How to cure cystitis for men? What causes cystitis in men?

How to cure cystitis for men? What causes cystitis in men?

The article will talk about the main symptoms of cystitis in men and methods of its treatment.

After 40 years, almost 60% of the male population face such an unpleasant disease as cystitis. A set of factors, such as: improper nutrition, alcohol and smoking, age -related changes and viral diseases, can lead to cysts. If you consult a doctor in time, the disease can be cured quickly. If you delay, cystitis can lead to a number of complications, disrupt the functioning of the urinary and reproductive systems.

Symptoms of male cystitis

Cystitis is a disease associated with inflammation of the bladder. This disease has pronounced symptoms:

  • The main symptom of cystitis is pain during urination. Patients characterize pain, like burning and carving in the urethra
  • Frequent urge and difficulties in urination. At the same time, severe pains are observed at the beginning and end of urination
  • False urge. It seems that I want to go to the toilet, but at the same time the bladder is empty
  • With advanced forms of cystitis, a change in urine color is planned. It acquires a dark shade and an unpleasant odor, may contain blood and mucus.
  • Between urination, the pain in the groin and urethra also worries
  • Lack of treatment can lead to infectious diseases of the entire urinary system. Also, cause infection entering the blood. In this case, the temperature rises, the head hurts and the general weakness is felt

Types of cystitis in men

Cystitis, like other diseases associated with inflammatory processes, has several stages:

  • Sharp cystitis. It arises and develops quickly enough. Acute cystitis occurs suddenly, due to hypothermia, infection or as a result of another provoking factor. Acute cystitis is accompanied by the main symptoms: pain, frequent calls to the toilet, a change in urine color. Sometimes, cystitis occurs with the disease of the kidneys. At the same time, lower back pain and fever are observed. Acute cystitis needs immediately treatment
  • Chronic cystitis. This form of the disease occurs if acute cystitis has not been finally cured, or provoking factors are present quite often (for example, frequent hypothermias). Chronic cystitis has the same symptoms as acute cystitis. But at the same time, the pain is not so strong. Chronic cystitis can pass, and then resume. It requires a long, complex treatment

Causes of cystitis in men

There are several basic factors. Which are capable of pronouncing the appearance of cystitis:

  • Due to general diseases of the genitourinary system. Infection can get from the prostate gland, urethra or testicles
  • Infectious cystitis can occur along with urethritis and prostatitis.
  • Non -compliance with personal hygiene rules
  • Renal diseases
  • Cystitis can be caused by viral infections that are transmitted sexually: trichomoniasis, gonorrhea or chlamydosis.
  • With tuberculosis, not only the lungs, but also the genitourinary system are affected, cystitis occurs
  • Ordinary viral colds: flu, runny nose, sinusitis or sore throat, can also lead to such a complication as cystitis
  • Hypothermia. Especially the inguinal region and abdominal region
  • Inal meals, consumption of excessively salted food and alcohol
  • Smoking, constant stress

If the body is subject to one, or several listed factors, cystitis will appear.

According to statistics, the most common factors in the development of cystitis are hypothermia and infectious diseases of the urinary system.

Features of cystitis in men

According to doctors, male cystitis is much easier than female. The peculiarity of male cystitis is that it is most often associated with diseases of the reproductive system and sex glands.

According to statistics, men are delayed for a long time with a visit to a doctor. As a result - the occurrence of chronic cystitis. That is why, many men after 45-50 years suffer from prostatitis, which is accompanied by chronic cystitis.

The consequences of male cystitis

If cystitis is not treated, it can lead to the following consequences:

  • Inflammatory processes and abscess in the abdomen
  • Blood poisoning
  • Development of pelionefritis
  • Development of prostatitis and sexual dysfunction

Diagnosis of cystitis

Even if the symptoms of cystitis coincide, the doctor must conduct a number of studies to find out the cause of cystitis:

  • Urine analysis that will reveal an infectious pathogen
  • Viral disease smear
  • Kidney and prostate ultrasound
  • Cystoscopy and biopsy, if necessary

How to treat chronic cystitis in men?

Cystitis in men is treated with a complex of measures:

  • Antibiotics. The first thing you need to do is stop inflammation and kill pathogens. Antibiotics can be used both in tablets and in the form of injections
  • The use of antipyretic agents at temperatures and bed rest
  • The use of medicinal plants that help stop the inflammatory process: horsetail, strap, corn stigmas. Also, it is recommended to use cranberries and lingonberries, drink rosehip decoction
  • With severe pain, painkillers are prescribed
  • Sometimes. It is recommended to rinse the bladder. The procedure is not pleasant, but effective
  • Physiotherapy. It is used at the end of treatment, to consolidate the result

Treatment of cystitis in men with antibiotics and injections

Antibiotics with cystitis are prescribed only after an infectious pathogen has been detected. After a series of analyzes, the doctor will attribute that antibacterial drug that will help to cope with the infection. When using antibiotics, other drugs must be used with caution, alcohol is not allowed.

Tips for men: how to relieve pain with cystitis

In addition to pharmacy painkillers, there are additional ways to relieve pain with cystitis:

  • If possible, observe bed rest and is under the blanket
  • Insulate the feet and abdomen
  • Apply on the stomach, in the area of \u200b\u200bthe bladder warm compress
  • If there are no contraindications, take a hot bath
  • Grind a spoonful of hemp seeds and pour water. This tool relieves pain in cystitis
  • Make a decoction: chamomile, St. John's wort, plantain and calendula pour boiling water. Give it an hour and strain. Apply a third of a glass twice a day.
  • Drink tea from rose hips throughout the day

Food for men with cystitis: diet for cystitis for men

So that cystitis is cured faster and not resumed, it is necessary to establish your diet.

  • With cystitis, you need to consume products that improve urination: herbal teas, watermelons and other juicy fruits and vegetables
  • Use low -fat varieties of fish and meat
  • Reduce the amount of salt consumed
  • Do not eat smoked meats and semi -finished products
  • Consume healthy products: cereals, honey, dairy products and olive oil
  • There are products rich in fiber: bran, vegetables and fruits, herbs
  • It is necessary to limit the use of garlic, onion and horseradish
  • Do not drink alcohol and carbonated drinks

How to cure cystitis to men: tips and reviews

  • Do not postpone treatment! Even minor pains and urination problems - this is an occasion to see a doctor
  • Chronic cystitis must be treated at any age. With the right approach, the probability of cure is high
  • Observe the correct daily routine, get enough sleep and keep under control of the nervous system
  • Do not overcool. In cold weather, wear warm socks and thermal underwear
  • Follow all your doctor's prescriptions
  • Even if the symptoms of cystitis have retreated, it is necessary to finish the course of treatment.

Cystitis is an unpleasant, but quite ordinary disease. With the right approach and responsible treatment, this disease is not difficult to overcome.

Video: cystitis in men










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  1. The doctor prescribed me a course of antibiotics and nephrosten. I think it is a comprehensive treatment that can help in this case. In any case, the cystitis left me alone, which could not but rejoice)) because the pains, of course, were unbearable .... Yes, he could not go to the toilet in a non-commercial (

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