The value and decryption of lines, columns and diagonals in the square of Pythagoras. The transition of numbers in the Pythagoras Phants

The value and decryption of lines, columns and diagonals in the square of Pythagoras. The transition of numbers in the Pythagoras Phants

Working with psychomotor is not only a decoding of individual Pythagorean square cells. It is also a decoding of lines that are formed by these cells.

Meaning and decryption of lines in the Pythagoras psycho -matrix

To create your own psychotrix, follow the link And read the rules for filling the square of Pythagoras.

What are the lines of the psychomactricians about
What are the lines of the psychomactricians about

The photo at the top shows a psychotorist of a person with such initial data:

  • date of birth: July 7, 1976 (7 7 1976),
  • total special number: 37 10 23 5,
  • digital code for the matrix: 112335677779.

Working numbers of psychomaters are highlighted in color.

First line "1-4-7"

The first line of the square will help determine how easily the individual forgets about its own plans and the goals. See how many numbers are on the line.

In the case of a person, the number of digits in the first line was six: 1 1 7 7 7 7.

Important: the more numbers in the line, the stronger it is.

What is the number of digits in the first line, see the table.

The value of the first line of the square of Pythagoras
The value of the first line of the square of Pythagoras

Important: the value of the line of determination, in general, depends on the first column of the square “1-2-3” and, in particular, on the cell “2”.

The second line "2-5-8"

If you want to get detailed information about what the concept of “family” means for a person, analyze the average vertical line of the square.

To determine the compatibility of two people in an already prisoner union, all the numbers of psycho -partners of both partners should be analyzed.

Be sure to pay attention to the following: people change! And even initially incompatible partners can create an ideal union, provided that constant painstaking work on themselves!

More complete information about a person can only be obtained after you analyze not only his matrix, but also the matrix of his parents.

What is the number of digits in the second line, see the table.

The value of the second line of the square of Pythagoras
The value of the second line of the square of Pythagoras

Third line "3-6-9"

This part of the psychomotor will tell about the strength of a person’s habits. After analyzing the line, you will understand who is in front of you: a revolutionary in spirit or a person in a case.

The table below will help you deal with the number of numbers and their value.

The value of the third line of the square of the Pythagoras
The value of the third line of the square of the Pythagoras

Meaning and decryption of columns in the Pythagoras psychomotics

After analyzing the horizontal lines of the square, we move on to the vertical.

What are the Psychomacrix columns about
What are the Psychomacrix columns about

The first column "1-2-3"

This vertical line will help to evaluate the self -esteem of the individual, the power of its internal "I".

The column is in conjunction with the first horizontal line of psychomotor. Consider this fact, analyzing the matrix.

The value of the first column of the square of Pythagoras
The value of the first column of the square of Pythagoras

The second column "4-5-6"

How mercantile a person will tell the second column of a square. In this case, we will talk about how strong the needs of the individual for personal financial viability and security.

The value of the second column of the square of Pythagoras
The value of the second column of the square of Pythagoras

The third column "7-8-9"

He will talk about the outstanding abilities that a person is endowed with. However, we should not forget that the word “talent” will remain an empty, in no confirmed sound combination, without hard work and a sufficient amount of vital energy.

The value of the third column of the square of Pythagoras
The value of the third column of the square of Pythagoras

Meaning and decryption of diagonals in the Pythagoras psychomat

The last two, but no less important, square lines pass through its diagonals. Ideally, if both lines have the same number of digits. In this case, we are talking about a rather harmonious personality.

The quantitative characteristic of the diagonals of matrices is important for the analysis of relations in the family. The ideal option: the characteristics of the diagonal lines in partners completely coincide. Otherwise, a situation is possible when a man or woman will see in a partner only a sexual object without personal qualities and vice versa.

Line "3-5-7"

it has an upward trend and indicates a person’s tendency to hedonism. In addition, this line is judged by the sexual needs of a person.

The value of the ascending diagonal of the square of Pythagoras
The value of the ascending diagonal of the square of Pythagoras

Line "1-5-9"

Descending and is responsible for the spirituality of the individual.

The value of the descending diagonal of the square of Pythagoras
The value of the descending diagonal of the square of Pythagoras

Creation and value of an additional number in the square of Pythagoras

Important: a psycho -meter is a way to know yourself, to determine your weaknesses and strengths.

You can always turn the “plus” into “minus” and vice versa. After all, numbers, both in mathematics and in psycho -matrix, can pass into each other.

In the matrix, numbers can be created/absorbed by strong square lines. What does it mean? Once again we analyze the square of the person A.

Psychicrix of the person a
Psychicrix of the person a

Strong lines:

  • the first horizontal line - determination - six digits (1 1 1 7 7 7);
  • the first vertical line - self -esteem - five digits (1 1 2 3 3);
  • the third vertical line - abilities - five digits (7 7 7 7 9 9);
  • the ascending diagonal - hedonism - seven digits (3 3 5 7 7 7 7).

Please note: three of the four lines are owed by the overabundance of numbers 7. Accordingly, the Luck (7 7 7 7 7) aspect can be suppressed by these lines if one of them is excessively activated. You can find out which of the lines is too active when personal communication with a person.

However, with conscious work on the development of the qualities of a strong line, it can create an additional figure (but only one!). For example, subject to constant work on oneself, a person or can strengthen the line of abilities, thereby improving the condition of the cell “8” (add one digit to it).

Weak lines:

  • second horizontal line - family - two digits (2 5);
  • the second vertical line is the need for financial viability - two digits (5 6).

The lines are weakened at the expense of the mild aspects of “Health” and “Debt”.

The transition of one aspect to another will change the situation. However, it is important to understand that the transition cannot be made by simply rewriting the numbers in the matrix. The transition is a conscious change in oneself, which will require certain volitional efforts and time.

So, where and where are we going and what such a transition is fraught with:

  • 4 can go to 2 2.

Decoding. The healthier the person, the more internal resources he can, if necessary, use.

  • 2 2 can go to 4.

Decoding. Internal resources allow you to quickly restore health.

  • 8 can go to 1 1. At the same time, as a rule, 2 2 or 4 is lost.

Decoding: a person is tolerant (8), but circumstances require a strength of character. For this, a person is forced to suppress the will of the opponent (consumption of volitional qualities of 1 and personal energy 2) and dictate his will to him (consumption of volitional qualities 1 and personal energy 2). Personal energy consumption -22 can lead to health weakening -4.

  • 1 1 can go to 8. At the same time, 2 2 or 4 is additionally purchased.

Decoding: a strong personality shows tolerance to the opponent. As a result, a person does not need to spend his own strong -willed qualities to suppress the opponent and impose his opinion on him (+ 1 1), which saves internal energy reserves (+ 2 2) and affects the state of health (+4) of a person.

  • 6 can go to 7.

Deciphering: hard work is lost, but luck is acquired and the connection with the guardian angel is improved (subject to the presence of creative activities). As a result, there is an increase in internal energy (2 2), which favorably affects health (4).

  • 7 may go to 6.

Deciphering: Unfortunately, weakening of communication with the guardian angel and shifting priorities towards the material, can disrupt the energy balance and worsen human health.

  • mutually passing 99 and 5.

The more zealous a person develops his memory and mind, the faster he can make a logical chain and draw the right conclusions and vice versa.

For a more detailed analysis of psychomota, read the information on the value of combinations of numbers in a square.

Video: fatal numbers. Numerology (2014) Documentary

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Comments K. article

  1. what can 3 go to?

  2. Do you have strong 3, Gregory?

  3. Your comment is waiting for verification.

    And if there is no 2 nor 4, then do not add anything? But there are 3333, 55, 99)))

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