What is aunt hiling: a description of practice, benefits, 10 results. Practice of theta hiling, how does it help a person?

What is aunt hiling: a description of practice, benefits, 10 results. Practice of theta hiling, how does it help a person?

Medical and scientific studies have long proved that our health is interconnected with an emotional state and mental activity. Negative thoughts and excessive excitement lead to a deterioration in human health, regular stress and depressive conditions can cause the development of chronic diseases in the body.

It is also noted that negative emotions and thoughts can influence the series of events in the real life of a person, to create the worst variants of events in his world. To get rid of the attachment to negative thoughts, it is necessary to use special techniques for working with consciousness. One of these techniques is aunt hiling.

Teta Hilling method: What is it?

  • This technique allows overcome fears and negative emotions, Changes limiting judgments, eliminates psychoemotional blocks. Name teta-hiling techniques translated as "Healing in a state of aunt."
  • A person practicing this technique receives healing from diseases, improves the quality of life and its financial situation, creates harmony around itself.
  • Popularized this technique of Vianna Stybl. She developed the practice of accelerated immersion into a state of aunt, which teaches people influence the flows of energy in your own body, Self -heal it independently, reconfigure the brain to positive thinking, eliminate blocks. This technology is based on the practical use of the knowledge of quantum physics, which reveal the little involved intellectual capabilities of the human brain.
  • Thanks to a special system, a person arouses the hidden resources of his body: intuitive and healing abilities. This allows you to cure not only your body, but also change the emotional state of other people. It is possible to achieve this condition with the help of practices of this technique. The human brain in its life uses 5 frequencies, one of which is - aunt frequency. Waves of this frequency reach oscillations up to 7 Hz.
  • A person at the time of immersion in a state of aunt-frequency experiences complete relaxation and is half asleep. It is in this state that the path to the subconscious of the immerse is revealed and can affect his beliefs and fears.
  • Pleasant music During the session, the influence of theta waves enhances. Regular practices increase creative potential, enhance the paranormal abilities of a person: they open the gift for healing, enhance intuitive abilities.

Theta Hinging: Practice

It must be said that the effectiveness of working with this technique requires faith in the Creator or Higher Forces. It doesn’t matter what exactly the source of energy force will be called, the main thing is that it radiates harmony and love. This is of great importance, since in the practice of a theta-frequency, an energy connection to this source is used.

The practice itself is theta hiling consists of several stages:

  1. Agreement. Obtaining approval on any actions with your subconscious is orally. A person must allow to evaluate and change the fixed attitudes. Agreeing, a person consciously accepts everything that happens to him.
  2. Research of destructive programs or excavation. The causes of negative attitudes, blocks and fears create certain events in human life are revealed. Their reliability is checked using the energy test, with an accurate hit in one of the negative beliefs, the body reflects the reinforced muscles. If the coincidence does not happen, the body is relaxed. Such testing is necessary at the beginning of the course of classes and at the end, to evaluate changes in the installations. At the time of the test, the subject should not feel a feeling of thirst.
  3. Reloading and substitution of installations. New positive mental programs, feelings and beliefs are loaded into the human subconscious. They talk about the advantages of life with new attitudes. They teach to live without old beliefs from which the practitioner has become an energetically addicted person.
  4. Approval and examination of changes. The stage at which we get the beliefs that the adjustments of the subconscious were successfully held. Heals the Creator, and theta Hilling only helps to achieve certain states.
Update and improvement
Update and improvement

After the practice, it is recommended to observe their condition and events in life within a few days. And also repeat new positive attitudes to consolidate the result. Identify and fix positive changes from transformation in the subconscious.

Who needs aunt hiling?

To understand whether you personally need the technique of aunt healing and what changes will bring to your life, you need to analyze your life for the following criteria:

  1. You have confidence that you can make one's life And believe in changes for the better.
  2. Your life does not suit you in the form in which it is now, and you are ready to change it. There is not enough harmony, finance, personal growth and development in a career. Your health is weakened. You do not feel joy from life, there are no certain goals, there is no vision of the prospect.
  3. You are decisively they are configured to live differently: Get rid of the above problems, find a new meaning of life.
  4. Higher forces are favorable to you, and you are firmly convinced of their desire to resolve your life difficulties. Your faith gives the realization that any desire can be turned into reality.
If you are set to live differently
If you are set to live differently

Approving answers indicate that you can change your life by working with aunt-frequency waves.

What can be obtained from the practice of aunt hiling?

The world -famous technique has already found many allies in different parts of the world. People massively become its fans and improve the quality of their lives with the help of practical programs.


Using the practice of aunt hiling, you can get the following results:

  1. Get rid of loneliness: Find a suitable life partner or harmonize existing relationships.
  2. Heal your body: Improve physical well -being, get rid of a number of chronic diseases, turn on the hidden reserves of your body.
  3. Balance emotional condition And develop spiritual growth.
  4. Open in yourself creative potential Or realize your life purpose.
  5. Get rid of fears and blocks. To eliminate deep harmful programs and mental attitudes from your subconscious, provoking certain negative life events.
  6. Develop energy over capabilities.
  7. Learn to recognize long -standing generic negative attitudes, which worsen the quality of life. And neutralize them in time.
  8. Gain the ability to influence own beliefs. Affect the subconscious of any level.
  9. Develop harmonious perception of the world and self -love.
  10. Achieve positive changes in life: Learn to realize your own dreams.
Life change
Life change

Sometimes, to achieve the necessary result, it is enough to conduct one session with the subconscious and a person understands where to strive further. But there are difficult cases where long -term work is needed. You can use practice yourself or under the guidance of an instructor. This technique has no restrictions on age, floor and religion and is suitable for almost everyone who is ready to seriously accept its help.

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