What to do if red caviar is overlapped?

What to do if red caviar is overlapped?

In this article, we will tell you how to reanimate the over -the -term caviar.

It is rare, but it also happens that after opening the caval, the caviar is perenced. Perhaps the proportions during the salting were not observed, and maybe the unscrupulous manufacturer “disguised” last year's batch. But you should not despair and throw it into the garbage bucket, because you can save even very crossed caviar yourself, which we will tell below.

How to reanimate over -the -end caviar: methods, how to remove excess salt

The main methods of how to save a crossed red or black caviar:

  • The best assistant is cold.Put the caviar to the plastic container and send it to the freezer for 5-7 days. During this time, salt will crystallize to the surface. Defrost only on the shelf of the refrigerator. Then rinse with distilled water or other methods below.
  • Pour the caviar warm tea of \u200b\u200bthe middle fortress (without sugar and chips of tea leaves). The temperature should be over 30 ° C. After 5-7 minutes, drain the liquid with a sieve (when the grains begin to light) and rinse with boiled water.

Important: Tea brewing neutralizes an unpleasant odor. This is relevant for cases when caviar was really stolen.

  • Beer is for red caviar, and mineral water is for black. We take in a 1: 1 proportion, gently mix the contents with a spoon until the liquid is absorbed into grains. Then the caviar will become larger, softer and without excessive bitterness from salt.
  • A fresh rice broth will help. Boil the cereal so that a little liquid is left, cool to room temperature and immerse the grains for 5 minutes. After strain through a small sieve or gauze.
  • Take a steak of raw fish. For example, salmon, trout, pink salmon. For black caviar - sturgeon. We cut the steak with plates, mix with a crossed caviar in equal proportions. But the more salinity in caviar, the more fish is needed. We spread everything in the container, close tightly and send for a day to the refrigerator (the longer, the better). And at the output we get salted caviar and salted fish.
  • If the caviar is not very much overlapped, then Add a little vegetable oil - It softens the salty taste.
Use fresh products
Use fresh products

Tip: If the caviar is not much overlap, then make tartlets with cottage cheese-mixed or cream filling without salt, laying caviar on top. So the products compensate for the level of salinity themselves.

What should not be done if red or black caviar is overlapped: tips

And a few words about three important rules:

  1. Categorically do not rinse red or black, even if it is very pushed, caviar In hot water.Otherwise, the protein that is part of it may be curled up.
  2. Soak in cold water - It is useless, because Caviar is protein and fat, and it is impossible to remove salt from the fat texture. And from fresh water, it will lose its taste and become stiff.
  3. Rallyit is also not worth it, because then all the beneficial substances are washed out and the taste of the delicacy worsens significantly.
  4. Do not use sugar.So you only finally ruin the dish in which the grains will be salty, and the outer shell is sweet.

As you can see, you should not even throw over the over -and -out products. Each housewife has its own methods, but it is important to consider the principles of cooking to save dishes. And we suggest you also get acquainted with other articles:

Video: What to do if red caviar is overlapped?

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