The blood sugar rate in women and men after 50 years, by age: table. What is the danger of deviation from the norm of blood sugar and how to normalize it?

The blood sugar rate in women and men after 50 years, by age: table. What is the danger of deviation from the norm of blood sugar and how to normalize it?

It is important to monitor the blood sugar at any age. About what sugar level is the norm, learn from the article.

Blood sugar - many of us perceive this phrase literally. In fact, the concentration of glucose in the blood is implied, which is responsible for the active activity of a person and the coordinated work of all organs. Glucose jumps adjust the work of metabolic processes and affect general well -being.

Glucose is a kind of fuel for the whole organism, so it is very important that its indicators are within normal limits. Timely delivery of blood tests for sugar allows you to diagnose various deviations of the body at the beginning of their development.

Increasing and lowering blood sugar after 50 years

A decrease in blood sugar in medicine is called hypoglycemia. Such a deviation can manifest itself as a result of chronic diseases. The causes of glucose deficiency after 50 years is the depletion of the nervous system, an incorrect or unbalanced diet.

Reduced and increase
Reduced and increase

The following signs are characteristic of reducing glucose:

  • Increased nervousness.
  • Decrease in performance.
  • Weakness in the body, dizziness.
  • Enhanced work of the sweat glands.
  • Increased appetite.

Exceeding the norm of blood sugar after 50 is called hyperglycemia. This diagnosis is most often leaded to abuse of sweet dishes, the predominant number of simple carbohydrates in your daily menu. The flow of excess amount of sugar leads to the active work of the pancreas. As a consequence is developed excessive amount of insulin, which means excess of blood sugar.

It is important to identify
It is important to identify

Peretopias hyperglycemia reduces the body's protective functions, disrupts blood circulation, worsens the condition and work of various organs. The primary symptoms of hyperglycemia include:

  • Reduction of vision indicators.
  • Far -hearted urination.
  • Sharp weight loss.
  • Fast fatiguability.
  • Increase in fluid intake due to lack of saliva in the mouth.
  • Mood jumps.
  • Uneven breathing.
  • Frequent infectious diseases.
  • Discomfort in the muscles of the lower extremities.

Blood sugar rate by age: Table

A blood test for glucose must be taken at least twice a year. An increase in sugar rate in the body after 50 years is due to hormonal restructuring. An increase in indicators within the norm is a normal process. Changes in the body make it possible to increase the level of glucose in the blood according to the age of permissible limits according to age.

Age category Glucose norm, mmol/l
From the first days of life to 1 month From 2, 8 to 4.4
From the second month of life to 14 years old From 3.3 to 5.6
From 14 to 50 years old From 3.2 to 5.5
50 to 60 years old From 3.5 to 5.7
60 to 90 years old From 4.6 to 6.4
Over 90 years old From 4.2 to 6.7

Blood sugar rate in women: table

After 50 years, the need to track the norm of blood sugar increases sharply.Low sugar after 50 years may not cause great discomfort. A person attributes the cause of his ailments on the physical and mental stress. He does not suspect the development of pathology in his body.

For glucose indicators in the female body, menopause has a significant value. Features of biological processes require increased control sugar level. Blood sugar rate in women after 50 years It has small changes in permissible parameters.

Female age Blood sugar, mmol/l
From 14 to 50 years old From 3.3 to 5.5
50 to 60 years old From 3.8 to 5.9
61 to 90 years old From 4.2 to 6.2
From 90 and older From 4.6 to 6.9

Blood sugar rate in men: Table

Glucose jumps in the male body are affected by bad habits, nutritional features, frequent fluctuations in testosterone due to physical activity, frequent stresses. Blood sugar rate in men Presented in the table.

Male age Blood sugar, mmol/l
From 18 to 20 years old From 3.3 to 5.4
From 20 to 30 years old From 3.4 to 5.5
30 to 40 years old From 3.4 to 5.5
40 to 50 years old From 3.4 to 5.5
50 to 60 years old From 3.5 to 5.7
60 to 70 years old From 3.5 to 6.5
From 70 to 80 years old From 3.6 to 7.0

How to take a blood test for sugar?

After 50 years, the glucose level in the body increases, which means that permissible limits increase. Changes in the composition of the blood are due not only to age, but also by the quality of life. In case of any deviations from the norm, it is necessary to immediately establish the cause of the pathological process in the body. Consider the features of passing the analysis of sugar.

Normalization of sugar levels
Normalization of sugar levels
  • On an empty stomach.To obtain accurate results in the laboratory blood test for sugar It is best to take in the morning on an empty stomach. On the eve of blood donation, you should refrain from abuse of sweet dishes. Otherwise, the result will not be true. Permissible deviation from the norm to 6 mmol/l. The low indicator should not drop beyond 3.5 mmol/l.
  • From Vienna.When passing the analysis in specialized institutions the sugar rate in plasma is determined by venous blood. It is important that the patient on the eve abstains from eating and taking medications. Doctors recommend refraining from morning hygiene procedures in the oral cavity. The blood sugar should be in the range from 3.3 to 6 mmol/l.
  • From the finger.Blood collection from the finger is also informative method of checking sugar levels. This method is optimal for childhood, as well as with independent control of the norms of glucose at home. If deviations from the norm are detected, the doctor directs to a second analysis. In controversial cases, a blood test is repeated for one day. If the first analysis is taken on an empty stomach, then before the second analysis it is recommended to use up to 100 grams of glucose
  • With diabetes.In case of diabetes disease, the blood sugar exceeds the norm. This feature of health requires constant control using a glucometer. The glucose indicator from 11 mmol/l should be regulated by medication. Diabetics should be registered with the doctor and receive timely recommendations for treatment.
Definition of the level
Definition of the level

Confirm deviation of the sugar in the blood You can use a study on glycated hemoglobin. Auxiliary analysis will show the percentage of modified red blood cells that occur as a result of glucose excess. The result of the study will track the picture of the disease over the previous three months. In the absence of side processes, the result does not go beyond 6%.

What is the danger of deviation from the norm of blood sugar after 50 years?

  • At excess of blood sugar after 50 years A person experiences constant thirst. The body is trying to compensate for the lack of fluid in the body. The active work of the kidneys begins.
  • A strong load leads to poor -quality filtration and as a result, swelling appears on the body.
  • Glucose acts as a power source for the nervous system. Poor absorption of an important component provokes the starvation of brain cells. A long continuation of the process often leads to a coma.
  • Excess of blood sugar norms leads to violations of the cardiovascular system. Vision problems begin. In a short period of time, a person can blind.

How to normalize blood sugar after 50 years?

  • At exceeding blood sugar after 50 years First of all, it is necessary to reconsider the diet. Minimize or exclude foods with sugar. It is worth abandoning the use of white varieties of bread, pasta, carbonated drinks. Increase the use of vegetable products.
  • Instead of sugar you need to purchase sugar -substitutes. The permissible number of substitutes per day also needs to be dose, so you can not do without consulting a doctor.
  • At reduced blood sugar Nuts, lean meat, dairy products are added to the diet.
  • In the presence of chronic diseases of the kidneys, heart, stomach, thyroid gland should be carried out by comprehensive treatment.
  • In addition to the power mode, it is worth adjusting physical activity. Try to avoid stressful situations.
It is important to monitor the lifestyle
It is important to monitor the lifestyle
  • In addition to preventive procedures, it is necessary to take drugs prescribed by a qualified specialist.

Video: blood test for sugar

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  1. The most important thing is to maintain the health of the pancreas throughout life. This is a guarantee that diabetes will not develop, even if there is a genetic tendency. I take Olidim in tablets. In addition, he also reduces sugar. Together with the right Pyanaim, there is nothing to be afraid of. I hand over sugar regularly and everything is in order))

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