How to use baked onions to treat diabetes, hemorrhoids, boils and abscesses: recipes, tips, contraindications for use

How to use baked onions to treat diabetes, hemorrhoids, boils and abscesses: recipes, tips, contraindications for use

In this article, we will consider the effectiveness of baked onions in the treatment of various diseases.

Treatment with folk remedies is becoming increasingly popular and not in vain. In addition to the availability of funds that are used during such treatment, their effectiveness can be noted.

One of the products that have established itself as an effective cure for many ailments is baked onions.

Baked onions: indications for use

In the process of cooking, baked onions does not lose its beneficial properties, but only “says goodbye” with a very sharp, not for everyone with a pleasant smell and sometimes a caustic taste. The baked vegetable contains vitamins, acids, potassium, phosphorus and other beneficial trace elements.

So, baked onions can be treated:

  • Diabetes. Using baked onions with such an ailment, we get a decrease in blood sugar.
  • Baked vegetable can be treated with abscesses and various purulent abscesses. Initially, the onion contributes to the speedy maturation of the abscess, and after that it helps that it “broke through” as quickly as possible and the pus leaves the wound.
  • Also, a baked vegetable is used to treat such an unpleasant ailment as hemorrhoids.
We bake onions
We bake onions
  • No less effective vegetable with increased pressure and atherosclerosis of blood vessels.
  • Also, baked onions are used to treat a halazion. However, in this case, this tool is rather an addition to traditional methods of combating the disease.
  • Another problem that baked onions will help to cope is poor blood coagulation.

Baked onion: we treat diabetes                               

Diabetes mellitus is a serious ailment, which is manifested by a complete or partial absence of insulin in the human body. Sulfur and iron, which are in baked onions, helps to bring glucose to normal.

It is important to note that the vegetable must be baked rather than frying, because in these cooking processes there is a significant difference. You can prepare healthy onions, both in a pan and in the oven, slow cooker and microwave, however, it is worthwhile to adhere to certain rules.

To bake onions to treat diabetes in the oven use this recipe:

  • Clean 3 bulbs, wash them, and each pcs. Cut into 2-4 parts
  • Cover the baking sheet with foil.
  • We send a cut vegetable to the foil. If desired, shave pieces of onions with a small amount of salt and olive oil.
  • Cover the baking sheet with a second piece of foil and put it in a warm -up oven.
  • After half an hour, you can eat baked onions.
  • According to such a recipe, you can cook and not chopped onions, that is, the vegetable can simply be cleaned and washed, and then baked completely.
We bake in the oven
We bake in the oven

In a slow cooker, baking onions for the treatment of diabetes will be even easier than in the oven:

  • Clean a few bulbs, cut them into a couple of parts.
  • Drop a few drops of olive oil into the multicooker container and put a cut vegetable into it, with cuts down. Do not use a lot of oil, because in this case the bow will be fried, and in fried form it will not bring benefits to your body.
  • Turn on the "Bake/Stove" mode and cook the vegetable for about 25-35 minutes.
  • Sun the onion if desired.

In a pan, you can cook baked onions in this way:

  • Clean 1 onion, wash it and cut into 2 parts.
  • Divide pieces of onion among themselves.
  • Put them in a dry pan and close the capacity with a lid.
  • Light the quietest fire under the pan.
  • Cook the vegetable in this way for about 15 minutes.

Well, in a microwave oven, bake the onion in diabetes sugar as follows:

  • Take 1 average onion, clean it and wash it, cut into 2 parts.
  • Put the vegetable in a container that can be placed in the microwave.
  • Pour 150 ml of vegetable broth into a container.
  • Turn on the oven at the largest power and bake the onion for 10-20 minutes.
  • Check the readiness of the dish, since the power of all microwaves is different, you may cope with the task faster.

Use baked onion for the treatment of diabetes We need on an empty stomach, 1 onion three times a day. Adhering to such a power circuit, the first improvements will be noticeable in the analyzes after a week.

Baked onions: treat boils, abscesses

Baked onions

In the case of such an ailment, baked onions not only contributes to its maturation and exit, but also has an anti -inflammatory effect, reduces pain.

Prepare onions for the treatment of abscesses, boils should be as follows:

  • Take 1 average onion peel it, be sure to wash and cut into 2 parts.
  • Put each piece of onion in a frying pan cut down.
  • The pan should be completely dry and clean.
  • Cover the container with a lid and cook onion for about 10 minutes.
  • If in the process of preparation the onions will burn a little, cut these places, and in order to avoid such handling, prepare the vegetable on the quietest fire.
  • Now take 1 half of the cooled vegetable and attach tightly to the sore spot. With the help of a bandage, get baked onions to a boil.
  • On top of the bandage, wrap the sore spot with a scarf, withstand the vegetable on an abscess for 1-2 hours.
  • Change on onions every few hours. The course of such treatment can last several days, depending on the size of the boil and the stage of its maturation.
From boils
From boils

You can also use thin pieces of baked onions for abscesses and boils:

  • Peel the onion, cut it into 2 parts, and then disassemble each part into pieces
  • Put the vegetable on a baking sheet covered with parchment paper or foil
  • Bake in the oven for 3-5 minutes.
  • Attach a cooled piece of onion to the abscess and hold for 7 minutes, then replace the old leaflet with a new one. Change 5 leaves
  • This method will help to temporarily eliminate the swelling of the sore spot, partially remove pain and disinfect the scene of

You can also combine baked onions with other ingredients, such a tool will contribute to the speedy ripening and output of pus:

  • Clean the onion and bake it in any convenient way.
  • Twist the vegetable in a meat grinder or chop with a blender.
  • Add 2 tsp to chopped onion. flour and natural honey.
  • Make a kind of dough.
  • Pinch a piece of dough, attach it to an abscess, an abscess and attach it with a patch or bandage.
  • Change the bandage twice a day until the abscess is fully ripened and pus release.
You can bake in whole
You can bake in whole

Similar procedures must be performed until the boil disappears completely. However, it is important to remember if, within a few days of treatment, your condition has not improved, for example, a boil has grown, pus comes out, but then the process is repeated first, you need to consult a doctor. In this case, it will be necessary to supplement treatment with medications.

Baked onions: treat hemorrhoids

I must say that hemorrhoids are a rather serious ailment that can even lead to death in case of ignoring. That is why baked onions are best used as an auxiliary means for treating hemorrhoids.

It should also be immediately noted that treatment of baked onions of hemorrhoids It is possible only in the case of its external manifestation and only if the resulting node does not bleed.

  • Take the onion, clean it and cut in half
  • Bake in any convenient way, without adding oil, salt, etc.
  • Let the vegetable cool slightly, but not until it cools
  • The zone in which you will carry out the procedure, wash
  • Attach the warm half of the baked vegetable to the anal hole and keep it in this position until the onion is completely cooled
  • The course of treatment is 14 days, 2 similar procedures must be carried out per day, preferably in the morning and before bedtime
From hemorrhoids
From hemorrhoids

Do not self -medicate, consult your doctor and ask his advice on such additional treatment. Also, you should not treat in this way a neglected form of hemorrhoids.

Baked onions: contraindications for use

Despite their effectiveness, some people can harm some people. In order not to aggravate the state of your health, read the contraindications to the use of baked onions:

  • Liver ailments. In some diseases of this organ, it is worth abandoning the use of baked onions inside
  • Also, abandoning the use of onions is those who suffer from gastritis, pancreatitis and those who have problems with the work of the gastrointestinal tract
  • An ulcer is another contraindication for the use of a vegetable. It is important to note that in this and in previous cases, onions cannot be eaten not only in baked, but also in other forms, for example, fresh, pickled, etc.
  • An allergic reaction to onions is also a signal that the vegetable cannot be used to treat ailments

As you can see, such a cheap and affordable vegetable can significantly improve your health. The main thing is to use baked onions correctly and in modest quantities, in order not to get harm instead of benefit.

Video: Why bake onions?

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Comments K. article

  1. I'm afraid to cure diabetes from baked onions. It would not be worse, after all, this serious disease is not a runny nose.

  2. Yes, it will not be worse, but it’s unlikely that it is better either ... I have a diabetes, which she just did not do-she observed diets, yoga, acupuncture, but the disease not only does not retreat, but also presents new “gifts”. For example, polyneuropathy, which was expressed in numbness of the legs, is better than lard only after the course of tiocratic BV, and not onions ...

  3. I just like baked onions to taste, but it did not help me with diabetes, but I found better a means of reducing sugar for myself, I constantly eat bee perga and drink olyaghie tea, I have sugar normally for this)

  4. Honestly, baked onion does not help very much with boils. A more effective result is given by Naftaderm ointment. She stretches pus and relieves inflammation. In addition, the immunity needs to be strengthened so that the boils do not appear.

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