Watermelon crusts are the easiest recipe. How to cook tsukati from watermelon pags at home: recipes, reviews

Watermelon crusts are the easiest recipe. How to cook tsukati from watermelon pags at home: recipes, reviews

Recipes for cooking tsukati from watermelon pags.

Now on the shelves of stores you can find a large number of sweets that are not the most useful. Among them, it is worth highlighting products that contain a large amount of sugar, flour and fats. Many have forgotten about such a useful addition to tea as tsukats. In this article, we will tell you how to cook tsukata from watermelon crusts.

Watermelon tsukats: the easiest recipe

This is a forgotten dish, is not very popular due to the abundance of other delicious desserts. After all, now the buyer is spoiled, tries to surprise himself, loved ones and friends, acquiring desserts that are beautifully decorated with exotic creams. Few people think about the benefits. But still, some buyers of sweets are thinking about the benefits, and do not want to poison themselves and the children transfers, which are contained in a huge number of desserts.

This category of population is worried about health, and instead of classic sweets, he tries to acquire dried fruits and centers. The most useful and inexpensive dessert are tsicals from watermelon crusts. It is not necessary to purchase them, you can cook yourself. To do this, you will have to spend a small amount of time. In fact, the centers are prepared for a long time, but the active cooking time is completely short. There are a lot of recipes with the addition of lemons, oranges, black ash and various components that complement the taste of centers, making it more saturated and exotic. 


  • 1 kg of watermelon crust 
  • 1.2 kg of sugar 
  • 250 ml of water 

Watermelon tsukats, the easiest recipe:

  • To prepare centers, you need to choose a watermelon with dense crusts. An ideal option will be a pink variety with pink pulp, which is not very sweet. After using watermelon pulp, it is necessary to make cooking. For these purposes, cut the remaining pulp and level the surface. Using vegetable cleaning, remove a dense, rough, dark crust from the surface.
  • After that, cut into cubes with a sharp knife in size 2 by 2 cm. Do not grind the products too much, since in the process of cooking and drying, pieces are significantly reduced in size. Next, it is necessary to fill the resulting cubes with sugar, pour water and put on small fire. After boiling, hold it over low heat for 15 minutes. Turn it off and leave it for about 8 hours.
  • It is best to do such manipulations twice a day - in the morning and evening. The number of such vots 3 or 4. It is necessary to ensure that there are practically no syrup left at the bottom, and only watermelon cubes are in the container. After that, it is necessary to turn off the fire, let the product cool, lay out with a thin layer on parchment paper and dry. It is best to carry out the drying process on a sunny day, in open areas. But if rainy days are observed, drying in the room, at home, is quite acceptable.
  • Some housewives recommend laying out parchment on a baking sheet and place in the oven. At the same time, you do not need to turn on the cabinet. After about 3-4 days, the centers will dry out, they can be transferred to a jar of glass. Remember that the surface of the finished centers should not be sticky, but dry. This will prevent the occurrence of mold and sticking the product in a storage container. Such a product is stored for 6 months. 

Tsukati from watermelon crusts in the oven: recipe

You can accelerate the process of drying the centers using a convection oven. The usual one is also suitable, but in it the product is dried much longer. It is worth choosing your favorite recipe.

Tsukats from watermelon crusts in the oven, recipe:

  • As soon as the centers are cooked, it is necessary to place gauze on a colander and put all the pieces. As soon as the juice is completely dragging, the product must be transferred to parchment paper and a baking sheet.
  • Place in the oven, and dry at a temperature of about 60 degrees. This temperature regime is suitable if the oven is equipped with a convection mode. If there is no such mode, then drying is carried out at a temperature of 40 degrees.
  • There is no specific period of drying, as it depends on the size of the pieces, and the initial amount of moisture. Check the readiness of the product from time to time. The main indicator of readiness- this is Lack of stickiness, and absolutely dry surface. 

Coops of watermelon crusts with orange

Watermelon crusts without adding additional ingredients are a sweet taste, and will become a great dessert. If you want to make the taste more saturated and interesting, we recommend using additives such as oranges and lemons.

For the preparation of centers, you will need this recipe: 

  • 1 lemon 
  • 2 orange 
  • 1 kg of watermelon crust 
  • 800 g of sugar 

Tsukati from watermelon crusts with orange:

  • At the initial stage, it is necessary to prepare the crusts, having previously removed the skin from them, and cut into small cubes. Pour them with cold water for about two hours. Drain the water, and try to dry the crusts so that there is not too much moisture on their surface.
  • After that, cut the orange into two parts, squeeze the juice into watermelon crusts, pour sugar. Put on fire and cook until the sugar completely dissolves. As soon as this happens, wait 15 minutes, languish everything on low heat.
  • Leave to cool completely. After the manipulation, grate the zest and the skin of the citrus, add to the product. Put on the fire again, increase about 15 minutes. 
  • After cooking, it is necessary to pour the juice of the lemon, rub its zest and crust into the product from the watermelon, and put it on fire again. The manipulations are carried out several more times until the juice completely evaporates. As soon as there is no liquid in watermelon crusts, it is necessary to lay them out onto the tissue or parchment paper and let it dry at room temperature or in the sun. 

How to make tsukata from watermelon pags in an electric dryer

The main drawback of the preparation of watermelon cakes is a long period of drying. The active time spent on cooking the dish is very small, but the drying period is long, some housewives for this reason refuse such a dessert. You can accelerate the drying of centers with the help of modern technology. Many recommend using an electric dryer, or multicooker for these purposes. 


  • 1 kg of watermelon crust 
  • 1 liter of water 
  • 260 g of sugar 

How to cook tsukati from watermelon pags in an electric dryer:

  • Preparation is exactly the same as in the previous recipe. It is necessary to remove a dense crust, cut the product with small stripes or cubes, and soak for several hours in cold water. At this time, you can do the preparation of the syrup.
  • Pour a liter of water into the container, pour sugar and cook until the crystals dissolve. After that, immerse the prepared cubes in the syrup and cook until the pieces become completely transparent. This will need 30-40 minutes. It is necessary to cook exclusively over low heat so that the pieces do not lose their shape and do not boil.
  • After that, place a gauze folded in several layers on a colander. Put the product into a colander and let the liquids drain. It is best to leave all night so that the liquid is practically no left on the surface of the product. After that, put the pieces in the electric dryer, set the temperature of 60 degrees. Dry with such heating for 10-12 hours. Sprinkle the finished product with powdered sugar. This will prevent sticking. You can store such sweetness in glass jars of 5-6 months. 

Little water jackets in a slow cooker: Simple recipe

Tsukats can be safely prepared in a slow cooker. This will significantly reduce the cooking time.


  • 800 g crust
  • 800 g of sugar
  • 200 ml of water

Crossbuildings from watermelon crusts in a slow cooker, simple recipe:

  • To do this, choose pink varieties, with thick crusts. Remove the dense skin with a vegetable product, remove the remaining pulp, and cut into strips. Excessively, the product should not be chopped, so in the slow cooker pieces can fall apart due to the features of the choice of the regime.
  • After that, put them on the net and steam, without adding sugar. Only 20 minutes are enough, this is how much time lasts a steam mode in common models. After that, you need to get crusts, rinse again with cold water, pour in a multicooker bowl.
  • Add sugar to the semi -finished product. Initially, the amount of sugar and the crusts should be approximately the same. Pour 200 ml of water, set the pilaf mode, and prepare the specified time. After that, turn off the device and leave for about 12 hours. 
  • Assess the condition of the semi -finished product. Ideally, it is necessary to achieve transparency so that the centers become amber color. If they are still green and opaque, set the “pilaf” mode again and try to cook in this mode again. If the centers are boiled too quickly, reduce the amount of time, but increase the periods between cooking.
  • After two or three approaches, when the centers become transparent, it is necessary to put them on gauze or sieve. Wait for the complete drainage of the syrup. As a result, the semi -finished product should turn out to be semi -dry. Only after that put on the parchment and dry in the oven, or in an electric dryer. In an inexpensive multicooker there is no regime in which the centers would quickly dry out. Although in technology with a lot of functions, there is a drying mode. Therefore, if you have a modern device, you can use the drying mode. The main disadvantage is that there is little space on the surface of the grid to dry tsukata from one kilogram of watermelon crusts.  

Watermelon cakes at home with currants

Quite tasty and interesting are central rowan or currants. These berries betray burgundy or reddish tsukatas, improving their taste.To prepare such a disorder You will need the following ingredients: 

  • 1.2 kg of raw materials 
  • 1 kg of sugar 
  • 200 ml of water 
  • Cupboard or chernival rowan 

Watermelon crusts at home with currants:

  • You need to prepare the main product. To do this, remove a dense skin from the watermelon, cut into strips or small pieces. Pour water, cover with a lid and languish for about 10-15 minutes. This is done in order to remove an unpleasant, bitter, specific taste that can be felt in watermelon crusts. In a separate vessel, dissolve sugar in a glass of water.
  • Put on the fire and wait until all the crystals dissolve. As soon as the syrup becomes beautiful honey, add prepared centers. Cook for 15 minutes. Turn off the heating and leave for about 12 hours. Before putting it on fire again, chop black currants or a black ash, along with a glass of the remaining sugar. It is necessary to get mashed potatoes.
  • Enter it to prepared centers and continue to heat. Keep on fire for a quarter of an hour. Turn off the heating again, leave it all night. Put on the fire early in the morning and increase another quarter of an hour. You can repeat the manipulation until the amount of liquid decreases several times. Ideally, it should boil almost completely. Do not allow the centers to burn and form a brown crust. Transfer the prepared product to a baking sheet covered with cloth or parchment paper, and dry in the oven, or under straight sunlight. 

Watermelon tsukats: reviews

Below you can familiarize yourself with the reviews of the housewives who prepare the centers.

Tsukats from watermelon crusts, reviews:

Svetlana. I am a fan of a healthy diet, so for several years I have not purchased store sweets and desserts. I cook them on my own, from fruits and nuts. I love tsukata from watermelon crusts very much. I consider dessert one of the cheapest. It is not necessary for him to purchase some expensive products, because waste is used during cooking. I dry in an electric dryer for 6 hours. In the recipe I saw that they need to be dried for 12 hours, but I do not like overdred products. 

Alevtina. I love a variety of home desserts, in particular zuccats from watermelon crusts. I cook with the addition of citrus fruits, as a dish prepared according to a classic recipe seems to me tasteless. When the citrus fruits are added, the taste becomes much more saturated, and somewhat reminiscent of an exotic dessert that I tried in Turkey. I am drying in the oven with convection. At a temperature of 60 degrees, the centers dry very quickly. 

Marina. I don’t cook often, but recently I sat on proper nutrition, so I do not buy sweets from flour, with the addition of a large amount of fat. I had to cook on my own. Early in the morning with tea, eat home -made tsukatas. I really like sweets from watermelon crusts. Their main advantage is the low price. I cook with blackcurrant, which grows in my country house. The dish is red, children think that this is marmalade and eat it with pleasure. 

Home sweets
Home sweets

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Video: Tsukata from watermelon crusts for the winter

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