Is it possible, and how correctly, there is fat with diabetes: a doctor's advice

Is it possible, and how correctly, there is fat with diabetes: a doctor's advice

From this article you will find out if you can eat fat with diabetes.

Salo - the product is tasty and valuable with its beneficial qualities. Sometimes I want to cut off a thin piece of fat, put on a slice of black bread, and eat with a fresh tomato or cucumber. But what to do if you have diabetes? Can fat with diabetes? And how much? We find out in this article.

What does it consist of, and is it useful, fat in diabetes and other concomitant diseases?

What is the fat made of?

  • Fresh fat contains vitamins of group B, A, E, D and minerals: phosphorus, manganese, iron, zinc, copper, selenium.
  • There are few proteins (2.4%) and carbohydrates (up to 4%), and a lot of fat (more than 89%).
  • The calorie content of the fat is very high-770-800 kcal per 100 g of the product.

Attention. If there is a fat with garlic, the amount of powerful antioxidant is selenium in the body (a very necessary element in diabetes) doubles.

What is useful for a small piece of fresh fat in diabetes, and with other concomitant diseases?

  • There are very few carbohydrates in sala, so fat with diabetes is not forbidden.
  • In the fat there are unsaturated fatty acids, in particular arachidon, struggling with viruses and bacteria.
  • Helps the formation of good cholesterol.
  • A little fat every day will help cure lung diseases.
  • Enough, infrequently, a piece of fat acts negatively on the tumor.
  • Helps clean the vessels.
  • Choleretic agent.
  • Increases the vitality of the body.
Fresh lard with diabetes is not forbidden

How much can you eat on the day of fat for diabetes, when and with what: a doctor's recommendations?

A day, fat for diabetes can eat a small piece, no more than 30 g. And although there are very few carbohydrates in the salails, it has a large percentage of fat and a lot of calories, and this will not benefit if the diabetic suffers from metabolic disorders or excess weight.

There is a lard you need to try in the morning, at lunch, but not in the evening. Salo is better to eat raw, after freezing, slightly fitted with a small piece of black bread.

Salo can be eaten with the following dishes:

  • With different vegetable soups
  • Legumes salad and a lot of greenery with sour cream
  • Salad of tomatoes or cucumbers with green onions and vegetable oil
  • Salad of greenery, boiled chicken and black homemade crackers

You can also eat lard in the oven with vegetables (sweet pepper, eggplant, zucchini), but fat should be kept in a hot oven for a long time, about 1 hour to boil more fat, and less it remains in the finished dish.

After a dense lunch with fat, you need to do physical labor or sports exercises to use the calories.

On the day of fat with diabetes, you can close 30 g, and these are several thin pieces

When you can not eat fat with diabetes?

Even a small piece of fat with diabetes is contraindicated:

  • If the disease is very running.
  • If, in addition to diabetes, other diseases are added: stones in the gall bladder, high cholesterol.
  • Smoked lard.
  • Strongly pierced, salty lard, and with other, irritating stomach, spices.
  • With alcohol.
  • Fried fat with a lot of fat.
Fried lard in diabetes is contraindicated

So, to the question of whether fat with diabetes can be answered as follows: a small piece of fresh fat diabetics can be if you do physical exercises in the fresh air or feasible labor in the garden after lunch, so that the fat does not deposit in reserve, but was used for good.

Video: Is it possible to eat fat with diabetes?

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Comments K. article

  1. Everything is useful in moderation. You definitely should not eat fried. I can add lard to the soup, smallly sink with greens, what you need. But if you ride sugar, drink also olijim, a special drug to normalize blood sugar. It also does not hurt to replace coffee with chicory, it is also useful for diabetics.

  2. i always could not endure fat, but I love salads, especially Greek, but I try not to eat a lot, because it’s also bad to overeat. After I learned about the diagnosis, I drank inspiral, I got used to the diet for a very long time, but the only plus from it that I lost weight, and the rest was already used to it

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