Do I need to add baking powder, soda in cottage cheese casserole: how much to put, how can you replace? The best cottage cheese casserole with baking powder: recipe

Do I need to add baking powder, soda in cottage cheese casserole: how much to put, how can you replace? The best cottage cheese casserole with baking powder: recipe

Should you add a baking powder or soda to cottage cheese casserole? They can be replaced with other products.

Cottage cheese refers to one of the most complete food. He contains from 14 to 18% protein (casein) and from 0.6 to 18% Fat. The proteins of cottage cheese are full -fledged, and fats are rich in biologically active acids. This product contains lipotropic substances (methionine, choline, lecithin and others) that contribute to the prevention of atherosclerosis and liver obesity. Cottage cheese is one of the products that contributes to the normalization of intestinal microflora. He plays an important role as a source of minerals and vitamins: A and E, B6, B12, BIOTIN, Riboflavin, Folarcin and many others.

Read on our website another article on the topic: "What can be done from the berries of blueberries: recipes of dishes". You will learn how to make dumplings from berries, cake, muffins, charlotte, pastille, marshmallows, puff pastry pie, cottage cheese casserole, fruit drink, jelly.

Cottage cheese strengthens the bone tissue of the body, normalizes the nervous system, helps muscle tissue and blood system in tone. This product is considered dietary, practically does not have contraindications and does not harm the body, with the exception of people who have intolerance to milk protein. Therefore, you can safely start the morning or end your day with this product. From this article you will learn what to put in a curd casserole so that it turns out tasty. Read further.

Why is cottage cheese casserole it turns out tasteless, like rubber?

Cottage cheese casserole
Cottage cheese casserole

Cottage cheese casserole is a dessert from children's memories of absolutely every person. All who visited the kindergarten, remembers this aroma and a magnificent sweet taste with a small sourness. The pie was always lush and melted in the mouth.

Many are trying to repeat the masterpiece of the cooks at home. But expectations do not coincide with reality. Neither the purchase of quality products, nor compliance with the standards of bookmark and cooking technology lead to success. One of the most common problems is the casserole is obtained as rubber. It is this dish in preparation that does not tolerate amateur performances, you need to strictly observe the technology of cooking and food norms. So why is cottage cheese casserole it turns out tasteless? Read more:

  • A rubber dish can only be obtained if it is overdated with sugar. This product dilutes cottage cheese and moisture is more released, accordingly, the consistency becomes liquid.
  • Next, they begin to add flour above the norm to thicken, that’s the result and the most important mistake.
  • Excess eggs or their wrong preparation before kneading, can also lead to the appearance of this problem.

Therefore, before cooking, it is worth it to re -read the recipe several times and not to make a single error, and then the useful dessert will necessarily turn out. Read further.

Is it possible to put a baking powder in the curd casserole, soda: why?

In order for the cottage cheese casserole to be high and lush, you can put soda in cottage cheese with sour cream. During addition, the products will begin to interact with the baking powder, and the process of formation of bubbles will occur directly during the baking process. Many housewives put baking powder instead of soda - baking powder. Its action and soda are exactly the same. These products give the dishes to splendor, airiness and looseness.

But remember that you can not always put soda or baking powder in dishes of cottage cheese. Cottage cheese is a fermented milk product, so a combination with baking powers can give a disgusting smell and taste. You can add soda to the casserole, but you can think about whether it is necessary or you can do without it. Read further.

Do I need to add baking powder, soda to cottage cheese casserole?

Cottage cheese casserole
Cottage cheese casserole

You can add soda to cottage cheese casserole, but it is not necessary to do it. It will add splendor, but it will have to be repaid with citric acid or sour milk products-sour cream, etc. However, as mentioned above, with soda the taste of the dish can change slightly.

An alternative to Sode can be a baking powder, which is the same by action, but it is not necessary to extinguish it. But it is worth noting that it will only remain hot to maintain the splendor of the casserole. As soon as she ends up on the dining table, she will immediately fall.

According to many cooks, baking powder or soda in cottage cheese dishes is not needed at all. You can do without them in this baking freely. But, if you really want to add splendor at the time of preparation and feed, then put it very little. Read further.

How many baking powder or soda put in a casserole?

If, nevertheless, it was decided that it is necessary to add a baking powder or soda to the dough, then this must be done carefully so as not to overdo it. How many baking powder or soda put in a casserole?

  • An approximate ratio is 1 teaspoon confectionery powder for 150 grams of flour, and if you have soda is a fourth part of a teaspoon for the same amount of flour.

An excess of the bakery powder undoubtedly saturates the dough with oxygen and lifts it, but as soon as the dish is pulled out of the oven, it noticeably loses its appearance.

How to determine the readiness of casserole from cottage cheese?

The readiness of the cottage cheese dish can be checked with a toothpick. The dessert will be baked longer than another baking, so they cook it over low heat, and cottage cheese is used not dry, but liquid.

  • To verify readiness, pierce the middle of the casserole, if the toothpick easily comes out and there are no traces of cottage cheese, then the baking is ready.
  • You can also carefully shake the shape - if the dessert holds the shape well, then you can add heat so that the top is browned.
  • Another way - if the crust is browned from above, then the dessert is ready.

After the baking is ready, you should not immediately get it to the table. Leave her more for 15 minutes In the oven with an open door. So the product will not lose its shape and will not drop.

Video: cottage cheese casserole as in a kindergarten! Not falling!

What can be added to the casserole instead of sour cream?

Cottage cheese casserole
Cottage cheese casserole

It is very disappointing when they were going to cook their favorite dish, and one of the ingredients was not in the refrigerator. If you don’t want to run to the store at all, then you can consider an alternative to replace - products that are available. What can be added to the casserole instead of sour cream? Here's a list:

  • Natural or Greek yogurt - Ideal for most recipes due to their taste.
  • Cream cheese - Before use, warm to room temperature and mix with liquid.
  • Buttermilk - Creamy and acidic, like sour cream, so great for dressings.
  • Kefir - equivalent substitute for sour cream.
  • Cream-frash - French sour cream, only less acidic, close in consistency, very fat and creamy.
  • Coconut cream - are formed on the surface of canned coconut milk. They are thick as sour cream. Therefore, add a little fresh lemon juice to the collected cream to give the original taste.
  • Coconut milk - mixed fat (1 cup) coconut milk mix with one tablespoon of lemon juice or vinegar. Use as an excellent sour cream substitute.

Below even more useful information. Read further.

Why do you need a semolina in a casserole?

If you want the casserole to be more tender to taste, then be sure to put semolina into the workpiece. It will give splendor and airiness to the dish, and will help to keep it shape. Show, unlike flour, does not weight the dough and does not make the dessert rubber, so it is better to replace most of the flour with semolina.

Take a note: If you introduced a manna, do not send the dish right into the oven, he needs to brew at least 60 minutes. If this is not done, then the dish will turn out to be hard and not so tasty.

There is an alternative - brew semolina in advance, and then you can bake the dough with such an addition.

How can you replace a baking powder or soda when preparing a casserole?

One of the most important questions, how to avoid adding a baking powder and soda to the mass for preparing the casserole or by what they can be replaced.

  • An important role is played by the use of eggs and the correctness of their introduction into the mass.
  • Pour the yolk separately. Beat the protein to a lush foam. The yolk is beaten with sugar and administered first of all, and the protein with salt, until thick and stable foam forms with peaks, and are attached last along with additional ingredients.

Thanks to this secret, baking will turn out airy, loose and high, and you do not have to introduce other products in the form of soda or baking powder.

The best cottage cheese casserole without adding baking powder: Recipe

Curd casserole
Curd casserole

So, please your household with a delicious breakfast or dessert. Prepare a delicious curd casserole without adding a baking powder. Here is the recipe for the best cottage cheese dish:


  • Cottage cheese 9% is possible and higher - 0.5 kg
  • Manki - 4 tbsp. l.
  • Eggs - 2 pcs.
  • Sour cream - 200 g.
  • Flour - 3 tbsp. l.
  • Starch - 1 tsp.
  • Salt - 1/2 tsp.
  • Sugar - 4 - 6 tbsp. l.
  • Vanilin - 1 tsp.
  • Pumpkin - 100 g.
  • Raisins or tsukats - 100 g.
  • Paning crackers - 50 g.
  • Business oil for lubricating the form - 50 g.

Preparation technology:

  • Wash the raisins and steal in boiling water for 10 minutes. Cut the pumpkin into medium -sized cubes and caramelize in a pan until golden.
  • In hot water, dissolve vanillin, then pour the semolina and brew it, stirring. Water is needed 100-120 ml per 10 g of cereals, A thick mass should turn out. If you do not pre -brew semolina, then in this case, it is necessary to let the dough stand for about an hour so that semolina swells.
  • Wipe the cottage cheese through a sieve.
  • Divide the eggs into yolks and proteins: beat the yolks with sugar, and proteins with salt, until thick foam with peaks appear. Add the yolks to the cottage cheese and mix thoroughly.
  • Mix flour with starch, mix with cottage cheese and enter sour cream.
  • Enter prepared semolina, pumpkin and raisins into the mass. Lastly, add whipped proteins and mix.
  • Grease the form soundly with butter and sprinkle with breadcrumbs (you can replace semolina). Put the mass layer 3-4 cm And align it. Lubricate with fat sour cream on top.
  • Bake at temperature 180 degrees 40-45 minutes Before the appearance of brown crust. Once again, the oven cannot be opened, it is better to observe through the observation window, because pastries can drop and lose shape.
  • As soon as the casserole is prepared, you should not get it right away, let it brew 10-15 minutes With an open door and only then cut.
  • When serving generously, pour with sour cream or condensed milk, to whom to taste.

Choose a casserole form in size with high sides or detachable. It is also recommended to bake dishes with cottage cheese in cast -iron pans, so the dessert is evenly baked. If the masses are not very many, then in a large form it will spread, that is, for a specific amount of dough, there should be its size.

Cottage cheese casserole is a very easy to prepare dish, the recipe of which is easy to choose for yourself. And since this dessert is not fried, but baked, a large number of vitamins and nutrients are preserved in it. Do not be afraid to experiment with recipes if it comes to additional products and fillings, you will definitely find what you like. Good luck!

Video: The best cottage cheese casserole! Always at 5+ and with excellent taste

Video: cottage cheese casserole, which always turns out

Video: casserole in the oven! Well, you just lick your fingers!

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