Sugar detox - what is it: program 10, 21 days, results, reviews

Sugar detox - what is it: program 10, 21 days, results, reviews

If you still do not know what sugar detox is and why it is needed, read the article. It tells about the advantages and side effects of the program.

Recent studies show that Russian women are increasingly wanting to change their diet to a more healthy one. Surely, and you also have repeatedly thought about adding a little more vegetables and fruits, as part of a healthy diet. But did you think about the complete cancellation of sugar? If not, be sure to read about all the advantages that sugar detox can bring. Read further.

Sugar detox: What does an excess of sugar lead to?

Sugar detox
Sugar detox

Sugar is called "white death" for many years. The fact is that sugar is added to almost everything that we eat and drink. And the fact that in excess is usually not useful for our body. Perennial studies show that excessive sugar can lead to many health problems. These include:

Increased glucose in the blood:

Increased risk of cancer development:

  • Researchers held mice tests, which had a genetic predisposition to risk of cancer development breast (this can be in many women).
  • The mice were divided into two groups - one was on a starchy diet, the other consumed a lot of sucrose.
  • It turned out that after some time, malignant tumors developed in 30% of mice in the first group and up to 60% in the second group.
  • It is believed that this can also take place in people.

Increased risk of diabetes:

  • Excess sugar in the diet causes both obesity and diabetes.
  • This is not something new in the medical world, but the information is confirmed many times.

Deterioration of the immune system:

  • Sugar is delicious not only for people, but for bacteria and fungi.
  • Therefore, if there are a lot of it in the diet, microorganisms receive a nutrient medium and flourish.

Poor effect on the skin:

  • For years, dermatologists emphasized the negative effect of a high sugar diet on the condition of the skin.
  • The more we love sweets - especially processed, the faster we are aging.
  • All because some particles of sugar are combined with proteins in our body, and these newly formed cells weaken the elasticity of the skin.
  • Now it is clear why the skin of people who eat healthy foods looks healthy and radiant.

If all this convinces you, then conduct detoxification of sugar, that is, say goodbye to the white crystal forever. This will help to improve the body and younger. Below we will tell you how to do it and what to expect. Read further.

Sugar detox - what is it?

Sugar detox
Sugar detox

Sugar detox - This is just a temporary rejection of white sugar, due to which the glucose level in our body rises to the required level, and the body ceases to experience such a huge desire to consume sweets.

It is worth knowing: Detox sugar is not recommended for people who want to lose only a few kilograms. This program is for those who want to take care of their health and feel better.

It's nice to realize that sugar detoxification is not the simplest thing. This change, which requires attentiveness, effort, control and, in addition, can be associated with unpleasant side effects. However, all this does not change the fact that it is really worth it.

Sugar detox - programs 10, 21 days

Sugar detox
Sugar detox

Sugar gives a characteristic taste to many dishes. It is even added to sausages, corn flakes, milk and many other products. Due to universal use, it becomes dangerous for the body. So let's do something better for ourselves, and let's say clearly: “no” white death.

Dietetologists have been developed 2 sugar detox programs:

  • 10 days
  • 21 day

At this time, you need to completely abandon sugar and all sugar -containing foods and dishes. If you do not pass for some reason the program to the end, you will need to start over again. It is precisely this time to hold out.

Interesting: The first one needs to use a 10-day program. Perhaps you will last longer, but you should not experience the body. Listen to his condition. If everything is fine, both by well -being and on the result of analyzes, then after a week or two -week break you can switch to the program 21 day.

You probably heard about rule "21 days" - This is the time when the body is rebuilt and old habits are forgotten, and the new ones become familiar. Therefore, after this time, your tastes will change, and all sweets will seem tasteless.

But it is important not just to abandon sugar, but to adhere to some rules. Read about them below, as well as the advantages of such a refusal.

Sugar detox: Advantages of sugar cancellation

Sugar detox
Sugar detox

If you doubt that sugar should be canceled, we will talk about the advantages that expect at the end of this path. Here are a few advantages of sugar detox:

You can much easier to control your weight:

  • It's not even that you will not eat sweets, but that you will not have a craving for them.
  • If you feel that you are on the way to a beautiful figure, and you want small chocolate tiles and other sweets, become invisible trifles for you, then sugar detox will be a find for you.

The intestines are healthier and works better:

  • Almost every person has complaints about impaired intestinal function from time to time.
  • This is not surprising - sugar is an excellent environment for microorganisms and fungi living in it.
  • You should know that the vast majority of women and men who have chosen the detoxification of sugar confirm that intestinal discomfort has completely disappeared 5 day of the programor significantly decreased.

Health will increase in general:

  • It was said above that an excess of sugar in the diet leads to the development of many serious diseases.
  • Wouldn't it be better to live with the realization that you are less prone to breast cancer or diabetes? Detox adds health with sugar.

Energy will appear:

  • Only sugar gives us strength, energy and motivation to act. So many people think.
  • This is true, but this is not long.
  • Thanks to the detoxification of sugar, you will have a stable level of glucose, so you will not feel tired.

Concentration and good brain work:

  • Too large fluctuations in blood sugar mean that the brain is not focused.
  • Therefore, when you normalize the situation, it will be easier for you to focus on important issues and everyday duties.

You will be more beautiful:

  • The skin will become more smooth, radiant and much younger.
  • This is quite tempting, right? Sugar detox works as an ideal anti -aging cream, but you will not buy it. Only your efforts and a little willpower are needed.

Now we definitely convinced you that sugar should be canceled - let's deal with the specifics.

Sugar detox: the most important rules

Sugar detox
Sugar detox

But it is important not only to abandon sugar and all products that contain it in their composition. To achieve a good effect, you need to follow some rules of sugar detox. Here is some of them:

Always eat regularly:

  • This is very important for your health.
  • Experts recommend eating 5 - 6 times a day.
  • But nothing will happen if you reduce this number, for example, up to 4.
  • The most important thing is to follow the clockwork.
  • Thanks to this, you facilitate the functioning of your body and improve metabolism.

First you can use sugar substitutes:

  • The cancellation of sugar, only seems simple - in fact it is not at all so, and it may be difficult for you.
  • So nothing will happen if you replace sugar (for example, in desserts) with stevia or xylitol.

Stress with stress:

  • If stress makes your stomach rumble from the lack of sweets, then hunger should be avoided.
  • But this should not affect your diet.
  • However, if daily stress makes you reach for sweet buns, chocolate or chips, then one detoxification is not enough.
  • You need to reduce stress, which various techniques will help to relax your body and mind. For example, training and meditation.

Spended blood tests regularly:

  • If you begin the detoxification of sugar, you must do blood tests once a month (a maximum of two months).
  • A general blood test and biochemistry will be enough.

What can be consumed with sugar detox and what is prohibited?

Sugar detox
Sugar detox

During sugar detox, some dishes and foods are strictly prohibited, others are allowed from time to time, while others can be eaten at will. Here is a specific statement of what is possible and what is prohibited to use:

You can eat at will:

  • Eggs
  • Meat
  • Seafood
  • Fish
  • Vegetables (except legumes and those that contain a large amount of starch)
  • Mushrooms
  • Fats and oils (both animal and plant origin)
  • Fat dairy products
  • Mineral water
  • Ugular coconut milk
  • Tea - mainly herbal and fruit without adding sugar
  • Dietary additives without sah. Sand
  • Non -adalar plant proteins
  • Manually cooked sauces
  • Spices
  • Greens
  • Home broths

Remember: You are on a diet without sugar, and not on a diet without fat. Decreasing fat in this situation is not only not necessary, but even harmful to health. After all, the body should draw energy from somewhere.

Products that can only be consumed from time to time:

  • Fruits (but not all - only bananas, pomelo, melons, apples, grapefruit)
  • Buckwheat
  • Millet
  • Bobs
  • Rice
  • Lentils
  • Flour
  • Pasta
  • Nuts
  • Nut oils
  • Black coffee
  • Vegetable milk
  • Nut milk

Attention: The expression “from time to time” does not mean that you should eat the above products only once every two weeks. For example, you can eat nuts and seeds daily, but let it be only one handful. You can eat beans and legumes in the amount of one glass per day (already prepared, in cheese - the calculation is 2 times less). You can drink coffee every day, but it should be one cup.

Products are prohibited:

  • Bread
  • Cakes
  • Pasta
  • Potato
  • Soya beans
  • Chickpeas
  • Wheat
  • Pearl barley
  • Corn
  • Barley
  • Cashew nuts
  • Peanut
  • Margarine
  • Rapse oil
  • Soybean oil
  • Honey
  • Alcohol
  • Instant coffee
  • Fruit shop and freshly squeezed juices
  • Soy milk
  • Cow's milk
  • Carbonated drinks
  • Soy sauce
  • Ketchup and mayonnaise from the store

It is worth knowing: If you can cook something yourself (for example, mayonnaise), do not add sugar to this dish, and you can eat it.

Sugar detox: side effects

Sugar detox
Sugar detox

It happens that people who decided to abandon sugar and go through such detoxification are surrendered in two or three weeks, or even earlier. Typically, the reason is unpleasant side effects of sugar cancellation, which may be from time to time or constantly. Here is some of them:


  • At first, the body may not cope with the lack of what happened before.
  • This can lead to metabolic disorders and headaches associated with it.


  • Drowsiness, distraction of attention, the desire to sleep more than before, are typical symptoms of sugar.


  • Sugar has many disadvantages, but you should not deny that it is just tasty.
  • Some people directly admit that, for example, chocolate for them is like a drug.
  • Therefore, its cancellation can cause similar symptoms - excitability, irritation, and even cramps.

Slide problems:

  • This is a natural symptom.
  • If changes occur in your body, it will be difficult for you to calm down and fall asleep.

Important: It is worth remembering that these symptoms occur only at the beginning of the path without sugar. If you are not afraid of side effects, after about 3 weeks, they will gradually disappear.

Sugar detox results: reviews

Sugar detox
Sugar detox

If you are still under sugar dependence and cannot decide on detox, then read the reviews of real people whose results are impressive. They decided on one of the programs.

Alla, 35 years old

Since childhood, I loved chocolate. Every day I ate 1-2 tiles. As a result, it began to bother increased pressure, headaches. I went to the therapist. He advised to change the diet and abandon sweets. Moreover, the tests showed increased blood glucose. She lasted without her favorite confectionery for 22 days. She began to feel better. As a result, then I learned from my friend that there is a sugar detox program 10 and 21 days. I advise everyone, it really helps to improve it.

Igor, 39 years old

Recently began to gain weight sharply. I signed up for an appointment with a private nutritionist. I passed tests, there was insulin resistance. This is a harbinger of diabetes. I have been living without sugar for several months. I feel better. Therefore, I advise everyone to pass sugar detox at least 21 days.

Alena, 44 years old

She refused sugar for 2 weeks. First, the first days was increased irritability and even depression. Now the body has begun to get used to it. I plan to hold out for another week. If it doesn’t work out, then I will start sugar detox after a break first. I really want my favorite cakes or cake. But I try to hold on. I do not even eat honey and other sugar -substitutes.

Video: 30 days without sugar. Waiting and reality

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Comments K. article

  1. And after detox, I completely refused sugar, it clearly did not get worse than the body. On the contrary, finally the blood sugar decreased, previously was like a pre-antiabetic. In order to finally overcome the craving for sweets and normalize sugar in the body, I take Olijim in tablets, it helps me.

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