Sugar -substituter: harm or benefit? Sugar -substituter Fit Parad, Huxol, Coolose, Stevia, fructose: benefit, harm. Reviews about sugar -substitutes

Sugar -substituter: harm or benefit? Sugar -substituter Fit Parad, Huxol, Coolose, Stevia, fructose: benefit, harm. Reviews about sugar -substitutes

Benefits, harm, reviews of sugar -substitutes.

Many women and men seek to reduce their weight to seem more attractive. Now there is a cult of thinness, so a variety of diets include the consumption of sugar -substitutes and sweeteners. In this article we will tell you how safe to use sugar substitutes. 

Sugar -substituter: harm or benefit?

There are several varieties of funds that are accepted instead of sugar. Many people know that sugar contains a large number of calories, as well as carbohydrates, which provokes a sharp surge of insulin and glucose in the blood. Which negatively affects the health of diabetics.

If you take a large amount of sugar, you run the risk of getting diabetes and other disorders, including obesity. That is why means that imitate the taste of sugar, but they are not popular. On the shelves of stores, you can find a large number of varieties of sugar substitutes, there are more than a dozen of them, in most cases the eyes are scattered, and the buyer has no idea what to choose. 

Types of sugar -substitutes, harm or benefits: 

  • Frictose. It is made of fruit extracts, it is fruit sugar, which in the body turns into glucose. More recently, fructose was considered a useful product. But recent studies forever excluded it from the list of useful ones. Its disadvantage is that, unlike ordinary white sugar, it is split not in the intestines, but in the liver. Therefore, excessively eaten fructose in the liver does not have time to process into glucose and in the same place, in the liver, and a drop of fat is deposited in reserve. Fans of fruits, or products containing fructose risk earned fat hepatosis over time - this is a life -threatening liver rebirth of the liver. Factose is also distinguished by high calorie content, so for people who follow their weight, it also does not fit. 
  • Xylitol or sorbitol. These substances are also produced from fruits and vegetables, are natural sugar -substitutes, differ in that they gradually release glucose in the body, which positively affects the health of diabetics. Among the disadvantages are also a rather decent calorie content. Therefore, you should not abuse such sugar -substitutes. 
  • Safe and low -calorie sugar -replacement isstevioside. It is produced from Stevia, this is a plant that does not grow in our latitudes. The substance was found in 1930, and since then there are a lot of scandals around it. At one time, there was an opinion that this is a mutagenic agent that contributes to the emergence of mutations in the body. However, it was not possible to scientifically prove this hypothesis. At the momentstevioside It is considered one of the safest sugar substitutes, while made of natural products. It is he who is now actively using everyone who wants to lose weight. The main drawback- this is An unpleasant grass taste that indicates that the product is obtained from the plant. 
  • Also, one of the natural sweeteners is parcalosis. There is little information about it in our country, because it was invented only in the eighties of the last century, but was tested for about 13 years. Now the product is actively used in Canada, as well as in the USA. Its main advantage is that it differs in low calorie content, but it perfectly replaces sugar. Oddly enough, this tool was made directly from sugar, during chemical reactions. At the moment, many people who lose weight use this tool. However, it is not very popular with us, and getting it is not so simple. 
  • Synthetic sweeteners - These are well -known small pills that are filled with store shelves.In fact, These are not sugar -substitutes, but sweeteners. They are not analogues of sugar, or glucose, and by nature alien to the body. These substances in the human body are not produced, and are not digested. In most cases, they are produced synthetically, that is, in laboratory conditions. Also in most countries they are prohibited for use.
The benefits and harms of sugar -substitutes
The benefits and harms of sugar -substitutes

Sugar substitute in tablets: Benefit and harm

Basically, these are unnatural products consisting of aspartam, sugar, cyclam.

Sugar substitute in tablets, benefits and harm:

  • Aspartam. One of the widespread options that carbonated water manufacturers are now used everywhere, with a low calorie content. Many believe that this is a real plus, since there is no calorie content, but the taste is quite sweet. However, around Aspartam verya lot of Hypotheses and scandals. In 2006, studies were conducted, as a result of which it was found that aspartam did not cause cancer tumors. This tool was accused of provoking the occurrence of cancer tumors. However, in the course of research, this hypothesis was not confirmed. However, scientists argue that aspartam penetrates through the placental barrier, and it is undesirable to use it to pregnant women. In addition, the drug is contraindicated in children under 6 years of age. 
  • Saharyn and sodium cyclamate. These are synthetic sweeteners that are produced in laboratory conditions. By their nature, they are alien to the body, therefore they are excreted in a constant form. There are also many scandals regarding these funds. They say that these funds are harmful, in no case should they be used for weight loss. The main advantage of funds is that they contain zero calories, but at the same time help a person to deceive the body when you really want sweets. 
The benefits and harms of sugar -substitutes
The benefits and harms of sugar -substitutes

Huxol sucrone: benefits and harms

Huxol - One of the most famous sugar substitutes, which can be found in any supermarket or dietary network.

Huxol sucrone, benefits and harm:

  • Consists of cyclamate and sodium sugar. It is impossible to consider an absolutely safe tool, since it is completely synthetic,made In laboratory conditions.
  • A product is produced in Germany, used mainly for dietary nutrition, when a person wants to lose weight. If you do not have problems with excess weight, then we advise you to refuse to use the product.
  • Many nutritionists note that such products cannot be drunk constantly, but it is necessary to alternate with other sugar substitutes or sweeteners. The cyclamate and sugarin contained in the state of health can adversely. 
Is it useful to use sugar -substitutes?
Is it useful to use sugar -substitutes?

Sucrotor Fit Parad (Fit Parade): Harm and Benefit

Fitparade is one of the new sugar substitutes, which has recently been very popular.

Sucrotor Fit Parad, harm and benefits:

  • The package indicates that the product contains exclusively organic and natural components. But at the same time, the calorie content of the product 0. How can this be, and what is contained in the composition of the Fitparad?
  • The packaging indicates that the main component is erytrite. This is one of the types of sugar alcohols, such as sorbitol or xylitol, but does not contain any energy value, that is, it has zero calorie content.
  • For the first time he appeared on the market not so long ago, in 1993 in Japan. It is since then that its popularity is growing, now the product is successfully used in Russia. In addition, the composition of the FITPRADE contains stevia, as well as tar.
  • Accordingly, the product can be considered absolutely safe, and not containing synthetic substances. Indeed, the Fitparade is recommended on the diet, as well as diabetics, due to the fact that it does not harm the body.
Sucrotor Fit Parad: harm and benefit
Sucrotor Fit Parad: harm and benefit

Success substituter of parcellosis: benefits and harms

Often used sucrot. Used in the preparation of soy sauce.

Its advantages are that he cannot overcome the placental barrier, and the body is able to take it into an unchanged form by 85%.

The harmful properties of the parcellosis: it is modified when heated and not a harmless substance of chlorpropanol is released. Chlorpropanol adversely affects the endocrine system, can disturb its coordinated work and thus manifests its mutagenic properties. Therefore, we do not advise you to get involved in this sucrotor.

Safe sweeteners
Safe sweeteners

Is the sugar substitute harmful?

It is also worth noting funds that are sold in the form of small boxes with a dispenser, and usually contain 1000-1200 tablets. These are mainly funds based on sugar, as well as sodium cyclamate. It is very convenient due to the presence of a dispenser, as it is impossible to scatter. But at the same time there is a danger from such sugar substitutes. All of them are synthetic, and the body can react differently to them. Many people think,if they have 0 calories, you can consume unlimited quantities. In fact this is not true. 

Is the sugar substitute harmful:

  • When using such tools, taste receptors received information that glucose, that is, sugar entered the body. Accordingly, the pancreas prepare for this, throwing insulin.
  • As a result of this, sugar does not enter the body, which is why some resonance is obtained. The body is trying to gain more calories, as well as fat in reserve, and when this substance will act, break down fat in order to somehow extinguish the release of insulin.
  • Thus, instead of losing weight, a person is recovering. The appetite can increase significantly, and a person at a subconscious level prefers flour products, sweets, pasta.
  • That is, everything that contains simple carbohydrates and can easily split, accumulate in the body in the form of fat. Such funds cannot be used without control, in huge quantities. It is advisable to alternate them with other sugar substitutes. 
Harm to sweeteners in soda
Harm to sweeteners in soda

Novasvit: Sugar substitute

Novasvit - this is Not a specific tool, but a line that produces sugar substitutes.

Novasvit, sugar substitute:

  • In this line there are both natural and synthetic sweeteners, as well as sugar -substitutes. The company produces mainly funds in convenient packaging, with a dispenser.
  • Among the assortment you can find packaging with Stevia, as well as analoguesHuksolawhich contains sugar, sodium cyclam.
  • Be sure to read the packaging and its content to know the composition. Usually, packaging on the main side always indicates what the product is made of. 
The composition of the sweetener Novasvit
The composition of the sweetener Novasvit

Which sugar substitute is the best?

Summing up under all information, we can conclude that natural sugar substitutes that do not contain calories will be an ideal option.

What is the best sugar substitute:

  • At the moment, these are stevia, parcellosis, and eryritic. All these funds can be found either in online stores or at diet points.
  • Due to the popularization of a healthy lifestyle, as well as sports, sugar substitutes can be found in some supermarkets. Be sure to read the composition before purchasing a sugar substitute, and give preference to natural components, but do not lose sight of the calorie content of the substitute.
  • After all, such sugar substitutes as sorbitis or xylitol are more preferable than sugar, but at the same time high -calorie, and are not suitable for those who want to reduce weight. 
Which sucrotor is the best?
Which sucrotor is the best?
The harm of artificial sweeteners
The harm of artificial sweeteners

Sugar substitute: reviews

Below you can familiarize yourself with reviews of sugar -substitutes. 

Sugar substitute, reviews:

  • Valentina, 35 years. I have been following my weight for 10 years, it was then that I gave birth to a child and began to recover. To be in shape, she was forced to reconsider her diet, and completely eliminate all the products containing sugar, simple carbohydrates. Now I eat sugar substitutes. 10 years ago there was not as much information as now, so she started with an ordinary aspartam. As a result, the stomach ruined. Now I accept the substituteFitparad. I am very pleased, according to the package, it contains natural components. I really like the taste. It does not cause an increase in appetite. 
  • Oksana, 30 years old. I began to follow my weight six months ago, most recently I began to recover. I switched to a sugar substitute. And I work in the office, so I sit most of my time, and often drink tea or coffee, naturally with sugar. This could not but affect my figure. Therefore, I replaced Huksol sugar. In general, I am satisfied, convenient packaging, dispenser, small size. The packaging is enough for a long time. Recently I read, something such sucrose substitutes are harmful, so I plan to replace it with others. I have not yet decided what to choose instead of him. 
  • Elena, 40 years old. I am a diabetic, so I completely limited the use of simple carbohydrates. I use xylitol as a sugar substitute. I really like it because there are no glucose jumps, and sugar is always normal. Now I plan to switch to Stevia, as I learned about its magical properties, and benefits. 

Video: Sugar -substituter - benefit and harm 


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Comments K. article

  1. There are such sugar -substitutes that you want to remove after from the tongue, like a film. .. Br .. I tried them a lot of different ones. One of the best is a chocrazite, excellent taste, does not bitter, quickly dissolves, calorie content is zero.

  2. I refused sugar for a long time, I add sugar -substituter in tea, coffee, cold drinks, pastries and desserts. I think that the chocrazis is simply a find for people who follow their weight and strive for proper nutrition.

  3. I usually buy on Stevia. This helps to maintain sugar stable. Plus, of course, I accept Olijima tablets in a complicatively. In the composition of Inulin and Jimnema-Seck benefit for glucose control and maintaining the work of the pancreas. There the entire line is good, I advise you to pay attention. It is very important for people with unstable sugar.

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