  • Boil water
  • Lower the fetus into boiling water
  • Pour cinnamon
  • Reduce the fire
  • Cook for about 10 minutes
  • If you want to sweeten the drink, add stevia (it is best to do it in the filter bag).
  • Drain the water and drink the drink warm
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How to cook bananas for a medical drink?

Banana drink with cinnamon and water: benefit and harm, reviews

Dmitry:“I welcome a healthy lifestyle, which means that nutrition should also be full and proper. I read the cocktail recipe and completely agrees that this recipe is useful. Only now I still advise you to drink it not at night (if problems with weight), but in the morning after the first breakfast after 2 hours (11: 00-12: 00). Try adding a lemon or orange, raisins to the recipe. ”

Tatiana:“A chic recipe is probably one of the few drinks that you can drink before bedtime. This will give a feeling of satiety (the path is small and not for long, but still). If you want to sleep very tightly, yet add a mint or lemon balm during cooking. If you do not lose weight and do not adhere to diets, add honey to the warm drink - this will make the cocktail sweeter. ”

Julia:“This peculiar“ compote ”is one of many that I regularly cook for myself. Yes, banana - the ingredient is unusual, but very healthy and pleasant to taste. A banana drink can be diversified not only by cinnamon, but also by vanilla, honey, raspberries, rosehips. ”

Video: "An amazing drink from the banana"

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Comments K. article

  1. Damn, well, give advice on healthy lifestyle - so learn the words to write correctly. Nervous ...

  2. The amount of water to taste ((((

  3. An article nonsense from the peel does not need to be cleaned

  4. how much to drink and how at night or all the same in the morning and how much

  5. Where is the truth with a peel or without a peel?

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