What to do if she overlapped buckwheat: tips

What to do if she overlapped buckwheat: tips

In this article we will tell you how to save the over -the -sized buckwheat.

Different situations happen in the kitchen, including the pavement of the prepared food. There is no need to despair, because You can reduce the salinity of almost any dishes. Moreover, reanimating the crosshered buckwheat or other porridge is much easier than pilaf or fried potatoes. And we will share with you verified and suitable tricks for this case.

What to do if she overlapped buckwheat: simple ways

  • The first trick - Increase the dose of porridge. To do this, just boil a small amount of cereals, but without salt, and mix both dishes together. If the buckwheat is very overdated, then the same amount of unsalted porridge will be required.
  • When there is no need to prepare a cauldron of buckwheat porridge, then Soak in water Already welded cereal. To do this, pour the porridge completely with boiling water, let stand for 2-3 minutes and drain the liquid through a small colander or sieve. At the end, boil the dish for several minutes, before evaporation of moisture, season with butter.
  • Think the over -the -grinding buckwheat on a colander and well Rinse under running water. After washing, put a little porridge in a pan with the addition of butter. So the dish will be tastier and fragrant.
  • If you notice a change yet At the cooking stage, You need to add dry cereals and add water. Or just tap the porridge in a large amount of water, and then remove the excess fluid.

How to fix the over -the -rushed buckwheat: tips

  • To a crossed buckwheat, an unsolved side dish! He will take part of the salt on himself and in general the dish will be normal to taste. It can be goulash, vegetable stew, stew with gravy or simply fry the minced meat with crushed onions and carrots, mixing it with porridge.
  • Make a la lazy cabbage rolls, but with buckwheat. Believe me, an equally tasty and hearty dish will turn out if you mix buckwheat porridge with stewed cabbage, frying it with onions and carrots, but without salt. Season all tomato paste or juice, driving for about 5 minutes.
  • Make unstable sauce for feed, as well as a salad of fresh vegetables (without salt!). Traditional tomato sauce is ideal for buckwheat porridge:
    • fry the onion and carrots until golden color, add a spoonful of flour and fill in a glass of tomato juice. Tomi on low heat until desolation. Of course, it will be tastier with pieces of meat.

Important: Acid and sweetness take part of the salinity on themselves! Take into service if you suddenly fall over buckwheat or other dish. Sweet-sour sauces when serving will help this well.

  • Make Greek! Just add a little minced meat, egg and spoonful of flour, mix and fry until golden color. Then fry the onion, pour in tomato paste and stand up for 3 minutes buckwheat cutlets in the sauce.

Perelon in the kitchen, as you can see, is an occasion to improve the dish and make it even tastier. And we recommend paying attention to the following articles:

Video: What to do if you overlapped buckwheat or other porridge in a slow cooker?

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