What can be increased from blood sugar except diabetes: what are the causes

What can be increased from blood sugar except diabetes: what are the causes

There are several causes and conditions of the body when sugar is increased without diabetes. Read more in the article.

Diabetes mellitus is a pathological change in the body, as a result of which there is a violation of glucose assimilation. Many doctors, if they see increased sugar in the patient in blood test, make diabetes. But this is wrong, since sugar can increase in a healthy person even if there is no diabetes. In this article we will consider why this happens and under what conditions and life situations.

Increased blood sugar without diabetes: what are it, causes

Blood sugar rate
Blood sugar rate

An increased blood sugar is not necessarily a sign of diabetes. But what is it really then? There may be several reasons for this condition.


Hyperglycemia can occur in healthy people under the influence of the following factors:

  • Heavy physical or intense mental work. In this case, the liver begins to release glycogen to compensate for energy consumption.
  • The abuse of food rich in carbohydrates. Sugar can rise above the norm, but also quickly decrease to normal values.
  • Strong stress, fright, panic attacks. In this state, a large amount of cortisol is produced, which affects the exchange of carbohydrates. Insulin production also stops, which leads to hyperglycemia.
  • Taking drugs, such as glucocorticoids, diuretics, non-election beta-blockers, some antipsychotic drugs.
  • Acute pain for injuries and burns.
  • Myocardial infarction, stroke, circulatory disorders in the brain.


High sugar levels can cause some diseases, in addition to diabetes:

  • Hormonal disorders.
  • Disorders of metabolism as a result of an infectious disease.
  • Damage to the hypothalamus.
  • Diseases of the brain, pancreas and adrenal glands.
  • Liver diseases.
  • Various diseases of the digestive system in which the breakdown of carbohydrates is difficult.

As you can see, there are many reasons for increasing blood sugar, except for diabetes. If your doctor has diagnosed you on the basis of only the analysis, this is wrong. In the case of a one -time increase in blood glucose, additional studies should be performed, on the basis of which the true cause of such a deviation in the body’s work will be understood.

High sugar is always diabetes or not?

Increased blood sugar is not always diabetes
Increased blood sugar is not always diabetes

Each of us often heard about increasing blood sugar in someone of friends or relatives. But is this always evidence of the presence of a disease? High sugar is always diabetes or not?

  • It is worth considering the fact that some conditions of the body can produce increased sugar, but for some time it should again return to normal.
  • Sugar jumps can provoke pregnancy, course of serious diseases or prolonged effects of stressful situations.
  • These symptoms are not diabetes, but have prerequisites for its further occurrence.

Remember: If the blood sugar is found for the first time, then this is a response of the body, for example, excessive consumption of carbohydrate food, as well as problems with the pancreas.

This is not considered diabetes. Such a diagnosis is made by a person when the results of measurements of glucose in the blood are not lower than 7.0, if the indicators are lower, then there are no reasons for excitement.

It is worth knowing what happens when a person has diabetes. However, the tests made do not confirm this diagnosis. The disease "betrays" itself with such conditions:

  • Dry mouth
  • Frequent and abundant urination
  • Stomach ache
  • Harsh leaps in weight, both in the larger and lower side

These symptoms may already indicate the presence of the disease.

How to avoid diabetes if the sugar is slightly increased?

If blood sugar is slightly increased, go sports
If blood sugar is slightly increased, go sports

The human body, like all living things in the world, is subject to change. Each person has "his own threshold of sugar." How to avoid diabetes if the sugar is slightly increased? To worry if you have such a problem do not, but you need to act correctly.

  • As mentioned above, the cause of sugar may be various conditions of the body or life situations.
  • This may be due to the improper functioning of some organs in the body. You need to undergo an examination that the doctor will additionally appoint you.
  • We can also talk about chronic or disposable stress. Try to calm down or take a sedative, like Valerian or Corvalola.
  • The use of too large sugar -containing products before analysis also affects. If, for example, you ate the cake on the eve of taking the sample, this can distort the result of the analysis. In this case, repeat the analysis after a couple of days.

But it is worth noting that sometimes it comes to something else when it raises sugar:

  • The rate of sugar in the blood in men and women depends on age.
  • In more adults, the sugar rate also rises. On average, in people 50 - 60 years she must be up to 6 mmol/l.
  • In women, sugar indicators depend on the hormonal background. For example, in pregnant women in the perinatal period, blood sugar was shown higher than at a time when they were not in position.

Important: The smallest indicator of glucose in humans is observed at 3 - 6 hours morning. Of course, it is difficult to measure sugar at this time. This can be done if you have your own glucometer at home. No need to go to the laboratory, but you can control the result of the level of glucose at home.

All doctors argue that before the analysis you should usually eat, but still it is advisable to eat less sugars before the day of blood donation. This will show a more complete and correct picture.

Advice: If you have increased blood sugar, you need to pay attention to the liver and pancreas. Contact a good doctor, he will make the correct diagnosis and prescribe treatment.

Another important tips:

  • Go in for sports
  • Eat correctly
  • Get rid of excess weight
  • Exclude sugar -containing products from diet
  • Eliminate fatty and fried food
  • Do not use products with a high glycemic index.
Products with a high glycemic index
Products with a high glycemic index

Remember: You need to lead such a way of life constantly! As soon as you break your diet or mode, sugar may increase.

You can also use recipes from folk medicine to stabilize blood sugar:

  • Drink decoctions and infusions From the leaves of blueberries, clover, nettles. Pour one tablespoon of the collection with a glass of water through 20 minutes Strain and drink 3 times per day by 1/3 cup.
  • You can use bean pods, calamus root, corn stigmas Or ordinary chamomile flowers. Decoctions of these plants will relieve inflammation and will establish the functioning of the liver and pancreas.
  • Chamomile tea Improves the general condition of the body and usually does not harm a person. But be careful: if you are allergic to chamomile, then you are forbidden to use such tea.

Of course, at the first ailments you should consult a doctor. But you can try to establish blood sugar and the condition of the digestive system as a whole, eliminate mild infections at the initial stage yourself. Recipes of traditional medicine are an excellent assistant. However, if the condition worsens, do not postpone the visit to the doctor, otherwise all this threatens with difficult complications.

Video: Do \u200b\u200bnot ignore these 10 early signs of diabetes

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Comments K. article

  1. Disrupted glucose tolerance is very common, in fact. I myself have it too. But due to the fact that I drink olijima and low-carbon dies, I adhere to, it takes sugar to keep it normal) and this is an excellent diabetes prevention

  2. i also faced such a problem - the sugar is high, almost 14.5, and diabetes are not put. They assigned a diet and that's it. For six months to Smarka, she felt terribly, even lost weight (although not so fat). Then the doctor prescribed Difosulin. I drink for almost a month, sugar has returned to normal, self-digestment improved, even some kind of a surge of strength is felt. The doctor says that there is no guarantee that diabetes will not develop in the future, the main thing is to control the situation.

  3. And on the contrary, sugar 14.2 was immediately set for us with diabetes, although he feels good, how is this possible?

  4. but who will analyze these doctors, they dragged me with a diagnosis and now I suffer with diabetes, constantly diet, inspiral, I drink, well, and sport, in general, even cakes are impossible, but how to live without cakes when you are a confectioner?

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