Is it possible to cure cystitis at home? How to treat neglected cystitis?

Is it possible to cure cystitis at home? How to treat neglected cystitis?

Recipes for decoctions and baths of traditional medicine for the treatment of cystitis.

Cystitis is a disease of the genitourinary system that accompanies inflammation of the walls of the bladder. It was established that women more often face an ailment due to anatomical features. Moreover, every fourth woman at least once in her life was sick with this ailment.

Symptoms and causes of cystitis

Causes of cystitis:

  • Hypothermia
  • Kidney infection. Very often, due to chronic pyelonephritis, the walls of the bladder are also inflamed
  • Anal sex. This is due to intestinal flora entering the urethra in a man
  • Constant use of thong. Such panties often provoke the transfer of flora from the anus to the labia and the urethra
  • Allergy to hygiene products. You may not suit you soap or deodorant for intimate places
  • Sexually transmitted infections
  • Long -term sexual intercourse. During love, the penis collapses on the urethra, causing inflammation
  • Sedentary work
  • Metabolic disease
  • Untimely emptying of the bladder

Symptoms of the disease are very unpleasant:

  • Itching and burning after urination
  • Frequent urge to the toilet "in a small"
  • Pain in the perineum and below of the abdomen
  • Temperature rise
  • Chills and nausea
Symptoms of cystitis
Symptoms of cystitis

How to get rid of cystitis at home?

  • First of all, it is necessary to change the usual regime of the day. Eat in small portions more often
  • Increase fluid intake
  • Remove salty and sharp dishes from the diet
  • During treatment, give up sexual life
  • Do not be nervous

You can cure cystitis using antibiotics or folk remedies. We do not recommend taking wide range antibiotics. You don’t know exactly what microorganism provoked the disease. In the case of candida, antibiotics will be useless. In addition, there are stable strains of E. coli, which are treated with only one group of antibiotics.

Pain in the lower abdomen with cystitis
Pain in the lower abdomen with cystitis

The benefits of rosehips from cystitis. How to treat cystitis with rose hips?

Rosehip is used both in the form of fruits and in the form of roots. The fruits are rich in vitamins and trace elements. They improve immunity and rinse the kidneys with the bladder. Rosehip roots loosen stones in the bladder and kidneys, contributing to their rapid and painless excretion

Instructions for preparing a decoction of rosehip roots:

  • 30 g of crushed dry roots of rosehips pour 300 ml of cold water
  • Bring to a boil and cook for 15 minutes
  • Strain, cool. Divide the decoction into four parts
  • Drink in front of each meal. It is advisable to do this 30 minutes before meals

Instructions for the preparation of tincture from rosehip fruits:

  • Boil 500 ml of water and let it cool a little. It is necessary that the temperature of the fluid is 90 ° C
  • Pour hot water with 20 g of crushed dry rosehip fruits, leave for 4 hours
  • Drink a decoction every 2-3 hours for 200 ml
  • The course of treatment is 1 month
Rosehip with cystitis
Rosehip with cystitis

Cranberry against cystitis: Treatment of cystitis Cranberry

For the treatment of cystitis, you can use jelly, fruit drinks or fresh berries. Cranberry changes the environment in the bladder to the acidic. And bacteria multiply only in an alkaline environment.

Instructions for the preparation of cranberry fruits from cystitis:

  • Pull through a sieve 0.5 kg of berries
  • Separate the juice from bones and peel
  • Dilute the resulting juice 2000 ml of cold water and put on fire
  • Add sugar and boil for 1 minute
  • Take 1-1.5 cups per day. The course of treatment is 7 days
  • For prevention purposes, take 4 tablespoons of berries daily
Cranberry with cystitis
Cranberry with cystitis

The benefits of milk for the treatment of cystitis

Milk in order to cure cystitis does not need to be taken inside. Baths are prepared from it.

Instructions for the treatment of cystitis with milk:

  • Boil on the stove 3 liters of milk
  • Cool a little and pour a large mug of hot milk into a plastic bowl
  • Lower your legs and keep in hot liquid
  • As you cool milk, add yet until all the milk ends
  • Do not pour the used milk. Pour it into the vessel and put it in the refrigerator, repeat the procedure again in the evening
  • Trule your feet in milk 2 times a day for a week
Milk with cystitis
Milk with cystitis

Dill seeds with cystitis

Dill is not only a seasoning for your favorite dishes. In folk medicine, dill seeds are known for their bactericidal and anti -inflammatory properties. Dill seeds are successfully used to treat cystitis.

Cooking a decoction of dill seeds:

  • 20 g of seeds pour 400 ml of boiling water
  • Put the liquid in a water bath, and keep it on it for 15 minutes
  • Let the decoction cool and strain through gauze
  • Take the drug 5 times a day 100-150 ml before meals
  • 10 days enough to cure
Dill seeds with cystitis
Dill seeds with cystitis

Millet from cystitis. How to take millet for the treatment of cystitis?

The millet contains proteins and nutrients. This culture removes antibiotics from the body. A decoction of millet with cystitis is very effective.

Cooking a millet decoction:

  • A glass of grains must be sorted and pour 450 ml of boiled water
  • Place the mixture in the jar and close the lid, shake the jar for 10 minutes
  • After that, immerse a spoon in the jar and rub the grain
  • Drain the liquid and drink it in a glass in the morning and before bedtime
Millet with cystitis
Millet with cystitis

What tea helps to get rid of cystitis?

Diuretic and anti -inflammatory herbs are used for the treatment of cystitis. Most often, field horsetail is used, it has a diuretic effect.

We cook tea from field horsetail and chamomile:

  • This drink helps relieve spasm and relieve pain in the lower abdomen with cystitis
  • Pour 20 g of dry grass of field horsetail and 20 g of chamomile flowers 600 ml of water
  • Hold on fire for 5-7 minutes
  • Strain the broth and cool a little
  • Drink a glass 3 times a day

Herbal tea helps from cystitis. To prepare it, pour 20 g of crushed leaves with a glass of boiling water and leave for 1 hour. You need to take 100 ml several times a day.

Tea with cystitis
Tea with cystitis

How to treat neglected cystitis at home?

  • If you did not cure cystitis in time, and it turned into a chronic form, then you will have to try to cure the ailment. Regularly, when there is no temperature with an exacerbation of the disease, take bathrooms with chamomile
  • Use a heating pad with warm water. Put one on the stomach and the other in the perineum. This can be done if there are no blood impurities and temperature in the urine
  • Drink diuretics and do not allow stagnation of urine in the bubble
  • Eat lingonberries daily, even if the symptoms have long disappeared. 4 tablespoons of cranberries or lingonberries per day are enough
Treatment of cystitis
Treatment of cystitis

How to treat cystitis with folk remedies: tips and reviews

  • Be sure to combine sedentary bathrooms with the reception of herbs and decoctions
  • Sutting bathrooms from chamomile help with cystitis. For its preparation, pour 70 g of dry colors with a bucket of boiling water. When the liquid has cooled a little, sit in it and sit until it cools
  • Take a decoction of rosehip and chamomile inside inside
  • Chronic cystitis can be cured by St. John's wort. To do this, pour 200 ml of boiling water with dry grass and warm it on fire for 5 minutes. Strain and drink 50 ml 5 times a day
  • Mummy helps with chronic cystitis. To do this, a piece of resin, the size of a pin head, is dissolved in 150 ml of water. Add a spoonful of bee nectar and drink before bedtime. In the morning, too, drink a potion
Treatment of cystitis
Treatment of cystitis

Cystitis is a serious ailment, not the treatment of which can lead to pyelonephritis. Do not start the disease, at high temperature and impurities of blood in the urine, contact the therapist.

Video: Treatment of cystitis with folk methods

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Comments K. article

  1. With the advent of cold weather, I have a panic right- the cystitis will begin again ... who has this? Are you often sick with cystitis?

  2. I often have cystitis. The last time I was cystitis, I took sextafag. The doctor prescribed in parallel with the antibiotic. It also felt better, which, of course, could not but rejoice, you yourself understand. Then I read the reviews and in general about this drug, there is bacteriophages in it in it, so the effectiveness of treatment is so high. I liked it, took a note for myself.

  3. And this time, the doctor prescribed me in parallel with the antibiotic drug cystenium. I had never accepted him before, it was the first time and you know, I really liked him. I really liked the composition -Speed, Castline, Vitamin C and polyphenol substances. I quickly passed me and in general, I recovered faster this time. I will use it for prevention now.

  4. At home, little can be done, except for the drugs prescribed by a doctor.

  5. If I have just gotten down, then I’m gathering a warm bathtub and sitting, I bask, it happens that it does not occur and the cystitis does not arise, and if I have already appeared, then I begin to drink urooprofit so that cranberries and braids reduce pain and inflammation itself. By capsule twice a day with food and organic acids will fight with cystitis microbes. All health!

  6. Synthomycin emulsion-lover cystitis in any form

  7. This is the first thing I am running to the pharmacy for uroprofit if I feel that cystitis begins. There is no need to cook any decoctions, and if you start taking it on the first day, then after a couple of days the unpleasant sensations naught, due to horsetails and cranberries in the composition, which dilation and inflammation are reduced.

  8. oh, I also grabbed me, I was bought in a cold lake (((

  9. Arina, you need to be careful. No need to swim in cold ponds if you have a predisposition to exacerbation of cystitis. Not so long ago, the therapy was undergoing, cystitis worsened. So I applied uroprofit, as this tool in its composition contains, to reduce inflammation, normalization of urination.

  10. And I like McMiror. It acts comprehensively: in the bladder to be pathogenic bacteria that cause cystitis, has an antifungal property, which is relevant for problems in a woman, and even in the intestines. In a matter of days, I get rid of all the symptoms of cystitis.

  11. You can cure something, but I think all the same after the doctor’s prescription. After all, antibiotics are needed .... In any case, it was the doctor who prescribed them+still nephrosten took them. To each, of course, something specific is prescribed, but in any case, this is not the disease when you can only do with herbs ...

  12. Under cystitis, I took McMuror about spring. The doctor prescribed this antimicrobial agent to me, I liked it. Literally from the first days, the reception became easier, the pain subsided, spasms became quieter. By the way, it turned out that the McMuror did not violate the microflora, so I did not accept anything else, it all worked out with this remedy.

  13. I also have chronic cystitis, doctors prescribed many different antibiotics. The last time was appointed McMuror. I liked the most in action, and by the fact that I did not violate the microflora (then I did not have to restore anything further). The result, by the way, is also quite persistent, because For several months now I have not recalled my cystitis since that time.

  14. thank you for the article

  15. Correctly here they wrote about the McMuror. Also, after all, this tool took with the last exacerbation of cystitis. And I can note that the product is effective, because almost half a year has passed after therapy, and I still have remission.

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