How to store onions in winter at home: methods, freezing, tips, video. Onions-storage for the winter in the cellar, refrigerator: description. How many onions are stored? How to prepare onions for the winter: recipes

How to store onions in winter at home: methods, freezing, tips, video. Onions-storage for the winter in the cellar, refrigerator: description. How many onions are stored? How to prepare onions for the winter: recipes

This article will consider various ways of storing onions.

Recently, onions are gaining more and more popularity among gardeners. Why do people like him so much? Perhaps the fact that the timing of its storage won by many other vegetables and the taste does not change in any way. Another advantage of this vegetable is the simplicity of its storage, which cannot be said about many other crops. In this article, we will consider the conditions for storing onions in the winter.

How can you store onions in winter at home: Methods

Before starting a conversation about storing this vegetable, you need to pay slightly attention to such a process as cleaning onions from the beds. Why is it important? Because the correct cleaning of the vegetable is a guarantee that it will be stored as long as possible. The main secrets of cleaning you can read in this article.

  • It is necessary to collect all the onions from the garden before severe frosts. Yes, indeed, if you wish, you can store this vegetable by covering it on the beds, but there are no guarantees that it will definitely suffer such storage.
  • We dig our vegetable and carefully shake the ground from it, while doing it extremely carefully so as not to damage the plant.
  • Earth during such manipulations should not be between the feathers of the bow.
  • Next, cut the roots, but do not touch the bottom.
  • We remove all the yellowed, sick leaves, and leave the healthy leaves on the plant.

On this, the cleaning of the bow ends. After you can start storing and harvesting the vegetable for the winter.

You can store breaks in the following ways:

  • Fresh
  • Dried form
  • Frozen
  • Salted
  • In pickled form
  • In sand
  • In a refrigerator
  • In the cellar
  • On the balcony

As you can see, the choice is quite wide. Now in more detail about the method of storing vegetable in the sand and in dried form:

  • In order to store the vegetable in the sand, you will need to get boxes, containers, in extreme cases you can use packages
  • In the selected container you need to pour sand. In this case, the sand should be slightly moist
  • The sand layer should be approximately 5 cm
  • Now we insert onion into the sand, between the plants you need to observe a small distance
  • All the place that we will turn out to be free between the bow is also sprinkled with sand
  • Then we send our vegetable to a cool, but necessarily ventilated and dark place
  • In the same way, you can store breaks in the greenhouse. To do this, you need to make a not very deep trench and place the onion in it, then sprinkle the vegetable with sand
  • In this case, you need to monitor the temperature in the greenhouse, it should not drop below +1 ° C
Storage of onions in the sand
Storage of onions in the sand

In dried form, you can store onions as follows:

  • We wash the onions and let the water drain
  • Next, you need to grind the vegetable. You can cut the onion in circles, stripes or any other pieces, but it is desirable that they are as smaller as possible
  • We transfer the vegetable to the baking sheet, evenly distribute it
  • We send a baking sheet to the oven and dry the breaks of about 2 hours at a temperature of not higher than 45 ° C
  • With this method of heat treatment, onions retains all its beneficial properties
  • If you do not want to dry the vegetable for 2 hours, you can use the so -called quick ways. At the same time, the onion is dried literally half an hour, and the temperature is maintained within 150 ° C. It is important to note that this method is less useful
  • After drying onions, transfer it to glass containers and cover it with parchment paper. You can’t close the seasoning with a lid
Dried onions
Dried onions

Onions-storage for the winter in the cellar

Most often, for storing a leek in the cellar, the already familiar method with sand is chosen, however, experienced gardeners say that instead of sand, you can also use ordinary soil from the beds on which the vegetable grew.

  • It is necessary to store this onion in such a way only in an upright position, since leaving it in horizontal, we will get a vegetable curved to the top. It turns out so because the tears grows and stretches up.
  • Regarding what the vegetable can be filled with. As mentioned earlier, you can use ordinary soil, river or ordinary sand. Whatever you choose from this list, it should be slightly moistened. However, note that excessive soil moisture will lead to rotting of plant roots.
Onions can be stored in the cellar
Onions can be stored in the cellar
  • About the roots. They also need to be prepared. You can cut the roots on 1/3, 2/3 or not cut at all. The main thing cannot be done is completely removed the roots, because in this case the bow will rot.
  • We also bring leaves to normal. You can leave them uncircumcised, cut into 1/3, 2/3. But keep in mind that completely uncircumcised leaves turn yellow at least half. They cannot be completely cut, because they feed a false onion.
  • It is also important to say that it is not necessary to place plants in the soil or sand. You can fold the onion in an upright position in a container with a lattice bottom and put it on the selected soil.
  • When storing onions in this way, do not forget about maintaining a certain temperature regime, humidity. Be sure to ventilate the room even in the cold season.

Onions-storage for the winter in the refrigerator

Another common storage option for this vegetable is storage in the refrigerator:

  • During such storage, all processes in the vegetable slow down, so its decay will not occur within a few weeks
  • To take advantage of this way, take the most beautiful and healthy vegetables
  • Rinse the onion, and then dry it
  • Take bags and put in each about 5-7 stems
  • Send the vegetable to the refrigerator
  • To extend the shelf life of the vegetable, first cool it
Storage of onions in the refrigerator
Storage of onions in the refrigerator
  • Next, pack the bow in bags, food film. It is important that the plant can breathe, so make small holes in bags or purchase special
  • Next, send onions to the refrigerator
  • Maintain a constant temperature in the device, which should not exceed +2 ° C
  • If it is difficult to create such conditions in your refrigerator, then put packages with a vegetable on that shelf that is closer to the freezer
  • Storage will thus give you the opportunity to enjoy fresh onion for several months
  • Remember, the lower the temperature, the longer the shelf life will be at the vegetable

Is it possible and how to freeze onions for the winter?

This method of storing vegetables is particularly popular among hostesses. The thing is that frozen vegetables are stored for a long time, while defrosting them, we get an almost fresh product.

  • Unfortunately, not all vegetables can be stored in this way, however, the onions are not included in the list of the latter and is perfectly preserved in the freezer.
  • This method of harvesting onions is very simple and does not require much effort. To get started, take the whole breaks and rinse it well.
  • Next, we dry the stems of the vegetable and proceed to grinding.
  • We cut the onion with rings, while their size can be adjusted at your discretion, focusing on what you will use this product then.
Prepare the onion for frost
Prepare the onion for frost
  • When the entire breaks are crushed, we place it on a cutting board or a baking sheet and freeze a little in the freezer. We do not recommend immediately freezing vegetables on packages, because the rings will be angry with each other and this will make it difficult to use in the future.
  • When pieces of stems freeze slightly, we pack them on bags. It is advisable to freeze one portion of onions in one package so that it is convenient to use the vegetable after it and not spoil it with constant temperature changes.
  • After that, lay the bags in the freezer.
  • It is best to maintain a temperature of -6 ° C.
  • With this method of storage, onions will be suitable for use for 6-12 months.

How many onions are stored?

The question of how much time the onions can be stored is very relevant, because we all want to delight ourselves and loved ones with fresh vegetables as long as possible.

The shelf life of the vegetable directly depends on the method you choose for this process:

  • It is easiest to store onions in frozen form. To do this, cut the vegetable, put in bags and send it to the freezer. In this form, onions are perfectly stored for a long time - about a year.
  • In the refrigerator, the vegetable can be stored for about 3-5 months. However, it is important to comply with all the rules of this process. Do not forget to initially prepare the vegetable correctly, and then follow the temperature stability.
  • The balcony also makes it possible to store the vegetable throughout the winter. At the same time, the lowest temperature that can withstand the breaks is -10 ° C. Do not forget to periodically check the plant, since it can dry and hurt.
Storage of onions can be in different ways
Storage of onions can be in different ways
  • You can also store onions in the sand. With proper preliminary processing and maintaining all the necessary conditions, breaks can be stored in this way for six months.
  • If you store the vegetable at room temperature, then it will be suitable for consumption for several weeks.
  • A canned and pickled tears will delight you during the year. Further, the taste of conservation may change.

How to prepare onions for the winter: recipes

If for any reason you do not want or cannot store onions in fresh form, you can use delicious recipes for its preparation for the winter.

So, you can prepare the vegetable as follows:

  • Slide
  • Grind
  • Use with other ingredients for conservation

The first recipe we will talk about is Luke's Ambassador:

  • A washed, dried vegetable must be chopped in any way convenient for you. In this case, the size of the pieces should not be large
  • We shift the chopped onion into an enameled container, slightly tamp
  • Now salt onion at the rate of 50 g of salt per 1 kg of vegetable
  • Flotting the seat with various spices
  • Put the container for oppression and wait for about 3 weeks
  • Next, we lay out the finished product in jars, close with ordinary kapron lids and send to a cold place
Slide onion
Slide onion

We will pickle on onions according to this recipe:

  • We will only use the white part of the vegetable
  • Cut the onion in a convenient way
  • In the container, bring the water to a boil, slightly salting it
  • We lower the product for 3 minutes. In boiling water
  • Now we lay the onion in jars and fill with marinade

We cook marinade like this:

  • We take 50 g of salt for 1 liter of water, 100 g of sugar and 80 ml of vinegar
  • Having mixed all the ingredients in the container, we send it to the gas and bring the contents of the pan to a boil. We expect a couple of min. And turn off the gas
  • We pour our cans with onions with such a liquid, and then we tighten them with lids, heat it warmly and leave in this position for at least a day

Here is another no less tasty and popular recipe for pickled onions.

The following products will be needed:

  • The stems of the vegetable - 2 pcs.
  • Red ground pepper - 1 tbsp.
  • Sesame - 1 tbsp. l.
  • Soy sauce - 2.5 tbsp.
  • Rice vinegar - 1.5 tbsp.
  • Olive oil - 3 tbsp.

We will pickle in such products:

  • Water - 1 liter
  • Salt - 3.5 tbsp.
  • Vinegar - 3.5 tbsp.
Pickled onion
Pickled onion

We prepare as follows:

  • Rinse and dry the vegetable. Next, chopped with large pieces with rather large pieces
  • We transfer the tears into a deep container and add all the ingredients for pickling there there
  • We leave the bow for a couple of hours
  • Next, drain all the water, wait until it drains from the vegetable
  • Now in pickled onions add all the other products indicated in the recipe, mix everything and leave it for 15-20 hours
  • This appetizer has a very sharp taste, so it is best to use it as an addition to the side dishes

Onions are a delicious and healthy vegetable. Due to the fact that it is stored for a long time, almost all housewives love it. In order to laziness ourselves on a bow all winter, we recommend that you initially observe all the rules for its storage, and if you do not have this, then save the vegetable in dry or frozen form.

Video: How to save onions in winter at home?

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