Rare stones: names, description of properties, photo

Rare stones: names, description of properties, photo

What you do not know about stones! Rare minerals and precious stones

Stones are able to charm with their beauty and, probably, this happens because they have captured the cold power of the elements and time. The diamonds used now in jewelry were formed more than 100 million years ago, at a depth of more than 100 km, and only volcanoes, acting or already extinct, were able to deliver them to the earth's crust.

And in order for turquoise to form, emerald and other gems need to be lava from the bowels of the Earth, and then to begin to freeze and turn into granite. When the lava has cooled almost completely, the solution will remain rich in liquid and volatile components. This solution will fill the cracks in the granite, and then, perhaps, react with aqueous solution. Only if all this happens, gems will appear.

Emerald is not a rare stone, but in order for it to be needed, unique natural conditions
Emerald is not a rare stone, but for it to appear, unique natural conditions are needed

The rarest stones created by nature

Some minerals surpass diamonds at a price, and are less common. There are such stones that find only a few pieces a year, but they are not of value for jewelers, and collectors are more interested in them. Below is our list of valuable and rare stones.

Mountain fire or cuneon

A rare mineral, the color of which varies from light yellow to crimson-red. The wedding quality of jewelry is mined in Tajikistan in Pamir, near Mount Kukhilal (translated by the Rubin Mountain). In Russia, they find a cuneon only along with other minerals: in the Krasnoyarsk Territory at the Chrysolite deposit and in the Urals in emerald mines. “Mountain Fire” was also found in Italy and Tanzania.

Clinogumit or Mountain Fire
Clinogumit or "Mountain Fire"

Clinogumite crystals are very rarely suitable for creating jewelry, often, they have many extraneous interspersed and cracks. Therefore, they are more often of interest to collectors, and not for jewelers.

Clinogumit found in Tajikistan
Clinogumit found in Tajikistan


This is a very rare stone, but in jewelry it is more often used as a edging for other stones. Putrettite is so rare that its official description was made only in 2003. Interestingly, the mineral did not get its name not because of its pink-beige color. The stone was named after the Pudrett family, which owned Kipya, where the first copy was found.

Rare stones: Putrettite
Rare stones: Putrettite


This mineral is not used at all for jewelry, it is too fragile and short -lived. Nevertheless, he is interesting, with his appearance, and by the fact that when he is heated, the smell of garlic begins to explode.

Rare copper oxide - bladelase
Rare copper oxide - bladelase

Three deadly rare stone: Torbenitis, Kubryodovskit and Halcantitis

  • These minerals are found in uranium mines. Despite all the uniqueness of the dumplings, it is not recommended to be worn, to keep in residential premises and even store it next to other minerals.
Kubrevklodovskit mineral from the uranium deposit
Kubrevklodovskit mineral from the uranium deposit
  • Torbnit attracts with its appearance, and once collectors kept it on their regiments. But it can cause serious diseases, since it is radioactive.
Torbenit - dangerous mineral
Torbenit - a dangerous mineral
  • Halcantitis interacts with water and at the same time a large amount of copper is released. The case is known when all living things died in the lake, only because this mineral was mined from its bottom. The artificial analogue of halcartitis is copper sulfate, which is widely used to combat pests and for wood processing.
Halcantitis - crystal to extract which is dangerous
Halcantitis is a crystal that is dangerous to extract

Black Opal

Black opals are considered the most valuable. The more color interspersed in the crystal, the higher it is appreciated. As a rule, black disgraces shine with green and blue lights, and stones with red and golden specks are a real rarity. The largest deposits are in Australia, so black opal is also called Australian. It is amazing that these rare stones require care: they need to be worn or protected from drying out, otherwise they crack.

A rare black opal
A rare black opal


A surprisingly beautiful stone, in which the beauty and the harsh cold of nature seemed to be reflected. Spectrolitis is laborodite iridescent by all paints. They extract such stones only in France.

Spectrolol - a stone with a rare color, which seems magical
Spectrolol - a stone with a rare color, which seems magical


A rare stone, in Russia it is not known at all cases of its sale. It is appreciated by Western collectors, mined in Oceania and Latin America. The stone is not too strong, and is not very suitable for jewelry. It has a rare composition, which includes copper, silver and lead.

Sick - rare stone and find for collectors
Sick - the rarest stone and find for collectors


Now in the world there are only 14 such stones. As a rule, musgavits of greenish or purple. These stones found in ancient times and today. They are so rare that their cost is huge.

Musgavit is one of the rarest stones
Musgavit is one of the rarest stones

Red diamond

They are mined in the Argail mine in Australia. And even there, among pink and blue diamonds, it is very rare to find red. The longer the mine works, the less precious stones are found in it. The cost of red diamonds is extremely high.

Red diamond
Red diamond


The only Tanzanite deposit is located in Tanzania near Mount Kilimanjaro. According to experts in the next ten years, it should be exhausted. The first Tanzanites were found only in 1967, and the man who found them was an African shepherd from the Massay tribe. After the slopes of Kilimanjaro raged a fire along with the grass burned and the upper layer of the soil. And the shepherd saw how brownish-blue pebbles shone among the ash.

Ring with Tanzanite
Ring with Tanzanite

The most unusual natural forms of precious stones

Sometimes traditional stones take a bizarre shape, from which it simply breathtaking. It happens that the tree does not smolder, but becomes a stone, and the veins in it turn into dump or chalcedon.

The tree has become a stone

Do you think in the next photo a split egg?

Extraordinary opal
Extraordinary opal

No, this is the opal hidden in an unattractive pebble. Such stones are called leores.

Air with opal
Air with opal

Bolder Opal is inferior to black disgrace at a price, but it is more rare. This stone is noteworthy in that it can change color. So that he does not lose his properties, he is left in a frame of iron ore, in which they find a stone.

Bolder Opal: Lake in the palms
Bolder Opal: Lake in the palms

Malachite can not be called a rare stone, but the drawings on it are so unique and bizarre that they do not cease to surprise. Malachite crystals grow from the center like rays, they grow due to the content of copper in the solution surrounding them and the saturation of the shade depends on its concentration. Therefore, in nature there can be no two identical stones.

The unique Malachite pattern
The unique Malachite pattern

Video: the most expensive stones

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