Protein cocktails for weight loss: how does a protein cocktail work? Home recipes for protein drinks: with eggs, fruits, cottage cheese, lemon, kefir

Protein cocktails for weight loss: how does a protein cocktail work? Home recipes for protein drinks: with eggs, fruits, cottage cheese, lemon, kefir

This article will help you learn to make protein cocktails for weight loss at home - simple and fast.

The human body needs nutritious elements, one of which is protein. This is a substance that is part of muscle, epithelial, cartilage and other tissues. Lack of protein can lead to serious diseases and disorders, therefore it is necessary to ensure its regular intake in the body. For this, special protein diets are used, and protein cocktails are also prepared.

Read on our website an article about protein is its benefit and harm. Also from this information you will learn what will happen to the body if you drink such drinks every day.

Athletes monitor their diet are especially good. After all, if there is not enough protein in food, then all classes will be in vain. It is very difficult to eat a large amount of protein, because these are mainly heavy foods for the digestive system: meat, eggs, etc. Therefore, athletes and ordinary people who need to lose weight or increase muscle mass need to take protein cocktails. How they work and how to prepare such drinks correctly, read in this article.

Protein cocktail: What is it?

Protein cocktail
Protein cocktail

Most often we get protein from meat, eggs and cereals. But these are not his only sources. People who lead a physically active lifestyle know very well what a protein cocktail is, and what is the benefit of this drink.

  • However, it can be consumed not only by athletes.
  • The product helps to lose weight and maintain the tone of the body, and it allows men to safely and easily increase muscle mass.
  • It supplies the body 50% from the entire daily amount of proteins necessary for the full functioning of the body.

What is a protein cocktail:

  • They consist of completely different ingredients.
  • The main component is directly the source of the protein.
  • Fruits, berries, spices, seasonings, etc. are able to perform additional additives.

A common misconception is that a protein drink can only be bought in a store. In fact, this is not so, it is quite possible to cook it yourself, using simple recipes. Look for them below in the text.

How does a protein cocktail work?

Protein cocktail
Protein cocktail

Many associate protein cocktails exclusively with a weight gain, but this is not at all. Such a drink works in a completely different way, so it is very popular among people who want to lose weight. How does a protein cocktail work? Here are a few nuances:

  • Scientists have revealed that fat deposits accumulate in the case when an excessive amount of carbohydrates enters the body.
  • Therefore, many diets are based on restriction, and sometimes - the complete exclusion of products containing high concentrations of these elements from the menu.
  • But sometimes this is simply impossible, and then you have to look for products that contain slowly learned carbohydrates.
  • Such an element of the diet is precisely the protein cocktails.
  • Using protein drinks for the purpose of losing weight, you can gently, smoothly, but effectively reduce body weight, preserve the muscles in tone, normalize overall well -being.
  • In addition, the inclusion of such a product in the menu avoids exhaustion during diet. And not only physical, but also moral, emotional.

All components of cocktails are very well selected and balanced. In addition, drinks have a predominantly pleasant taste, which allows them to be consumed not through strength, but with pleasure and pleasure.

Which protein cocktail for weight loss to choose: Types of protein cocktails

Protein cocktail
Protein cocktail

Varieties of protein cocktails depend on the raw materials used in their preparation. Which protein cocktail to choose? Drinks are customary to divide into 3 species:


  • Such products are prepared using chicken eggs as the main ingredient.
  • But it is not very popular because it has a rather specific taste and high cost.
  • The optimal option is egg protein cocktail for people with hypolactasia - lactose intolerance.


  • Such products for vegetarians are perfect.
  • The cost of the drink is an order of magnitude lower than that of the egg, but in terms of its quality, experts have not yet been able to reach consent.
  • Some experts say that soy protein cocktails have an incomplete amino acid composition.


  • The best option for losing weight people.
  • The serum protein is very useful, it is enriched with all the necessary vitamins, minerals, amino acids.
  • But casein protein is contraindicated for people who have lactose intolerance (the so -called milk allergy).

If the product contains a combination of several components, then this is a mixed type of protein cocktail. Therefore, such a drink is selected based on taste and indications. If there is lactose intolerance, then choose soy or egg cocktail.

Where to buy a protein cocktail for weight loss?

Protein cocktail
Protein cocktail

You can buy protein protein cocktail for weight loss in a specialized sports nutrition store, or in retail outlets selling weight loss goods. Often such products are present on the shelves of super- and hypermarkets in the healthy diet. It is worth knowing:

  • If you are interested in any particular brand that is difficult to find in stores, you will have to use the possibilities of the Internet.
  • You can order the desired cocktail on the official website of the manufacturer.
  • It is also possible to apply for a drink on a third -party resource, but it must be reliable, have a good reputation.

As for the independent preparation of a protein cocktail, the ingredients for it can be bought in any store. Therefore, preparing a protein cocktail at home is simple and fast. Read further.

How to drink a protein cocktail for weight loss?

Protein cocktail
Protein cocktail

If the purpose of using a protein cocktail is weight loss, then the dose of the drink should be three times lower than when increasing muscle mass. How to drink a protein cocktail for weight loss? Individual features are also of considerable importance:

  • The floor of a losing weight person
  • The weight
  • Growth
  • Age
  • The degree of physical development
  • Sports frequency during the week

Another important parameter is the features of metabolism. After all, each organism with a certain speed breaks down and sucks proteins, fats and other important elements.

It is worth knowing: It is important to correctly combine the components of the drink, otherwise there will be no sense from taking it. For example, sour berries cannot be added to dairy products, but they will fit perfectly for nuts or spices/seasonings.

The first time the protein cocktail is recommended to drink in the morning, replacing them with the usual cookies or toasts. Instead, you can safely eat 2-3 small slices whole grain bread. This combination of products will allow you to maintain a feeling of satiety for a long time, and get the required amount of energy for full activity.

People who regularly play sports are recommended to drink cocktail in 2 hours before training or through 1,5 hour After her. This will increase muscle endurance and maintain their integrity.

What are the benefits of protein cocktails for weight loss?

Protein cocktail
Protein cocktail

A protein -based cocktails are continuous benefit. They have practically no contraindications to use with the exception of individual intolerance by the body of any component from their composition. What are the benefits of protein cocktails for weight loss? Here are a few facts:

  • These drinks are low -calorie, but very nutritious, therefore they can be a full -fledged replacement of pork cutting, steak or other “harmful” dish.
  • They are prepared exclusively from natural and fresh ingredients - berries, fruits, vegetables, herbs.
  • They have vitamins necessary to maintain a full life of the whole organism.
  • The composition contains fiber, which helps to burn fat, feel satiety for a long time, and also normalize the digestive tract.
  • Cocktails do not contain sugar, and fructose and sucrose present in berries and fruits give them sweets.

The most coveted effect of the use of protein drinks is weight loss. The process of burning excess fat proceeds gradually and softly, so it does not “drive” the body into a state of stress, unlike hard diets.

Protein cocktail for weight loss: Harm

Protein cocktail
Protein cocktail

A protein protein cocktail for weight loss is a completely safe product. Studies have shown that it cannot harm the body if all the rules of its use are observed. It is important for losing weight to remember that excessive use of protein cocktails is fraught with the exact opposite effect, that is, a set of additional kilograms. Therefore, the daily rate of the product should be strictly observed.

In the presence of individual intolerance to protein, the use of the drink is prohibited. Casein and combined mixtures where casein is also contraindicated for people with a diagnosis of hypolactasis (intolerance to lactose). The neglect of this condition is fraught with:

  • Digestive disorders
  • Nausea
  • Vomiting
  • Skin rashes
  • Itching over the body
  • Diarrhea
  • General malaise

These are the main symptoms of intolerance to protein drink. Their appearance suggests that in the future its use is impossible.

Home protein cocktails for weight loss for women-how to make: recipe of lemon-white cocktail

Lemon-white protein cocktail for weight loss
Lemon-white protein cocktail for weight loss

Homemade lemon-white protein cocktail not only gives a charge of vigor for a long time. Its regular use will contribute to improving the operation of the immune system. In addition, the woman will lose weight with good results and the weight will not return after time. How to make it? Here is the recipe:

  • Lemon juice
  • Kind 2 tbsp. l. protein powder
  • Mix the ingredients
  • Pour half a glass (100 ml) of water

Beat the mass with a blender and pour a container in a convenient for drinking. The cocktail is ready for use.

Protein cottage cheese-white cocktail at home for weight loss: Recipe

Protein cottage cheese-white cocktail at home for weight loss
Protein cottage cheese-white cocktail at home for weight loss

For the preparation of protein cottage-white cocktail, a low-fat cottage cheese will be needed for weight loss. 1 pack is enough. It must be placed in a blender capacity, additionally adding the following products:

  • A glass of milk
  • 2 tbsp. l. oatmeal
  • sweet fruits or berries - to taste and to choose from

Beat the ingredients thoroughly until a homogeneous mass is obtained. As a result, it will come out 1 portion Protein cocktail.

You can prepare a drink without adding additional components. In this case 300 ml milk should be mixed with 200 g Cottage cheese. Beat with a blender or mixer.

Protein milk cocktail after training for weight loss: Recipe

Protein milk cocktail after training for weight loss
Protein milk cocktail after training for weight loss

After intensive training, the muscles should rest and recover. After all, it is not always possible to avoid microtrauma of skeletal muscles, especially when performing power loads. To speed up this process and the process of losing weight, it is recommended to use a protein milk cocktail prepared according to two recipes:

  1. Egg-torn cocktail: Mix a glass of milk with a low percentage of fat content with 50 g of cottage cheese. Separate the egg protein, pour it into the mixture. Cut the banana into small particles and add to the mass. Beat with a mixer or blender.
  2. Milk-banana cocktail. For fans of spices, this particular drink is suitable. 200 ml of milk Mix with a finely chopped half banana. Pour a pinch of ground cinnamon and vanilla sugar (to taste). Beat everything well again.

Such cocktails are well invigorated, nourish, improve digestion. They also favorably affect the condition of the muscles.

Best protein cocktail for losing weight for women: kefir cocktail recipe

Best protein cocktail for weight loss for women
Best protein cocktail for weight loss for women

Kefir is a drink that is present in many diets for weight loss. Therefore, its use for the preparation of the best protein cocktails for weight loss is completely justified. There are a couple of variations of this drink for women - recipes:

  1. With cinnamon and ginger. Take one and a half glasses of low -fat kefir, add a little cinnamon, ground ginger and very little red burning pepper. Beat in a mixer until a homogeneous mass.
  2. With greens and cucumber. Mix a glass of kefir with low fat content with 1/3 cup of water. Add chopped parsley, dill and small cucumber. Beat everything again.

It is worth knowing: Kefir can and should be combined with different fruits. But it is best to use bananas, mangoes, peaches. They can be added in any quantities and combinations.

Kefir protein cocktails are very tasty and nutritious, and they also help to lose weight.

Inexpensive sports protein cocktail for weight loss: Recipe

Inexpensive sports protein cocktail for weight loss
Inexpensive sports protein cocktail for weight loss

A combined vitamin cocktail is suitable for girls who not only eat properly, but also play sports. Here is a recipe for inexpensive sports protein cocktail for weight loss - cooking:

  • Squeeze the juice from any fruit.
  • Mix it in quantity 0.5 cups With 1.5 cups milk.
  • Add 100 ml yogurt.
  • Cut the banana and strawberries, add to the mixture.
  • Mix 2 tbsp. l. Protein powder with a tablespoon of honey and a teaspoon of wheat germ.
  • Combine all the ingredients in one bowl and beat.

One portion of the cocktail is designed for 1 reception. Before each use you need to prepare a fresh drink.

Do -it -yourself protein chocolate cocktail for weight loss: recipes

Do -it -yourself protein chocolate cocktail for weight loss
Do -it -yourself protein chocolate cocktail for weight loss

Use 1 glass A protein -based chocolate cocktail will help to get rid of a few extra pounds in a short time. Indeed, with proper reception, the product cannot harm the figure, as some people mistakenly believe. Here are the recipes of protein chocolate cocktail for weight loss:

  1. With protein powder. AT 1.5 cups Pour water 2 tbsp. l. Protein powder. Stir and add by 1 tbsp. l. cocoa powder and whipped cream. Beat and drink.
  2. With cottage cheese. AT 200 ml Add almond milk 15 g cocoa. Map the cottage cheese with a fork and transfer to the mixture. Pour a glass of water. Beat the ingredients with a blender or mixer.
  3. With honey. Prepare 600 ml low -fat kefir, 3 Fresh eggs, 2 tbsp. l. cocoa powder, 0.5 tsp. vanilla extract and 15 ml honey. Fold all the products in the blender bowl and beat. It turns out a homogeneous mass of brown color. To taste, such a cocktail resembles hot chocolate.

The benefits of cocoa for weight loss are known. With proper use, this product helps to reduce appetite, as well as increase performance. But since it has a powerful effect on brain activity, it is better to use a drink in the morning.

Protein cocktail instead of dinner with ginger for weight loss: recipes

Protein cocktail instead of dinner with ginger for weight loss
Protein cocktail instead of dinner with ginger for weight loss

Ginger is a burning fruit enriched with vitamins and minerals. It effectively reduces craving for products that can harm the figure and has fat burning properties. There are several useful recipes for making protein cocktails with this product. Such a drink can perfectly replace dinner and continue to lose weight. These recipes:

  1. Useful cocktail with cucumber. Cut 1 cucumberMix with green peas, 2 broccoli and chopped ginger root. If there is no way to use fresh product, the use of dry, ground is allowed. Fold all the ingredients in one container and grind in a blender.
  2. With lemon and honey. Grate a small piece of ginger on a fine grater. Add freshly squeezed juice from half of the lemon and a little honey to it. Pour into the mass 1 l water. Beat until a homogeneous consistency is obtained. This portion of the protein cocktail is enough for 1 day.
  3. A drink with cinnamon and pepper. AT 100-150 ml Kefira with a low percentage of fat content, pour a pinch of ground cinnamon, the same amount of ginger powder and ground burning pepper. Beat the mass in a mixer. It turns out a rather specific, but nutritious and useful mixture.
  4. Original protein cocktail. To prepare this drink, you will need a papaya. To prepare you should take 100 ml Greek yogurt, 2 tsp. dry ground ginger, 15 ml lemon juice, 5 ml honey, several leaves of fresh mint and 150 g Papaya. To simplify the task, the fruit can be divided into several parts before starting. Then put the ingredients in a blender and beat.

Ginger cocktails are very useful for figure and health in general. But they have contraindications. In particular, it is forbidden to use them for gastrointestinal diseases located in the exacerbation phase.

Diet with a protein cocktail cocktail: a recipe for a protein cocktail with an egg

Protein protein cocktail with egg
Protein protein cocktail with egg

Few people know that there is a special diet with a protein cocktail for weight loss. It is very simple - it is necessary to replace one of the meals of food with this drink. You can drink it instead of dinner. If you train 2 times a day, then you can use such a cocktail in the morning before training and in the evening - after it. At the same time, lunch should be full - with chicken fillet, porridge, salad of fresh vegetables. During a snack, you can allow a slice of whole grain bread with cheese or a piece of red fish.

Below you will find a recipe for a nutritious protein cocktail for weight loss with an egg. It is prepared from the following ingredients:

  • 5 chicken eggs
  • 5 nuts cashews
  • 200 g of cottage cheese
  • 50 ml of low -fat milk

Procedure during cooking:

  1. Separate egg whites from yolks. Only proteins will be needed.
  2. Place the nuts in the blender and chop.
  3. Add the rest of the components to the bowl of the kitchen device and whip thoroughly.
  4. It is advisable to take homemade eggs for the preparation of the drink. They must be fresh.

Important: You should not prepare an egg protein drink for the future. It is strongly recommended to do it immediately before use.

Home protein cocktail for weight loss with protein: Recipe

Home protein cocktail for weight loss with protein
Home protein cocktail for weight loss with protein

Cocktails can be prepared on the basis of milk powder. Classic recipe for a homemade protein cocktail for weight loss with protein:


  • Dry fat -free milk - a third of the cup
  • Protein powder - 2 tsp.
  • Cold push -up vegetable oil - 5 ml
  • Water - 1 cup

Cook like this:

  • Mix all components thoroughly. To do this, you can use a whisk or spoon.
  • The drink is watery, so you can additionally add a little thickener - guar or xantan gum.

The basic mixture does not have a pronounced taste, so it is permissible to put fruits and berries in it. You can pour a little ghee in a water bath of honey.

Protein cocktail for weight loss at home with fruits: recipes

Protein cocktail for weight loss of a house with fruits
Protein cocktail for weight loss of a house with fruits

Adding fruits to protein mixtures for weight loss makes them more saturated and pleasant when consuming. There are many recipes for making such drinks. Here are the best recipes for protein cocktails for weight loss at home with fruits:

Cranberry cocktail

The necessary components:

  • Half a glass of milk
  • Cranberry (fresh or frozen) - 50 g
  • Oatmeal flakes - 50 g
  • Cottage cheese - 150 g

Preparation Rules:

  1. Boil milk and cool to a temperature of 80 degrees.
  2. Pour them with flakes and leave for 5-7 minutes.
  3. Add filler.
  4. Using a blender, beat the ingredients until a homogeneous consistency.

From the prepared products is obtained 1 portion nutritious, tasty and aromatic protein cocktail.

Banana protein drink

Necessary products:

  • Honey - 1 dessert spoon
  • A glass of milk
  • 1 banana
  • Half a pack of cottage cheese
  • 50 g oatmeal

Method of preparing a drink:

  1. Pour oatmeal with hot milk.
  2. Cut medium -sized banana cubes.
  3. Fold the components in the blender capacity, beat.
  4. Add honey and beat the mixture again.

Adding oats makes it possible to stay well -fed for a long time. In addition, this product cleanses the intestines, promotes comfortable digestion.

Drink with kiwi

  1. Peel the fruit, cut into cubes.
  2. Put in a blender bowl, add 1 dessert spoon honey, 300 ml soy milk and 200 g The protein base is cottage cheese.
  3. Beat to smoothness and can be consumed.

Tasty raspberry cocktail

  1. You can take raspberries both fresh or ice cream.
  2. Berries in quantity 100 g Mix with any type of vegetable milk (almond, soy, coconut) and 200 g Cottage cheese. Grind in a blender.
  3. It turns out a mass that is similar in consistency for yogurt of medium density.

Flax and strawberry mixture- A nutrient cocktail is prepared based on:

  • 100 ml of vegetable milk
  • 100 g of cottage cheese
  • 30 g of linen seeds
  • 100 g of fresh or frozen strawberries

Cook like this:

  1. Beat all products with a blender or mixer until a homogeneous consistency.
  2. Pour into a convenient glass for drinking and use before or after training.
Protein cocktail for weight loss of a house with fruits
Protein cocktail for weight loss of a house with fruits

Cocktail with blueberry filler

  1. Take milk and Greek yogurt in equal proportions - 250 ml.
  2. Pour it 100 g Blueberries and grind.
  3. This ratio of products is suitable for cooking 1 portions drink.

Vitamin protein drink with tangerines

  1. Ricotta (150 g), tangerines (2 pieces) and rubbing linseed oil.
  2. Pour soy milk to them in a volume of 300 ml and grind them.
  3. Before use, the drink can be cooled.

Strawberry-ananas cocktail - The mixture is prepared by mixing:

  • 100 ml soy milk and the same amount of Greek yogurt
  • 100 g Strawberries
  • 30 ml freshly squeezed pineapple juice (it is better to take home)
  • 1 tsp. honey

The principle of cooking is the same as in all previous recipes.

Multicomponent fruit-prothein mixture

To obtain nutritious, saturated with vitamins and minerals, a protein drink must be prepared:

  • 250 ml of low -fat milk
  • 1/2 packs of cottage cheese
  • 1 banana
  • 1 small bunch of spinach
  • half Avocado

The algorithm of actions:

  1. Bring milk to a boil.
  2. Wash the avocado and banana under water and cut into cubes.
  3. Pour the spinach with boiling water and chop.
  4. Grind bananas, avocados and spinach in a blender.
  5. Mix the resulting mass with milk.
Protein cocktail for weight loss of a house with fruits
Protein cocktail for weight loss of a house with fruits

A mixture with bananas and Chia seeds - The product is prepared with the addition of:

  • 150 ml of Greek yogurt
  • 1 cup of skim milk
  • 15 g of peanut oil
  • 1 banana
  • 15 g of chia seeds
  • 0.5 tsp. ground cinnamon

Cooking a cocktail in a blender:

  1. Mix all the ingredients alternately in the bowl of the blender, whipping until dissolving and until the acquisition of a homogeneous mass.
  2. Then pour a drink into a glass and drink.

You can choose one drink recipe, or periodically alternate several of them. The main thing is the regularity of use. From a one -time or periodic administration of a product for weight loss, there will be no sense.

The best protein cocktails for losing weight - Rating: Herbalife, Amvei, Bombard, BSN Syntha

The best protein cocktails for weight loss
The best protein cocktails for weight loss

There is no time and the ability to independently prepare a protein cocktail. Someone simply does not want to do this. In this case, you can purchase a finished product. In short, consider the rating of the best protein cocktails for weight loss:


  • The products of this company are in great demand.
  • The protein cocktail of this brand contains all the necessary vitamins, amino acids, minerals, fiber, natural protein, and even caffeine.
  • There are very few fats and calories in the product.
  • The intake of a protein cocktail from herbalife is strongly recommended to combine with adequate physical activity.
  • You should also review the usual diet. If you replace some products with a drink, then the process of weight loss will go much faster.
  • But there is one rule: to use the product at night is prohibited.
  • At this time, the body is resting, and fat burning does not occur. Therefore, there will be no sense in consumption of the product.
  • This applies not only to Gerbalife products, but also by all protein cocktails.

The product has certain contraindications:

  • Hypertension
  • Insomnia
  • Heart violations

But even if there are no such health problems, it is better to consult with the coach or therapist before using the drink.


  • The world -famous company produces protein powder for the preparation of the drink.
  • It is packaged in plastic jars with a sealed lid.
  • The product's name - Nutrilite.
  • The active component of the drink is a protein obtained from plant crops - soy, peas, wheat.
  • The use of the product provides admission to the body 9 valuable amino acids.
  • The weight 1 portions It is 10 g.
  • This volume of the drink supplies cells 8 g of protein.
  • The powder can be added to different dishes and drinks.
  • It does not change taste, but perfectly complements them.
  • When taking one portion of a cocktail, the body receives 40 kcal.
  • It is recommended to carry out no more 3 receptions drink.


  • The protein drink from this brand is in no less demand than the above samples.
  • Buyers have the opportunity to choose the taste of a cocktail-chocolate, pistachio ice cream, raspberries, etc.
  • The goods are released in the form of powder for the preparation of the drink.
  • The composition of cocktails includes a vitamin-mineral and amino acid complex.
  • All components are well balanced, which contributes to the supply of the body with energy and nutritional elements.

The cost of products is different. The cheapest cocktail can be bought for 1300 rubles. There are different variations of packaging - bags, banks, cardboard boxes with sachets containing protein powder.

BSN Syntha- The main characteristics of this protein mixture:

  • 40 g Protein c 1 bottle.
  • The combined composition based on the concentration of milk and serum protein.
  • The level of carbohydrates c 1 bottle8 g, fat - 2 g.
  • The cocktail is sold in the finished form.
  • It helps to restore protein balance, reduces appetite, supports the optimal functioning of skeletal muscles.
  • AT 1 portions Products are contained 210 kilocalories.
  • A day you can drink only by 1 bottle mixtures.
  • For weight loss, the drink is recommended to be divided in 2-3 parts.

Each of the described samples deserves attention. These are natural, environmentally friendly foods that bring the body to be solid. But their value cannot be called low, so many losing weight prefer to cook protein drinks on their own.

Protein cocktail for weight loss for women: reviews

Protein cocktail for weight loss for women
Protein cocktail for weight loss for women

Protein cocktails have long gained popularity among losing weight girls. Drinks positively affect not only weight, but also on the physical and psycho -emotional state. Confirmation of this is the numerous reviews of women who have lost weight:

Irina, 25 years old

I used to buy protein cocktails from Herbalife. They always liked their products, helped to maintain the figure normally. But drinks from this company are not cheap. About 30 thousand rubles took them per month. I began to cook cocktails myself - both cheap and tasty. And most importantly - useful and effective.

Maria, 33 years old

Due to excessive appetite, the weight began to rapidly “go” up. I have a friend working as a fitness trainer, advised me to drink protein cocktails to restrain appetite and weight loss. I did not buy store drinks, I decided to cook it myself. My favorite options are with strawberries, raspberries and bananas. The method acts: there is less, even a desire to play sports has appeared in order to consolidate the result.

Julia, 19 years old

I regularly engage in fitness, go to gymnastics. I drink protein cocktails from Amvei and use protein bars. They feed well, saturate with energy, even improve the mood after intense training. And most importantly, a figure is safe. After them, I don’t want to up to 4-5 hours.

Protein cocktails - drinks that are completely safe for health. They contain nutrients, supply the body with vitamins. But you need to use them correctly in order to lose weight, and the effect is as long as possible. Good luck!

Video: The most protein cocktail. How to make a protein cocktail at home?

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