What to do if borsch interrupted? How to fix the over -over -packed borscht with rice, tomatoes, egg?

What to do if borsch interrupted? How to fix the over -over -packed borscht with rice, tomatoes, egg?

Ways to fix the overclocking borsch.

Borsch is a traditional dish of Ukrainian cuisine, which is known in almost all countries of Europe. In this article we will tell you how to fix the over -paved borsch. 

How to fix the over -paved borsch?

There are several recipes, the main task of which is to absorb a large amount of seasoning. The method of correction depends on the amount of salt, and the "scope of the disaster."

How to fix the over -paved borsch:

  • If the borscht is very over -over, then the main way to fix it is to cast part of the broth, that is, fluids, pour boiling water or freshly brewed, unsolved broth. The main drawback of the method is to reduce fat content, worsening the taste characteristics of borsch.
  • Indeed, together with the liquid, a large amount of fat, mineral components, vitamins that have passed into the broth during cooking meat and vegetables merge.
  • Therefore, the taste of the dish may not change for the better. It will have to be corrected by adding a large number of spices and seasonings. 

I overlapped borsch, how to correct the situation without diluting?

There are less radical methods, without diluting the broth.

I overlapped borsch, how to correct the situation without diluting:

  • For these purposes, raw potatoes are often used. It is not cut, but crushed on a fine grater, added to borsch. It is believed that starch is an excellent adsorbent that absorbs salt.
  • Thus, the taste of the dish improves. Do not forget to boil borsch for 5 minutes so that the starch is completely brewed. The dish will become thicker, but the taste characteristics will not suffer. 

What to do if I overlapped soup, borsch?

It is believed that rice is an excellent adsorbent that absorbs not only salt, but also any other impurities.

What to do if the soup was overlapping, borsch:

  • That is why, in the process of preparing pilaf, a large amount of onions, carrots, garlic and pepper is placed so that the taste of the dish is saturated. To fix the over -packed borsch or soup, it is necessary to wrap two tablespoons of large round rice in gauze and lower it into the dish.
  • 10 minutes enough for the rice to boil, absorbing a significant amount of salt. After this technique, a bag of salt is extracted from the pan and thrown away, and borsch becomes less salty. 
  • You can save an overlapped dish with a small amount of sugar. To do this, a teaspoon of sugar is slowly lowered into borsch. Try that the crystals do not spill into the liquid, and slipped from the spoon in dissolved form. It is believed that so sugar will work better.

How to fix the over -packed borscht quickly?

A good option is to dilute, but borsch is too watery and tasteless, so the situation must be corrected differently. 

How to fix the over -packed borscht quickly:

  • It is necessary to turn off the pan with borsch if it is almost ready. In a separate bowl, it is necessary to grate the carrots with onions and red beets, fry until cooked. Part of the broth casts from the pan, and a prepared roast is introduced instead of it, and it is brought to the desired volume with boiling water. Just pour part of the broth and you can’t replace it with water, as the dish will turn out to be tasteless. Replacement is made only using the finished broth, if it is available. 
  • You can cope with this problem at home quickly and simply. During cooking, if you make blanks for a month or two weeks, you need to boil chicken backs in a small amount of water. Strain the resulting broth, you can add carrots, onions to it during cooking. Cool and freeze the broth in containers. When the broth freezes, blow the containers with hot water, transfer ice cubes into bags. If the borsch in the preparation process is too salty, it is enough to pour part of the liquid, add an ice cube prepared from the broth to it. Thus, unsalted broth will dilute the overlapped dish, returning its taste to normal. 
  • Many people believe that you can fix the taste of salt borsch by adding a large amount of seasonings. It is better not to do this, because you can ruin the dish completely. You should not add sour cream to the overclocking borsch, as it will not improve the taste of the dish, but will spoil, especially if it has a pronounced sour taste. Cream can correct the situation, due to their sweet taste, lack of salt. Sour cream is not added to borsch. 

What to do if the finished borsch was overlapping?

To get rid of an excessive amount of salt, you can use the egg. To do this, separate two proteins from the yolks, and enter into a dish. It is best to do this on gauze in order to easily extract a curled protein.

What to do if the finished borsch was overlapping:

  • But if households like the presence of an egg of the dish, you can not extract it. This option is suitable if the dish is almost ready, there is no time to cook rice, potatoes. If the borsch is completely ready, but you understand that it is too salty, try to correct the situation.
  • A good option is cream. It will help remove excess salt, dried white bread. You can first dry the crackers in the oven, having previously cut the loaf with small slices.
  • A sweet buns, or a milk loaf with a pleasant sweet taste, is suitable. Before serving, pour borsch into a plate, place several crackers received in each of them.

You can add green onions, a large amount of parsley. They also absorb a significant amount of salt. 

In the kitchen
In the kitchen

You can find a lot of interesting things about cooking in these articles:

After preparing borsch, some housewives recommend cut two large tomatoes into small pieces, put in a pan. It is believed that tomatoes absorb salt, help to balance the taste of the dish. Some housewives recommend adding pre -fried grated beets. It contains a large amount of sugar, and components that can absorb salt. Borsch will become saturated pink color, its taste will improve markedly. However, it is necessary for these purposes to use exclusively red beets, and not borscht, which is painted bright. 

Video: What to do if the borsch is overlooked?

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