How to store dried apricots, prunes, raisins at home, what and how much: the conditions and terms of storage according to GOST, recommendations

How to store dried apricots, prunes, raisins at home, what and how much: the conditions and terms of storage according to GOST, recommendations

Features of storage of dried apricots, prunes and raisins.

The summer came to an end and those housewives who harvested and were engaged in harvesting for the winter, revise their stocks.

On the other hand, not all latitudes grow, for example, grapes and apricot. Therefore, often for the purchase of berries and fruits for further drying them, you simply can not do.

We previously considered the methods and nuances of preparation kurags, prunes At home.

Today we’ll talk about the features of their storage.

What is the storage dried apricots?

Photo of industrial and homemade dried
photo of industrial and homemade dried

The workpiece of dried apricots on an industrial scale implies its treatment with sulfur dioxide. On a packaged finished product in the list of ingredients, you will see its designation E220.

Thanks to this preservative, Kuraga retains its bright color and attractive presentation.

By the way, sulfur dioxide, or sulfur gas is toxic and is a strong allergen, from which asthmatics, people with gastrointestinal diseases suffer from.

  • Another harmful preservative is gasoline, more precisely, his pairs. After processing them, dried fruits acquire a characteristic smell.
  • In order for dried apricots to preserve shine, the procurers soak it in fat, low -quality vegetable oil, glycerin.
  • Another way to give bright colors to dried apricots is to soak them in a diet.

Kuragi, prepared by drying in a natural way:

  • the color is dark, brownish
  • there is no shine, on the contrary, they are dusty and matte
  • more useful substances are preserved
  • there is damage to insects
  • the rigidity of the skin remains

How to store dried fruits - dried dried apricots and prunes, raisins in the apartment according to GOST: Recommendations.

Different dried fruits are fed in glass containers for storage on the shelves of the kitchen
different dried fruits are beam in glass containers for storage on the shelves of the kitchen

The perfect place for storing dried fruits is a basement, an attic, any dry and cool room. Ideal parameters - 15 ℃ and 70% of air humidity.

If you do not have the opportunity to provide such conditions, store dried fruits in the closet in the kitchen. It should be removed from the refrigerator, stoves, microwaves, kettle.

  • Choose containers for storage of glass, wood, ceramics or burlap. The requirement for them is the same-the tightness of the blockage in order to avoid moisture and penetration of bugs-pests.
  • Keep dried fruits separately from each other, for example, a bank of kuragi, a bank of raisins, a Bunny Bank. This will significantly reduce the chances of the tribe, damage to products.
  • Periodically review the reserves. If they started to deteriorate, dry them in the oven over low heat.
  • Not long -term storage of dried fruits in the freezer is allowed. However, then be sure to buy them in the oven. The exception is prunes. He feels great when storing in low temperatures.
  • Mold drives dried mint. Pour the dried fruits with it and place it in burlap.
  • Another assistant in the fight against excess moisture is salt. If you store dried fruits in the closet in the kitchen, put a bowl with salt next to them. The latter will recover moist evaporation of the premises into itself

Is it possible and how much dried apricots, dried apricots, prunes, raisins in the refrigerator?

The girl checks containers with dried fruits in the refrigerators, which are stored
the girl checks containers with dried fruits in the refrigerators, which are stored

The answer is unequivocal - you can. So prunes store an unlimited amount of time in the freezer. And dried apricots with raisins - before the appearance of signs of damage.

In the refrigerator, these dried fruits feel great in vacuum containers for 90-120 days.

How to save a very soft dried apricots?

Cook with soft dried apricots, which is properly stored at home
cook with soft dried apricots, which is properly stored at home

Perhaps there is only one way - not to give her overly dry.


  • temperature, humidity in the room
  • the tightness of the container in which the dried apricots are stored

Choose glass, wooden, ceramic containers to preserve the dried apricot.

Follow all storage rules indicated in the section above.

So, we examined the features of the industrial drought apricot, as well as the requirements for GOST for storage of dried fruits in the room and refrigerator.

Be careful when choosing dried fruits that you plan to save during the cold season. Take seriously the issue of their storage and eat natural vitamins all year round.

Video: How to store dried fruits at home?

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