Jasmine - shrub and indoor plant Stefanotis: flower, signs, superstitions

Jasmine - shrub and indoor plant Stefanotis: flower, signs, superstitions

Is it possible to keep jasmine at home? Good and bad signs associated with the plant.

Jasmine Flower - Value

The name of the Zhasmin plant comes from the Persian word "yasmin" or a gift from God. The legend of Japan It says that for a long time jasmine flowers were pink. On the night of the crucifixion of Christ, they dried up, but the next morning dry branches were covered with flowers. Only their color became white with sadness.

There is another legend in India About jasmine. She tells that the sun god had a princess, whom he loved very much. However, over time, he became interested in other beauties, and the princess, having learned about this, committed suicide. Later, a flower blossomed on her grave, and it was jasmine.

Both legends are associated with death and resurrection after death. There are more than 200 types of jasmine, but only a few varieties are used for perfumes and as an aromatic additive for tea.

Jasmine in Bahai gardens in the Israeli city of Haifa
Jasmine in Bahai gardens in the Israeli city of Haifa

Is it possible to plant jasmine on the site: signs

A real jasmine is a thermophilic plant and grows in the near and Far East. He has more than 200 varieties.

The plant, which in Russia is grown in personal plots and is called jasmine, is not jasmine.This shrub with white flowers and a pleasant smell in botanical reference books is called a chubushnik. This jasmine does not survive in the harsh conditions of the Russian winter.

Is it possible to plant jasmine on the site? Yes, you can:

  • There is a popular belief in Russia, according to which jasmine planted on the site brings good luck and happiness to the owners. And the chubushnik got its name from the fact that from his stems, they made tubes for smoking.
  • In Christian culture Jasmine is associated with Virgin Mary, and it is also believed that this plant carries nothing wrong.
  • There is a legend According to which, Jasmine is an angel who decided to stay on earth to make this world more beautiful. And the one who plants it near the house will bring more love and light into their lives.
Real jasmine in the yards of houses
Real jasmine in the yards of houses

Since the plant, called jasmine in Russia, is not such, the superstitions associated with the planting of this plant on the site can be considered false.

Jasmine - is it possible to keep at home: signs

In Russia, you can hear a sign that says that jasmine "drives out" from the house of men. This is probably a belief - an echo of the traditions and rituals of the Middle East and Asia. In religious rites jasmine really symbolizes purity and virginity. The image of jasmine is generally very multifaceted, and in different countries it is interpreted differently.

Contradicts the image of jasmine as a "husband" that jasmine in the east is considered the strongest aphrodisiac. And in love magic, it is believed that fragrant pillows with dried jasmine flowers, on the contrary, can bring harmony into a marital life and return a love attraction to husbands and wives. Therefore, jasmine can be safely kept at home.

Jasmine bloomed a second time: omen

The Slavs have a sign that if for the second time, for example, a pear, cherry or apple tree bloomed, then this is a very bad sign.

It is believed that the second flowering of trees can portend the disease or even death. However, this sign does not belong to Jasmine.

Some varieties of monster always bloom twice a year. These are breeding, that is, specially bred plants. You will not see a bad sign, for example, a repair strawberries that blooms and brings crop twice, at the beginning and end of summer? Therefore, if the jasmine bloomed a second time, then do not wait for anything bad.

Is it possible to plant jasmine near the house: signs

You can plant jasmine near the house, this is what the signs and beliefs of so many countries are said.

The Tatars even have a legend, according to which before a person goes to heaven, they will ask him if he raised Jasmine.

However, do not confuse the jasmine with a monster. The monster does not have a superstition associated with its landing. Jasmine in the east is considered traditionally a female flower. It symbolizes female attractiveness and can attract the attention of men. Imagine an evening walk around the Arabic city, with its sweet, drunk smells of jasmine and spices. Such an atmosphere has a love adventure.

Look at the window, in the photo below, looking at him, willy-nilly, the idea arises that a beautiful lady lives behind this window. Do you need jasmine near the house, and whether you want to "fight back" from the attention of the gentlemen, you decide.

Jasmine near the house signs
Jasmine near the house signs

Jasmine shrub - which brings to the house: signs

The jasmine bush near the house is not considered a bad omen. A bad sign is considered to break its branches and give them to someone or put the broken branches of jasmine in a vase at home.

  • On broken jasmine branches, flowers turn yellow very quickly, wither and fall.
  • Jasmine is considered a “fraternal plant”, branches of both jasmine and a monster, diverge at the same angle to two branches equal in thickness.
  • Thus, breaking jasmine, we figuratively destroy friendship and make disagreements into relations with close people. But if you treat him carefully, then he will give your home extremely happiness.

Jasmine Flower - How is it used?

Jasmine Flower is used:

  • Jasmine is considered a national flower Pakistan. On the wedding day, the bride and groom wear garlands from white jasmine and red roses.
  • In the Philippines Jasmine flowers are used in religious rites.
  • Indonesians Decorate themselves with jasmine for wedding ceremonies.
  • In Thailand Jasmine is a symbol of the mother, and it means love and respect.
  • In the United States Jasmine symbolizes romance and success.
Jasmine flowers at the wedding ceremony
Jasmine flowers at the wedding ceremony

Jasmine - indoor flower stefanotisat home: signs and superstitions

Our indoor jasmine, from the point of view of botany, is not jasmine at all, but stefanotis. And in the wild, he grows in his homeland - the island of Madagascar, as well as in China and Japan.

Signs related to Stefanotis relate to family and marriage:

  • Stefanotis is a liana, therefore it is considered a plant favorable for women.
  • Do not put an indoor jasmine in a marital bedroom or office of a man.
  • This plant is perfect for the ladies' boudoir or beauty salon.
  • It is also believed that indoor jasmine is suitable for an office atmosphere, it brings soft female energy and helps to smooth out conflicts.

The jasmine of the room bloomed at home: signs and superstitions

It is believed that if in the house where the unmarried girl lives, Jasmine bloomed, then she will soon get married. Probably, in this mind it makes sense, because Stefanotis is a very moody plant, and for this flower to bloom, it must be carefully careful for it.

Video: Stefanotis or indoor jasmine in the apartment

Jasmine - aromatherapy, magical properties

Jasmine is used for magic rites. In the pantry of a real witch there should be jasmine, like other aromatic herbs. Jasmine attracts pure love. To attract such love into your life, fill the pillows with jasmine, and add jasmine flowers into the water for bathing.

IMPORTANT: Pay attention to the fact that the mock -up that grows in Russia is mistakenly called jasmine. Also, Jasmine is also Stefanotis, which is grown as a houseplant. The monster has a pleasant aroma, but neither to add to tea, nor for magic rites, it is not used.

The maximum of which can be counted from plants growing in our latitudes is that they will adorn the courtyard in an original way, and their dried dry flowers will exude a pleasant aroma. If you have flowers of real jasmine in your hands, use them for magic.

For this, the correct psychological mood is important. Do not think about the problems that were in the past or will be in the future. Listen to pleasant music or relaxing video. Imagine that you are a witch, psychic and see what ordinary mortals are not able to see.

Video: How to tune in to magic?

It is interesting that only some species of jasmine are grown in the far and in the Middle East, suitable for aromatherapy and magic rites. Here is a list of these magical properties:

  • If the girl puts the dried jasmine flowers in the medallion, she will inspire men with trust and inner beauty.
  • Jasmine oil, which is applied to the forehead, adds psychic abilities.
  • From dried jasmine petals, Sasha is made (bags with dry herbs) in order to attract a loved one.
  • It is believed that jasmine attracts pure sincere love.
  • Jasmine flowers are used to prepare "love potions".
  • There are rituals for wealth and luck during which jasmine is burned.
  • If you burn the flowers of jasmine in your bedroom, then this will contribute to the development of intuition. Some people even believe that in this way you can develop extrasensory abilities.

Video: Jasmine essential oil

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