Is it true that sugar causes cancer: the relationship of sugar and cancer, evidence

Is it true that sugar causes cancer: the relationship of sugar and cancer, evidence

From this article you will learn about the relationship of sugar and cancer.

Now more and more doctors around the world are discussing the connection of excess sugar in the diet, with the formation and active development of cancer cells. Why did this opinion appear? Is it true that it is sugar that causes cancer? What is the relationship of sugar and cancer of different organs? Look for answers to these and other questions in this article.

Excess sugar causes, provokes cancer: is it true that cancer feeds on sugar, evidence

Cancer is powered by sugar
Cancer is powered by sugar

To develop cancer cells, glucose is needed. The reason for this is their rapid division, which requires a lot of energy. And glucose, just a suitable source. Therefore, excess sugar really causes, provokes cancer.

It is worth knowing: Scientists have long established that with too active oxidation of sugar, many defective cells are produced, which cause various types of tumors.

Is it true that cancer feeds on sugar? This is true, here's the evidence:

  • Recently, American scientists conducted an experiment using yeast.
  • During the study, they studied rAS geneswho are responsible for the division of those same cells.
  • Excess sugar becomes a catalyst for them and provokes too intense division.
  • The development of the tumor accelerates and it needs even more carbohydrates (sugar). All this resembles a vicious circle.

Patients are recommended, if not completely reduce the use of this product, then minimize it.

Important: Of course, all this does not mean that absolutely all the sugar will become a fuel for the development of a tumor and it is worth it to forget about sweets forever, but it is better to refrain from their abundant eating products, which include white sugar.

Brown sugar, despite all myths, is also sugar and it is also harmful to sick people. Sweet fruits and honey in small quantities, sometimes even shown to increase immunity.

Does blood sugar increase with cancer?

With cancer, sugar rises
With cancer, sugar rises

Back in the twentieth century, the scientist Otto Warburg proved that the cells of the cancer tumor produce energy by active glucose splitting. This discovery is still used to detect tumors, and doctors focus on increased blood sugar.

Interesting to know: In the cells of the cancer tumor, glycolysis can be 200 times higher than the norm. It is hyperactive consumption of sugar tumor cells that provokes its growth.

Increased blood sugar nourishes cancer cells and prevents treatment, and development in the patient type II diabetes, or its rapid progression, may be a sign of the development of cancer of the digestive tract. Accordingly, with cancer, blood sugar rises. Therefore, tests for control (not only for sugar, but also general) are recommended to take 1 time in 3 months.

It has long been known: Diabetes is included in the top three main signs of uterine cancer risk in women. In men, on the contrary, the longer a man is sick with diabetes, the less the risk of developing prostate cancer.

Based on all of the above, the patient, a patient oncology, needs a moderate diet, and diabetes should be kept “under control”, then it will be much less complicated.

Sugar for pancreatic cancer: what is the relationship?

The interconnection of the sahra and pancreatic cancer
The relationship of sugar and pancreatic cancer

One of the most malignant and dangerous forms of cancer of the gastrointestinal tract is pancreatic cancer. Despite the rapid development of medicine, it is currently almost impossible to diagnose it in the initial stages. Therefore, pancreatic cancer is one of the most dangerous forms of oncology.

It's important to know: The relationship between pancreatic cancer and diabetes has long been seen. Recent studies have shown that in 70% of cases, in patients with pancreatic cancer, a violation of glucose metabolism is also found, and approximately 25% Of these, they suffer from diabetes.

The pattern is also revealed that with the surgical treatment of pancreatic cancer, the blood glucose level drops sharply. Therefore, if the patient was on insulin therapy before surgery, then after surgery, the dosage decreases. In some cases, only sugar -lowering drugs are enough for the patient.

It is worth knowing: Often the development of type II diabetes can be a sign of the development of pancreatic cancer.

Is it possible to eat sugar with cancer, does it affect whether sugar leads to cancer: blood sugar during cancer

Sugar with cancer is not worth eating
Sugar with cancer is not worth eating

Oncology is the plague of the 21st century. As a result, this disease gives rise to almost the largest number of myths. But is it possible to eat sugar with cancer? Does it affect, does sugar lead to cancer? What is the myth, but what is the reality? Look for answers below.

  • The most ancient statement of scientists about cancer - This is that "sugar nourishes cancer cells." The beginning was laid back in the 20th century.
  • Scientist from Germany, Otto Warburg, I found that cancer cells receive energy by splitting glucose.
  • Based on the fact that in the cells of a cancerous tumor glycolysis level is 200 times higher, he concluded about the destructive property of sugar. This real reality and modern scientists take such a discovery in their treatment as a basis.
  • In fact, "sugar" is a collective term, denoting carbohydrates: whether it be candy or sweet dates. In the process of processing by the body, carbohydrates turn into glucose and fructose necessary for the vital activity of all cells of the body, including cancer. It is also a reality and if you reduce sugar consumption, it is believed that a cancer tumor will stop in growth.

In addition, do not forget about another relationship between sweets and oncology - this is that excessive use can lead to obesity. Such a disease, in turn, can provoke hormonal disorders leading to the development of different types of cancer, including cancer of the esophagus, stomach, liver and uterus.

Important to remember: Any diet solutions should be scientifically and clinically justified. Most often, it is a balanced diet that helps a healthy person. If you want to adhere to any diet, then be sure to consult first with the doctor.

If we talk about the level of blood sugar during cancer, then it is more often increased, especially if a person has cancer of one of the organs of the gastrointestinal tract.

Sugar cause of cancer: why cancer love sugar?

Cancer loves sugar
Cancer loves sugar

Everyone loves sweets. And, for sure, many at least once heard that sugar is harmful to health. But why? Is sugar really the cause of cancer? Why does cancer love sugar? Read below that excessive glucose consumption can provoke and aggravate oncological disease.

Scientists are constantly conducting experiments in an artificially created environment. During the experiments, it turns out:

  • The increased use of glucose can lead to the weight of the processes of the body's life and to the formation of the early phase of the formation of cancer cells.
  • Accelerated sugar metabolism increases the number of receptors on the cell membrane, causing mutation.
  • With the exclusion of glucose from the diet, the cells return to its original state.

Interesting: Natural sugars contained in natural forms do not have such an effect. The negative impact was had only a refined look.

The conclusion of scientists after research:

  • Cancer cells are able to absorb glucose several tens of times faster than cells in normal condition.
  • Refined carbohydrates are the fastest way to produce energy for further division and transformation into a tumor.

To maintain your health, it is necessary to provide the body with proper nutrition and sufficient physical activity. The diet can and should be varied, but within the limits of permissible norms.

Breast cancer sugar: what is the relationship?

The relationship of sugar and breast cancer
The relationship of sugar and breast cancer

A disappointing trend is observed in the treatment of the incidence of women's cancer of women. This insidious disease takes away many lives of women in the modern world. Not everyone helps everyone, not everyone achieve remission.

From the above material it is clear that the dependence of the acceleration of the growth of malignant formations on the use of a large amount of sugar has been proven by many specialists.

Everyone knows: Glucose is the most effective “fuel” in the human body.

It releases a large amount of energy that mutated cells use to increase their number. The course of the disease is aggravated.

But is there a relationship between sugar with breast cancer? Here's the answer:

  • In the course of observations, researchers of Great Britain revealed the mechanism of the spread of cancer cells of the mammary gland that absorb glucose.
  • Intensive nutrition of binding proteins causes the process of division.
  • Currently, the development of chemicals that block the process of dimer formation is underway.

Thus, we can conclude that a decrease in the number of refined sugars consumed will reduce the energy saturation of defective cells. This can improve predictions for overcoming the disease of breast cancer in combination with the main treatment.

Sugar for stomach cancer: what is the relationship?

The relationship of sugar and stomach cancer
The relationship of sugar and stomach cancer

For many people, cancer becomes a deadly sentence. A universal medicine that can cure this disease has not yet been invented. But development in this area is constantly ongoing. In recent studies, a direct relationship of stomach cancer with sugar is revealed by sick people.

  • The fact is that sugar, entering the body of a sick person, is a nutrient for cancer cells.
  • It also contributes to the further development of this disease by acquiring a cancer phenotype by healthy cells.
  • It follows that the use of a large amount of sugar provokes cancer.
  • Acceleration of metabolic processes involving sugar, which is caused by an increased glucose content and an increase in the number of receptors on the surface of the cell membrane, provokes malignant changes and the occurrence of a cancer tumor.
  • In turn, the reduction in sugar can start the reverse process when infected cells, left without nutrient, return to the stage with a precancerous phenotype.

The relationship of cancer and sugar is obvious. All scientists, specialists in the field of healthcare and ordinary doctors say about this. In order to reduce the risk of cancer, it is necessary to sharply reduce the amount of sugar and sugar -containing food.

Sugar and intestinal cancer: interconnection

The relationship of sugar and intestinal cancer
The relationship of sugar and intestinal cancer

Currently, the question of oncology, and factors of its development, is currently relevant. The scientists conduct various studies and came to the conclusion that glucose contributes to the development of intestinal cancer. What is the relationship of sugar and intestinal cancer? Here's the answer:

  • When consuming sugar, the concentration of glucose in the blood increases. At the same time, insulin is released, which contributes to the penetration of glucose into cells.
  • But when the insulin is developed, an insulin -like factor (IFR) is produced, stimulating the growth and reproduction of cells.
  • Not only sugar, but also IFR and insulin affect the growth of malignant cells and contribute to their spread to neighboring tissues.

The use of glucose is the so -called vicious circle. When using glucose, the neoplasm grows in size, as a result of this, the need for glucose increases. As a result of this, we can conclude that the intestinal cancer is from sugar, since the tumor eats it.

Sugar and honey are equally harmful to the body with cancer?

Honey is not harmful to the body with cancer
Honey is not harmful to the body with cancer

As mentioned above, scientists have long known that sugar molecules were found in each of the forms of cancer. The most important thing is that sugar that is in cancer cells is not only present there, but also actively affects the growth of poor -quality cells.

It is worth knowing: During illness, the body requires a large number of sugar molecules and this can lead to the fact that insulin molecules are not absorbed by cells and remain in the blood. Also in the sugar there are no vitamins and minerals. These are empty calories that destroys the body.

But how are honey molecules act? Sugar and honey are equally harmful to cancer? Here are the answers:

  • Sugar Promotes cell growth: benign and malignant. Cancer cells use insulin for growth and reproduction.
  • Honey It is a more useful sugar substitute in our diet. Since ancient times, it is known that honey has been having medicinal and anti -inflammatory actions.

Honey is really capable of suppressing cancer cells, although doctors say that there have not been such cases. But there are wonderful healing, and it is not for nothing that nutritionists advise to include honey in their diet of proper nutrition.

Kill cancer by excluding sugar from your diet: video

From the foregoing, it is clear that it is enough to exclude only one product from the diet, and a person can be healed from the most terrible disease. Moreover, this is stated not only by scientists, but also by healers-grassers, doctors of traditional medicine and just self-taught, who have the experience of healing themselves or their loved ones.

Watch the video: "Kill cancer, excluding sugar from your diet." You will understand that this is really possible.

Video: Kill cancer, excluding only one product from your diet!

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Comments K. article

  1. Sugar-diabetes sooner or later. Therefore, yes, I believe that I can lead to cancer as a complication. I try to limit it and make sure that in the blood it is in normal indicators. Olijim helps in tablets. Not only reduces glucose levels, but also supports the health of the pancreas, which is also important. Caring for himself-the thorough of everything.

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