Veremishel casserole, like in kindergarten: the most delicious recipes for adults and children

Veremishel casserole, like in kindergarten: the most delicious recipes for adults and children

Many dishes have a special taste-the taste of childhood, such delicacies seem to return us at that carefree time, recalling how much it is great to be a child. One of these dishes is the casserole of vermichels as in kindergarten or simply pasta.

Traditionally, this dish is prepared from vermicelli and cottage cheese, however, today it can be found in completely different variations. Having prepared such a treat, you will not only return for a second in your childhood, but also deliciously feed your households.

Veremishel casserole like in kindergarten: a classic recipe for children

As mentioned earlier, the classic recipe involves the use of cottage cheese and vermicelli for the preparation of the dish. We will start getting to know this dish with this recipe. The pasta is prepared very quickly and simply, so literally after 1 hour of cooking you will have a juicy and aromatic dessert on your table.

To prepare casseroles from vermichels as in kindergarten, prepare the following products:

  • Pasta - 270 g
  • Cottage cheese - 320 g
  • Kurin egg - 4 pcs.
  • Sugar - 90 g
  • Cream oil to lubricate the shape
  • Salt to taste

To begin with, a few words, let's say about simple recommendations that will help you bake the casserole quickly and tasty:

  • Cottage cheese is always grind. This can be done in any way convenient for you. The blender copes with such a task quickly, literally after 30 seconds you will receive a delicate and homogeneous curd mass. If you do not have such a device, you can use the old proven way - sieve. Of course, this process is more time -consuming and laborious, but the result is worth it. Such manipulations with cottage cheese will make it possible to bake a lush, delicate casserole and, most importantly, without lumps.
  • Macarone in any case do not cook until cooked. It is enough just to weld them, since in the future they will be baked for at least 30-40 minutes. If you weld pasta until cooked, mixing them with the rest of the ingredients, get a porridge ugly in appearance.
  • Always after welding pasta rinse them. This must only be done with cold water, since the hot will damage their shape, and the cold, on the contrary, will save.
  • So that after cooking you can easily extract pasta From the mold, before the placement in it, sprinkle the bottom with a mankin or pan -winging crackers, or grease with butter.
As for children
As for children
  • Well, now let's start preparing a delicious dish. Take pasta and weld them in salted water. This process will take you no more than 5-7 minutes. After boiling water. Please note that different pasta boil differently. Some will be ready in 10 minutes, some in 5 minutes.

Focus on the fact that pasta should become a little soft, no more. As for the type of pasta, choose at your discretion, the main thing is that they are high -quality and do not boil to the state of porridge.

  • Now wash helped pasta cold water.
  • Choose a home cottage cheese, so the pasta will be much tastier. The percentage of the fat content of cottage cheese for this dish does not matter. Grind the ingredient with a blender or through a sieve.
  • Add to cottage cheese eggs. By the way, the eggs can be used and quail, just in this case you will need not 4 pcs., But 10-12 pcs. Mix the mass until smooth.
  • Now add to the resulting mass sugarMix everything thoroughly again. A few words must be said about the sugar. You can change its number depending on your preferences. However, for children, sugar is not something useful, so if possible put it as little as possible. Add the dish of sweets you can water it natural honey.
  • Now add to the curd mass pastaAnd gently mix the ingredients.

Lubricate the baking container with butter . You can also use breadcrumbs or mankuas.

  • Pour the resulting dough from cottage cheese and pasta in a container.
  • Now the case is for a small, in a preheated oven, the pasta should bake for about 30-35 minutes. The optimum temperature for cooking is 180-200 degrees.

Veremisheat casserole like in kindergarten: recipe without cottage cheese

Cottage cheese is certainly useful and necessary for our body, but not all people love and eat it, and children are no exception. Therefore, we present to your attention a recipe for a vermiseresh grandmother without cottage cheese, such a casserole is no less tasty and satisfying.

  • Pasta - 320 g
  • Milk - 700 ml
  • Kurin egg - 4 pcs.
  • Sugar - 120 g
  • Salt, vanilla sugar - to taste
  • Butter - 40 g (and 10 g for lubricating the form)
  • To begin with, weld pasta in salted water, then rinse them in cold water and throw them in a colander so that all the glass is all liquid from them. For cooking veremishelva grandmother According to this recipe, you can also use completely different pasta, but most often the housewives prefer spaghetti.
  • Add the indicated amount of butter to the pasta, mix gently. You do not need to mix hard, because you can damage pasta. Please note that you need to use but butter, not a spread, margarine, etc.
With a vermicellite
With a vermicellite
  • In the deep container, we connect Eggs, milk and sugar. We also add vanilla sugar at this stage, unless, of course, you like its smell. Now beat the resulting mass until it becomes a little magnificent. This can be done manually with a fork and with the help of a mixer, blender.
  • Now we connect welded pasta with whipped egg mass, carefully mix the ingredients so as not to violate their airy consistency.
  • Lubricate the baking container with a piece of butter, then pour in it pasta.
  • Place the baking container in a oven, warmed up to 180 degrees. Bake such a vermichelic casserole for approximately 40-50 minutes. Depending on your oven.
  • Well, to make the casserole from the vermichel as in the garden was even tastier, pour it with chocolate or any other topping.

Veremisheat casserole like in kindergarten: Meat recipe

Earlier we have already said that today the vermichelian casserole is prepared not only as a sweet dessert. Also, such a casserole can become a full and nutritious main dish. This recipe is perfect for those who are already tired of pasta with meat in the classic version of their preparation.

  • Pasta - 170 g
  • Chicken pulp - 350 g
  • Broth - 350 ml
  • Milk - 130 ml
  • Cream - 75 ml
  • Wheat flour - 65 g
  • Onion - 2 pcs.
  • Butter - 45 g
  • Olive oil - 60 ml
  • Salt, spices to taste
  • Preparation of a dish according to this recipe must be started with boiling pasta. In this case, we recommend using vermicelli - pasta from fresh dough in the form of short sticks. After brewing them, they need to be washed in cold water and tossed into a colander. After all the water from the vermiches is draining, add the indicated amount of butter to it and mix gently.
  • Now let's go meat. For this recipe, you can use any meat, for example, turkey, veal, however, such a casserole is the most tasty with chicken. Rinse the chicken pulp, boil it. During cooking meat, do not salt the broth, and do not flare up spices. It is not necessary to pour it, since it will still come in handy. After the fillet cools down, chop it. You can cut it in small pieces or kill it in a blender.
  • Then you need to clean the onion And chop it finely. In the saucepan, heat the indicated amount of olive oil and fry the onion on it, then send the meat there, several tbsp. l. broth. Cook the contents for 7 minutes. At this stage, adds salt to the dish and all spices to taste.
  • We drive the eggs into a deep plate and pour milk there. Now these ingredients are needed Beat a mixer Before the appearance of a small foam.
  • Now we combine pasta with the contents of the pan, mix the ingredients.
  • Lubricate the baking container with butter and send a previously prepared mass to it. Then pour the eggs whipped with milk here.
  • We send ours vERMILENEN GAPA with meat Bake in a oven, which is preheated to 180 degrees for about half an hour.
With the addition of meat
With the addition of meat
  • Well, while our vermichelly casserole with meat As in kindergarten is prepared, we suggest that you cook a delicious cream sauce for it. Heat the remaining broth, it should not be very hot, optimal for it to be warm. Add sifted wheat flour to it, properly mix the ingredients.
  • After add the cream there and cook the sauce on the quietest heat until it becomes a density you need. If desired, it can also be flavored with spices and salt.

Veremisheat casserole like in kindergarten: a recipe without meat

If none of the previously proposed recipes of Vermishelva casserole as in kindergarten came up to you, we suggest paying attention to this one. This recipe can be called the simplest and most economical, since for its preparation we will not need either cottage cheese or meat, and all the necessary ingredients are certainly found in your kitchen.

  • Pasta - 470 g
  • Sugar - 220 g
  • Vanilla sugar - 5 g
  • Butter - 120 g
  • Kurin egg - 10 pcs.
  • First thing we weld pasta. To make the dish beautiful, give preference to pasta in the form of bows. Next, traditionally rinse them and let the water completely drain.
  • Immediately after the water is draining, add all the ingredients to the bow, except eggs and well mix the ingredients.
  • Eggs in a separate container beat to a homogeneous state.
  • Now we lubricate the baking container with butter and shift the mass resulting earlier.
  • Pour the whipped eggs on top of the mass, evenly distribute them.
  • Now it remains to wait for about 35-40 minutes. While our veremishevskaya grandmother will bake in the oven. The optimum temperature for cooking in the oven is 180-200 degrees.
  • In order for such a casserole to be tastier, it can be watered with honey, topping or served as they do in kindergarten - in a fruit jelly.
With topping
With topping

Veremisheat casserole like in kindergarten: Recipe with minced meat

Also, such a casserole can be cooked with minced meat. Thus, you can quickly and with the least costs prepare a delicious, unusual and hearty dinner.

  • Pasta - 450 g
  • Calm pulp - 250 g
  • Turkey pulp - 150 g
  • Kurin egg - 5 pcs.
  • Wheat flour - 50 g
  • Milk - 150 ml
  • Olive oil - 20 ml
  • Onion - 1 pc.
  • Salt, spices to taste
  • We weld pasta in salted water, rinse and throw it on a colander. As soon as all the water drains, add to pasta olive oil And mix them. Oil must be added so that our pasta does not stick together.
  • For this recipe, we recommend that you take this type of pasta as linguin - Classic Italian pasta of large format, but if you do not have such, take any, the taste of the dishes will not affect in any way.
  • Now let's do meat, we will make minced meat from it on our own. If you want to simplify your task and speed up the process of preparing this dish, buy ready -made minced meat in the store. So rinse turkey and calf pulp, Dry with paper towels and pass through a meat grinder. You can also use a blender for this purpose.
  • Such a kitchen device also copes with the task. Of course, crushed meat has a slightly different consistency, but for such a recipe it is suitable.
  • Then fry the prepared minced meat in a small amount of oil, We salt it and flavify it with spices.
  • In a separate pan, fry the bow, after send it to the meat.
  • Now take the eggs and beat them with a pinch of salt until foam appears. This can be done with a fork, mixer or blender. We also send milk and flour here and again mix all the mass well.
  • The container in which you will bake vERMILENE GARKAM WITH FARSSHLubricate a small piece of oil.
  • Then connect the pasta with minced meat and put the resulting mass in the shape. If desired, you can put the casserole in the shape of layers, so the dish will look more festive and more beautiful.
  • Pour whipped eggs on top of this mass, evenly distribute them.
  • Since all the ingredients can be said with us, you need to bake such a dish for long, about 25-30 minutes. At a temperature of 180 degrees.

Veremisheat casserole like in kindergarten: an apple recipe

Such a fragrant and delicate vermichelic casserole as in kindergarten will serve as an excellent dessert that your household will appeal, and most importantly, the child is no less than a cake or sweets. And its beautiful presentation will become a highlight and make your meal even more festive and more pleasant.

  • Pasta - 250 g
  • Cottage cheese - 120 g
  • Sweet apples - 3 pcs.
  • Kurin egg - 4 pcs.
  • Sugar - 60 g
  • Butter - 70 g
  • Honey, condensed milk to taste
  • Fresh mint leaves for decoration
With an apple
With an apple
  • We weld pasta almost until cooked, rinse and let the water drain. After that, add butter to them. The vermichellet grandmother looks interesting if you cook it from such a type of pasta as bows or shells.
  • Cottage cheese we pure Blender or wipe through a sieve. The dish will be tastier if you use fatty cottage cheese.
  • Apples Clean from the peelWe remove the core and chop into small pieces.
  • Now we connect the pasta with cottage cheese and apples, carefully mix the ingredients.
  • Beat the eggs with sugar until the appearance foam. At this stage, you can add vanilla sugar, cinnamon, various natural flavors, lemon zest, etc. to the mass.
  • Lubricate the baking dish with a small amount of oil and put the mass of pasta, cottage cheese and apples in it, evenly distribute the ingredients.
  • Now pour over them whipped eggs, We are also evenly distributed.
  • It remains only to bake a vermichelian casserole with apples as in kindergarten and serve it beautifully. The dish is baked at a temperature of 180 degrees about half an hour.
  • Next, cut our casserole into square pieces of medium size. Each piece Water with honey or condensed milk and decorate with a leaf of fresh mint.

Veremisheat casserole like in kindergarten: a recipe with cheese and olives

Of course, in the kindergarten no one is preparing casseroles from such ingredients, and by the way it is very sorry, because it turns out to be just licking such a dish, but to prepare casseroles with cheese and olives, we will take as a basis the vermichelity casserole as in a kindergarten. Such a dish can easily be served on the festive table.

  • Cottage cheese - 500 g
  • Pasta - 360 g
  • Kurin egg - 4 pcs.
  • Olives - 100 g
  • Solid cheese - 100 g
  • Milk - 50 ml
  • Salt, spices to taste
  • We weld pasta in salted water, rinse and throw it on a colander.
  • Interrupt or we wipe the cottage cheese And separately before the appearance of foam, beat the eggs.
  • Now we connect cottage cheese with egg mass and milk, mix to homogeneity. At this stage, we salt and flavify the mass of spices. Such a dish will be much tastier if you flash it oregano, Provencal herbs and major.
  • Then we combine the resulting mass with pasta, do it carefully so as not to turn pasta into porridge.
  • Lubricate the baking container with butter and send our dish to it.
  • Grind olives in any way and sprinkle them with a dish. If desired, you can use not only olives, but also olives.
  • Three cheese on A coarse grater.
  • Now we send a vermichelian casserole as in a kindergarten, but in a new variation, in a ovens warmed up to 180 degrees and bake for 30 minutes.
  • After that, sprinkle the vermichelian grandmother with cheese and send to the oven for another 5-7 minutes.

Veremishteli casserole like in kindergarten: recipe for multicooker

Now, rarely, someone will surprise anyone with such a kitchen device as a multicooker. He is a truly faithful assistant to the modern mistress, since he does most of the work for her. In a slow cooker, you can cook absolutely everything and the casserole of vermichels As in kindergarten no exception.

Preparation of pasta in a slow cooker has its own characteristics, but in general the dish is prepared quickly and very simple:

  • Pasta - 230 g
  • Cottage cheese - 450 g
  • Kurin egg - 4 pcs.
  • Sugar - 90 g
  • Soda - 2 g
  • Butter - 50 g
  • Sanny cereal - 3 tbsp. l.
  • Home sour cream - 100 g
  • We weld pasta to half -consuming, rinse and let the water drain. After that, add butter to them, mix gently.
  • Cottage cheese cross with a blender or manually Wipe through a sieve. Add eggs and granulated sugar, soda to it, as well as at the request of cinnamon, vanillin and other aromatic additives. Mix.
  • Then, add all sour cream and semolina to the previously prepared mass. Once again, mix all the ingredients well and leave them for half an hour so that the cereal swells. If after the time the mass is too liquid (consider that you still add pasta to it), add another 1 tbsp to it. l. Sunnels and leave for 10 minutes.
  • Multicar capacity lubricate generously with butter (50 g). And not only the bottom, but also the walls. We lubricate the walls not only to the level to which the mass will initially reach, but also at least 5 cm above, since the pasta will rise during the preparation process.
  • Now we combine all previously prepared ingredients, mix them and put them in a bowl, if necessary, level it.
  • Then we close the slow cooker, turn it on in mode "Bake/Baking" And we set the time 30 minutes.
  • After this time, we check the readiness of the pasta. If the top of the casserole is slightly baked, then it is ready. If not, in the same mode we bring it to readiness for another 10 minutes. After let the vermicheleva grandmother stand in a slow cooker for 10-15 minutes. And pull it out.
  • If desired, you can cook such a dish and in mode "Multiper"In this case, select a temperature of 150 degrees and time 25-40 minutes.

Veremisheat casserole like in kindergarten - A delicious and simple dish that can be cooked at least every day. As you already understood, it is preparing very quickly and easily, but at the same time you will always have a delicious sweet treat or a hearty and economical main dish on your table.

Video: delicious vermichelic casserole

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