Speech therapy verses for children - for memorization, speech therapy group, speech therapy commission: the best selection

Speech therapy verses for children - for memorization, speech therapy group, speech therapy commission: the best selection

A large collection of speech therapy verses for children, their parents, and speech therapists.

Speech therapy verses for children are effective

Speech therapy verses for children are effective
Speech therapy verses for children are effective

Speech therapy verses for children are effective:

[w], [w], [s]:
In a shaky hut, on the roof
Mice lived in sulfur shawls.
They rustled at night,
Shugustrosha in gray shawls.
Hush, mice, do not rustle,
Do not wake our cat.
The cat will find your shawl,
Your shawl is not sorry for her.


Thunder thundered with a roll,
Rubs everything around
Cracked, tensed,
Trembled, shook.

The wind of the crown tears birches,
He played seriously.
A formidable thunder erupted,
He portends the defeat.

Black raven is dejected,
He does not like loud thunderstorms.
The raven croaks, wheezes,
It is immediately clear that he is angry.


Ay-lu-lu, lu-lu, lu-lu,
I love my Lyalechka.
I do not sleep a night,
Lyalu Lulk my own.

The moon is golden
Flows with a gentle wave,
Ay-lu-lu, lu-lu, lu-lu,
I love my Lyalechka.


There lived a bug on the edge
Yellow-red old man.
He did not buzz before. Suddenly
The yellow beetle was inexplicated.

The beetle began to buzz:
We will live and live!
If life live in life,
You can live and not bother!


Kach and Kach, and Kach, and Kach,
Vanya was starting to jump,
Kach and Kach, and Kach, and Kach,
Vanya jumps like a ball.

Kach and Kach, and Kach, and Kach,
Quieter, baby, do not cry,
Kach and Kach, and Kach, and Kach,
That's what a strong man we have!


All the heart chick - Chirik!
I am a singing mischievous!
The bird of the singer is chirping
And I fly over the river.

Sunshine bundle,
Pure, sonorous stream
And the grasshopper bow,
A wonderful sunny day!

I would forever chirp
But a little bit, Chirik, tired.
Rest through an hour
Bird singing tongue.


With alternation of paired consonants: s - z w - g r - l g - to

SY - SS SY - PS I became bored without a goat
Ce - Ze - Ze I rushed herbs goat
Ri - Lee Ri - cranes arrived
Sha - Zh Sha - We found a hedgehog in the grass

Shche-cche-Che at Mishka on the shoulder
Zhi - Shi Zhi - Shi how good candy are good
ZU - SUS ZU - Su do not let the fox into the house
La - Ra la - Ra on the mountain is a mountain


Alternation of consonants p - B:

Pu - boo - Pu - Bu sits on the oak,
PA - Ba Pa - Ba and there is a hut under the oak.
Py - would py - would be smoking the legs of the hut,
P - a p - be that hut goes to you.


Alternation of consonants t - d:

You are you - I found your traces.
Those - de - de - only you are nowhere.
TU - TU - Du and I go with a pipe.
TI - di - di come as soon as possible.


The wind turned into a tube
Leaf, in the pipe blew:
Song - the breath of the wind -
I rang ... somewhere, somewhere,
There, behind blue forests
She turned into sails.
The sea wind is the older brother -
This song is so happy! -
He pouts his cheeks
The sail fills:
White cranes -
They float again for the forests -
Rains are being taken from the sea.
Exercise: We turn the tongue into a tube, through it, blow.


- Hey, hare, gray bunny,
Play me on the balalaika!
Rape, and I will sing
My best song!

Bunny Gray played out
Bunny tried very much
Balalaya rang,
Red -haired squirrel sang.

- Are you tired? Well, rest
And start playing again.
Well done, bunny!
That's how a balalaika!

Exercise "Balalaika": we annoy the tense upper lip with a tongue.


- Who is knocking in the forest, knocking?
- The woodpecker wood is hollowing:
My labors are not easy:
I'm not just knocking -
This tree is flying:
Under the bark - bugs moves,

Exercise "Dyatel": "knock out" the sound "D" the tip of the tongue on the upper alveoli.


Goose argued with a turkey:
"The bird, whose house is this?"
Goose hisses: “Yes, you are a baby!
I will pinch! My house! Shhhh! "
And the turkey: “Bl-b-b-blah!
You don't have a stake!
Everyone understands: the house is mine!
I'm going to my home! "
Sparrows take off from the roofs,
Frightened by: "Shhhh!"
And run to the edge of the village
Ducks from "Bl-Bl-Bla!" ...
You know how to scare, friend,
And how is the goose, and how is the turkey?
Laugh a little of us:
Show us two bulk!

Exercise "Goose": hissing - blow on the tongue, lifting it to the sky.
Exercise "turkey": we stick out a wide tongue by the upper lip, saying: "Bl-bb".


Lovenok learns to growl,
Really wants "Rrrr!" to tell.
His muzzle is lifted,
He wants - “PRRR!”, It turns out: “MAV!
“How can he become a lion formidable?
You and I will help him!
Tractor - Blue hero -
How does the motor turn? - Trrr!
Lightning sparkles! Thunder!
We will not let him into the house -
The roof is strong! No holes!
Let himself grumble: - Grrr! Grrrr!

The coast of the river. The surface of the water.
You can hear the boat: "Dy-Dy-Dy."
Here the passenger is suitable -
The boat will roar: “DRRRR! DRRRR! "

Lovek was little tried,
The lion cub has been practicing for a long time.
He, like dad, is all over the world
He will say loudly, loudly: "Rrrrr!"

Learning to "growl": we train to pronounce "p".


Dusty and large carpet
Put on the fence,
We knock out: "Ta-Ta-Ta!"
There will be cleanliness in the house!

Exercise: Smiling broadly, we bite a wide tongue, repeating: "Ta-Ta-Ta."


Like a clock, we’ll lay it to the beat:
-Tik-so! Tick-so!
We talk like this:
-Tik-so! Tick-so!
We are not just chatting
And we think seconds
You can’t lag in any way:
-Tik-so! Tick-so!

Exercise "Cup": open your mouth, smile a little; The tongue, like a pendulum, walks straight from one corner of the lips to another, does not slip along the lower lip.


If I bite the lips,
So I'm worried.
If I scold the lips,
So I ask for sweet.

Exercise: bite and scratch the top first, then the lower lip.


Open the handbag -
In the bag we see a tube.

We alternate the exercises “Smile” and “proboscis”.


Fish fish said:
- I cooked borsch today
From shells and from silt,
It was very, very tasty!

Fish fish answered:
“You, Kuma, said not that:
It was not borsch, but cabbage soup -
Look for the grass for borsch!

The exercise "fish talk": clap with their lips about each other.

Short speech therapy verses for children

Short speech therapy verses for children
Short speech therapy verses for children

Short speech therapy verses for children:

Pink is sad puppy:
“I could quickly run,
Drive cats, growl ...
How can I become real? "


Forty -seven forty
Around the lesson:
Called off, Galdeli ...
What did they manage to understand?


Do you hear the handle?
He is in a hurry, in a hurry
To the river fast, talkative,
Where crustaceans and fish live.


Rain: “Tram-trams,”-knocking on the roofs.
The fraction of the rain Yegor heard -
The old drum took out
Also began to drum.


- Tell me, sister Marinka,
What is striking at the path?
Who starts the conversation?
Maybe the engine cracked?
Maybe a tractor at the bees -
Do they plow the field in herbs?
Maybe the guard at the find -
Is the terrible beetle noise a rattle?
Maybe ... dear little man,
So the grasshopper creaks with the wing ...


Look, look:
Brighter than the morning dawn,
Brighter than the sun
Birds of the breast are red!

The guests sat on the mountain ash -
Like coarse bunches
They caught fire here and here ...
- How, handsome people, are your name?

- We are the favorites of Santa Claus,
Snow for us is joy, not a threat.
Cold, give vigor! -
Bullfins love winter.


The axes pounded:
- We are sharp and we are quick:
Next to this baby - home
Mansions will grow tomorrow.


The old Bor argued with the field:
“Is pride in width, scope?
Mushrooms Sea, berries are handful -
Hurry people, to visit! "
The field grumbled bitterly:
“The talk of herbs will subside soon.
Snow will rest the open spaces -
Winter has its own patterns.
Here the stream will wake up the choir -
We will continue the dispute in the spring. "


The swallow was caught, I was looking for
Gently twitched near the nest.
We need to catch a lot of small midges:
The beaks opened five swallows-shoes.


Pussy is so affectionate:
In the dark flickens his eyes,
The elbow applies ...
Do you hear? The song begins ...


Clotted Klosha Klavka:
- Tired of living under a bench!
With a paw, the treasure in the ash is a decay.

Children's poems of speech therapy - the best selection

Children's poems of speech therapy - the best selection
Children's poems of speech therapy - the best selection

Children's poems of speech therapy - the best selection:

Ba-boo, in the yard there are a table ...
Bu-Ba-Ba- Troops sticking out of the window ... Ba
Ba-Ba-Ba-on the roof of the pipe,
Bey-be-Bey-a sparrow flew in,
Boy-be-be-bo-flew over the pipe,
Bu-boo-boo got birds on the pipe,
Be-Ba-Ba-Birds on the pipe.


Started to our kindergarten
Ten small chickens.
I started them from the street
Pitty chicken.
Cute chicken
You were mistaken in the street
This is a kindergarten.
But not for chickens!


Shche-Che, Che-why the dirt is on the bear on the shoulder.
Zhi-shi-shi like sweets are good.
ZU - SUS ZU - Su does not let the fox into the house.
La - Ra la - Ra on the mountain stands a mountain.


- Who is knocking in the forest, knocking?
- The woodpecker wood is hollowing:
My labors are not easy:
I'm not just knocking -
This tree is flying:
Under the bark - bugs moves,


We scored goals
Lu-Lu-L-L-LU near windows on the floor
La-la-la did not notice the glass
Lu-Lu-Lu We did not beat the glass
La-la-la does not only in the glass window.

Poems for memorizing speech therapy

Poems for memorizing speech therapy
Poems for memorizing speech therapy

Poems for memorizing speech therapy:

Sa-s-ss: on the table of the wasp (a fox sleeps in the cage).
Su-Su-Su: We are afraid of Os (look at the fox).
Sy-Syu-Syu: Say of a wasp (a fluffy tail at a fox).
Seo-s-s: jelly will give an ose (we know the fairy tale about the fox).


Li-Lee: Ships in the blue sea (sat on the shallow).
La-la-la: The mast of the ship (there are fields in the book).
Le-le-la: nests on the rock (Cossack sits in the saddle).
Liu-lu-lu-yu: I love mom (bed straw).


La-la-la: a steep rock (mom is waiting for mom).
Lu-Lu-L-L-LU: We will go around the rock (garbage on the floor).
Ly-l-l-l-l: (sat to the left of the cliff).
Lo-Lo-Lo: There is an oar in the boat (the rider sat in the saddle).


AS-AS-AS: Run children to class (sweet pineapple).
OS-OS: There is a lot of OS (on the coconut table).
Us-US: Sasha loves mousse (the baby is not a coward at all).
EU-EES: Sani go to the forest (what is the weight of the bar?).
Sys-ss: cats run from rats (Sonya, drink koumiss).


Al-al-Al: walked near the rocks (our dad is tired).
Ol-ol-ol: They sat down at the table (in the classroom a clean floor).
Ul-ul-ul: A new chair broke (a rumble is heard in the hall).
Yl-il-il: Sanya's ears washed (tea has already cooled).


Ma-ma-ma-I myself.
Mo-Mo-Mo-wash the bow.
We-we-we-we are waiting for winter.
Om-ohm-Building the house.

Mi-mi-mi-take my hand.
Mo-Mo-MO-We are going to the cinema.

Ma-ma-ma-I do everything myself.
Mu-mu-I will take the letter in my hands.


Lo-Lo-Lo-Dad took a drill to the barn.
La-la-la-Mom brought ticks.
Lu-Lu-Lu-grandmother gave a saw.
Lee-Lee-dad is building ships.
Le-le-la-he builds them on earth.


Ri-ri-ri-Look at the nuts.
Ro-Rro-Nuts have a nucleus.

Ra-ra-ra-behind the mountain is a mountain.
Ru-ro-th-the mouse hid in the hole.


In the way-sing a song.
Py-pu-ps-Wipe the dust.
Pu-pu-pa-fluff flies.
UP-UP-UP-I cook soup.


Bo-bo-bo-a large fence.
If it were, mushrooms in the forest.
Ba-Ba-Ba-the boar runs.


Ta-Ta-Ta-catch the cat.
Tu-tu-tu-sings a rooster.
That's something-we sing a loaf.
YAT-Tyat-Birds fly.


Du-do-do-I'll go home.
Dy-do-do-drink water.
Yes, yes, I’ll go here.


But--no-it’s dark.
Na-on-on-there is a wall.
Ogi-they-elephants go.
He-on-on-take a can.


Na-on-on-on-on-on-pine grows in the meadow.
No, no, no, no-no-in the fall is shorter than the days.

Wu-wu-wu-catch an owl.
In the same way-the wolf howls.
You-you-you-lions are running.


AF-Af-bought a scarf.
Uf-Uf-Uf-sit on the puff.
OF-OF-OF-Caught owls.


Ko-ko-ko-the mouth is far away.
Ka-ka-ka-give milk.
Ku-ku-ku-lie on the side.
OK-OOK-run with all legs.


Ga-ha-ha-at the goat of the horn.
Gu-gu-gu-run around the meadow.
Go-Moh-there is a wagon.


Ha ha ha-caught a rooster.
Ho-ho-ho-goes groin.
Hi-hee-hee-ate the ears.
Uh-uh-uh-fluff flies.


Sa-s-s, sa-s-s-pine has a fox,
Si-si, si-ss-we are going past by taxi.


For-and-out, in the meadow there is a goat.
Zu-zu-zu-we saw a goat.


Ze-ze-ze-we gave weed a goat.
Zoy-sza-sot-the goat runs after the goat.


Shi-shi-shi, shi-shi-shi
Kamysh whispers something.
She-sho-she, she-whe
This is a duck in the reed.
Sha-sha-sha, sha-sha-sha
Come out of the reed.
She-sho-she, she-whe
There is no duck in the reed.
Shi-shi-shi, shi-shi-shi
What are the reeds whisper?

Shu-shu-shu, Shu-shu-shu
I'm writing a letter to you.
Sha-sha-sha, sha-sha-sha
And I write slowly.
Sho-sho, sho-sho
I'm fine.
Sha-sha-sha, sha-sha-sha
Mom nurses the baby.
Sho-sho, sho-sho
I help with the baby.
She-sho-she, she-whe
I take care of the baby.
Shi-shi-shi, shi-shi-shi
You have it - write.

Sha-sha-sha-in the reeds found a mouse.
Sho-sho-the mouse with us is good.
Shi-shi-shi-kids love her.
Shu-shu-shu-I dry the mouse.


Scha-shche-shche, Scha-shche
Rain is going on - I'm without a cloak.
Shche-thor, shit-thunder
No rain, but I'm in a cloak.
Schu-to-huhch, pachych
I won't find you.
SHI-shchi, cabbage soup
You go, look for me!
Schu-to-huhch, pachych
Now I’ll find it.

Osh-Osh-Osh, Osh-Osh-Osh
We will cook borsch.
Scha-shche-shche, Scha-shche
There are no beets for borsch.
SHI-shchi, cabbage soup
Prepare we cabbage soup.
Schu-to-huhch, pachych
I'll look for a cabbage.
Osh-Osh-Osh, Osh-Osh-Osh
Do not put horsetail in a pan!
Schu-to-huhch, pachych
I'll look for carrots.
Scha-shche-shche, Scha-shche
Brother brought a bream home.
SHI-shchi, cabbage soup
First we eat cabbage soup.


Zhu-zh-zh, zhu-zh-zh
Somehow the hedgehog came to the ear.
Zhi-Zhi, Zhi-Zhi-Zhi
Show me anxious.
Zhu-zh-zh, zhu-zh-zh
I'm not friends with the hedgehogs.
Zha-Y-Ye, Zha-J-J
The hedgehog leaves the terrible.

Zhu-zh-zh, zhu-zh-zh
They came to the zoo to the walrus.
Zha-Y-Ye, Zha-J-J
We were frightened of the walrus.
The same, the same
Birds are sitting on the walrus.
Zhu-zh-zh, zhu-zh-zh
We came closer to the walrus.
Zhi-Zhi, Zhi-Zhi-Zhi
The walrus turned to us.
Zhu-zh-zh, zhu-zh-zh
The fish was thrown a walrus.
Zhi-Zhi, Zhi-Zhi-Zhi
Very peaceful walruses.
Zhi-Zhi, Zhi-Zhi-Zhi
Not terrible at all walruses.

Zha-j-j-saw a hedgehog in the forest.
Zhu-zh-zh-we sang a song, we are a hedgehog.
Zhi-Zhi-Zhi-we were heard of the elaboration.
The same-the same-crawled out to the meter.


Cho-Cho-Cho, Cho-Cho-Cho
My shoulder hurts.
Chu-chu-chu, Chu-chu-chu
If it hurts - go to the doctor.
Chu-chu-chu, Chu-chu-chu
No, I don't want to go to the doctor.
Cha-cha-cha, cha-cha-cha
I will cry at the doctor.
Chi-chi-chi, chi-chi-chi
Doctors help us.
Chu-chu-chu, Chu-chu-chu
If so, I'll go to the doctor.

Chu-chu-chu, Chu-chu-chu
Planted into a cherry plum.
Cha-cha-cha, cha-cha-cha
And then the cherry plum ripened.
Chu-chu-chu, Chu-chu-chu
We collect cherry plum.
Cho-Cho-Cho, Cho-Cho-Cho
Substitute your shoulder.
Chi-chi-chi, chi-chi-chi
They made juice from cherry plum.
Cha-cha-cha, cha-cha-cha
Everyone is so useful for everyone.

Cha-cha-cha-I took off the gun from my shoulder.
Chu-chu-chu-day and night I am silent.
Chi-chi-chi-I’m taking bricks to the construction site.
Chu-chu-chu-I never scream.


A pancake on a plate
For Lyubochka Girls.

The voice is loud,
Druzhoka bosom.

Mushrooms on the foam,
Cucumbers in a barrel.

Gave water to the seagulls
We are a murmuring stream.


Kalachi from the stove
Very, very hot.

The ball is jumping,
The flower is odorous.

On a twig of a bird,
In the forest foxes.

On a jacket icon,
On the icon of the bug.


On the teapot of the lid, (h, w)
On the lid of a cone.
With a stream for a bump
Raise the lid.


Dina cries, Dina cries.
What is the reason? What is the reason?
Mamchkin's daughter
They pinched on the cheek.


A bee on a flower,
Flower in a pot.
The flowers are odorous,
Bee of a biting.

Cricket in the night
It will make a stove.

The cloud is gloomy,
Country wing.

Increased pupils
Very new glasses.

Camples in the stove,
And the sand in the river.

The student grins soundlessly -
Ah, the teacher is boring.

The hours are accurate,
Juicy apples.


Four Anyules
Shouted the doomsdays.
Shouted the doors
Not tired of a little.


I am chips and chock
I will throw it into the stove.


Who is in the grass.
Does it cry and laugh?
What does he want to say
What screams until night?
This is our grasshopper -
He treats angina.


Through the blackening ink
And reddening lingonberry
Two chanterelles sneaked at night,
What would you drink water in the stream.


Once upon a time there was a bee-
Black bangs,
Yellow barrel,
Sting, like a bitch.
I chose the bushes,
Sat on a flower
Collected nectarchik,
Put in a casket,
Flew into the house,
Welded honey,
Ah yes miracle - bee,
Black bangs!
Lenochkina glasses.
Lenochka has glasses.
She can see crickets with glasses
Flies, butterflies, bugs,
In the river - small crustaceans.

Speech therapy verses for children 5-6 years old-“y”, “e”, “y”, “I”

Speech therapy verses for children 5-6 years old - y, e, yu, I
Speech therapy verses for children 5-6 years old-“y”, “e”, “y”, “I”

Speech therapy verses for children 5-6 years old-“y”, “e”, “y”, “I”:

I-I-I, I-I-I
I can do everything.
E-e-e, e-e
I help everyone in my family.
Yu-yu, yu-yu
Together with my mother, I sew dolls.
E-e-e, e-e
I stroke the linen with my grandmother.
Yu-yu, yu-yu
I sing with dad's songs.
I-I-I, I-I-I
I walk with the baby.


Iodine is good, iodine is not angry.
You shout in vain: "Oh-oh-oh!" -
Seeing a bottle with iodine a little.
Iodine sometimes, of course, burns,
But heals faster
Iodine greased wound.


The yogi will not say forever: "Oh!"
"Oh oh oh!" - the yogi will not shout.
Young, own yourself!
Old, be like young!


- Oh oh oh! -said oh-oh. -
I, my friend, is completely sick!
-You go for a walk!
"All will pass!" -said Ai-Ai.


Play, bunny,
Play with me.
Bunny answers:
- I can't, sick!
Oh-oh-oh, poor!


We have a puppy! He is fat, red
He will soon grow large.
We will ski with him ...
He is in half - sisters and mine.


I'll go to the forest dense,
I will find a hare of gray.
I will bring him home -
This bunny will be.


Avdey dragged a bag of nails.
Dragged Gordey a bag of loaders.
Avdey Gordia gave nails,
Gordey Avdey gave loads.


Yogi on the nails lay down,
Finding that he is a yogi.
Yogi, anoint iodine,
You will become a yoga again!


The letter is the name "and brief."
Th as in your notebook.
So as not to be confused with and,
Write a checkmark on top.


Anchor: “I'm heavy
I went around the sea.
All the main thing on the ship I -
I have my own chain! "


The apple is ripe, red, sweet,
The apple is crunchy, with a smooth skin,
I'll break the apple in half,
I will divide the apple with my friend.


Yalik with an anchor at Yashka.
Anchor is even on a vest.
Our Yashka sailor!


This is an apple garden,
This is an apple garden.
The apples puffed up the cheeks
And they hang under the leaves.


I once saw myself:
Yak flew in heaven,
The hawk swam in the ocean,
Jaguar ran from Lani,
The ash walked around the field,
The mushrooms were ritual in the forest ...
I am not lying, believe me,
I saw this in a dream.


Our duck is a gap,
And the earring is Yakalka:
“I can, I can,
I'll run faster! "
Rest a little


I'll tell you a secret. Do not tell anybody!
If you wake up early,
If you get up to dawn
If you quietly drink tea
If you get out of the door
If you go right,
And then a little left,
Warm up a large well
You will get around the dried pond ...
There, at the old water pump,
Two dogs under the fence
Loud the bone bite!


Barely, Lena ate,
I didn’t want to eat from Leni.


If you wash your hands,
If we wash our hands,
If you wash your hands,
So, hands are washed.


If they grew up in silence,
They got good ate.
In winter cold and in the heat
The spruce is green in Bor.


I'm food, food, food, food.
The steam locomotive, turn soon!
"What are you taking home?" - Victory!
My only trophy.


Spruce in the hollow hides something
There is a raccoon house there.


The raccoon will not eat while
His food is not soaked.
His assistant is the river
It rinses the food, he will take it slightly,
And after - eats an apart.
Raccoon is a fan of cleanliness,
Not eaten not washed ... And you?


If the raccoon in the blackberry climbed,
We will barely save him from his needles.
If the hedgehog climbed into the blackberry,
Then it is not known who someone else.


Under the hedgehog flower
She began to bathe.
Caps caps are dripping
On the face, on the eyes.
He will not understand the hedgehog,
How to wash their backs.
And hedgehogs a day or two
They walk with a dirty back.
At least sit and wait a month,
To drip rains.
Rejoice that you guys
Not thorny hedgehogs.


E and ё - relatives of the sisters,
It is not easy to distinguish sisters.
But the letter y has two points,
As if in a ladder in a ladder


-Tell me, the letter e,
What is your life?
The letter E gives the report:
Nothing lives.
I am always shock!
-Oh-oh, yes!


Hedgehog on the bottom of the sea
He sang about the hedgehog of the forest:
- Oh you, hedgehog, brother hedgehog,
How do you live without sea?


Ira asks: “Hedgehog, hedgehog!
Will you sew a dress for me? "
The hedgehog answered from under the Christmas tree:
"There are no threads, only needles."


The Christmas tree with a hedgehog looks like:
Hedes in needles, Christmas tree too.


We met few words
Where e is at the beginning ...
Here you first call it
Three words: Christmas tree, ruff and hedgehog.
And everything is terrible Kolko -
And the hedgehog, and the ruff, and the tree ...


I frankly admit:
The beast is not on the letter Yu.
This is the southern someone there.
I came up with it myself!


Young Julia Prail
Fast, yurka, like Yula.
And in June and in July
It will rest in the south of Julia.


On the way, in an unknown land,
We compass are the best friend.
One capital letter Yu
The south was marked on it.
We fly over the clouds
According to the compass south.
On the seashore, to the southern Crimea,
Where there is no in the winter of the blizzard.


I sewed a skirt for the doll,
I’ll hide a new one.
Tells me the doll "Mom",
So I sew for my daughter.

Poems for a speech therapy group in kindergarten

Poems for a speech therapy group in kindergarten
Poems for a speech therapy group in kindergarten

Poems for a speech therapy group in kindergarten:

What is a sound? Tell!
Shot and rustling
Crill and call
Sound, try, catch up!
Even if you come
Very careful,
You will not see, you will not find
And you can hear.


Anechka fell to the floor,
The cat was scratched,
And the game is not going along
Anya cries loudly: ahhh!


We fed the horse,
They did not forget to give oats.
Nothing left
And the horse: "Igor-go-oh-oh!"


Sandy Cape near the river,
Fishermen catch fish.
We know, they could
Close a lot of fish-s!


The steamer is buzzing with a pipe
What kind of sound makes him?
I will help you guess you
He will ruin loudly:


Eh, fun! Eh, fun!
Wake up an echo in the cave!
You shout loudly: "Ege-hey-e!",
And it in response to you: "Uh!"


I [ya]
Yana Berry in Lukoshko
I collected quite a bit.
Ilya promises her:
"I'll share with you."


E [yo]
The hedgehog will run out onto the ice,
Slipping, falling,
I am awkward,
Burns: "Oh-e-e!"


And [yy]
Suddenly the chickens were squealed
Feed was not given.
Mom, take the grains, and, and
Lovely children of fiddle-and-and!


Yu [yu]
The blizzard howls from the strangle.
Not afraid Julia Blizzard.
Together with the blizzard, I will sing:


E [ye]
The whole evening is snowing,
The goat is wandering through the forest,
The poor goat crying: “Me-e-e!
I got lost in the darkness-e! "


But but but! I'm driving a horse.
My horse is good.
But but but! Flies with an arrow
Fast horse of my crown.
But but but!


Mom called the calf: “Mmmm!
Where is mom, don't understand! ”
"Mmmm!" - the son calls the cow -
"I am the same!"


Lyal is ordered loudly.
Lyalya sang: "La-la-la!"
I barely audible sang,
Apparently, I ate little porridge.


"Rrr!" - growls my friend angrily,
The teeth are rocky, the mouth is open.
To make friends with us
The bone is big to him.


Maya shouted: “Oh!”-
"I was injected with a needle!"
The guys immediately brought
Maya iodine, bandages and cotton wool.


The perch beat his tail on the shallows.
Spray to the sides flew.
Boule-Bul-Bul-water around.
We rush to the river barefoot.


The plane takes off up
To the distance, to unknown countries,
He went on flight
For seas and oceans.


"Ha-ha-ha!" - Husak Galled.
I could not sing a song in any way.
His voice is not the same
He says, not sings.


Do you hear a quiet chime?
Din-Don! Din-Din-Don!
This is in the field here and here
Bells grow.


The beetle has six black paws
And a terribly important look.
He hid in the acorn
And buzzing, buzzing, buzzing!


"Z-z-z!" - the bee rang the loud
“I will scare the girl.
I know my bite is terrible. ”
And the girl: "I'm not afraid!"


Pykh-fucked! Puffing a pipe
The steam locomotive, hurrying home.
He drives up: puff-puff!
I drove up and fell silent.


"F-f-f!" - The cat snorted at the dog.
“The dog will not work for me
So that I do not scratch
The dog with his clawed paw.
F-f-f! "


"I have a great rumor!" -
The rooster is kukarch.
"Ko-ko-ko!" - The hen echoes -
"You will become an artist soon!"


Woodpecker with a beak: “Tuk-tuk-tuk!
Get out a mustachioed beetle! "
Beetle from fear is not his own
He hid under the bark.


The breeze rustled with foliage.
"Naughty naughty!" -
Kamyshi rustle -
“Shi-shi-shi! Yes Shi-shi-shi! "


"TS-SC!" - said mom - "Hush!"
"Maybe Sashok can hear us."
The brother is sleeping sweetly, sweetly.
He sees dreams in his crib.


We read poetry in chorus
Together with Petya and Yegor.
Petya caught a cold in the evening.
He said very hoarsely:


My kitten is very clever
At night, the mouse caught in the pantry.
Tenaciously grabbed: DAC-TsArap!
The mouse did not break out of the paws.


"Ch-chi!" - I sneeze in the morning.
I have to drink medicine.
If I cure a cold,
By the evening I will not sneeze.


Quickly, but without haste
Squirrel clicks nuts.
Click and click - tired of click,
I climbed into the hollow on the Christmas tree.

Poems for the speech therapy commission

Poems for the speech therapy commission
Poems for the speech therapy commission

Poems for the speech therapy commission:

The world is the main word in the world,
Our planet really needs the world!
Adults need a world, children need a world,
Everyone needs peace on our planet!
It flies over countries,
Rushes through the air -
Testament, desired,
Great Word of the World!


There were bunnies
On the forest edge,
Lived - there were bunnies
In a white hut.
Washed their ears
Washed their paws
Bunnies dressed up
We put on slippers.


We play with the sound "P"
We portray the tiger:
-Ur-thur, Mur-Mur-Mur!
Gyr-Gyr-Gyr, Fyr-Fyr-Fyr.
We play with the sound "P"
And we will imitate Vorone:
-Kar-car-car, Cra-kra-kra.
Here with the sound "P" game.


There is such a girl-
Tanya is an inept.
Both stockings and boots
Put on her legs.
Tanya could do everything
Only we do not have an old man.
Here is what girl -
Tanya is an inept.


He loves a checkbox very much
A quick rope.
Skok and skok, bracket and skok -
Fit is not sorry for the legs.
But it happens sorry
Quick rope.
- Rest, gap, -
Barely whispers a checkbox.


This is what kind of ignoramus Chizhik -
He does not read wonderful books!
I want to teach him
But I will not teach!
He jumps both day and night
And the beak sharpens about the cup.
Well, Chizh! Such an eccentric!
I read, he is in any way!


From nutshells
Ten light boats came out ...
A match with a red shred
Masta in the middle.
And sailed with a brook
Brokes ring-worship
Then know they meet.
Our boats are swimming
They swing on the waves.


Lives in our house a cuckoo,
She screams loudly: "Ku -ka!"
As if in the forest on the edge
At the most cheerful bitch:
And even a cunning cat
He cannot catch the cuckoo.
She shouting from the window
And he will hide quickly again:
She does not live on the edge
In the old watches, her house.
On this fun cuckoo
We always find out time.


The bear is very white,
Like a white-white chalk.
Maybe the bear is sick
Or did Bear turn pale?
How long did he sit on ice?
“No,” all the neighbors laugh,
These are white bears!
White son and white dad
From the crown to the legs "


Vasenka's fidget is not sitting still.
Fidget Vasenka is with us everywhere.
There is a mustache, on the mustache, on the mustache,
The tail with an arc of Vasya and a spot on the back.


- Here is a toad, toad! We run away
Natasha pulls Masha,
And the toad in response to them:
-Eh, you!
After all, I do not bother you.
I live alone by the water
I eat and midges,
You need to respect a toad
You do not need to run from toads.


Who says we say?
He speaks for an hour, says?
He speaks all day, says?
He speaks for a whole year, says?
And when standing, he says
And when he sits, he says
And when it lies, he says
And when he runs, he says.
Even if he eats, he says
Even if the sleep says.
Then not Petya speaks, says.
Then his tongue speaks.
“Though it’s not good to chat,” he says, “
I can't stop, - says.

There is a sweet word - candy.
There is a quick word - a rocket.
There is an sour word - lemon.
There is a word with a window - a car.
There is a thorny word - a hedgehog.
There is a wet word - rain.
There is a stubborn word - a goal.
There is a green word - spruce.
There is a book word - a page.
There is a forest word - a tit.
There is a fluffy word - snow.
There is a funny word - laughter.


To Cheburashka in a cup
Bukashka slapped,
Good Cheburashka
I pulled out the bug,
He put the bug
To dry on a piece of paper.
Bucked up a bug
I got up from a piece of paper
And again Cheburakhurakh
In a cup to Cheburashka.


Days and night
Rings the mole underground passage.
What do you need a mole there?
The darker is the darkness.


Evil rats gnawed the roof,
But the Kittle of Red came,
Rats ran into the holes,
And from fear they trembled there.

Speech therapy poems with the sound "P", "Py"

Speech therapy poems with the sound of n,
Speech therapy poems with the sound "P, drink"

Speech therapy poems with the sound "n, drink":

O-for-sing a song.
Py-pu-ps-Wipe the dust.
Pu-pu-pa-fluff flies.
UP-UP-UP-I cook soup.


- P, p, p! - lets the steam
Complete tea samovar.
Porridge on the stove puffs,
Steam flies from under the lid.
The steam locomotive lets the couples,
Railing the way along the rails.
Swims smoothly along the river,
The steamboat is dusting the steam ...
- P! - We will fold the lips together.
- P! - We will exhale from a cut!
- P, p, p! - We are dull puffing
There is no voice at the sound!


Draw the entrance, portal,
Sail, pavilion, pencil case,
Pedestal, poster, tablet,
Folder, handrails, package -

The letter n is visible everywhere,
She is simply written:
Stick, stick, ceiling -
P painted Callok!


The parrot spoke of the parrot:
- I am a parrot, a parrot!
The parrot in response:
- Parrot, parrot, parrot!


- Tell us about the purchases.
- About which, about purchases?
- About purchases, about purchases,
About my purchases.


Kota Potap clapped his paw,
And from Potap the cat drowned.


The field is not blankets
The field is not politically,
Asks for a pole to drink -
It is necessary to pour the pole.


Striped tigers
From birth, stripes.
There are strips of raccoon
And Zebra has them without an account.
There are strips on the mattress,
And strips in the sailor.
The barrier has a strip,
And strips on a birch.
There are beautiful strips
Dawn and sunset.
But the guys are found -
All from dirt are stripes ...
I don't want to write about them
In a striped notebook.


The bird wants to awaken
The bird does not sing a song
Because a bird with a song
Wake up is more interesting.


I'm starting to live according to plan.
I will become obedient tomorrow
The day after tomorrow, so be it,
I will stop rude.
I will behave well in the lessons.
And in the apartment I won’t forget the floor of revenge either ...
All I did honor for honor:
The plan hangs in a prominent place.
Grandmother reads points ...
Sinses and sighs ...


The spider arrived at the bazaar.
Moham spider brought the goods.
He hung it on the aspen:
- Which of you wishes the web?


Two girls said:
- In our school, the day was extended!
- I love the extension of the day.
Write me down too!
They recorded us right there.
They led to the extended class.
There is an extended window
The sun is surprised.
And then the lunch is extended -
Borsch, sour cream owl.
And then - attention! -
In the courtyard is walking!
And then - the extended period
To learn a lesson.
Only the evening is very, very
He was shortened that evening.


We found in the forest a hedgehog
And they brought home.
Let him run around the kitchen
Thor and funny!
Let it grumble angrily
Puffing like a steam locomotive
Let it stick everywhere
Your round black nose!

How I collected mushrooms.
I went for mushrooms -
Lost the basket.
While looking for her -
I lost the scarf.
While looking for her -
Lost the tape.
While looking for her -
A slipper is gone.
So that mom does not scold
I'll go look for first!
While looking for a slipper,
I found a scarf in the grass.
While looking for a ribbon,
I found a basket in the grass.
And here is a ribbon with a slipper,
And next to - three waves,
Two white, two saucers
And three big pigs!
And mom did not scold.
Our acute saw -
I did not drink, but sang.
I didn’t drink, I didn’t eat
I never sat down.
She sang loudly as she could
Lightless saw.


At dawn, at dawn
Drink saws in the yard.
Drink saws of the clock,
Drink oak saws and Christmas tree.


Father taught to work
Smart Danilka.
Father bought, bought, bought
Danilka a file, a file.


The rooster was asked by the children:
- Why are you calling you Petya?
So Petya answered the children:
- I can sing well.


Early in the morning mom-bucket
I sent a son to the classroom.
She said: - Do not be fighting,
Do not be teased, do not take care.
Hurry up, it's time.
Well, neither fluff nor pen!
An hour later, barely alive,
The cockerel goes home.
Holding barely
He is from the school court.
And on it, and in fact,
There is no fluff or pen.


Pelican at this time
He flew from distant countries.
He opened the beak wide
And read such lines:
- Passenger ship
He floats straight to the pier.
- There are a lot of words to the letter n, -
The bird said the bird.

Poems on "R" speech therapy for children

Poems for rhopedic for children
Poems on "R" speech therapy for children

Poems on "P" speech therapy for children:

Ra-ra-ra-grows a mole in the morning.
Ro-Ro-Ro-Ro-the mole has its own metro.
Ru-ro-th-loves the mole of his hole.
Ry-ra-ra-a mole will grow 2 burrows.


Ra-ra-ra-this is a good game.
Ru-ro-th-we will play the game.
Ro-Ro-Ro-played, drink Citro.
Ry-ra-rains are difficult for children without a game.


Ra-ra-ra-here is a high mountain.
Ru-Ru-Ro- I see someone's hole.
Ro -ro-Ro-Ro-the pen is left here.
Ry-Ry-Ri-who is the owner of the hole?


Ar-ar-ar-Makar went to the bazaar.
Or -or -or-He bought an ax.
Yr-sir-delicious cheese for the hostess.
Er-eer-ur-daughter colorful carpet.
Ir-Ir-Ir-and for grandmother-kefir.


Cat Mur-Mur
Ur-thur-u-u-I have a cat Moore-Mur.
Yr-sir-cheese was stolen from the table.
Ry-rad-do not eat cats cheeses.
Or -or -or-crows sat on the fence.
Yr-sir-at the crown in the beak of cheese.
Ral-Ral-Ral-that’s who stole the cheese.
Ur-Ur-Ur-Drive the Raven Mur-Mur.


Thirty -three old women in a row
Tarathorn, rubbish.

Borya Ira will give Iriska,
Ira Bore - Barbarisk.

Varya cooks, Borya fries,
Rita sings songs.


Terriers train
Jump the barriers.
Through different obstacles
All the terriers are happy to jump.


Cooking cooks of pasta
For her sister, her matrene
And for the brother of Seryozha
Macarone cooks too.


In the yard, on the sidewalk,
Three girlfriends painted.
The crown froze: “Kar!
The sidewalk is painted! "


They offered Kobra
Play Domra.
Cobra played
And she became kinder.


Kryakva grunts: “Krya-krya!”
Kryakva is grunting not in vain.
There is a duckweed next to a crack.
Swim the duckweed.


Behind the fence Boris
Planted barberry.
Barberis bush
Boris outgrown.


On a festive shirt
Roses and chamomile.

The bark beetle gnaws on the bark
He rises a hole.

Sleeps a marf in a spacious mink,
Surka has a hole on the hill.

Chop firewood
Lumberjacks in the morning.


Tell the tongue twister
About Peter and about Egor.
Peter climbs the mountain,
Peter is in a hurry to visit Yegor.


Chews the piglet
Carrotes are consumed.
Lamb lamb
Glasses the heapon.


Shurochka feeds
Prosi chicken.
Feeds a pestle
Prossom from a mug.


I open the boxes:
Here - screws, there are screwdrivers.
I'll spin the screws
And I will teach my brother.


Automation of soft sound “P”

Ry-rh-ray-we will go for the seas.
Ri-ri-ri-lights burned.
Ryu-ryu-ryu-I tell you the truth.
Re-re-re-we woke up at dawn.
Ry-rh-ray-we worked for no vain.
Ryu-ryu-ryu-I cook turnip.
Ry-rh-river-rivers and seas.
Re-re-re-a tower on the mountain.
Ary-Ary-Ary-under the mountain ash a capercaillie.
Orya-or-ry-ailment attacked the chore.
Ur-Ur-Ur-Varenka's eyebrows are not frowning.
Ir-Ir-Ir-Wide Earth Siberia.
Er-Er-Er-in the picture a terrible beast.
Ary-Ary-Ary-a sandcar swims in the river.
Er-Er Er-see which door.
Ur-Ur-Ur-in January there are not a few storms.
Ary-Ary-Ary-Rita eats a cracker.
ORA-OR-OR-Boris Coror.
Ir-Ir-Ir-Bullfigure in the snow.
Ryum-Ryum-Ryum-I get into the hold.
Reh-Roch-Roch-Greetu nut.
River River-I hear your reproach.
REMO-RRET-on the bark of the incision.
LET-ROOT-RIDs-sitting in the third row.
Rem-Rom-Rom-the cat plays with a lantern.


Ry-ray-dawn rose.
Re-re-re-stand up at dawn.
Ryu-ryu-ryu-I’ll boil all the windows.
Ri-Ri-the sun is donated.
Re-re-re--your light at the dawn.


Ry-rh-ray-we found in the hole of the chore.
Yere-Er-Er-ferret stubborn beast.
Orya-or-ry-come out to us a ferret.
Ary-Ary-Ary-give you a cracker.
ORA-ORO-OR-Fight does not come out.
Rem-Rom-Rom-we will meet with Horem.


Ary-Ary-Ary-there is a lantern on the table.
Rem-Rom-Rom-the cat plays with a lantern.
AR -ARAR -dumped a lantern from the table.
Ary-Ary-Ary-a lantern broken on the floor.
Rey-ray-ray-notice the floors soon.


ORA-OR-RE-In the hole, an angry ferret.
Ur-Ur-Ur-a ferret, his eyes are cloth.
Ary-Ary-Ary-We will give you a cracker.
Orya-or-ry-grit of a cracker angry.
Ry-ray-here is not a cracker.
Re-re-re-a good ferret sits in a hole.
Ry-ray-I don't have a primer.
Ary-Ary-Ary Give me, the boor is a priest!


Ra-ra-ra-a flat mountain.
Ro-Ro-Ro-We go to the subway.
Ru-ro-th-paint Konuru.
Ry-Ry-ras-in the park of mosquitoes.
Ru-ro-th-I am a carrot of the NAS.
Ry-ras-axes are sharp.
Ra-ra-ra-from the yard it's time.
Ru-ro-th-I take the accordion.
Ra-ra-ra-a cheerful game.
Ra-ra-ra-orange peel.
Ry-rah-rains-new carpets.
Ro-Ro-Ro-Rro-There is a Citro in the store.
Ar-ar-ar-Red Samovar.
Or -or -or-I remove the yard.
Or -or -or-Take the ax.
Ur-uur-u-we will feed the chickens.
Ir-Ir-Ir-all the people for peace.
Ar-Ara-ar is the word ball.
Ir-Ir-Ir-Ira drinks kefir.
Ara-ara-ara-here is Tamara.
Ora-Ora-Ora-Roma at the fence.
Dor-Dor-Dor-Red Tomato.
Mar-Mar-Mar-I will call a mosquito.
Ver-Ver-Ver-in the room of the carpet.
Bor-Bor-Bor-I'll name the fence.
Mor-Mormor-red fly agaric.
Rona-Rona-Rona-Black Crow.
Ruza-Ruza-Ruza-in the field of corn.
Rog Roga-Roga is a flat road.
Roch Rokh Rokh-I will call peas.

Speech therapy poems on the letter "l"

Speech therapy verses for the letter L
Speech therapy poems on the letter "l"

Speech therapy poems to the letter "l":

The leaves flew smoothly in the forest,
I saw in the distance a fox.
She ran quietly, noise in foliage.
E need boots on the paws of the fox.


The moon was yellow
The moon floated in the sky.
I watched from home
I counted the stars in the sky.


Lena blinded from the clay of the elephant,
And the elephant has a big head,
The trunk is long at the elephant,
The clay elephant is such things.


The beak is big at the pelican.
He catches them frogs.
Pelican - you are a strangler
Pelican- You are well done.


A spoon of Lida soup interfered
And added sour cream.
Lida licked the spoon
And “thank you” said everyone.


Luntik with bees walked,
Luntik walked slowly.
Everything walked and walked,
He was looking for flowers.


Yellow tulips
Dali cute alla.
Leva gave tulips
For affectionate Alla.


Mila composed a song
Mila fell in love with a song.
She sang a song every day.
Singing her songs is not lazy.


The best pilots control aircraft.
They fly high into the sky
And the strips are left


Our summer has run away
And did not say a word.
Autumn called the cold,
Autumn was a crybaby.


Little fox
Runned the hut,
I didn’t let my mother sleep
He interfered with his running.


Swallows knocked a nest to summer.
It became cozy in him and warmly.
Swallows of midges caught themselves.
They lived perfectly in their friendly family.


The affection was underground.
The affection was bold.
Claws, teeth showed
And the gallery scared.


Kozlik vapor loves affection
And Svetlana blue -eyed.


Kolya digging the ground with a shovel,
Kolya and his mother sat beetroot.
Kolya helped his mother
And not at all tired.


The moose walked through the forest,
I ate leaves from the branches,
And the baby Losenok followed
Feel free to pier.


Tea with linden honey Lena drank.
Very pleased Lena was.


Mom pancakes baked
And at the table called everyone.
Very tasty pancakes!
Everyone ate from the heart.


The cat washes the paws.
The paws were all in the water.
The cat walked along the puddles,
I wet my paws in a puddle.


Lana put a doll,
She said in her ear:
“Sleep, fall asleep, you are my dear,
I hid the blanket. "


The nightingale sang all day.
Singing a nightingale is not too lazy at all.
The voice is sonorous, vocal,
The voice is light and radiant.


Lada lived cheerfully,
I never missed.
There was no time to miss
You have to help mom
Remove, wash the floors
And bake still pancakes
Yes with raspberry jam
That's what a foster!


Katya put on a blue dress.
This dress is very suitable for her.
I tied a yellow bow to myself,
How all this is the Katya to you!


In gladioli violet
I quietly bloomed.
“I really feel sorry for the violet,”
The bee said quietly.


The white wolf lived in the world,
Often the paws with soap soap,
I was very clean,
And without soap he howled for a long time.


Poplar fluff. (l)
Flies flies from the poplar,
Maple, alder and spruce are whitewashed.
On the sticky leaves of our lips
The fluff from the poplar is sticking.


Woodpecker. (l)
The woodpecker hung up the hollow.
It was the woodpecker warm in him.
He lived with his dad
Under the spruce paw.
For a long time I beat a spruce trunk,
Made the walls, made the floor,
I hung a light bulb,
The windows curtains.
And the neighbors called to the ball
And he danced with everyone.
He treated the squirrel
Cones and lard.


Hostess. (l)
Lilya, Valya, two Galins
They ate raspberries.
They washed down with jelly from the drain
And they put dumplings.


Mila. (L, l)
Mila apple blindly
Mila treated the doll.
The doll did not like apples,
The doll Mila loves plums.


About cats. (L, l)
Cats varnished milk
From a large green bowl.
Without a plate and without a spoon -
Cats climbed the tongue.
The bowl, although great,
Only a small milk.
Cats look into the clouds -
That would be so much milk!


Heron. (L, l)
There lived frogs in the swamp green,
The heron looked at them in love with them:
“Quakite, dear, sing, Galley
And the frog breed more. ”


Baby Alla. (L, l)
All July Baby Alla
On the floor, I let the top.
Only Alla was not enough
And she bit the top,
And Lizala and Kupal,
I tied a scarlet tape,
“You will be puppet,” said.
And the top did not eat, did not sleep,
Only Alla occupied,
Merring and rode -
In a word, I did not miss at all.


Maple. (L, l)
I got into maple for glorious affairs:
I wanted to jump off the maple.
But the maple could not understand me,
And I fell on the left side.


Mishutka. (L, l)
There was a bunch of a clubfoot,
Walked through the forest awkwardly
And under the weight of thick paws
The ice was injected in small puddles.
Something began to cold
Bees sleep and there are no leaves,
It is necessary to suck the paw
Under the valezhnik until the summer.


Kolobok. (L, l)
In the meadow, Kolobok
The threads were wrapped in a ball.
White, yellowish
I wrapped a lot of corms
And went home tiredly,
And climbed under the covers.
He lay down his sides!
Oh, and sorry for Kolobok!


Pigasso dove. (L, l)
Gulya, Gulya, Dove!
Guli had a white side,
And even white - Bela
His head was.
He nodded his head,
All the sunflower pecked.
He flew in the meadows, flew,
He drank and slept in the field,
Somehow I flew to people:
I wanted bread rolls.
Here the artist peered,
Slide him, he captured him
And he gave a flower to the beak -
The ghoul hit the poster.
Today the pigeon is famous -
He looks from the sheet.


Elephant and protein. (L, l)
There was a cheerful thick elephant
In a young squirrel in love.
Squirrel from the Christmas tree jumped off
And she taught the elephant.
The elephant tried, but could not,
Fide bruise and thick side.
He gave a shalunie in response
White lilies of the lilies of the bouquet.


Blanket. (L, l).
For some reason, we had a blanket on the floor.
Alla did not even see
How it got there:
Either sculpted, then knitted, then walked on the street,
The blanket was bored
And from the bed ran away.


Forest ball. (L, l).
Squirrel cried - she at the ball
Paws stained in yellow chalk.
The cute squirrel moose regretted:
He stroked his paws - and Mel flew around.
Squirrel on a satin dress put on
With a long hem and white belt.
Ah, how magically she danced -
From a Christmas tree to the Christmas tree flying a fluff.
The paws of the spruce squirrel shook
The song of cheerful woodpeckers knocked,
The hollows are hollowed on the trunks.
A nice thing to fly in the balls.


Mushroom. (L, l).
Let's go to the forest to look for mushrooms,
But we will not collect fly agaric and films,
And look in the clearing,
Where the waves hid,
Where are capricious bitter ones,
Where is it under the Christmas tree
Strong, thick boletus.


Gulya. (L, l).
There was a dove through the forest,
I saw white sand
And she left traces from sand to water.
Faming paws in a puddle of soap
Without a washcloth and without soap.
Silently bowed her head,
I called the bell,
The ringing of a purple flower
It was heard from afar.
To visit the hum on the sand
Sitting a green pigeon.


Wolf and wolf. (l)
The wave pulled a heavy plow
A huge meadow plowed out.
Sowed beets, sowed onions -
This wave is not so stupid.
The wolf was friends with such a will.
Through the thicket ahead
The wolf went to the wolf to visit,
The wolf Volkhalova fed.


Kolobok and stump. (L, l).
Kolobok fell from the hemp.
Sorry, poor Kolobok:
He climbed on a stump for a long time -
The kolobok is not aware
What without legs and without legs
Do not climb into a stump
He spun and puffed:
I really wanted to climb.
Finally climbed and was
He is so happy that he forgot
Stay upstairs
And rolled down the hemp.
The left side beat himself.
Bud who beat him.
The fifth time fell from the hemp!
Sorry for the stupid Kolobok ...


White bears. (L, l).
The bear is very white,
Like white - white chalk.
Maybe the bear is sick
Or just pale?
He sat on ice for a long time.
Maybe Mishka turned gray?
“No,” all the neighbors are laughing, -
These are white bears!
White son and white dad
From the crown to the legs. "
And the moon on the bears of the whites
Night put on a polar night
Here is the moon and turned pale.


Warm. (l).
In the yard white- white
The house hid warm.
It warmed up and in the spring came to us.


Nikolka. (l).
Sitting Nikolka
In a yellow T -shirt.
For a white husky
He played on a balalaika.

Speech therapy poems for the sound "w"

Speech therapy poems for the sound Sh
Speech therapy poems for the sound "w"

Speech therapy verses for the sound "w":

Noisy on the edge of the edge
Bear Toptyka.
The bump on the crown
The poor bear.

The schoolboy Pasha writes:
Hat, washer, porridge,
Mouse, midge, joke,
Chess, Mishutka.


Masha has a kitten Timoshka,
Misha has a totoshka mouse.
They can't with Timoshka
Do not make noise at least a little.


Fur coat, hat and galoshes
We cannot find in any way.
These are jokes
Our Mishutka has!


Mouse and mouse.
The mouse is whispering the mouse:
- You rustle everything, you won’t sleep!
The mouse whispers the mouse:
- I will rustle quieter.


At the rivulet, along the edge of the edge,
Past plowed fields
There were lazy frogs
To visit your grandmother.


Bucks at the bear.
The bear threw a stick above.
- Fall in a hat from the Christmas tree, bump!
The bump - cotton on the head.
There were two bumps at once.


- A brook, where are you in a hurry?
- To the river, to the river, my baby!
- A brook, when are you sleeping?
“I never sleep, baby.”


I interfere with the sand with clay, like flour.
On a hot stone to dinner, the bake:
Crandel for nesting dolls, clown - cakes,
Gingerbread for Bear, Zainka - rugs.


I have pockets on a new dress.
On the pockets of these chamomiles are embroidered.
Chamomile, chamomile - as if meadow.
Chamomile, chamomile - just like living.


A horse is lucky
A horse, a horse, a horse are lucky -
Neither Shatko, nor rocker, no flush, no shaft.
Ware the whip of a horse,
Yes - it’s a pity.


Cooked the midges of the midges,
Thin legs warm.
Caution, midges!
Four the legs!


The porridge ripened in the meadow.
The porridge eats the cow Masha.
Masha likes dinner:
Nothing tastier!


When you play yourself ...
When you play, you dance and sing,
You don’t bother your mother and stop whining.
Then you draw, write, sit in the corner, like a mouse.
And you won’t hear the noise, although you make noise all day.


The mouse is thin
Porridge a little.
Totoshka thinks
Give the porridge to the cat.
And there will be no cat
Saw on the Totoshka.


Elegant dresses, yellow brooches,
There is no spot on beautiful clothes.
Such funny daisies are so funny -
They are about to play like children, in a spot.


I approached them on the old tub,
We sat frogs - they are in the water of the blum!
Green ears, and there is nothing more
Dumb crown. Tell me about them.


Mouse in a green mug
Garbed the porridge of millet.
Children dozen
Waiting for dinner.
Everyone got into the spoon,
There is no grain left!


Rustle, whispering, noise under the window,
Sliping light ... Who is the dwarf?
Shshsh! There behind the curtains, near the window,
Silence rustles with a nimble mouse.


The cockerels were bored
But they did not dare to fight.
If you get a lot,
You can lose feathers.
If you lose your feathers,
There will be nothing to come to a hush.

Speech therapy poems with the letter "g"

Speech therapy poems with the letter f
Speech therapy poems with the letter "g"

Speech therapy verses with the letter "g":

Rain, rain do not wait,
Rain, rain.
Let me go to the house
Grandfather Sedomom.


Zha-y-j, here hedgehog is a hedgehog.
Zhi-Zhi-hedgehog, show us!


Terribly noisily a beetle buzz.
The noise created the noise.
I went to the beetle myself.
"Hush, beetle!" - told him.


Zhi-Zhi, Zhi-Zhi-Zhi
There are floors in our house.
Zha-Y-Ye, Zha-J-J
There are two floors under me.
Zha-Y-Ye, Zha-J-J
Two floors over me.
the same, the same
What floor am I on?


Rain, rain, more fun!
Rapy, drip, don't regret it!
Rain, rain, more than -
There will be greens thicker.
Only do not soak us,
Do not knock on our window.


The beetle fell and cannot stand up.
He is waiting for who will help him.


The beetle buzzing in an iron bank -
The beetle does not want to live in a tin.
The life of the beetle is prisoner Gorky.
Sorry for the poor beetle!


The beetle buzzing: “Zhu-oh oh!
I live and do not push
I'm sitting on a branch
And buzzing, buzzing, buzz. ”


Each beetle buzzing about
How terrible it is to be a beetle -
Everyone can offend.
How not to buzz about it?


The cubs did not know
That the hedgehogs are injected.
And come with the hedgehogs
Play as with cubs.


The toad sat in a puddle,
She looked at the beetle eagerly.
The beetle buzzed, buzzed, buzzing
And he got to her dinner.


Above Zhora, a beetle, a buzz, is circling.
From fear, Zhora is trembling.
Why is Zhora so trembling?
It’s not at all scary a beetle buzz.


The hedgehog spruce is similar:
Spruce in needles, Christmas tree too!
We cut, cut, cut,
We will last a paper,
Cut the beetle -
Yellow sides.
And how the beetle will buzz,
Everyone should run away!


Sorry for the toad on the lawn
On the lawn to the toad is hot
Show her, my friend,
Where is the swamp core!


The beetle has a reliable house,
The beetle lives, does not push in it.
The beetle buzzes, does not lose heart,
Zhu-oh-zh he sings.


Zha-Y-Ye, Zha-J-J
Here the hedgehog is at the hedgehog.
Zhi-Zhi, Zhi-Zhi-Zhi
Show me a hem of the hedgehog.
Zha-Y-Ye, Zha-J-J
Go away from the hedgehog.


Hesitizes hedgehog without paths,
He does not run from anyone.
From head to legs
All in thorns the hedgehog.
How to take it?


There is a snowball on the lounger.
Under the valezhnik, a ball.
Lies a hedgehog in a winter dream.
The hedgehog will revive by spring.


We live quietly by the water,
We eat bugs, midges.
There are no trouble from toads to the kids
As there is no trouble from cats.
You do not need to offend toads
And there is nothing to run away from them.


Beetle, beetle, jazzzhzhi,
Where are you hiding, tell me?
-Zhuh, zhu-uh, I'm sitting on a tree.
- Beetle, beetle, show yourself! We need to be a circle!
-Zhuh, zhu, I fly and buzz.


Lived on the edge of the forest
Hedgehog under the old pine.
I went to collect bumps,
To play with the hedgehog.


Once a fluffy cat
I asked to eat a little.
At the Kasya Zheleznodorozhnaya
She was given cottage cheese cheese.


The yellow beetle is buzzing, poor thing,

That he lives hard;
On a birch, on an aspen -
West from the web.


Hedgehog with Ezhonk Pasha
On a visit went to the frog,
A frog Masha
Dried drying.


A hedgehog knife swept away
The hedgehog is crying without a knife.
Turn the hedgehog knife
He asked for a thorny hedgehog.
They sharpened the old knife,
The hedgehog was very happy.

Lezyboka red cat,
The stomach lay down.
I want to eat
Yes, laziness tossed turning.
So the red cat is waiting
Maybe the bowl will crawl?


The beetle of buzzing bothers us,
We are waiting for the beetle can sting
But the beetle lives without a sting,
In vain, the beetle buzz, perhaps!

Video: Logoritmic. Poems for the development of speech of babies

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