The best diuretics for edema: a list of drugs with instructions, herbs, folk remedies, a doctor's recommendations

The best diuretics for edema: a list of drugs with instructions, herbs, folk remedies, a doctor's recommendations

List of the best diuretics, herbs, edema recipes.

Diuretics are often prescribed to people who suffer from heart disease, as well as high pressure. With these ailments, the fluid accumulation in the body often occurs, the legs and arms swell. In this article we will talk about the most popular diuretics.

Good diuretics for edema: folk recipes

It is worth noting that at the initial stages it is best to try to cope with the problem without the use of drugs. After all, they have a large number of side effects that can affect your health. An ideal option will be the fruits-vegetables, as well as herbs that help get rid of edema. Indeed, many of the plants are able to remove excess fluid from the body. Below is a list of them.

Folk recipes from edema
Folk recipes from edema

Good diuretics for edema, folk recipes:

  • Lemon juice. The juice of this citrus really helps to get rid of excess water. In order to prepare a healing potion, it is necessary to pour lemon juice from a quarter of the fruit of half a liter of water. Drink for several hours. This drug increases the number of trips to the toilet in a small way. 
  • Cranberry juice. Often cranberries are recommended if it is necessary to quickly get rid of excess fluid. It is eaten fresh or squeezed, and take several tablespoons.
  • Celery. They use both celery root and grass. It is usually added to salads and soups. Often, juice is made from celery, which is taken by a tablespoon three times a day before meals. This helps to get rid of edema.
  • Beet. It is best not to boil it, but consumed fresh. To do this is actually quite simple with the use of salads. The most common is the beet salad in Korean. 
  • Apple vinegar. It is necessary to take the drug 3 times a day on a tablespoon. It is advisable to carry out the procedure after eating. This method is not suitable if a person suffers from increased secretion of gastric juice and high acidity.

In addition to these products that have almost every housewife in the refrigerator, you can get rid of excess fluid with simple herbs. For this, decoctions and healing infusions are prepared. 

Folk recipes from edema
Folk recipes from edema

Which diuretic is better when edema on herbs?

Often, people use medicinal plants. They act softer and very effective.

Which diuretic is better when edema on herbs:

  • Brusnik decoction. To prepare the healing composition, it is necessary to cover three tablespoons of raw materials with 700 ml of hot water and bring to a boil. Smell over low heat, for two to three minutes. The lid closes for about 40 minutes. A decoction of half a glass is taken three times a day. 
  • Dill seeds. To prepare the drug, you will need a teaspoon of dill seeds, which must be poured with 300 ml of boiling water. It is best to place it all in a thermos and leave it for two hours. The drug is accepted 80 ml 3 times a day. It is advisable to do this between meals. 
  • Birch buds. To prepare the medicine, you need to pour 500 ml of water. Bring to a boil and boil for two to three minutes. Next, you need to turn off and wrap the pan in a towel. Thus, the kidneys should stand until completely cooled. Take a potion of 120 ml 3 times a day. It is advisable to drink with a potion regardless of food intake, that is, between meals. 
  • Rose hip. A common tool that is often used to treat kidney disease, as well as the urinary system. To prepare the product, it is necessary to pour a tablespoon of ragged dry fruits with 200 ml of boiling water. You need to insist under the lid for 30 minutes. Further, the funds are filtered, and is accepted about 150 ml three times a day. In addition, rosehip can be drunk regardless of food intake, instead of tea, when you want. 
Herbs from edema
Herbs from edema

The best diuretics for edema: a list of pharmacy drugs

There are many drugs that remove fluid from the body. However, you should not abuse the use of these drugs. The fact is that some drugs can harm and have a large number of side effects. Most often they are prescribed in the case of heart disease, as well as in hypertension. Indeed, many diuretics help reduce blood pressure by eliminating salt and fluid from the body.

The best diuretics for edema, a list of drugs:

  • Tireosides, drugs, which remove salt from the body, as well as water. Basically, it is they who are prescribed for hypertension to reduce the concentration of salt in the blood, thereby reducing blood pressure. Among such drugs, one can distinguish Clopamide, Ariphon. 
  • Furosemide. This is a sufficiently strong drug that reduces the amount of fluid, as well as chlorine in the body. Sodium derives chlorine from the kidneys, so the tone of the venous vessels is reduced. In addition, the amount of fluid in the body decreases, due to which swelling disappears. The drug is often taken to reduce blood pressure, as well as to relieve edema of any nature. The medicine is not suitable for constant administration, and is emergency. Sold in granules, tablets, as well as in solutions. It has a decent number of contraindications, including renal failure, diabetes, gout and pancreatitis. Accordingly, the elderly patient with diabetes cannot be taken. 
  •  Bomethanid. It is also a strong medicine that is used for edema of different theology. It is mainly indicated at high pressure, toxicosis of the second and third trimester of pregnancy, and with cirrhosis. Often this drug is prescribed if fusemide is ineffective. Reduces the number of chlorine ions and sodium in the blood, but besides this, washing magnesium, calcium, potassium from the body. Therefore, the drug is not prescribed for osteoporosis, as well as in people and women after 60 years, the elderly. It is absorbed completely, therefore it is very strong.
  • Indapamide it is also a drug that reduces pressure and reduces the amount of fluid. Designed on the basissulfonelmochevinaand works in the kidneys. It helps to reduce the muscles of blood vessel cells, due to which the amount of fluid decreases. It removes potassium, magnesium and chlorine, so the amount of urine is large. The drug is rarely used to reduce blood pressure, so it is rarely prescribed for very high blood pressure. You can not take during pregnancy, as well as with osteoporosis. 
Diuretic pills
Diuretic pills

Which diuretic is better when swelling of the legs, does not wash out calcium and potassium?

As you can see, almost all of the above products wash out calcium from the body, as well as potassium, which significantly worsens the condition of patients suffering from osteoporosis. To prevent this from happening, there are potassium -saving diuretics that do not work like a previous group of drugs.

Which diuretic is better with swelling of the legs, does not wash out calcium and potassium:

  • Tarasimit This moderate diuretic helps remove swelling, which is provoked by heart diseases, as well as hypertension. Sold in tablets and is taken one tablet three times a day. Operates for 18 hours and removes very quicklyswelling. It has a large number of contraindications, so it cannot be taken by people with chronic diseases of the liver and kidneys. 
  • One of these drugs isTriamteren. He also copes with edema that is provoked by increased pressure and cirrhosis. This drug, unlike others, does not remove calcium from the body, it inhibits its production. Sold in powder, as well as in suspension. It is necessary to take itmore, than 30 g per day. It is advisable to take the drug every 12 hours, that is how much the manufacturer claims the effect of the drug. Reduces swelling and fights excellently with high blood pressure. 
  • Amyloride. Sold in tablets of 5 mg of active drug. Take the medicine only one tablet once a day. It is worth noting that the medicine does not apply to very strong, so you will not be able to get rid of edema immediately. In order to get a persistent effect, it is necessary to take the drug for a long period of time. It is allowed to take with other strong diuretics, but the drug prevents the elimination of potassium from the body, as well as magnesium, which is very undesirable for osteoporosis. Does not harm the kidneys, and alsoliver. However, negatively affects the work of the gastrointestinal tract. The medicine can provoke calcium accumulation, therefore, from time to time, with prolonged treatment, it is necessary to donate blood for analysis. 
Effective drugs
Effective drugs

What is the best diuretic remedy for facial edema?

Many people are wondering what drug to purchase? In fact, it is impossible to buy a diuretic without the recommendation of a doctor in any case. The fact is that they are distinguished by a large number of contraindications, so they can be harmful.

What is the best diuretic remedy for facial edema:

  • However, if it is necessary to remove fluid from the body very quickly, an ideal option will be Furosemide. Remember that the drug cannot be taken often, it is intended only for a quick action in order to relieve swelling at this time.
  • If you have not received the expected effect of furosemide, you can buy Bmimtanid.. This drug is much stronger, but it removes part of the minerals and trace elements, promotes bone resorption, which is unacceptable for osteoporosis.
  • If you want to constantly accept funds, then it is best to purchase such a drug as BUTmilorid. It is accepted only one tablet, but you should not expect a quick effect from it. This is an ideal option for chronic hypertension, as well as edema provoked by diseases of the cardiovascular system.
  • In acute conditions, they usually assign Mannitol, however, it is not sold in tablets, but is realized only in ampoules and bottles for drip administration. Usually this tool is used in hospitals, if necessary, remove strong edema, such as, for example, allergic edema.
  • If you need a tool that will prevent potassium derived, give preference amilorida. 
Herbs from edema
Herbs from edema

Please note that drugs that remove excess fluid from the body are not drunk for prevention. These are either emergency care products, or drugs used on a permanent basis for therapeutic purposes, as prescribed by the doctor.

Video: The best diuretics from edema


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