Practices to fill female energy. Women's practices for filling energy in yoga, female practices for modeling the body

Practices to fill female energy. Women's practices for filling energy in yoga, female practices for modeling the body

How to raise your mood and a life tone? Eastern practices.

Welcome to the store "Free Women's Energy" !!! Seeing such a sign on the street, you will probably look into such a fabulous shop. And there on shelves in magic jars, you will see practices to fill with female energy.

Women's energy filling practices

In those days when life energy is on zero, it would be nice to go to the magic store and buy such funds:

  • A means from a boss who did not like the annual report.
  • Remedy for fatigue.
  • Means for attractiveness.
  • A remedy for neighbors who started repairs.
  • A means from a husband who always wants love and affection.
  • A means for a husband who does not want to affection or love.
  • The remedy for envy and gossip.

Women are so unpredictable in their desires and actions that in the store “Women's Practices to Fill Women's Energy”, besides magic jars, Alyladin’s magic lamp would be useful to them. If you rub such a lamp, then a magic gin will come out of it with a question - what does my lady want today? All the most cherished desires will be fulfilled right away, and all problems will end. For women who have stopped believing in fairy tales and every day wake up with the feeling that they did not go to bed at all, replenish the reserves of life female energy will help such practices:

  • Practice to fill female energy with light

Go out the street on a sunny day and atone with sunlight. Feel how the energy of the sun passes through your entire body and charges it. If the sun has already gone or is not at all in the winter, imagine the light that goes from all sides and penetrates into each cell of your body. Filling female energy with light, makes a healthy body and mind, awakens long -forgotten precious memories. Many Japanese do just that in the morning. Perhaps this is the secret of their longevity.

Women's practices for filling female energy
Women's practices for filling female energy

In order for the energy of life to fill you again, the following tasks are enough:

  • Sleep.
  • Allow yourself to eat deliciously.
  • Take a business that you love.
  • Fall in love.
  • Be honest with yourself and other people.

If you are hanging in anticipation of changes, then start your changes for the better with the easiest task for you. Sometimes, the reason for the exhaustion of energy may be too great obligations taken upon themselves. It is impossible to be a happy woman, not having the opportunity to sleep well and relax. In the case of chronic fatigue for filling with female energy, it is hardly possible to improve well -being. Remember that you are a woman, not a workhorse that pulls exactly as much as other people loaded on her or she herself.

Practices to fill female energy with words and music, massage

Practices to fill female energy:

  • Filling female energy with positive words and music.Good books, films, music and poems can give positive energy. If you have your favorite films and songs that you watch or listen many times, then this is the source of lost energy. The plot of these films and songs should be positive, and the music is beautiful.
  • Filling female energy with massage.The fingertips often become cold if you think a lot about the unpleasant moments of your life. You can try to change your life by changing your thinking. But you can go from the opposite. Massage the fingertips with olive oil or massage oil. After about a minute of rubbing, the fingertips will become reddish, and you will feel a surge of vitality.

Practices to fill female energy with a warm bath, energy of nature

Practice for filling female energy:

  • Filling female energy with a warm bath.The adoption of a warm bath is able to relieve stress, calm and direct thoughts into a positive solution to problems. Aromatic additives and listening to pleasant music can enhance the effect of restoration of vital tone.
  • Filling with energy of nature.If you can hardly remember when you were in the forest for the last time, walked around the mountains, tearing chamomiles in the field, then you certainly need to fill with free energy from travel. It is not necessary to spend a lot of money and time on this, make a short walk in the park or go out of town for several hours. Female practices for filling female energy among the ancients were inextricably linked with communication with nature, and this was especially traced in the culture of the Slavs.
How to recharge by nature by nature
How to recharge by nature by nature

Practice to fill female energy with plants, pets

Practice for filling female energy:

  • Filling female energy with plants.Any plants, and especially flowers, are a powerful power engineer for women. Simple contemplation of beautiful flowers can give a woman a surge of strength. But you need to remember that the cut flowers are still alive, but are almost already at the stage of dying. Remember how sad it is to watch the slow wilting of colors in a vase. If you want to take energy from plants, do not cut them and do not buy ready -made bouquets, but just walk barefoot in the flower meadow. An alternative to this lesson can be the cultivation of indoor plants or plants on a private courtyard.

Simple and trouble -free practice of replenishing energy reserves with pets.Sometimes animals themselves feel that their master is bad, lonely or sad. In such cases, they sit in the hands of the owner and, as it were, invite to a session of healing.

  • Take a cat of any breed and fluffiness in your hands.
  • Rub his back and behind the ear.
  • All your troubles and sorrows will evaporate from static tension, which occurs from stroking the cat’s wool with the hand.
  • Satisfied rumbling of the cat will finish the relaxation session.

About signs and superstitions associated with cats in our country there is a separate cognitive article.

Practices for filling female energy with positive thinking, stones

Women's practices for filling female energy with stones
Women's practices for filling female energy with stones

Practice for filling female energy:

  • Filling energy with positive thinking.Before going to bed, draw your tomorrow's happy day in your imagination. Even if there is a hard or unpleasant job, imagine the most favorable option for this work. Waking up in the morning, tell yourself that today everything will be fine.
  • Filling female energy from precious, semiprecious and non -precious stones.Stones have strong energy. Moreover, the price of the stone is in no way connected with its ability to give energy. Sometimes, a beautiful pebble collected on the seashore is more valuable than precious stones. Collect a small collection of stones you like and periodically consider them. There are entire articles on the properties of stones on our site: you can read about their energy influence   here, And the most rare and unique stones in the world are dedicated to   this article.

Female practices for filling energy in yoga

Yoga is a very thin, capacious and complex teaching, due to the fact that for each person with his features an individual approach must be used. So female practices for filling with energy in yoga are different for different age groups, take into account possible diseases and physiological conditions.

Female practices filling with energy in yoga
Female practices filling with energy in yoga

Energy Filling Practices in Yoga:

  1. Up to 10 years A set of exercises for boys and girls is the same. During this period, the child is actively growing, it is important for him to develop flexibility and learn to relax so that the physical and spiritual development of the baby passes as best as possible.
  2. From 10 to 15 yearsand more often from 11 to 13 in girls, an active puberty phase occurs. It is noteworthy not only by the fact that secondary sexual characteristics appear, but also by the fact that there is a sharp jump in growth. In just two years, a teenage girl can grow up to 15 cm. Adolescence is an increased load on the musculoskeletal system, a cardiovascular system, as well as a hormonal storm, which beats along the autonomic and nervous system. Female practices for filling energy in yoga for this age help to cope with this huge mass of problems.
  3. From 15 to 50 years old A woman in active reproductive age. Exercises can vary depending on the phase of the menstrual cycle. Sometimes in the early days they are aimed at accelerating the rejection of the endometrium. In the second phase, before ovulation - a period in which fat deposits are more actively postponed and some techniques help to fix this. In the third phase, under the influence of progesterone, the strength of the connective tissue decreases, and there are special exercises helping to level even this.
  4. During pregnancy Yoga is aimed at solving the specific problems of pregnant women, in particular to reduce the load on the lower back.
  5. Approximately 45 It makes sense to do special exercises to prepare the body for menopause. Thanks to yoga, she will come smoothly and imperceptibly.
  6. Women older than 50 Strengthening strength exercises are suitable, aimed at maintaining health as long as possible. For them, there are a number of contraindications, for example, a tree pose (in the photo below) and a stand on the hands and head is too laborious.
Yoga pose of a tree
Yoga pose of a tree

Yoga: Women's practices during critical days

Interestingly, some asanas are able to help cope with pain and spasm. Female practices during critical days do not provide for inverted poses and sudden movements. They are aimed at relaxing and accelerate the natural process of rejection of the endometrium.

Crescent pose It can be performed in a clothed version, with a support at hand, or without it. This asana helps to improve blood circulation in the abdominal organs, trains the vestibular apparatus and helps to gain internal balance.

Women's yoga: crescent pose
Women's yoga: crescent pose

Pose with an extended foot Promotes a rush of blood to the pelvic organs. Performing her man is likened to the plant, which grows in the ground in the ground, reaches for the sun and, throwing his bud, floods everything around.

Yoga during critical days
Yoga during critical days

In yoga, useful women's practices during critical days also include asanas, which are accepted in a sitting and lying position. They are suitable for the most difficult days, if you do not want to perform physical activity at all.

Video: Yoga during critical days

Women's practices for body modeling

Women's practices for filling female energy in yoga are useful not only for the soul, but sometimes for attractiveness.

For the hips, this exercise will be useful:

  • Put your legs wider than shoulders, socks should look out.
  • Sit down a little, leave my back straight.
  • Make rolls, moving body weight from one leg to another.
  • Then focus on the floor with your hands, and then perform the exercise.
  • Movement is desirable to perform about 50 times a day.
Exercise for the hips
Exercise for the hips
  • It is also very useful to stand in the bar as long as possible. And you can find out in more detail about the set of exercises for modeling the body by watching the video below.

Video: Women's Yoga for a good mood and a beautiful figure

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