Name of Olena, Elena and Olga: One too or different? What is the difference between the names of Oleen, Elena and Olga?

Name of Olena, Elena and Olga: One too or different? What is the difference between the names of Oleen, Elena and Olga?

The names of Olena, Elena, Olga - is this one too or not? Let's understand in detail.

Previously, the names were chosen by the shrines. Which saint was revered on this day, this was the name of the newborn. Now the consonant patronymic and surname, fashionable or unusual, is being chosen. This is the right of parents to give the baby the name they like.

Read on our website another interesting article on the topic: "The female name is given - which means: description of the name".

From this article you will learn how the names are different Olena, Elena and Olga. We will also talk about their meaning. Read further.

The meaning of the name of Olena

The meaning of the name of Olena
The meaning of the name of Olena

It is worth wondering about the correctness of writing this name. Olena, AlenaPerhaps these are different names. Olena - this is how Elena’s name sounds in Ukrainian, but it is still not worth translating it, especially in the documents. Alena, although it was formed from Elena, is now an independent name. Both spelling are possible, through “E” and “E” in the second syllable.

Important to remember: In official papers “Passport, diploma, legal documents”, the name is appropriate to the certificate of birth. The letter written in the name may become a fact of the invalidity of documents.

The norm of spelling in Russian will be Alyona. There is an option OlenaBut in dictionaries it is written that this is a spacious pronunciation.

  • The meaning of the ancient Greek name Helena is “torch, light”.

Behind this name is a sacrificial nature. Help and support do not proceed for some high goal, but all because Olena considers it necessary. A little girl, without hesitation, will give her favorite toy to another child. An adult Olena is able to sacrifice his own happiness, giving it to another person. A one who she can devote her life to her without a trace should always be near her.

The meaning of the name Elena

The meaning of the name Elena
The meaning of the name Elena

At the mention of this name, it immediately pops up in memory Elena, the wife of King Sparta Menelai, abducted by Paris, who became the culprit of the beginning of the Trojan War. Heroines of Russian folk tales Elena Wise and Beautiful. Princess Olga, the wife of the Kyiv Prince Igor Rurikovich, at baptism, was called Elena.

  • This name has a Greek origin.
  • The Greeks called themselves the Hellenes, Elena It is consonant with this name.
  • Although this name in different countries has its own pronunciation, it translates as a “Greek”.
  • Greek translation is ambiguous. The close value of the "chosen".
  • But interpretations associated with fire, light, sun, moon, their radiant brilliance and other synonyms of these words are also possible.
  • There is a version that Elena - The derivative of the word Helios, that was the name of the solar deity in Greek mythology. Therefore, the name is still interpreted as light or ray of the sun.

In Rus', this name has many variations:

  • Olena
  • Yalena
  • Ate
  • Alyona

The name is popular and in its shortened form - Lena. Now this is an independent name. This name is a river in Siberia. Lena is diminutive for many adversaries, in etymology not related to this name. For example:

  • Marlena
  • Eleanor
  • Vladlena
  • Vilena
  • Leonty
  • Ella

In the Russian language, the options used in other countries of this name are borrowed:

  • Helen
  • Ilona
  • Gelena
  • Elina

Some have long existed as independent.

A woman with a name Elena Charming and charming, it attracts not only men to itself. Her sociability simply conquers. Despite the apparent gullibility, she will not allow herself to deceive herself, showing outstanding impurities, she will definitely punish the guilty and will never forgive. The tendency to self -sacrifice helps her to follow her feelings, to be devoted and faithful to her chosen one. Remaining the homebody, Elena It always looks good, preserving its attractiveness for many years.

There are many short forms used for affectionate appeals:

  • Lena
  • Elenka
  • Lenusya
  • Helen
  • Lelya
  • Elya
  • Lenusha

You can choose your own user-in-abiding form of adhesion. He will be the best for you.

The meaning of the name Olga

The meaning of the name Olga
The meaning of the name Olga

This name has always been popular in Rus'. There are two versions of its appearance.

First option:

  • Olga Taken from the Scandinavians and comes from the name of Helg.
  • Translated from him, Olga means "Wise", "bright", "holy".
  • It is possible that this is a borrowed female version of the male name Oleg.

The second option:

  • Olga is still the ancient Slavic name, which came from male names Volkh or Volga.
  • Close value in this option "Sunny", "great".

This name can be found in any corner of the world. And if both options are used in European Olga and Helga, then in Latin-American is more often found.

  • Olga is the owner of a strong and volitional nature.
  • The advice of others, especially if it concerns its appearance.
  • Even if she is not right, do not expect confessions and apologies.
  • Apparently, this is the result of her proud nature prone to adventures.
  • It can be angry and aggressive, capable of revenge, so she experiences an emotional storm.
  • She likes to chat and discuss people, because of this she can be known as a gossip.
  • Olga’s personal life is tightly closed from outsiders.
  • In work, she can achieve certain heights. It helps and supports employees with its authority, it is precisely for perseverance and strength that it is appreciated in the team.

In a diminutive form, they are used:

  • Olyushka
  • Olenka
  • Lelya
  • Lyalya
  • Leka
  • Olcha
  • Olchik
  • Olyunya
  • Olgushka

You can come up with many more different diminutive options for this adherence.

Names Olen, Elena and Olga: One and the same or not?

Olena and Olga Absolutely different names. But Ukrainian Olena and Russian Elena Related. Rather, this is the same name only in different languages. Very often, instead of a name Elena The circulation is used Alyona or Olena - Such a spelling of a name in Russian is unacceptable, used only as colloquial.

But Alena has already become as a completely independent and independent name from Elena. And therefore, Alenka is a diminutive name for this adherence, and for Elena it is often used simply Lena. Alena is not in the saints, so Elena will be called a little Alenka at baptism. Below even more interesting information. Read further.

What is the difference between the names of Oleen, Elena and Olga?

First of all, they are distinguished by spelling, a place of origin. Olga - Scandinavian, Elena "Olena" - greek. Also, the difference in the sense embedded in each name is in its meaning. The name given at birth leaves a certain imprint and conveys character traits. If you think about it, then this is very interesting.

Is it possible to call Olen Elena or Olga?

Deer can be called Elena, translation from Ukrainian. Olga will remain in the same form, it is better not to call a woman with this name Elena, as these are different options.

In linguistics, there is a whole section, called “onomastics” that studies its own names, their meaning, origin. You can find out the transformation of the name from the source language. The name given to the child will pass with us all your life, take care of it, do not allow to distort it, replace others. "What is your name?" - This is often the first phrase, to start acquaintance, friendship, love.

Video: The meaning of the name Elena - The Secret of the Name

Video: The meaning of the name Alena - Karma, character and fate

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