How and what to get distracted after parting with a guy, a man?

How and what to get distracted after parting with a guy, a man?

From our article you will learn how to properly survive a breakup with a loved one. We will figure out in the most detail how and what we can be distracted after parting with a man, a guy.

A love relationship is not always easy to build. Indeed, sometimes fate brings together people who perceive the world around them differently, and sooner or later this leads to problems in relations, and the couple decides to stop further communication. This decision is always difficult, and very wounds former partners. But life does not end there, so you need to quickly pull yourself together, and try to live a happy life -filled with emotions. About how and what to distract after parting with a guy, a man, we will figure out our material.

How to get distracted after parting with a guy, a man?

How to get distracted after parting with a guy, a man?
How to get distracted after parting with a guy, a man?

How to get distracted after parting with a guy, a man:

  • Do not forbid yourself to be sad - It may seem to you that such advice will definitely not help you quickly cope with the surging emotions. But this is not at all. In fact, you have every right to sadness. Of course, you do not need to fall into despondency for months, but you can spend a couple of days alone with you. They will be very useful for your psycho -emotional state. Take yourself a couple of days in which you can think about a former relationship to understand what has been done wrong. Yes, and try not to focus exclusively on the bad, remember good moments, it is they who will help you to correctly survive the parting with the guy, a man.
  • Find the one who will listen and support -It is necessary to do this, because having shared with one of your relatives or friends with your thoughts, you will get rid of part of the cargo that fell on your shoulders. But there is no need to dump all the negativity on a person who was present in your relationship, and in no case do not water your former lover with mud. It is better to generally chat with a loved one on distant topics, and only occasionally return to a failed relationship. Agree with your girlfriend, sister or mother that at difficult moments you will call them, or come to visit to be a little distracted. So you will occupy your subconscious with other thoughts and more easily transfer the gap to your loved ones.
  • In no case do not blame yourself of parting - It is strictly forbidden to do this. Most of the fair sex blames themselves that it was not possible to build a strong soil with their chosen one, and they drive themselves into terrible depression, which can not be executed for a long time. Therefore, drive away similar thoughts away from yourself if you want to forget about this unpleasant moment of your life in a short time. You must clearly realize that both partners are responsible for their actions and words, and therefore, in the event of problems, both are to blame for this. This thought should become the main thing for you until you can calmly think about a former partner.
  • Switch your attention to another love - Do it as quickly as possible so that you can forget the former lover in the shortest possible time. But this is not about a new relationship. It is clear that for some time you will not be able to open your heart to the new chosen one. Here we are talking about love for relatives and friends, because you did not stop love, and they are still close to you. Therefore, try to pay more attention to them, this will help you quickly restore your moral forces, and you will quickly return to the usual lifestyle.
  • Do something for yourself to your beloved “This will help you feel the taste of life again.” As a rule, in relations, we often sacrifice something for the sake of a loved one, and it seems to us that such sacrifice justifies itself. But in fact, at such moments, we suppress our dreams and desires, and thereby we ourselves injure our psyche. Therefore, after parting with your loved one, it is so important to pamper yourself with something that you were deprived of all this time. Therefore, if you have long wanted to buy a very frank dress, go to the store and buy it if you wanted to eat the whole cake, but you were afraid to become ugly for your loved one - buy sweetness and eat it with pleasure. Having enjoyed, you will definitely feel much better.
  • Plan your life correctly - Try to make it as comfortable as possible for yourself. Surely, while you were in pairs, all your plans were connected with your partner. Of course, after parting, it makes no sense to build your life with their accounting. Therefore, as soon as the first period of parting is completed, immediately start making plans for the near future without a former partner. Try to adjust them in such a way that in reality you do not intersect with your beloved at all, this will help you forget it faster.
  • Show yourself a new reality - Do it as quickly as possible. This advice may seem a little strange to you, but still it helps to put everything very quickly in its place. Especially if a woman lives with illusions that there is an opportunity to return an old relationship. Surely you know where the ex -guy likes to be, here and go there. Try to talk to him, and if love has passed both partners, you will feel a cold attitude, and you probably no longer want to meet him. Moreover, such a meeting will help you quickly cope with your emotions.
  • Be sure to completely exclude all the reminders of your beloved from life - It will be difficult to do it, but still go to this step. You should not have things that remind you of past relationships. All that the former beloved, or those objects that remind him of him, must be ruthlessly, should be ruthlessly thrown away. If in this way you cannot do, then put everything in the box and hide it somewhere far away. Maybe someday, when your feelings return to normal, you can return them to your life, and you will continue to use them.
  • Try to get rid of anger - This is a very important step that will help you get rid of the negativity of the failed union. Initially, it may seem that it will be very difficult to do, but believe me, if you want it strongly, then everything will work out. There are several simple but effective psychological techniques. Surely you have photos of a once loved one. Take them and tear them into the smallest pieces, mentally saying goodbye to your pain. Another great way to release steam is to bore the pillow, while imagining that you were hitting an ex -boyfriend.
  • Update yourself and all that surrounds you -Do it as quickly as possible, because as soon as the picture changes before your eyes, you will immediately begin to perceive the new reality a little differently. Therefore, wipe the tears and start acting. Reproop the walls in the house in a new color, buy new bedding, new beautiful dishes. Do not forget your beloved about yourself - new outfits will help you feel more beautiful and desirable. Change the world around you until you feel relief and satisfaction from the new day.
  • Be sure to try to come to terms with a new reality - Do it as quickly as possible, otherwise protracted depression will be guaranteed to you. Yes, it is very difficult to accept that you do not love a person you considered a part of yourself, but if you do not do this and continue to live with memories of the past, this may lead to not the most pleasant consequences. You just have to realize that you do not need such a relationship, because they do not give you the necessary emotions. Yes, and for sure, reconciliation with a guy is unlikely to change something, because not you, and not him, are not going to change your character and attitude to life.
  • Take yourself to something all the time “Such a little trick will help you think less about the ex.” Some girls, after breaking up with a guy, think about lost love for days on end. This is not necessary to do this, since such behavior will definitely not help to cope with the falling load of disappointment. Therefore, it is so important in the first days after parting with the guy to find classes for himself. They can be the simplest - get out in the house, work in the garden, help mom, grandmother, girlfriend. Do everything so as not to be alone with your thoughts, and you will not notice how to get rid of mental pain.
  • Make yourself more attractive - Another great way to take yourself. As they say, there is no limit to perfection, so try to make yourself even more attractive in the eyes of all the male. Color your hair, change your hairstyle, increase fluffy cilia, and delight yourself with a bright manicure. Well, of course, we do not forget about the fashion and emphasizing your advantages. Believe me, as soon as you begin to catch the enthusiastic views of men, you will again feel confidence in yourself and your beauty.

What to be distracted after parting with a guy, a man?

What to be distracted after parting with a guy, a man?
What to be distracted after parting with a guy, a man?

What to be distracted after parting with a guy, a man:

  • Plunge completely into work - Do this as soon as the first negative emotions subside, and you can calmly respond to everything that is happening around you. Of course, do not run to work when tears still pour in a stream, and you begin to cry only about one thought about the former guy. But approximately a week after parting with a guy, you can safely return to work. You can try to take additional work so as not to be in the evenings alone. Only do not overload yourself much, since moral and physical exhaustion at the same time can harm you even more.
  • Take care of self -education - This process can perfectly distract you from not the most pleasant thoughts. At any age, to comprehend something new is always useful and interesting, so feel free to take up the job. Maybe you wanted to learn a foreign language, but you always did not have enough time for this. Now you have it, and you can safely get down to business. Learn the language yourself, or hire yourself a tutor. In this case, you will have a person with whom you can talk and be even more distracted. You can sign up for computer courses and study programming or adjusting advertising on the Internet. It’s not very important at all what you will study, the main thing is that what you do bring you pleasure.
  • New hobby, as a way to distract - Our hobbies help us distract from the realities of the world for a while. Therefore, when parting with a guy, they can help get rid of obsessive thoughts. Think about what you would like to do and what hobby would give you positive emotions? You can try to embroider, knit, sculpt from clay, cook soap, make a beautiful manicure to other representatives of the fair sex - the choice is very large, and only you decide what is most like it. In this solution to the problem with a broken heart, there is another big plus. If you master the skill as well as possible, you can start making additional money on it, and they will help you feel more confident.
  • Meetings with relatives and friends “They will definitely help you get rid of obsessive thoughts about the former guy.” Moreover, you can go to your family people even in tears, they will probably understand and support you. Try to visit them more often for a while, or invite them to visit your own. You can always arrange a family dinner or dinner, or just a tea party with sweets. If you cannot cook for some reason, then you can always meet with friends and relatives in the coffee shop. Over a cup of aromatic coffee, you can always talk about everything in the world, and just enjoy the pleasantly spent time.
  • Distant and close trips - Another great way to relax both soul and body. What duration your journey will be, it is only you to solve, the main thing is that you feel complete moral satisfaction. If you have time and finances, then go on a foreign trip, and spend time by admiring the beauty of another country. Try their kitchen, get acquainted with culture and history, make new friends. The more positive emotions you get, the faster you can recover from the blow that your life made you. If there is no money for a long journey, you can always find a beautiful place nearby, and visit it. Admire the beauty of nature, and stay alone with your thoughts, all this will also help you come to your senses and be a little distracted from the negativity that is present in your life.
  • Cooking - Such a simple, at first glance lesson, can also help distracted from sad thoughts. Therefore, create and have fun. If you are preparing for "you", then you can safely take on the preparation of complex dishes that require a lot of time and effort. But this is what will help you forget about your little trouble. If you are a novice cook, then buy a culinary book and surprise yourself and your family, preparing simple, but original dishes. You can attract your family and friends to the process, and then time will pass even more fun and imperceptibly. And then it will be possible to arrange gatherings, and get distracted from bad thoughts even more.
  • Sports - Such a pleasant load will definitely help you drive away obsessive thoughts about the former quickly. Any sport is a surge of positive energy, so feel free to start engaged in it. At the initial stage, immediately after parting, do alone - run, do simple exercises, just roll on a bicycle. And when the emotional background will become more controlled, sign up for the gym, and take care of the coach. Here you can find support and make new friends, which will definitely help you easier to experience a new stage of your life.
  • Take care of volunteering - Making the world better, you will receive a maximum of positive, and thereby help yourself. The most pleasant thing in this case is that you will not need to make a lot of effort for this. There are always people around us who require help, you just need to notice them. You can always help my grandmother to convey a heavy bag from the store, or take a walk with the child of a single mother who could always have been doing and have no assistants. If you want to deal with such a thing more seriously, you can always contact a specialized center, and help a larger number of those in need.

What should not be done after parting with a guy, a man?

What should not be done after parting with a guy, a man?
What should not be done after parting with a guy, a man?

What should not be done after parting with a guy, a man:

  • Say nasty things to the former lover - The most common mistake that most of the fair sex makes. Immediately after a painful gap, they begin to tell everyone and tell everyone about the former guy different nasty things. More precisely, they are trying to expose it in a non -best light. But this is strictly forbidden to do this. After all, by slander, you show your environment that you were associated with the not the best representative of the stronger sex for some time, and this even suited you very much. Thus, you humiliate not only him, but yourself. Be more restrained and try to control your negative.
  • Immediately find a replacement for the former - Another common mistake that girls who are disappointed in love make. As a rule, after parting with the guy, the girl feels her inferiority, she begins to seem to her that she is not very beautiful, smart, sexy, and this is precisely what caused a painful parting. Therefore, some representatives of the fair sex, in order to feel their superiority, are trying to immediately find the replacement of the former. The most unpleasant thing is that of such a relationship a strong union is rarely obtained. As a rule, past grievances do not allow to completely open up to the new chosen one, and he also leaves. And then wounded pride begins to rebel even more.
  • No need to try to call the former all the time “Even if he himself is not against such communication.” Your constant calls are an invisible thread that continues to associate you with a former lover. And the more often you call him up, the longer you will be in limbo. After all, such an innocent communication, at first glance, will give you the illusion that everything can be returned back. But sooner or later you will still understand that you can’t return the past, and then your pain will become even stronger. Therefore, remember, never and under any pretext call the former, even if you really want to hear his velvety voice.
  • Do not blame only for what happened - Another common mistake that prevents correctly perceive new reality. It is difficult to perceive any parting with your beloved - it is always stuffy pain, depression and tears. And this condition often interferes with the fair sex to soberly evaluate what happened. It begins to seem to them that it was their chosen one who did or said something wrong. And it was his actions that led to the breakdown of the relationship. But if you think calmly, then every girl remembers what she said and did wrong, which means that she also influenced the alliance with her actions. Therefore, it is never necessary to blame the incident exclusively a man, as a rule, both partners are to blame for the break. They just did not have enough patience, understanding and wisdom, and this led to parting.
  • In no case do not try to show the former that you were not affected by parting “So you will only confirm the whole world that your feelings are still alive.” Most girls and women immediately after breaking up with the former begin to upload photos of their new happy life without a guy on social networks. And they do it solely in order to hurt a once loved one. And they are very upset if he simply does not notice them. But it is definitely not necessary to act in this way, ideally, in general, for a while, block it in all social networks, and do not communicate with it in any form. So you will cope with your emotions faster.

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