How to save the cucumbers fresh longer at home?

How to save the cucumbers fresh longer at home?

The most proven and most original methods to maintain the freshness of cucumbers

Broken cucumbers are very fast. The cucumber, torn only a couple of hours ago, is not the odorous cucumber that was just found in the garden. And if you leave the cucumbers only for a day on the table, then moisture will evaporate from them, the skin of cucumbers will not become so elastic, and their fresh taste will not become so bright.

How to save the cucumbers fresh longer at home? What tricks will help somehow extend the time of freshness of cucumbers? How do these issues solve people who grow them in large volumes and experienced housewives? You will find answers to these questions in our article.

How to save the cucumbers fresh - we prepare vegetables for storage

So that cucumbers lie longer, break off flowers It is not necessary at their ends, unless, of course, these flowers are not quite dry and do not disappear themselves. The tails should also not be trimmed Too short. More precisely, they do not need to leave them either long, but it is precisely the tail itself should be broken down, and not cut it together with part of the cucumber. Try to collect and shift the cucumbers carefully so that scratches and others did not work on their surface damage.

Cucumbers who can lie down for a long time
Cucumbers who can lie down for a long time

But so much as in the next photo cut the cucumbers is not worth it. It is important to carry out such a manipulation with them before salting so that they are better sucked, and less dirt remains on them. But keeping the cucumbers fresh in this form will not work. As for the ground that happens on cucumbers, it is not necessary to thoroughly wash it off so as not to create mechanical damage. It is better to shake her hand, and, if required, only slightly rinse with water.

To keep cucumbers, do not cut them too much
Wanting to keep cucumbers, do not cut their tails too much

How to save the cucumbers fresh longer in an apartment?

People who enthusiastically engage in gardening and grow cucumbers for sale in small and even very large batches are familiar with the problem of how to keep the cucumbers fresh, firsthand. And here are how simple and affordable to save cucumbers to save cucumbers.

  • Wet paper and water from a spray gun

Take it fruit box. Such a container is most beneficial for storing cucumbers, because there are holes in it, and cucumbers inside will “breathe”. If you do not have so many cucumbers, it is better to still choose some plastic basket with the walls with a grille as a container.

Cucumbers storage and transportation box
Storage and transportation of cucumbers in a fruit box

Put on the bottom of the box two sheets of A4 format for printer And spray them with water from a spray gun.

IMPORTANT: Do not take to keep the cucumbers fresh, newspapers, sheets from books or pages painted with ink. Ink inscriptions can leave prints on cucumbers, and the paint that is printed in printing houses is generally very harmful, and even poisonous.

Theoretically, instead of paper, you can shift cucumbers fabricwho holds water perfectly or do the same several layers of gauze. But remember, if you put the box on the regiment of the cellar, in which damp or refrigerator lives, then the fabric will absorb all smells. And it’s not enough pleasant in this. So, when the paper is already lying at the bottom of the box, put two layers of cucumbers on top of it on top.

Wet paper will help to save fresh cucumbers
Wet paper will help to save fresh cucumbers

Each 2 layers of cucumbers shift a layer of paper. It is better to wet the paper on both sides: put it on the sheets, spray it from the spray gun, then turn over and spray again.

Wet paper in a cucumber box
Wet paper in a cucumber box

On the top of the box you also need to put paper. Thanks to this method, it will be possible to save the cucumbers fresh for up to 7 days, and the first 2-3 days they will not even lose the presentation. Basket or box with fruits put in a cool place: In the cellar or on the shelf of the refrigerator. But know, cucumbers do not like places near the freezer and the temperature close to zero. The best place for them is as far as possible from the freezer, and the optimum storage temperature of cucumbers is plus 6 degrees.

Video: Wet paper will help save the cucumbers longer fresh

INTERESTING: Some housewives offer their proven advice on how to save cucumbers fresh longer at home. Instead of wet paper, cucumbers need to be shifted with leaves crap.Sometimes instead of horseradish is used and leaves of cabbage.

How to injure fresh cucumbers with fabric, water and polyethylene?

The author of the next council lands and sells cucumbers in huge quantities. He puts them in “banana” cardboard boxes, then covers soft cloth, moistens matter with water and covers everything from above polyethylene.

This method of preserving cucumbers fresh can be used with a small number of fruits. Fold them in a plastic basket, cover them with a clean kitchen towel, spray with water from the spray and cover with a film on top.

Video: How do cucumbers keep fresh when there are a huge number of them?

How to save the cucumbers fresh - a bouquet of cucumbers

The bouquet in our next photo is rather decorative than practical. But the idea is quite working. If you still think how to save the cucumbers fresh longer at home, for example, bringing them from a summer house to the apartment, use our next technology. And cucumbers will remain fresh for 4-5 days.

  • Choose cucumbers with thick and still fresh tails.
  • Do not tear off the fruits, but carefully cut them with a sharp knife.
  • Make oblique slices at an angle of 45 degrees And leave the tails longer than a centimeter.
  • When the cucumbers are cut, immediately put them in the water.
  • Flit them tightly, with tails down, in a saucepan or into a jar for conservation.
  • Pour quite a bit of water. Try to have only tails of cucumbers.
  • Water is required change every 2 daysAnd better every day.

“Bouquet” from cucumbers can be supplemented with dill, parsley or salad leaves. The main thing, do not forget to cut off the lower leaves of greenery.

To save cucumbers, put them like flowers in water
Put the cucumbers like flowers in water, make a bouquet with parsley, dill or salad

Cucumbers inside cabbage - the original method to store cucumbers

Looking for advice on how to keep the cucumbers fresh longer, growing them in the country, and you think how to make the cucumbers lay for six months? Then we will like our next original method for gardeners-experimenters! However, everything needs to be taken care of in advance.

  • Cucumbers should be planted with cabbage on one bed.
  • When the cabbage begins to “tie the head”, stick small cucumbers into the leaves of cabbage, which have already touched the head tightly quite tightly.
  • Wait 5-7 days and cut off the tail.
  • Let the cabbage remain in the bed until ripening.
  • They say that these cucumbers, inside the cabbage head, are preserved fresh, at least until the New Year holidays.

According to rumors, this method of joint storage of vegetables was opened quite by accident. One host’s cucumber himself got inside a head of cabbage. And when the cabbage was cut in winter, the cucumber turned out to be absolutely fresh!

Cucumbers with cabbage in the garden
Garden crops sometimes help each other

Five light and original ways to store cucumbers

  • Method 1: Fill with cucumbers to half a bag. Cover the vegetables on top with a piece of gauze. Put the cook in a vegetable container. If everything is done right, then cucumbers will not lose freshness 4-5 days.

The best zone in the refrigerator for cucumbers is boxes for fruits and vegetables. And if there are no such, then a place with the highest temperature, the farther from the freezer (if the refrigerator is single -chamber).

  • Method 2: Try to keep the cucumbers fresh, surrounding them with evaporation vinegar. Pour 5-6 tablespoons of vinegar into a large vessel. Place an inverted colander there, the lattice stand for the microwave or another stand with a grille. Put on the elevation on top of the cucumbers in one or two layer. Close the lid. They say that cucumbers can be stored for several weeks.
Vinegar vine helps keep cucumbers
Vine vinegar help to store cucumbers
  • Method 3: If there is no refrigerator or cellar in the country, then keeping cucumbers is convenient inside the well. First, put the vegetables in some ceramic or clay dishes, then put the bowl with cucumbers in a bucket. Lower it down so that it almost reaches the water. And fix the rope on which the bucket is lowered.
  • Method 4: Use parchment paperSo that the cucumbers remain fresh longer. Wrap each cucumber with parchment, then put them in one bag. Do not tie the cookies on top, but put it open in a box for fruits and vegetables.
  • Method 5: In supermarkets, foods are sometimes faced in containers, which have a soft substrate below, holding moisture. This method is also suitable for home use. Put a slightly wet tissue on the bottom of the dishes with cucumbers. So they will lose moisture slower.
Try to put slightly wet fabric on the bottom of the container with cucumbers
Try to put slightly wet fabric on the bottom

How to store cucumbers do not need?

  • Bad idea to store cucumbers tightly tied package. Without oxygen access, they “suffocate” and will spoil the sudden.
  • Another dubious method to keep the cucumbers fresh - coating them with foam from egg squirrel. Perhaps this will be created a film that protects against drying out. But after a short time, the protein will deteriorate. And poisoning with rotten eggs is scary. This method of storing cucumbers is dangerous to health.
  • An extremely bad idea - frozen cucumbers. After defrosting, they will absolutely lose taste and even consistency, becoming similar to porridge. The freshness zone is also too cold for heat -loving cucumbers.

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