What to do if I overlapped the soup: proven methods and tips

What to do if I overlapped the soup: proven methods and tips

We offer the best and proven ways how to save a overcrowded soup.

Almost every housewife faced a situation when she pushed the soup. But you should not despair, because There is always a way out of any situation. In this article, we will share verified tips on how to save the overlapped first dish.

How quickly to save the dish if you got the soup: we dilute the broth!

  • Add a little boiled (!) Water, But no more than 1/3 of the total volume.
  • To maintain the saturation of a meat dish, it is better to use Ready -made unstable broth. Some experienced housewives keep it even in the freezer, using a conventional ice mold or other convenient container to always have at hand.
  • Tash on low heat after boiling for 2-3 minutes, then remove from heat.

Important: This method is not suitable for cranes with smoked meats or borscht, because In the finished dish, the saturation of taste, richness and density are important. And if you add additional basic ingredients, then they will be boiled unevenly, since some of them will be ready.

As an alternative, or if you very much pierced the soup, you can Boil a small portion of the same the first, without using salt. And then connect both dishes together. To make salinity evenly, boil the stew for about 2 minutes.

Verified ways how to save a overcrowded soup: we use products that absorb salt

  • Method number 1 - Add potatoes

If you have soup without potatoes, just cut 2-3 tubers to reduce the salinity of the dish. But if the soup already has potatoes, immerse the whole potato for 7-10 minutes (if very salty, then 2-3). After the tuber, remove.

Advice: Similarly, the onion works. Place the cleaned head in the broth, boil a little and remove it from the soup.

Repeatedly proven method
Repeatedly proven method
  • Method No. 2 - pasta, rice or other cereals will come to the rescue

If you have changed the soup, it is convenient to use a bag of rice. Group will absorb excess salt. And after you will have not only the first, but also a side dish.

If you have a scattering cereal, then wrap it in two layers of gauze and tie the edges tightly. Boil the soup for 5 minutes and take out the knot. Depending on the degree of salinity, it may take from 2 to 5-7 tbsp. l.

We do the same with pasta, or add directly to the dish if the soup is not very thick.

  • Method No. 3 - we use a raw egg

Beat a little with a fork and a thin stream, stirring constantly, pour into the soup. This is a great solution not only for meat, but also fish soup. If you do not like soups with an egg, then break it into a small sieve and immediately immerse it in boiling water for several minutes.

  • Method No. 4 - flour for density and reduction of salinity

Wrap 2-3 tablespoons of flour in dense tissue and lower it for 5 minutes. For thick dishes or soup-puree, you can mix 2 tbsp. l. Flour with a small amount of broth, and then pour a thin stream into a boiling soup, stirring continuously. So the flour will absorb excess salt and give a density.

Important: Watch very carefully that lumps do not form!

  • Method No. 5 - immerse rye bread crumbs

Similarly, wrap a small guest of black bread pulp into a dense fabric, lower it for a few minutes into a boiling soup, and then dispose of. Do not use gauze, otherwise the crumb will leak into the broth and spoil its taste.

For reliability, take the x/b fabric
For reliability, take the x/b fabric

What are the use and seasonings if the soup was overlooked?

  • Add 1-2 tsp. sugar (8-10 g). Introduce portionably, each time you taste soup so as not to finally spoil it. You can use brown or refined sugar, but immerse it with a spoon and take it out without waiting for complete dissolution. For the piquancy of taste, you can add honey.
  • Acid will slightly reduce salinity. You can use lemon juice (1-2 tsp), citric acid (2-3 g), 0.5 tbsp. l. apple cider vinegar or a spoonful of dry white wine. Dessert wines give sweetness, so they can be used if the soup was overlapped, but with caution! Add spices gradually, each time trying to taste.

Important: We acidify the brinelessants and hodgepods carefully, because they have acidic ingredients.

  • Tomato paste will save the situation! But it is important to take paste or juice, and not seasoning with spices. Enough 1-2 tbsp. l. True, take into account the compatibility of products. This is a great option for buckwheat or bean soup, as well as a brine and cabbage soup.
  • Milk, sour cream or cream will take part of the salt to themselves.This is an option for dairy and mushroom soups, as well as soup-puree. Yogurt is also suitable for the last dish.
  • Add more fresh herbs! It never is superfluous in the soup and neutralizes slight salinity. Any greens that you like is suitable. It is allowed to use dry seasoning, but without additional spices.
Milk, instead of plain water, takes excess salt
Milk, instead of plain water, takes excess salt

What to do if I overlapped the soup: tips

  • Add sour cream or cream when serving, This is neutralized by a small perecol of the soup.
  • Fry the croutons (Better from rye bread), without salt. For pea soup, garlic crackers will be an excellent option-just fry 3-4 cloves of garlic with croutons, passing them through the press.
  • If you have changed the light vegetable soup, then do it Kilki or Galushki! To do this, beat 2 eggs with 3 tbsp. l. milk (you can with water) and knead not a very tight dough. Do not use salt! Submerge the ticks into the water with a spoon and cook for about 3 minutes.

And to understand what the difference is between them, we suggest reading the article "What is the difference between Galushki and Kletski?"

  • According to the same principle, they work and meatballs, But do them without salt.
  • If the soup is liquid, add boiled beans. Then boil together for about 4 minutes.

Important: When cooking beans, salt is not used, otherwise the cooking time increases significantly. The spice is added at the very end, but we need it.

  • You can put it when serving in a plate half or quarter of boiled eggs, Sprinkling with chopped herbs on top. This option is suitable for not very cross -linked soups.
  • Minor salinity will remove and butter, If it is a small piece, put it directly on the plate.

As you can see, even a crossed soup can be saved! But never forget that you need to salt and refuel dishes when there are already all the ingredients. And remember the golden rule - “it is better to under the table than a step on your back”! And everyone can add salts on their own, adjusting it to their liking.

Video: What to do if I overlapped the soup?

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