Healing energy of stones - stones that cleanse energy, their healing properties: photo. How to clean a stone from someone else's energy?

Healing energy of stones - stones that cleanse energy, their healing properties: photo. How to clean a stone from someone else's energy?

This article has interesting information about the healing effects of stones on the human body. You will learn how, using natural stones, you can improve your health and mental state.

Everything that is in nature has been created not in vain. Living and inanimate creatures closely interact with each other, depend on each other. The connection between man and stones is noticeable. It was opened in antiquity. Observation ancestors noticed that minerals of natural origin are able to give healing power to living beings.

People in this world constantly feel the action as positive, so negative energy on themselves. Various diseases have the property of developing due to the accumulation of a large amount of negativity. Stones are able to store positive, and then give this charge for the treatment of ailments. There are many diverse minerals in the bowels of nature. And each of them acts in its own way to the cells of the human body, changing the spiritual charge, and healing from a particular pathology.

Healing energy of stones: how to choose a therapeutic mineral?

Even in antiquity, our ancestors appreciated minerals of precious origin. They were extolled not only for a unique appearance, they were also betrayed by special magical characteristics. The healers noticed that one or another gem had a certain effect on a sick person. Interestingly, some minerals had a very unattractive look, but healing energy of stones It was very great.


It is necessary to choose a mineral for yourself only by internal sensations. When you buy it, you should see it well, hold it in your hand. Thus you will understand whether your stone is your stone or not. If you even felt an unpleasant cold from the mineral or received a negative charge from the mineral, then this is not your purchase. Refuse the product. Take those that cause you only positive.

But what if you choose a product with stones in the online store. In this case, you will have to trust the sources of information, which describes which stones are best suited to one or another individual in the zodiac sign. It will not hurt to study what minerals are treated for diseases.

Healing energy of stones - stones that cleanse energy, their properties: photo

In eastern medicine, healers were used to cure the patient, especially often, if the disease was neglected. They knew what minerals were able to harmonize the natural forces of the body. Thanks to this, people completely got rid of the most persistent ailments. Now also practiced treatment with stones - this process is called lithotherapy. But before starting to cleanse your body from ailments, you need to know all the subtleties of healing. After all, many stones have the opposite effect. With prolonged wearing, some people are aggravated by chronic pathologies.

  • Who suffers from frequent migraines, they can choose as a decoration for themselves amethyst.
  • In order not to be worried about you throat diseases (sore throats, pharyngitis, laryngitis, etc.), opt for grenade or cat's eye.
Healing minerals
Healing minerals
  • Heart disease, in particular - heart failure Heal rubins, corals.
Jewelry with ruby \u200b\u200band coral
  • Alleviate the condition of patients with bronchial asthma, rheumatism will help malachite.
  • And treat cough, bronchitis, pneumonia Help jadeite and green onyx.
Kozhdeite necklace, onyx, amazonite
Kozhdeite necklace, onyx, amazonite
  • If the patient has problems with buds, then they will help to cope with them nephritis, lunar stone.
Moonstone, nephritis and tiger eye bracelet
Moonstone, nephritis and tiger eye bracelet
  • Woundswho do not heal for a long time and have an infected nature to treat better carcass, rock crystal.
Natural minerals
Natural minerals
  • At obesity, excess body weight Wear bracelets with onyx, jasper.
Jasper, black onyx
Jasper, black onyx
  • Diseases Gastrointestinal tract, in particular pathology of the gallbladder, treat crystals of rock crystal.
  • Hypertonic diseases, central nervous system diseases able to negate obsidian.
  • For preventive measures in order to prevent development oncological diseasesy is used rhodonite.
  • Treat joint diseases - osteochondrosis, arthrosis a fulf, chrysolite.
Green chrysolite and orange carnelian
Green chrysolite and orange carnelian
  • With chest pain - intercostal neuralgia Apply malachite stones, coil.
Stones box
Stones box
  • Arthrosis (again), acute viral infections of different origin are well treated jadeite, blue lapis lazuli.
Blue Blue of Blue Lazurite and Jadeite
Blue Blue of Blue Lazurite and Jadeite
  • In case of violations hormonal nature well treated topaz.
  • From depression, bad mood Litotherapy will help you jade, pink quartz.
Green jade bracelet and pink quartz
Green jade bracelet and pink quartz

Healing energy of stones: Stone Energetik - Jasper

In order to establish mental harmony and strengthen immunity, wear jasper. This mineral is universal. With it, carry out a simple ritual. So you will forget who are the doctors. Diseases will not bother you.

Healing energy of stones -relaxing an exercise:

  • The exercise will not take much time. When you wake up, just don't get out of bed immediately. Lie on your back, remove the pillow, straighten the whole body and only then open your eyes.
  • Take your pebble, place it on the head between the eyebrows. Try to focus on the stone. Reach several times.
  • Do not tear off your legs from bed. Just make sipping the right, after the left foot, then two together. Concentrate on the mineral.
  • Repeat the swaying complex five times. And that's all, then you can start your business.

Thanks to such charging, you will feel a surge of vigor for the whole day. You will notice how endurance will develop over time, the blood flow is balanced. And if before that there were frequent back pain, cramps of the limbs, then they will pass. Even the nervous system will not fail.

Healing energy of stones - stones treatment

For the prevention and therapy of various diseases, it is useful to do massage courses with minerals. If you want to spend them at home, then first sew the mitten from natural cotton fabric, as they sell small things for the kitchen in stores as a tack. From the side of the palm, sew your pocket to lay stones there. Place them in a pocket, sew a straight outlet seam so that they do not fall out.

Use this mitten for therapy of ailments of a different nature. It is convenient to use, especially when it is necessary to act pointwise on a certain area of \u200b\u200binflammation. The therapeutic effect is carried out by massage movements, presses on acupuncture points. As you know, it is they who are responsible for the functioning of various organs in humans.

Healing energy of stones:

  1. At migraines It is enough to massage the hands near the thumbs. Press these points two to three times a day, the massage time should not exceed five minutes.
  2. At hypertensionin a circle should massage the zone in the area of \u200b\u200bthe right chest. Do the procedure two to three times a day for about five minutes.
  3. At flustart massage the outer parts of the eyeballs from the wrong side where the nose is, but where they end. Do the process two to three times a day for about three minutes.
  4. At renal failure Massage the zone in the lower back in the area, press the mitten in the center. Do the procedure five minutes three times a day.
  5. At colitismassage in the forehead over the eyebrows, more precisely above the left. The procedure time is about three minutes, twice a day.
  6. At dental pain Act on the point in the upper lip area, or rather right in the middle above it.
  7. At hyperhidrosepress the zone hidden behind the ear sinks.
  8. At radiculitiseffective massaging in the area of \u200b\u200bpain. Two times a day, three minutes of exposure.
  9. In case of violations monthly cyclemake circular movements on the frontal part, where hair begins to grow.
  10. At rheumatismpress the hands in the area of \u200b\u200bthe little finger and the ring finger.
  11. At depressionmassage the side zones of the knees three times a day for three minutes.
  12. At overwork Massage  the little fingers on the upper phalanxes until there is relief, but the duration of the procedure should not exceed four minutes.
  13. At sleep disturbancespress the earlobes, the duration of the process for four minutes - once a day.
Massage stones
Massage stones

How to clean a stone from someone else's energy?

The salons use the same stones on different visitors, because after the session they should be cleaned. Use chalk powder for this. And then wash it with a soap solution and rinse with water.

There is another method - this is getting rid of negative energy with the help salt or saline solution. For the first way - Pour salt into a container and immerse your stones there. Leave the vessel for the night. During this time, the stones will be cleaned.

The second method: Dissolve a spoonful of salt in a cup of water, immerse the pebbles there, and leave it in the solution also at night. Rinse them with ordinary water in the morning.

IMPORTANT: However, the structure of minerals can be violated with salt, so using this method is not always effective. In such cases, it is still better to just wash the gems under ordinary tap water and read: Aum, Varuna - Nam (nine times).

Many scientists on the basis of practical examples argue that stones have a whole set of healing characteristics. Therefore, before proceeding with mineral treatment, it will not hurt to consult with lithotherapists. On the basis of your data, they will select gems. And you will not only recover health, but also improve your spiritual state with the help of a healing energy of stones.

Video: Stones Treatment

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