Yoga - beer to the sun: health benefits, a set of exercises for beginners

Yoga - beer to the sun: health benefits, a set of exercises for beginners

The technique of execution of asanas is greeting the sun.

Yoga Surya Namascar, greeting the sun  - this is A set of yoga exercises that personify the greeting of the sun. It includes the simplest exercises for beginners, but is well suited for long -practitioners. In this article we will talk about the benefits of SuryaNamascar And the technique of conducting. 

Yoga Surya Namascar, charging - greeting the sun

The complex is based on 3 stages, without which the exercises cannot be performed. 

Stages of charging greeting the sun: 

  • Masteringasan. That is, it is a memorization of a sequence of 12 exercises. 
  • The development of breathing technique. Using movements, you need to learn how to breathe correctly, take a breath in time, as well as holding your breath. This allows you to saturate the body with oxygen, activate metabolic processes. 
  • Meditation. Thanks to the set of exercises, it is possible to completely turn off the brain from external exposure, and focus on yoga. 

Greetings to the sun: the effect of the health and beauty of the body

In general, a very explosive cocktail is obtained, which allows you to activate chemical reactions, improve blood circulation, cheer up. 

The effect of the health and beauty of the body, p olza complex Surya Namascar: 

  • Saturation of the body with energy forces. After conducting yoga, a person feels vigor, rise, improve mood. 
  • Stimulation of the cardiovascular system. Blood moves more actively throughout the vessels and capillaries, due to which metabolic processes are activated. 
  • Improving the digestive system. During the manipulation, stimulation of the abdomen occurs, due to which the stomach and intestines are activated. Fecal masses pass faster, gases leave. 
  • The work of the kidneys and the excretory system is normalized Due to work on the muscles of the back, spine. 
  • The nervous system calms down. Thanks to meditation and constant repetition, a person calms down, learn to move away from all external problems, focusing on yoga. 
  • The skin is cleansed face and body. The endocrine system is simulated. 
  • The muscle corset, as well as the abdomen, is strengthened. Thanks to this, you can correct some problems with the spine, such as lordosis, kyphosis, scoliosis. 
  • Improves posture and figure. Health improves, mood increases. Thanks to Surya, Namascar can defeat varicose veins, shortness of breath, kidney disease, diabetes, mental disorders, as well as anemia. 

Asana greeting to the sun: Therapeutic effect

SuryaNamascar - This is rather preparatory manipulations before serious exercises. The main task is to prepare muscles, joints, tendons and spine, for further loads. It is not worth considering how full gymnastics is not worth it, since for experienced people the load can be insufficient.

However, this is a great option if you are just starting your way in yoga, taking the first steps. The main advantage is the simplicity of execution, smooth movements, the lack of serious physical exertion. That is, it is suitable even for beginners who have not yet played sports, their bodies are completely inflexible. 

Surya Namascar is a great way to develop flexibility, mobility, and move on to more serious exercises. Now there is a lot of information on the network regarding the benefits of SuryaNamascar. Basically, it has a good therapeutic effect, as it allows you to get rid of salts deposition. 

Breath in Surya Namascar
Breath in Surya Namascar

Asana greeting the sun, therapeutic effect:

  • With regular classes, you can get rid of a hernia, and restore the operation of the musculoskeletal system. 
  • Your body will notice constant work and work on it, which will positively affect the figure, flexibility and well -being. 
  • Many note that it is possible to get rid of pain in the cervical vertebra, in the chest, lower back. 
  • Also, it turns out to improve the condition of the joints and get rid of knees, elbows, as well as shoulders. 

How to do gymnastics, exercises, pose from yoga greeting the sun?

There are several positions that consists of the whole technique and the complex of Surya Namascar. Initially, many argue that this technique was inherent in the Gentiles, so they greeted the sun god. This was more considered not the technique of developing physical endurance and strength, but by a divine ritual. Now the goal has completely changed, including the very idea of \u200b\u200bperforming asanas. 

How to do gymnastics, exercises, pose from yoga greeting to the sun:

  • For the first position, it is called the position of prayer, It is necessary to become even, to connect the legs, arms among themselves, to connect the palms among themselves, as during prayer. Further, the situation is changed. 
  • It is carried out on exhalation . It is necessary to exhale and smoothly from the position of prayer to turn your hands up. The palms should also deal and be directed towards the sun. That is open. The back should be directed to the face.
  • Next, a tilt is performed without relaxation of the legs. They still remain straight. At the same time, the hands pass into the ankle area, and if possible hug the heels. Of course, at the very beginning this complex will be quite difficult due to a lack of flexibility. But the very essence of these exercises is to develop flexibility in a person, and improve physical strength. Please note that the movements of which Surya Namascar consists of are necessarily performed in conjunction with breathing. Almost all asanas are performed on inspiration and exhaust. Only one of them is carried out with breathing holding. 
  • From this position, which are called the position of a stork, it is necessary to make a transition to another. To do this, you need to put the translation with the right leg, bending at the knee, and push the left back. It should be absolutely straight. The emphasis is on the socks of the left leg and fingers of the hands. The hands should be straight.
  • Further, it is necessary to smoothly leve the right leg, put to the left and close them together. Thus, you will find yourself in the position of the bar, but not on the elbows, but while being on the hands. All exercises of SuryaNamascar They are performed very smoothly, without sudden movements. If you feel stress, then you do not smoothly or wrong enough. Smoothness is the key to the development of flexibility. Thus, if you rush, have a strong effect on a variety of muscles of the musculoskeletal system, this will negatively affect the state of health. 
  • The pose of the child. It looks like a pose during worship or praying for Muslims. It is necessary that the buttocks are in touch with the heels, and the hands are in front. It is necessary to strain slightly so that the hands are stretched. After that, it is necessary to transfer the body to another position, which is called worship of eight points. It is necessary that the hands be bent at the elbows, leaning on the palms and elbows. At the same time, the chest, as well as pubis, knees and fingers should come into contact with the floor surface. The chin should also touch the surface. Thus, it is necessary that all 8 points of your body are in contact with the floor. 
  • Next, it is necessary to bend the back completely, strain your arms and legs. The hands should be straightened and stand on the floor. The head is directed up so that the back of the head is in contact with the back. Thus, you stretch the spine in the opposite direction. Now it is necessary that the legs and arms form a triangle. Thus, in this position, the legs and arms will be on the floor, and look up the buttocks.
  • Further, it is necessary to repeat the manipulation and stand in the position of the hunter, but so that there is not the right leg in front, but the left one. Repetition is carried outasanbut already on the other leg. Now it is necessary to return to the stork position, during which the heels stand on the floor, and the hands touch the ankles. In this case, the chin should touch the knees. That is, it is a position that is performed at the very beginning.
  • Now it is necessary to perform exercises in the reverse order. Again, hands should rise upward, towards the sun. Next, take a prayer position during which the palms will be interconnected. Thus, at a particular point, all exercises begin to be performed in the reverse order, according to the principle of the store. 

When is it better to do gymnastics, exercises, pose from yoga greeting the sun?

An ideal time for exercises is an early morning, that is, immediately after waking up. Ideally, it is believed that exercises should be carried out during the sunrise and directed in its direction.

When is it better to do gymnastics, exercises, pose from yoga greeting to the sun:

  • Thus, the first sunlight will fall on your body and charge with energy. However, in modern conditions, and a possible shift schedule of work, you can perform Surya Namascar at any time convenient for you.
  • Early in the morning, this will help you tune in a positive way, as well as prepare for the working day. In the evening, this will help to relax and fall asleep faster. In principle, these exercises are universal and can be performed at any time.
  • The main task of SuryaNamascar - This is to combine proper breathing, as well as simple physical exercises. That is why all tasks are quite simple, and do not require strength, physical efforts.
  • It is necessary to try to connect so that the process turns into meditation and occurs on its own. At the very beginning, it will be difficult to control breathing, and exercise. However, further a person ceases to think about how he breathes and learn to do the exercises correctly. Everything happens at a mechanical or reflex level.
  • Initially, it is believed that inexperienced people can perform suchasanas Once in a circle. That is only 12 exercises. More experienced inhabitants who are engaged in yoga for a fairly long period of time can perform 12 approaches.
Group classes
Group classes

It is believed that after performing so many times, it is possible to comprehend meditation, completely disconnect from pressing problems. Thus, it will be possible to activate metabolic processes and direct the body to the correct wave. It is believed that a complex of Surya exercisesNamascar Activates 34% of hidden oxygen reserves. Thus, about 34% of additional oxygen enters the body. This positively affects the work of all organs and systems. 

Video: Assanas greeting the sun

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  1. I love this technique. Everything is simple and easy.

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