Cystitis in women, during pregnancy, breastfeeding: causes, symptoms, consequences, first aid, food, reviews. How and what to treat female cystitis in pregnant women, women and nursing mothers: drugs, folk remedies, tips

Cystitis in women, during pregnancy, breastfeeding: causes, symptoms, consequences, first aid, food, reviews. How and what to treat female cystitis in pregnant women, women and nursing mothers: drugs, folk remedies, tips

Cystitis is not an easy disease, so it is important to diagnose it in time, paying attention to the symptoms. About them and not only you will learn from our article.

Women often suffer from cystitis than men. This is explained by the physiological characteristics of their body, allowing pathogens to easily penetrate the mucous membrane of the bladder.

For its treatment, it is important that the diagnosis is made correctly, and the appointment is given a positive result.

The causes of cystitis in girls and women

Acute or chronic cystitis can be caused by bacteria, fungi, viruses. Most often, infections are the cause of it. Pathogenic organisms enter the bladder through a short but wide urinary canal, from the anus, vagina. But bacteria can penetrate in other ways:

  • urethral or ascending - infection gets from the urethra
  • descending - infection occurs through the upper urological tract
  • lymphogenic - bacteria come from organs in the small pelvis
  • hematogenous - distant organs are the source of infection

The cause of cystitis can be:

  • Inflammation in the vagina
  • Genital diseases: thrush, vaginosis, mycoplasmosis, gonorrhea
  • The presence of pyelonephritis, stones, stagnation of urine due to the presence of diverticulums on the walls of the organ
  • Changing the microflora of the urinary tract and vagina during pregnancy, which is the result of the fact that the body is restructured both hemodynamic and endocrine
  • Diabetes
  • Frequent allergic reactions
  • Oncology
  • Injury to the mucosa as a result of surgery, various surgical manipulations, examinations
  • Menopause, because At this time, an estrogen deficiency is felt, atrophic changes occur in the body. All this is not in the best way reflected in the urological tract

The causative agents of cystitis are:

  • streptococci
  • e. coli
  • proteus
  • staphylococci

The cause of this disease can also be sexual infections:

  • trichomonas
  • candida fungi
  • mycoplasma
  • chlamydia
  • pale treponemans

From this it follows that cystitis is a simultaneous problem of both urology and gynecology.

Most women experience negative influences, but not everyone gets sick cystitis. Of great importance here are risk factors that weaken the immunity and contribute to the development of the disease:

  1. Vitamin deficiency
  2. Hypothermia. When the thermal balance of the body is disturbed, the body loses the ability to resist the reproduction of various bacteria
  3. Fatigue
  4. A negligent attitude to sexual hygiene
  5. Enjoyable nutrition
  6. Stress, other disorders of the nervous system
  7. Sedomery
  8. Colds, viral diseases
  9. Frequent change of sexual partners
  10. Sharp dishes, alcohol
  11. Close, poor -quality clothing
  12. The presence of stones in the bladder

How cystitis manifests itself in women: symptoms

Depending on the course of the disease, cystitis is classified as acute, chronic, primary, secondary.
Sharp cystitiswho was preceded by a cold, some kind of injury, an infection or another factor from a risk group, occurs suddenly and manifests itself:

  • pain at the beginning and end of urination
    Frequent visits to the toilet
  • elevated temperature
  • cutting pain in the lower abdomen, which after the process is localized in the perineum and pubic part
  • a constant sensation of the fullness of the bladder
    blood or mucus in the urine
  • general weakness

After the treatment of acute disease, relapses often occur, indicating that the infection remains in the body.
Chronic cystitis Empathize identical symptoms, but not so pronounced. With exacerbation, the pain becomes the same intensive as in acute form, and when remission occurs, not only symptoms disappear, but even laboratory tests do not reveal inflammatory processes.

First aid for cystitis in women

At the first signs of cystitis, consult a doctor immediately.
If the attack began suddenly, and it is not possible to get medical help immediately,
you need to take measures yourself to somehow alleviate the condition:

  1. To drink a lot of liquids - not necessarily clean water, all sorts of drinks, except for alcohol, coffee, carbonated. It is good if there is a compote of dried fruits, cranberry fruit drinks
  2. Go to bed
  3. With severe pain, take an analgesic. If the pain does not back down for several hours, you can’t do without a doctor
  4. Prepare a decoction of those herbs that will be at home. Light antibacterial and anti -inflammatory properties have lingonberries, chamomile, yarrow, stubborn, calendula, nettles, St. John's wort. Folk remedies can be used in the future, but only as an addition to traditional treatment and after approval by the attending physician
  5. Noticing blood in the urine, act immediately. Here you urgently need a doctor
  6. Accept the monoral once as urgent assistance, and the doctor will make further prescriptions

What experts do not advise is a warm heating pad in the abdomen in acute pain. Such “help” will only increase inflammation and contribute to the rapid spread of infection. And the heating pad between the legs will slightly reduce the pain.

Can there be a delay in menstruation during and after cystitis?

  • In women, the urinary system and sexual are interconnected. Therefore, the exchange of bacteria causing cystitis occurs easily. Inflammation in the bladder causes a disorder of the functions of reproductive organs
  • If there is a delay in menstruation after cystitis, then this means that the disease has acquired a chronic form and causes failures in the ovarian. Treatment of cystitis with antibiotics can also cause delay
  • Since the inflammatory process in the bladder and appendages occurs at the same time, a separate treatment of cystitis can be unsuccessful. It is necessary to comprehensively solve the problem by visiting the urologist and gynecologist. The examination will determine the focus of infection, its pathogen and will reveal the reason why there was a delay
  • The delay in cystitis also depends on the state of the functional layer of the endometrium. If its structure is damaged, then viruses easily get there. The hormonal balance is disturbed, as a result of which the cyclical rejection of the cells of the uterine mucosa changes
  • It will be useful to make a pregnancy test - it is not excluded even with cystitis, then the delay is simply explained
  • If delays are repeatedly observed against the background of cystitis, then this cannot be ignored. You need to urgently contact doctors. The best examination period is the beginning of the cycle

Cystitis during pregnancy - is it dangerous: consequences

Cystitis during pregnancy causes, symptoms, treatment

During an interesting position with cystitis, many women face, most often this happens at the very beginning.

The reason is the physiological changes taking place in the body and leading to a decrease in immunity.

The uterus, increasing, presses on the bladder, on the organs located in the pelvis, their blood supply worsens. Therefore, the body ceases to effectively fight infections when they enter the body.

The excess amount of progesterone, often observed in pregnant women, weakens the bladder, reducing its tone.
It is not completely released due to the difficulty outflow of fluid.
In the remaining urine, bacteria develop very quickly.

  • At a time when the fetus is carried, all infectious diseases, including cystitis, are dangerous. He poses the threat not only to the health of the future mother, but the fetus. The consequences are especially dangerous when a woman does not see a doctor for a long time. The infection can advance to the kidneys and cause the development of pyelonephritis. In this case, only powerful therapy will help
  • In addition, the inflamed mucous membrane of the bladder can cause the child's premature birth
  • Given the fact that pregnant women are not always shown medications that treat the rest, the treatment of the gynecologist at the first signals of cystitis is vital
  • The timely release of the bladder, the use of a large amount of juices, and the observance of personal hygiene will help to exclude complications.

What is the temperature of cystitis in women?

An increase in temperature occurs as a result of a thermal reaction that occurs due to the fall of the decay products of harmful microbes into the bloodstream. Since the mucous membrane does not absorb toxins in the bladder, they are also excluded from this source from this source.

Therefore, inflammation, localized in the bladder, can give a temperature a maximum of 37.5, which is considered the norm and does not require the reception of antipyretic.

The thermometer readings above the critical temperature are a sign of the progression of the inflammatory process. It can be assumed that the infection through the ureters fell into the renal pelvis or the kidneys.

If the kidneys are not inflamed, and the temperature is high, then this indicates the presence of some concomitant infection.

Experts say that pure cystitis is rare. Often this is a secondary disease against the background of various gynecological problems.

Therefore, treating it without removing the reason is useless. It will simply become chronic, and relapses will arise every time in the presence of risk factors.

If you do not treat cystitis, then complications are possible:

  • development of pyelonephritis
  • the flow of urine to the kidneys through the uretcher - reflux
  • change in the tissues of the bladder, its reduction, and as a result, the loss of functions
  • infertility against the background of chronic cystitis
    urinary incontinence

How to treat cystitis by a nursing mother: drugs, folk remedies, tips

During breastfeeding, women often face such a problem as cystitis. It is treated only with drugs selected by a doctor so that they do not harm the child.

There are antibiotics and herbal preparations that are shown during breastfeeding. If they do not give results, feeding has to be interrupted.

It is impossible to treat cystitis yourself, but the knowledge of some rules will not hurt anyone:

  1. Exclude sweet drinks so as not to create a favorable environment for the propagation of microbes. It’s better to refuse sweets from sweets
  2. Refuse strong tea, coffee, spices and spices that cause irritation of the bladder mucosa and give a special taste of milk
  3. Drink 1.5-2 liters of fluid per day
    Drink lingonberry and cranberry fruits prepared at home

Without interruption of feeding, antibacterial agents are prescribed from the group of cephalosporins and penicillin, but only under the supervision of a doctor.

From plant drugs harmless to the baby, doctors advise:

  1. Fitolizin. Its two -week technique not only relieves inflammation, but also increases the acidity of urine, preventing the multiplication of microbes
  2. Cyston. They drink both for treatment and as a prevention
  3. Kanefronbut only dragee. There are alcohol in drops, and for the peanut its presence is undesirable

There are many folk remedies from cystitis:

    1. Tea Based on leaves, flowers rosehip and chamomile
    2. Warm. They say that if you place a hot stone on the bottom of the bucket and sit carefully so as not to burn yourself, then the bout of cystitis is quickly removed
    3. Leaves and berries cranberries, brusniksFrom which decoctions are made. If you make a glass of berries, then add 2 cups of water, bring to a boil, strain and drink, then signs of cystitis will disappear

Postpartum cystitis In nursing mothers, they are effectively treated with installation, in which drugs are poured directly into the bladder.

What should be food for women with cystitis?

Unpleasant signs of cystitis, along with treatment, will help eliminate a special diet.

Nutrition with an acute form of cystitis


In the acute period, a lot of fruits and fresh vegetables should be included in the diet, especially those that have a diuretic property. These include primarily melons and watermelons. Useful and zucchini.

It is important to drink a lot-up to 2 l per day.
This includes decoctions from corn stigmas, renal fee, castlineas well as weak tea, compote, juices, morse, mineral water.


Dairy It should be entered into the menu when the pain subsides.
Later, fish and meat are brought into the diet a little.

Alcohol is completely contraindicated, soda, smoked, salty, spicy, products with preservatives and dyes.

How to eat with chronic cystitis?

The gastrointestinal tract has a great effect on the course of chronic cystitis.

When fecal masses stagnate, toxins are absorbed into the blood that irritate the mucous membrane of the bladder.

Therefore, it is so important to eat products that help improve intestinal motility. These include:

  • cabbage (fresh)
  • solid pasta
  • carrot
  • groups
  • vegetables containing coarse fiber

You cannot include fried, smoked, canned, as well as:

  • horseradish
  • garlic
  • sorrel
  • cabbage is colored
  • radish
  • sour fruits, berries

All this annoys the urethral paths.

How to quickly cure cystitis in women: drugs, tips

  • Since cystitis is aggravated most often against the background of hypothermia, first aid is to create comfort. A woman should be in a warm bed, it is necessary to remove all annoying factors, provide her with warm drink
  • It is impossible to quickly cure cystitis without pills, but a doctor or therapist should prescribe them to prescribe them
  • Most likely, antibiotics will be attributed-levofloxacin, furazidine, ciprofloxacin, phosphomicin or some others, as well as diuretic preparations-cyston, kanefron or something else
  • In this case, a good gynecologist is also needed to prescribe means to restore the vaginal microflora, disturbed by the intake of antibiotics. Most often, the gynecologist adds to the main drugs as a hexicon type

How to treat female cystitis: reviews

The most correct solution to the problem is to visit the clinic, followed by examination and prescribing a course of treatment. True, taking medication does not always help. You can find many reviews that are shared by women who have defeated this disease:

  1. Marina. “I made tea from propolis and flower pollen. I drank a month, then took a break for the same time and repeated the course. The symptoms of cystitis have disappeared. "
  2. Oksana. “Very quickly got rid of pain with a folk remedy. I took 100 g of rowan bark, poured 1 liter of water, boiled for about 15 minutes. I drank for a day like tea. I felt a positive influence the next day. ”
  3. Yaroslav. “I question the effectiveness of folk remedies. Personally, I used Kanefron tablets for treatment., And their doctor attributed me to me. I heard good reviews about this drug from others. When the course ended, for several days it was douched by bifidubacterin and dressed warmly. Now everything is fine".
  4. Victoria. “And I very cheaply cured cystitis with milk. At first he was well heated, but did not bring him to a boil. Then she poured into the pot and sat on top, of course, so that it was not very baked. He warm up well, she repeated the procedure several times. Everything has passed, nothing hurts. ”
  5. Svetlana. “I think that you need to be treated comprehensively. Well, they eliminated the symptoms for a while, and where is the guarantee that the source of infection has disappeared? No, I’d better go to a specialist and give all the tests. ”

How to treat female cystitis: advice

Cystitis is a very insidious disease. Do not use only the experience of others in its treatment. No one will cure better than a certified specialist, and folk methods can be used as an addition.

Video: Treatment of cystitis. Drugs for cystitis

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Comments K. article

  1. Last year I was very often sick with cysts, I didn’t have it, I hope that it will not be. Nasty sore, I can not stand it ((

  2. Yes, when you begin to feel the first symptoms of cystitis, the mood immediately falls and everything is not cute ((I write to the doctor, I begin to cook cranberry fruit drinks, in general, starting is treated as soon as possible. The last time I was treated, the doctor added uzroprofit, a complex with a very A good composition, which includes cranberry fruits, leafs of stubborn, horsetail grass and vitamin C. Since November there have been no more relapses, thank God!

  3. I was sick with cystitis ...., to be honest. There is no pain with anything. In general, this is a great happiness that now it is all treated: I drank antibiotics, nephrosten, tinctures on calendula+ was like electrophoresis. Ugh ugh, this infection has retreated. There was no limit to happiness when the symptoms began to disappear))

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