Leg swelling: causes, types, diagnosis, treatment, prevention, tips. What complications arise when swelling of the legs? Diuretics, folk remedies, ointments, exercises for swelling of the legs: Rules for use

Leg swelling: causes, types, diagnosis, treatment, prevention, tips. What complications arise when swelling of the legs? Diuretics, folk remedies, ointments, exercises for swelling of the legs: Rules for use

The swelling of the legs is not as harmless as they seem, at first glance. Be sure to find out the reason for their occurrence, for the correct and effective treatment.

Probably, many faced a situation when you are trying to put on your favorite shoes, and your legs are so swollen that it is simply unrealistic to do it. Many turn a blind eye to this, considering it a normal phenomenon, but it should be done only when swelling occurs in very rare cases. If swelling of the legs has become the norm, you should look for the cause of the problem, to eliminate.

Causes, types of body edema, treatment and prevention

Edema is an accumulation of excess fluid in the internal organs or between cells in the human body. Quite often, edema signals serious diseases of the internal organs. And ignoring their appearance can be life -threatening. A sign that signals the appearance of edema is a swelling, and when pressed on it with a finger, a trace remains for a while.

There are two types of edema:

  • General
  • Local

Local edema signal the allergic reaction of the body, violations in the lymphatic system and the varicose veins. General edema occurs in diseases of the internal organs.

And depending on the locality of edema, there are such types:

  • Cerebral edema, occurs due to cranial injury or complications of infectious diseases
  • Mechanical, occurs due to impact or injury, can occur during pregnancy, as well as with tumors
  • Quincke's edema, occurs due to allergic reactions
  • Cachectic, occurs due to problems in the cardiovascular system and in the refusal of eating
  • Hydremic, signals about problems in the work of the kidneys
  • Stagnant, signals about problems in the work of blood vessels and capillaries
  • Neuropathic, occurs in people with diabetes mellitus and alcohol dependence

The causes of edema affect the symptoms:

  • The problems in the work of the cardiovascular system are evidenced by symmetrical swelling of the legs
  • The kidney diseases signal swelling on the face, in the initial stage, with the further development of the disease, swelling occurs on the legs, lower back, in the area of \u200b\u200bthe abdominal cavity
  • Edema of the larynx and tongue occurs with an allergic reaction to food or medications. Very life -threatening, a person can die from suffocation
  • Edema arising in hand, signal the squeezing of the upper hollow vein, this can be judged by the bluishness of the skin, vascular stars and the expansion of the veins

Important: to clarify the cause of edema, you should seek help from the therapist. After a series of tests and examinations, the correct course of treatment aimed to eliminate the cause of the occurrence may be prescribed. Only after that can an effective struggle with the edema itself be waged.

Mandatory, with any prescribed treatment, will adhere to a special diet that eliminates salt from food, or restriction of it to a minimum. Special diuretics are prescribed for the removal of excess fluid. And restrictions on the amount of fluid drunk are placed.

In order to prevent edema, it follows:

  • Do not neglect your health, but to seek medical help in a timely manner, not to ignore the symptoms that have arisen
  • Adhere to proper nutrition, excess weight only exacerbates the occurrence of edema
  • To refuse from bad habits
  • Lead a physically active lifestyle

The reasons for the edema of the legs

There are many reasons for the appearance of edema on the legs:

  • Too large and prolonged load on the feet
  • The use of a large amount of fluid both throughout the day and immediately before bedtime
  • Overweight
  • Flat feet
  • Metabolic disorders
  • Passive lifestyle
  • The habit of sitting wrong, throwing your leg on your foot
  • Shoes on too high heels or on very flat soles, squeezing the toes
  • Cardiovascular diseases
  • Kidney disease
  • Varicose veins
  • Liver disease
  • Diseases of the gastrointestinal tract
  • Problems in the thyroid gland
  • Pregnancy
  • Elephantiasis
  • Medication
  • Complication after a cold

Types of edema of the legs

Like all swelling, swelling of the legs is divided into such types:

  • General
  • Local

Important: local swelling of the legs occurs in diseases and inflammatory processes in the joints. In places of such edema, pain and local fever appear. If such symptoms have begun to disturb quite often, you need to seek help from the rheumatologist.

General swelling of the legs signal the problems in the work of internal organs:

  • Renal, they are hydramic - this is if to swelling of the eyelids and dark circles under the eyes, swelling of the legs from the back. Itching, pain and fever during kidney edema are not observed. But, there are changes in urination, quantity and color of urine
  • Cardiovascular, they are cachectic, arise closer in the evening. A feature of these edema is that they are symmetrical on both legs, and rise from the bottom up, can reach the hips. Sleanings, rapid fatigue, pain in the heart area are added to the edges on the legs
  • The problems in the thyroid gland are evidenced by swelling that do not leave a trace after pressing a finger. In addition, the patient has sharply increased weight, rapid fatigue, distraction appears, the ability to think quickly is lost, frequent constipation, depressive states arise
  • Edema for gastrointestinal diseases is outwardly similar to renal edema. The only difference is that instead of problems with urination, there are problems with the chair
  • Edema for varicose veins, at the very beginning of the development of the disease, inconspicuous. They arise at the end of the working day and completely pass the next morning, return closer to the evening. In the future, the development of the disease is constant, the color of the skin changes, a local increase in temperature and pain can be added. Edema for varicose veins occurs on one leg.
  • Edema during pregnancy is physiological in nature. And they can signal the health problems of the expectant mother or malnutrition
  • Blows and bruises can leave swelling behind, as fabrics are restored, they quickly pass. But there are cases when swelling goes into a chronic form
  • Elephant disease, legs with this type of edema become like the legs of an elephant. And if this type of edema has already arisen, then it will remain forever

Diagnosis of swelling of the legs

You can diagnose swelling of the legs yourself. To do this, you need to press your finger with your finger. If a trace remains at the pressure site, and does not pass for some time, then, then, swelling is present. You can also notice the presence of edema after removing socks. If traces from the elastic are visible, the legs swell.

Having noticed the presence of edema in yourself, you must seek help from the therapist. The doctor will prescribe a number of tests and examinations to exclude serious diseases:

  • Urine and blood tests
  • Electrocardiogram of the heart
  • Ultrasound examination of internal organs and lower extremities
  • Computer tomography

Even if there is an obvious cause of edema on the legs, there is a varicose veins, it is necessary to undergo a number of studies. In addition to this reason, other factors may occur.

Complications for swelling of the legs

Important: it is very important not to ignore the appearance of edema on the legs, but to seek help in a timely manner. In addition to stronger swelling of the legs, diseases that caused their appearance may be complicated. Thus, you can prevent acute renal failure, the risk of heart attack or stroke.

  • In case of violations of the venous channel of the lower extremities, it may develop gangrene, which carries amputation of the leg
  • If you do not treat deep vein thrombosis, possibly tearing a blood clot, which, in turn, is very life -threatening for life

Diuretics for swelling of the legs

In combination with treatment, the causes of edema on the legs can be prescribed diuretics. It can be both herbs, or herbs, or medications.

Diuretic herbs can be prescribed as an addition to diuretics. When taking them, you should remember:

  • You can not drink infusions of herbs later than 16 o’clock in the afternoon
  • Strictly observe the dose specified by the doctor. You can not independently increase or decrease the amount of infusion of infusion
  • The action of herbs does not begin immediately, but after some time. You can’t throw treatment yourself
  • If the result from taking herbs is not too long, it is necessary to stop taking the infusion or decoction
  • After a month and a half, after the start of taking decoctions or infusions, their composition should be changed
  • Contraindication to use is peptic ulcer, increased acidity in the stomach, acute inflammation of the kidneys
  • Perhaps a strong increase in blood pressure

Important: it is strictly forbidden to take diuretic herbs when bearing a baby, they can provoke premature termination of pregnancy.

If an allergic reaction occurs in the process of treatment with diuretics, it is urgent to stop taking.

Diuretics can only be prescribed in conjunction with the treatment of edema. You can not self -medicate. They need to be taken only at strictly determined time, and in strictly indicated doses.

Important: taking diuretic tablets, drugs or herbs should be strictly as prescribed by a doctor, with excess fluid, potassium from the body is excreted, which can provoke problems in the heart.

Ointments for swelling of the legs: name

For local removal of swelling in the legs, you can use ointments and gels:

  • Very well helps relieve swelling and pain ointment Indomethacin
  • Heparin ointment will help relieve inflammation from the walls of the veins
  • Lyoton 1000 helps with swelling of the legs, as well as with fatigue and painful sensations
  • Venitan helps with varicose veins and relieves swelling well
  • Essena gel relieves inflammation, helps with varicose veins and tired of the legs
  • Troxevazin helps with edema and inflammation, effectively removes them

Important: using ointments, to relieve swelling, you need to consult with your doctor, you can not self -medicate.

Foot edema exercises

To remove edema on the legs, exercise should be done:

  • In the morning, without getting out of bed, you should make such movements as when driving a bicycle. The legs should be kept as high as possible. It will be good if the exercise takes sixty seconds. After that, it is necessary to turn the feet, without lowering the legs, for two minutes. You need to do these exercises every day
  • Stand alternately on one leg, then on the other
  • Take off shoes, walk and stand on socks, this must be done alternately
  • Standing, smoothly roll from socks to heels
  • Stand for a few seconds on socks, and then jump
  • Sitting, bending and extend your fingers on your feet
  • Sitting, put a pencil on the floor and try to raise it with your fingers
  • Sitting, press the heels to the floor, and pull the toes to the top, and vice versa
  • Ordinary walks, after a working day spent at the computer, will help prevent and remove swelling of the legs
  • In the evening before going to bed, lying on your back, raise your legs above the heart level

Folk remedies for leg edema: recommendations for use

Important: it should be remembered that you cannot self -medicate. If there is the slightest suspicion of the disease, which can cause swelling of the legs, you should immediately seek help from a doctor.

  • You can try to drink hot water, this must be done often in small sips. If there are no serious diseases, then this method effectively helps to get rid of edema
  • Drink an infusion of rosehip during the day, replacing them with water
  • It helps to remove the swelling of the cabbage. Clinking the cabbage sheet and attach to the problem area, wrapping with a bandage
  • Buy stone or sea salt, dissolve it in water, about 10 liters. Apply to the lower back, wetting the tissue in salted solution. Such cold compresses must be done throughout the day. They have a diuretic effect and will help get rid of edema
  • You can drink juice from grapes, before meals twice a day
  • In order to get rid of edema, you can drink juice from cucumbers
  • Flax seeds filled with boiling water and infused for two hours will help. Take every two hours
  • It helps to remove excess water from the body of parsley juice
  • In the summer you can eat watermelon, an excellent diuretic, helps to get rid of edema
  • Bunny helps to remove excess salt from the body, its composition contains a large amount of potassium, which positively affects the work of the heart
  • Take two tablespoons of onion juice on an empty stomach in the morning. To do this, you need two bulbs, chop and fill it with sugar. Insist all night. After that, spin the juice thoroughly through gauze
  • To remove edema with varicose veins, you can make compresses from overripe tomatoes
  • Contrast baths help well, adding sea salt and medicinal herbs to them
  • You can do legs massage from your fingers to the hip
  • In summer, you can use an elderberry leaves, steam and applied to the places of emergence
  • You can cook ice cubes from a decoction of medicinal herbs, rub them with problem areas
  • Pass the head of the garlic through a meat grinder and pour a glass of boiling water. Let it cool. Rub the places of edema. After half an hour, wash off with cool water

Swelling prevention

For the prevention of edema, some simple rules should be observed:

  • You need to get rid of bad habits, especially smoking
  • It’s right to eat, not to abuse smoked meats, sweets, soda, it is better to abandon them in general. Eat only healthy and healthy food, fruits. Minimize consumption of salt
  • Follow the weight
  • Drink a sufficient amount of fluid during the day, but limit before bedtime
  • When sitting work, do not forget that you can not throw one leg on the other or put it under yourself. You need to periodically get up and knead
  • Take vitamins in the cold season
  • Before going to bed, do contrasting dousing of the legs
  • Hiking will help prevent swelling
  • Clothes and shoes should be comfortable, and not just fashionable and beautiful, and not bring a sense of discomfort
  • If you have to stand in one place for a long time, it is necessary to do, albeit a small, warm -up, periodically change the pose
  • Going to bed, put a roller or pillow under the feet
  • Do preventive charging in the morning and evenings

Feet swell: tips

  • If, when swelling on the legs appears, plus to everything, other symptoms that indicate the seriousness of the disease are added, you should contact the therapist. After clarifying the cause and purpose of the course of treatment, to eliminate it, it becomes possible to effectively fight the edema themselves
  • Adhering to simple prevention rules, we can prevent the appearance of edema on the legs that are not related to other diseases
  • You can not self -medicate, strictly adhere to the recommended doses of diuretics. If you do not adhere to this advice, you can only harm the body. After all, along with excess fluid from the body, the necessary micro and macro elements are washed off
  • You can wear special underwear that helps with varicose veins.
  • Lead a healthy, without bad habits, and a physically active lifestyle

Video: Prevention of varicose and edema - foot massage

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  1. The moment in life was very swollen, the horror was simple, I did not know what to do, in the evening I did the bath from the chamomile and with the sea salt, then I would raise it better to the top. But in the evening, too, I drank Dioflan tablets and Venolgon gel 911 legs rubbed in the evening, and in a month everything normalized, there is no edema, there is fatigue, but the gel will spread and fatigue as a hand removed

  2. Marina you know Venolgon - 911 saved me from varicose veins. Good gel for removing and edema and heaviness on the legs. I began to manifest the venous mesh and the doctor advised me to Venolgon, he strengthens the walls of blood vessels and makes them elastic and improves blood circulation.

  3. By evening, the legs always swell. And in the summer, in general, the nightmare I was barely transferred this heat. The legs were like barrels. Venolgon Hel Twins TEK saved me. Good gel from edema and tired of the legs. Improves blood circulation, and with regular use prevents varicose veins and thrombophlebitis.

  4. By the end of the working day, swelling on the legs often appear. Like the baths for the legs and rub Venolgon Gel Twins TEK every evening. It is vascular, improves blood circulation and relieves swelling.

  5. After the varicose veins began, it was transmitted along my mother’s line plus late birth and swelling during pregnancy, I began to smear the legs of Venolgon with gel. He strengthens the walls of blood vessels. Blood circulation improves. From varicose veins will no longer help, but will not let him develop. Relieves swelling and heaviness in the legs.

  6. Rubika Venolgon Gel 911 I even liked more than the gel itself. She quickly and effectively sowdowns. Improves blood circulation and improves the condition of blood vessels. Of course, the vessels will not become healthy for one use. But prolonged and regular use can help prevent thrombophlebitis.

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