How to store ripe, brown and green tomatoes at home, so that they remain fresh as long as possible: the necessary conditions, popular methods

How to store ripe, brown and green tomatoes at home, so that they remain fresh as long as possible: the necessary conditions, popular methods

In this article, we will consider how to properly store tomatoes so that they retain their freshness and do not spoil.

In order to store tomatoes in fresh form for a long time, you need to not only choose the right variety, but also comply with the rules for collecting, preparing fruits and proper conditions. Some aspects that you can not pay attention to ignorance, in fact, play an important role.

If you want to save fresh tomatoes that have grown on your site as long as possible, then you should familiarize yourself with several gathering rules and suitable conditions for such a useful vegetable that it will help to avoid premature damage.

General requirements to store tomatoes fresh longer: the necessary conditions

Tomatoes stand out with their speed of damage. And even after a couple of days, when the fetus is flying in your room, a whole swarm of midges is formed. Therefore, keeping tomatoes is a very responsible task. It is necessary not only to maintain the freshness of the product, but also to protect the fruits from rot, but the inhabitants from annoying midges.

  • Experts recommend that the fruits be stored depending on a certain air temperature. That is, later tomatoes of late varieties that remain on the bushes during frosts will no longer be subject to long -term storage. That's why collect tomatoes Experts advise when the air temperature is at night not lower than +8 ° C.
  • It is equally important to consider the time of day when collecting fruits. As practice shows to store tomatoes for a long time in fresh form, they need collect it in the afternoon, not in the morning. This is due to the fact that at this time of day there is no longer dew on the fruits.
  • Necessarily follow the temperature. It should not be higher than +15 °C, because the fruits will rot quickly. But also low temperature, which dropped below +10 °C, will lead to damage to the taste of tomato.
  • In no case should you lay tomatoes for storage with leaves and stems, they must be previously cut or carefully cut off. Excess greens will only accelerate the process of damage.
  • Fruits cannot be sprout. Otherwise, even in appearance a good fruit, can completely deteriorate from the inside.
    • Sorting is also an important aspect. For proper savings of tomatoes, experts recommend that only those fruits that have reached the so -called milky ripeness. That is, these are still green tomatoes, but reaching the size of normal weight in accordance with their variety. Simply put - tomatoes that are just starting to boil. Their color is not yet red, but no longer green. The berry itself is very elastic, but no longer too hard.
  • For a good savings in the crop, you need not to miss the correct preparation of the product, because this will significantly reduce the percentage of damage. And for this, each of the fruits is needed wipe with cotton wool in alcohol, light movements. This procedure is necessary so that there are no harmful microorganisms on the surface of the fetus, which can provoke damage to the vegetable.
For long -term storage, choose tomatoes for 3 or 4 positions on the left
Choose for stocks you need to berries for 3 or 4 positions on the left

How to store brown tomatoes for ripening: long -term storage

It is necessary not only to create the proper conditions. Yes, they will make significant contribution to the overall picture of the tomato stock. But keep in mind that it is necessary to store tomatoes of varying degrees of maturity in different conditions.

  • For example, for prolonged storage of still unripe fruits, you should keep them in the right temperature range. But an important role is played not only by temperature, but also by air humidity. In order for green fruits to reach maturity and reddened, it is necessary to ensure constant for them humidity  from 70 to 80%.
    • It is worth considering that the maturation process of tomatoes in storage is quite long, but it is also not worth increasing the air temperature in the room where they are stored. The thing is that at a temperature of +18-21 ° C, the fruits will certainly ripen faster, but at the same time they will lose a lot of moisture and become loose enough.
  • There are several ways to store tomatoes that are called bookmarks. But which of them was chosen, it is important to correctly sort fruits. Those tomatoes that have a fully or slightly brown color will become ripe faster than green. The next in the ripening speed will be white fruits. And tomatoes intensively green will be stored and ripen the longest. Therefore, in order to properly store tomatoes fresh, as long as possible, they need sort by color.
  • In addition, tomatoes need turn over regularly. After all, the side that does not contact the surface ripens.
  • Ethylene gas contributes to the rapid ripening of tomatoes. The largest amount of ethylene emits apples. Also high performance of this gas is observed in avocados, pears and apricot. The small share of the secreted gas is also inherent in products such as peaches, bananas, plums, mangoes and melons. That's why consider the neighborhood of tomato during storage.
    • If you want to store the tomatoes longer, then avoid “gas neighbors”, which will only enhance the ripening of the fruits. And if you need to quickly wait for the redness of brown tomatoes, then put them nearby. By the way, these fruits will help save tomatoes from premature damage.
  • Another secret of good storage of tomatoes - lack of direct sunlight. To do this, cover the container in which the fruits are stored with a woolen scarf. Thus, tomatoes will constantly be in dark and warm space. Also, keep in mind that this will help with brown tomatoes to ripen faster, literally in just a few days, but remain fresh at the same time.
  • But keep in mind that they need to be lowered into the cellar or at least put under the bed if there is no such room. After all, it is in this place that fresh air passes through a draft, and the rays do not reach the fruits.
Be sure to share them according to the degree of maturity
Be sure to share them according to the degree of maturity

Proven ways how to save ripe tomatoes longer at home

There are several proven methods, each of which involves the preservation of the fetus for a certain period of time. But in order to store tomatoes, you also need to take into account all the above general recommendations. Indeed, in this case the command work of all requirements is important.

  • The most important condition for the proper storage of ripe tomatoes is lack of excess moisture. An ordinary newspaper helps to remove excess moisture. In order to store tomatoes in this way, you need to wrap each of them into the newspaper and lay on the shelf of the refrigerator. If you have a basement, then it is even better - put the tomatoes wrapped in a newspaper in plastic or wooden boxes.
    • By the way, wipe the shelf or boxes thoroughly so that there is no excess moisture. Of course, the newspaper should be periodically changed so that the stored fruits are constantly in dryness. Do not do many layers, the ideal option is a maximum of 2 tiers. Otherwise, the fruits can put pressure on each other, let the juice and quickly deteriorate.
  • By this principle, you can wrap them In parchment paper. Just make sure that the fruits do not touch each other.
  • Also well store ripe tomatoes in straw, which works on the principle of paper.
  • To preserve already ripe fruits of tomatoes before winter will help method using alcohol in banks. For this, this will be needed by banks, several tablespoons of alcohol and a thick thread for a wick. Banks that will be used must first be sterilized. In them you need to lay the tomatoes to the top and pour them 2 tbsp. l. alcohol in every jar. Then we cover the jars with lids and scroll it a little (do not shake it in any case!) So that the alcohol is evenly distributed. After that, lower the settled wick into the jar and roll the lids tightly.
  • Mustard powder It is also one of the best methods. It is somewhat similar to the previous option. Banks, preferably three -liter, must also be pre -sterilized. Only paper and mustard powder will be needed. Tomatoes must first be cleaned of roots and leaves, rinse and let it dry independently.
    • When they dry, put them in a jar. We do it freely so that they do not crush each other. Sprinkle the layer of tomatoes with mustard powder, then lay the paper on top and repeat the procedure again. Thus, fill in the jar and roll with lids. Banks closed in this way are best stored in a dark cool room, a cellar is ideal for this.
  • Also one of the methods - This is a vacuum! It is better to use packages, but ordinary ones are also suitable. Lay the tomatoes in them, tighten, leaving only a small hole, and with the help of a conventional cocktail tube, suck out excess air. It remains only to tie or tighten tightly. The main thing is that there is no moisture inside. Therefore, tomatoes do not wash!
A great way is to store tomato in paper
A great way is to store tomato in paper

How to store green tomatoes so that they do not deteriorate?

Green tomatoes are certainly stored longer, but they need to create special conditions for them so that the vegetable matures correctly and does not spoil from the inside. There are several ways to storage that have not yet been quite ripened tomatoes. The most effective of them are storage in sawdust and paper.

  • For this storage method, you will need a wooden box, paper and sawdust. The fruits should be laid exclusively with stalks up, rows, close enough to each other, but so that they do not grind. The layers with which the tomatoes will be laid must be covered with paper and sprinkled with sawdust. Using paper and sawdust allows you to absorb excess moisture from the fruits, which prevents their spoilage.
  • The boxes must be left in a dry, cool room, the air temperature in which should not exceed +10 ° C. A basement or cellar is ideal, but if there is neither one nor the other, you can use a closed balcony, if it is not on the sunny side of the house.
  • Method using one paper Similar, but a little easier than the previous one. True, each vegetable needs to be washed, dried and wiped with a wool moistened in alcohol. Then each tomato needs to be wrapped in a newspaper or paper and put in a box. This method will help preserve the fruits before winter.

However, whatever way you choose, it should be remembered that the preservation of dryness and protection against direct sunlight are the main requirements, which will help to store tomatoes longer. In case of non -compliance with the rules on the level of humidity and light in the room where they are stored, not one of the described methods will be effective.

Video: How to store tomatoes so that they remain fresh for a long time?

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