Protein: benefits and harm, species. What will happen to the body if you drink protein every day, abruptly abandon protein? What products can be replaced by protein? Is it possible, how and with what to properly use protein without training, when losing weight: tips

Protein: benefits and harm, species. What will happen to the body if you drink protein every day, abruptly abandon protein? What products can be replaced by protein? Is it possible, how and with what to properly use protein without training, when losing weight: tips

In this article we will consider how much and how long can you drink protein with health benefits. We also learn about the effect of protein with a diet.

Protein or protein complex is a necessary component for building muscles. It includes about twenty amino acids, which in different combinations can form different proteins. It is actively used by athletes and those who simply monitor their figure. But its use has a number of nuances that we will deal with this article.

What will happen in the body if you drink protein every day?

Disputes and myths around protein are still not subside. So, we find out how its use affects the processes occurring in the human body. Protein is a protein concentrate obtained from food. We can say that this is the essence of milk, eggs and soy. The same food, in fact, is only in profile.

  • Amino acids are an important component in the metabolism, including when constructing muscle tissue. They are in the body 22. And the proteins are ready to share them in considerable quantity, because We do not always eat right and some amino acids in the body in a lack.
  • Protein itself is harmless. Of course, if you drink three kilograms for one sitting, you can get nausea, vomiting and other disorders. Since only the dose determines, it will bring you food or harm.
  • For an athlete or athlete, protein acts everyday necessity. But you need to strictly observe the norm of admission and not miss the advice of a doctor. By the way, on this issue it is also necessary to consult with him.
  • With power loads, the body needs a large dose of protein, which will give it protein. But do not forget that it is not a substitute for the main food, it only supplies the missing components! Then, with a large dosage, a skew occurs in the number of amino acids and you can find out the negative aspects of the result of the effect of protein.

Important: this product simulates the buds of the kidneys of most useful elements and vitamins. Therefore, its systematic consumption, without normal meal and with high standards, threatens the loss of strength and general malaise. After all, the body will not fully work.

Approximate composition of protein powder
Approximate composition of protein powder
  • A short -term intake of large doses will give a good shake for the body. But such a scheme is acceptable 1-2 days. Otherwise, through the work of the adrenal glands, catabolic processes in a rapid form will be activated. And even the opposite effect will be obtained - muscle atrophy.
  • But the shake should be carried out regularly 1 time in 1.5-2 weeks. After all, the constant intake of one dosage may not lead to the development of muscle mass.
  • Do not forget about allergies and individual intolerance. Even if it did not appear right away. Systematic consumption of the product can lead to its development.
  • It is better for men to refrain from soy protein. It may contain traces of phytoestrogens, analogues of female sex hormones. Their use will lead to a deficiency of testosterone and feminization of the stronger sex.

Important: We will dispel the main myth. Protein either has no effect on potency, or with proper consumption, strengthening the muscle mass, has a positive effect in contrast to steroids.

  • But for those who gain muscle mass, protein is a daily necessity. Just observe the norm. Without this important protein, the body will pull the necessary element from the inside. That is, protein will come out of the muscles. And this will lead to a decrease in muscle mass.
  • Consider such deplorable numbers: due to the lack of some types of protein, protein metabolism is disturbed and a year after a year is a hormonal background. And it will not only worsen the condition of the hair and skin, but will also lead to weight gain.
  • Five years later, a large half of the liver cells will suffer, which will cease to normally fulfill its duties. And with this chain reaction, a failure in the work of other organs is understandable.
Men should abandon
Men should abandon soy protein

Benefits and harm from protein

Any product has two sides of the effect on the human body. Immediately it is worth refuting the misconception of a possible addiction from protein. And this is not just a muscle growth stimulator, it is a whole complex that is reasonable to (!) Brings to the body.

The advantages of such a product

  • Yes, this is really the main building material of muscle tissue. If you do not just want to keep yourself in good shape, but pump up beautiful reliefs, then the protein need will need 2-3 times more than the usual norm. And products will not always be able to fully saturate the body with this element.
  • Protein also makes a share for bone strength. No, he will not replace calcium and the necessary phosphorus. But he takes an active part in construction and formation processes, strengthens ligaments, better supports the skeleton.
  • The need for protein needs our body systems in large doses even without strength training, due to the possible deficiency of some amino acids.
  • This element also helps the immune system. Yes, training will tighten the body as a whole, but the protein will create a barrier against microbes and pathogens.
  • Protein increases the oxygen content in the blood, but also reduces sugar levels. And this helps not only to saturate each organ as oxygen as much as possible, but also improves blood vessels.
  • Moreover, there is an active fight against the formation of poor cholesterol. But only in the team with proper nutrition.
  • And this helps to suppress appetite. Therefore, protein also acts as a burner of fat.
  • Vegetarians are simply necessary. After all, protein is the basis of our diet. And no product can give it to such an extent as meat and fish. Therefore, protein will help to eliminate this problem.
  • In addition, protein is reflected in the condition of hair and nails, and also replenishes energy reserves. And his merit lies in vigor and high spirits.

Negative moments of protein

  • The biggest minus is lactose intolerance. More precisely, protein, which contains milk protein does not suit people with such a feature. Although in such a situation there is a way out - to breed only in water, and choose the product itself without such a component.
  • If you replace all the food only with proteins, then food disorders and disorders in the work of the gastric tract are possible. We repeat that with large overdose, even nausea and vomiting are possible along with diarrhea.
  • There is also individual intolerance, which we have already mentioned a little. To install it, pay attention to the following symptoms:
    • if you have skin itching or a skin rash has increased;
    • redness of eye apples or increased lacrimation appeared for no reason;
    • malfunctions in the work of the stomach (constipation or diarrhea, and maybe their alternation);
    • sometimes it is even possible to increase body temperature.
  • The disadvantages of such a product can still be attributed to the price. After all, good protein costs a lot of money, and not everyone can afford to pay a round sum for a full protein in the diet.
  • And a little consonant of negative quality is fakes. Proteins are often given out for available products, slightly changing their composition. Sometimes they are confused with steroids.
Proteins can benefit the body, but also negatively order on the health of improper use
Proteins can benefit the body, but also negatively affect health with improper use

What components should not be in protein?

Of course, the composition should be as close to natural products as possible. After all, synthetic fibers have not benefited anyone.

  • But the most dangerous is the amino acid Taurin (part of the drinks of energy), which extremely negatively affects the state of the heart and nervous systems. Especially if you systematically accept a poor -quality product.
  • Successor of synthetic origin will not only not benefit, but will not be absorbed by the body. And they will make a significant blow to the kidneys and your heart. Yes, and in conjunction with loads.
  • In addition, poor absorption of sugar will cause obesity and diabetes. And it is they who make it difficult to restore strength and energy after training.
  • Thickeners such as xantan gum and carragan will lead to the formation of stomach ulcers and even cause the growth of cancer cells.

Types of protein cocktails

  • All proteins in the speed of assimilation are divided into three types:
    • fast or serum, which are digested after 30 minutes;
    • complex proteins can be digested after 2-6 hours, depending on the composition. There is also a division into fast and slow groups;
    • slow or casein protein requires for more than 6 hours to absorb by the body.
  • Fast and complex It is necessary to take in the morning during breakfast and throughout the day. They must be combined with carbohydrates, both fast and slow. Also about forty before training and after such a time after it. Such a technique to ensure the correct launch of anabolic processes and a good rate of muscle mass increase.
  • Slow It is better to use proteins before bedtime or in large breaks between meals so that the body does not starve at this time. For weight loss, slow proteins can be consumed throughout the day and instead of food meals - to obtain the necessary amino acids and quenching a sense of hunger.
  • In general, to achieve a successful result, three components are important:
    • reception of protein;
    • balanced diet;
    • workout.
There are three main types of proteins
There are three main types of proteins

How to drink protein correctly and with what?

Protein powder should be mixed with milk, kefir or water at the rate of: 250 ml of liquid and 30-40 g of dry matter. The combination of milk has a pleasant taste and adds a cocktail of energy value. Therefore, if the goal is to lose weight, and not an active increase in muscle mass, then it is better to mix with water.

  • In the course of the studies, it was found that when a certain amount of protein in food is exceeded, its excretion of the excretory system begins. For people engaged in intensive physical activity, this is 40-50 (depending on weight); And for untrained - 30 g of protein. That is, one -time use above this norm does not make sense, since protein will be removed in the urine, while loading the kidneys.
  • On average, the calculation is carried out according to a scheme depending on body weight. 1 kg is required 1.5-2 g of protein. But experienced athletes can increase this dose by 2-3 times.
  • In no case do not drink the permissible dosage at a time. It is necessary to divide it by 3 times. The first reception is mandatory after breakfast and 2 hours after it. The second is before training. And remember that it is wrong to drink workout with proteins. Only after 1-2 hours after training you can drink a protein cocktail.
  • But for a quick set of mass, there is a slightly distorted scheme, which is used only for a certain period. The first trick is immediately after waking up, before and after training. After 2 weeks, the circuit changes, and the disposable dose increases slightly.

IMPORTANT: Better yet, divide the protein by 5 times. At the same time, the fat layer and the desired results plays a large role. For the relief, 180 g are enough in knocks, and with small weight - 200 g for drying the body and only 150 g are used at all, but for a large fat mass, the dose increases up to 300 g per day.

You need to drink protein at the calculation of 1.5-2 g per 1 kg of body weight
You need to drink protein at the calculation of 1.5-2 g per 1 kg of body weight

Is it possible and how to use protein without training?

  • We will definitely give a positive answer. But only at the rate of 1 g per 1 kg of body weight per day.
  • If the body receives such an amount with ordinary food, then in protein there is no need. It does not even prevent the body from obtaining a certain variety in the form of protein food. This is cottage cheese, fish, eggs, milk and chicken breast. But they need plant proteins (most often are in protein).
  • Diets for weight loss often carry a limited volume of protein, so here the use of protein will be even useful. Firstly, it will give a feeling of satiety, and secondly, it will provide the necessary amino acids, which will not violate the metabolism, but on the contrary it will restore, which will lead to normalization of weight.
  • If a person does not train and drinks increased amount Proteina (everything is useful in moderation), his body simply begins to process it into subcutaneous fat, which is very difficult to remove and a huge load on the kidneys due to excess protein foods.
  • If your goal is an active growth of muscle mass, then you can’t do without training, the protein itself will not increase it, only in combination with physical exertion.
Even without training, continue to drink proteins or focus on protein food
Even without training, continue to drink proteins or focus on protein food

What foods can be replaced by protein?

In general, experts recommend breaking the intake of protein into courses that cover for a long time. But, we recall that for years it cannot be drunk. Moreover, like any substance, protein can be addictive, which will pull the lack of proper result. Therefore, we offer you to refuse to take protein cocktails for a rest.

  • All cereals contain the fraction of vegetable protein necessary for the body, and even do not cause fat on the sides.
  • Legal products also complement this list. And not only beans and beans, but also peas and lentils.
  • It is worth highlighting the avocados from vegetables, but it requires proper dosage. Since it is quite fat and calorie. It is also worth adding zucchini, cucumbers and cabbage.
  • Of course, this is white meat (chicken fillet will be an ideal solution), eggs, cottage cheese of no more than 1% fat, hard cheeses and fish.
  • But nuts are considered the most valuable! Moreover, any of their types. But take into account your tolerance, because this product often acts as an allergen.
Do not forget to use natural products
Do not forget to use natural products

How to drink protein when losing weight?

In general, here the main message is that only one use of protein without training and diet, the weight will not help to throw off.

  • To reduce the weight of one of the most effective, a protein diet with a reduced content of carbohydrates and fats is considered. Protein cocktails complement it with plant proteins and fit perfectly into this scheme as its protein component. In addition to building muscle fibers, they help to burn subcutaneous fat and restore the impaired exchange process. This means that their use is quite justified when losing weight.
  • Fast proteins are suitable for those who go to the gym. But on slow products it is better to stop those who lose weight without physical exertion.
  • Soy protein contains few amino acids - only 60%. Therefore, it is better to give preference to serum or egg protein in this case. If you opted for the latter, use its hydrolyzate or isolate. In them, the protein content is the highest -90-98%.
  • For weight loss, use a protein cocktail instead of a snack or a full meal. It doesn’t matter instead of which one. The calculation of the amount of protein must be carried out according to the same scheme: 2 grams per 1 kg of body weight for those who go to the gym, and 1 gram for those who decided to lose weight only with the help of a diet.
  • It is important to exclude from the diet or greatly limit the use of sweet, flour, fatty, fried and smoked food and not to overeat. 1 portion for a woman-250 g food, for a man 300-350 gr.
  • Dissolve protein is good in milk with zero fat content, so the drink will have a more pleasant taste. And it is better to use a shaker, in it you will achieve the necessary consistency, unlike a blender and a regular spoon. Where not dissolved lumps will be present.

Important: but for losing weight people it is still better to mix protein with water. Recall that water does not carry such calories as milk. At first it will be tasteless, then it becomes a habit.

For weight loss, make protein with water instead of milk
For weight loss, make protein with water instead of milk

What will happen if you abruptly refuse protein?

It is very important that all 22 amino acids are always present in the body. In protein, we get scarce indispensable amino acids that are consumed only with food. We do not eat all, peas, beans, wheat, where there are essential amino acids every day, therefore 1 g of protein vegetable protein per 1 kg of body weight is a need for a healthy lifestyle.

Li weight loss is a set of muscle mass, even planned, are stress.

And as mentioned above, protein takes an active part in the metabolism and its deficiency very negatively affects the entire body. And after a long or regular reception, you can face a number of problems.

  • Our body receives much less calories than before, which leads to a deficiency of amino acids. As a result, immunity is reduced, premature aging occurs, the condition of the skin and its appendages (nails and hair) worsen. A person experiences the decline of energy and strength, as well as problems of a psychological nature. In the fairer sex, the menstrual cycle may be disturbed.
  • Proteins take an active part in building muscles, this is the necessary building material for all vital organs of the body and the body in case of deficiency first burns muscle mass. And only then adipose tissue.
  • With an imbalance in nutrition, the body begins to actively store energy in the form of adipose tissue (because, due to the lack of essential amino acids, 9 are permissible protein chains in the body and the unused part of the others 22-9 \u003d 13 amino acids that came to the body with With food or formed in the body, they remain in reserve as fat), extra pounds do not go away or even added. The protein includes amino acids that block the active synthesis of fats.
  • With a lack of amino acids, the body constantly feels hunger. Which negatively affects the digestive system and on a psycho -emotional background and body weight. As mentioned above, a protein cocktail helps to cope with this problem inevitable during losing weight.
  • As you can see, protein is an important component to achieve high results when increasing muscle mass, if they are not abused. In addition, it helps to lose weight correctly and with the benefit of the body.
Do not abandon protein after a regular and long -term reception
Do not abandon protein after a regular and long -term reception

How to drink protein: tips

  • With water, protein is better absorbed. But milk will help to gain muscle mass faster.
  • But still do not lose sight of the fact that milk contains sodium, which blocks the absorption of protein a little.
  • If you have a full protein food, then do not switch to a synthetic product.
  • For the highest result, proteins can be combined with additional amino acids.
  • You can not use cheap products of dubious quality, since it, in principle, may contain harmful substances.
  • Follow the indicated norm, and do not reduce it or increase simply at your discretion.
  • If you have a problem with kidneys or adrenal glands, then it is forbidden to use proteins!

Video: What is protein and how to take it correctly?

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  1. Protein is an ordinary protein+also tasty)) Now every day I drink a portion of SportExpert Whey Protein and all the norms) When they will no longer believe in all these myths about sportspools ..

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