What to cook in the summer in the heat: recipes. What to cook in the summer for dinner, a festive table, a birthday, a wedding, a picnic, children?

What to cook in the summer in the heat: recipes. What to cook in the summer for dinner, a festive table, a birthday, a wedding, a picnic, children?

The article will give the best recipes for dishes that can be prepared in the summer heat.

Summer is a great time when it is possible to eat tasty and at the same time. In the summer season, our body receives all the necessary vitamins and minerals from natural products - vegetables and fruits. Try to comply with some rules that will help to eat right in the heat:

  • More fluid. In the heat, you should not eat in a dry woman. Choose more juicy vegetables (for example, cucumbers). Before each meal, drink a glass of water
  • Less salt. This rule is associated with the first. Salt violates the body's water balance, delaying water with toxins
  • Do not eat food from the refrigerator. This common habit leads to colds. Food should be at room temperature
  • Do not eat "in reserve". In the summer, the body is not easy, because it fights with heat. Eat often not in large portions, so you will reduce the load

What to cook for dinner in the summer in the heat?

It is better to use such products for dinner:

  • Protein. It may not be fat cottage cheese, chicken or turkey fillet
  • Vegetables. Salad seasoned with vegetable oil and lemon juice
  • Beverages. For example, kefir or all kinds of smoothies
  • Not many fruits. Fruits are not prohibited for dinner, but they should not abuse them due to the content of fructose

Homemade cheese mass with fruits

We need:

  • Cottage cheese is not fat
  • Sour cream 15%
  • Sugar
  • Vanilla
  • Raisin
  • Any fruits


  • We grind cottage cheese in a blender, along with sour cream and sugar. A plastic but not liquid consistency should come out
  • Mix the mass with raisins and put it in portioned plates
  • We decorate with cut fruits on top

Vegetable salad

We need:


  • Cut the vegetables and greens with cubes or plates
  • We fill the salad with oil, salt and pepper
  • Mix thoroughly and serve to the table
Salad in the summer heat
Salad in the summer heat

What to cook in the summer for a festive table in the heat?

For the holiday, I definitely want something sweet and beautiful. Cold desserts are what you need in the summer heat. More with a recipe can be seen here http://heaclub.ru/prostye-recepty-vkusnyh-bystryh-desertov-prigotovlenie-luchshih-golechih-detskih-detnih-rtalyanskihnskihnskihnskihnskhni-desertini-desertini-deshni-desertini

Dessert »Broken glass"


  • Jelly of several colors
  • Sour cream 15%
  • Gelatin
  • Water
  • Sugar
  • Fruit


  • We cook jelly according to the recipe on the pack, put it in the refrigerator
  • Pour gelatin with water, then mix with sour cream. Add sugar and beat the mass with a mixer
  • Cut colored jelly and fruits
  • Pour them with sour cream mass and put them in the refrigerator
  • You can decorate the dessert with fruit or grated chocolate

To make the dessert can easily be extracted from the mold, cover it with cling film. Alternative - use silicone form

Dessert broken glass
Dessert "Broken glass"

Square "Summer"

We need:

  • Mushrooms
  • Sour cream
  • Milk
  • Spoon of flour
  • Salt
  • Pepper
  • Garlic
  • Bread
  • Greens


  • In advance (for example, in the evening) we prepare mushroom paste
  • Finely cut the mushrooms and pour into the pan. When they give juice, add a spoonful of flour
  • Then we put a couple of spoons of not fat sour cream and half a glass of milk
  • Salt, pepper, add chopped garlic
  • Stew the mushrooms to the desired consistency
  • Cool
  • We smear bread with the resulting mushroom paste. We decorate with herbs on top
Summer sandwiches
Summer sandwiches

What to cook for a birthday in the summer

On the birthday, it is customary to pamper guests with sweet treats, namely - a cake. But fatty creams are not too useful in the heat. In addition, in the summer the shelf life of cakes is significantly reduced. How about ice cream?

Fruit ice cream recipes can be seen here http://heaclub.ru/kak-sdlat-fruktovoe-morozhenoe-v-domashnih-usloviyah-recepty-fruktovogo-yagodnogo-morozhenogo-fruktovogo-sorbeta-fruktovogo-lda

Well, in this article we will offer you a delicious recipe chocolate seal.

We need:

  • Milk
  • Fat cream (35%)
  • Sugar
  • Black chocolate


  • Heat milk. Do not boil. Add sugar and interfere. I added 2 salt tablespoons of sugar
  • Add chocolate to milk and wait until the chocolate melts. We constantly stir the mass
  • Cool the mass, add the cream and beat with a mixer
  • We put the mass in the freezer for 3 hours. Then we take out and beat
  • We repeat the procedure after another 2 hours
  • Put for another 2 hours in the freezer
  • Decorate ice cream with chocolate chips, fruits and syrup
Chocolate seal
Chocolate seal

What to cook for a wedding in nature in the summer?

A beautiful feeding of dishes will make a festive table for a wedding memorable. And salads in the summer are the most common dish. Use one option for decorating salads from an article http://heaclub.ru/krasivye-salaty-oformlenie-salatov-i-zakusok-kak-krasivo-ukrasit-sakuski-ovoshhami-yajcom-majonezom-anananasom

Salad in tartlets

We need:

  • Cream cheese
  • Cucumber
  • Egg
  • Mayonnaise
  • Red fish cut
  • Greens


  • Grind an egg, cheese and mayonnaise in a blender
  • Cut the cucumber in small cubes, mix with cheese mass
  • We lay the salad in a hill
  • We turn a piece of fish into roll. We bend the edges and get a cute rose
  • We place it on a hill in a tartlet.
  • Decorate with greens, creating an imitation of stems
Salad in tartlets
Salad in tartlets

What to cook for a picnic in nature in the summer?

The main dish on the picnic is barbecue. Many marinades can be seen here http://heaclub.ru/10-Luchshih-ioriginalnyh-marinadov-dlya-shashlyka-recepty-vinnogo-pivnogo-limonnogo-lukovogo-i-medovogo-marinada-dlya-shedlyka

Chicken wings at the stake


  • Chicken wings
  • Salt
  • Fresh mint
  • Garlic


  • Dried or fresh mint pull out with butter, salt and missed through the press or finely chopped garlic, you can also add ground pepper, give the sauce to brew for 10-15 minutes.
  • Put wings in the sauce, mix and put in the cold for pickling for 3-5 hours
  • Put the wings on the lattice, tightly clinging to each other, install the grille above the coals, fry wings for about half an hour until cooked, periodically turning over lattice

What to cook for children in the summer?

Children need to regularly eat the first. In summer, hot soups replace cold. They contain many vegetables useful for children. Popular recipes of cold soups http://heaclub.ru/holodnye-supy-na-leto-uresortiment-holodnyh-supov-shpinata-so-shhavelem-iz-vokado-rapi-ogurechnogo

Okroshka for a child

Preparation tips:

  • Make okroshka different to understand what the baby prefers the most
  • Pour the okroshka not cold liquid, but at room temperature. The best filling for the baby is serum or kefir
  • Cut the vegetables as smaller as possible
  • Decorate the okroshka before serving, tell the baby an interesting story about it to interest

We need:

  • Eggs
  • Potato
  • Cucumber
  • Boiled sausage
  • Kefir is not fat
  • Greens


  • Boil eggs and potatoes
  • Grind all the ingredients and pour kefir. Salt is best to use sea
  • If the okroshka turned out to be too thick, it can be diluted with mineral water
  • Sprinkle with crushed herbs on top

More okroshka recipes here http://heaclub.ru/okroshka-s-kolbasoj-klassicayskaya-recept-kak-prigotovit-vkusnuyu-okroshku-s-kvasom-bez-kvasa-kfire-pive-sok-mineralque So-Smetanoj


What to cook for wires in the army in the summer?

Abundance of recipes for wires in the army http://heaclub.ru/chto-gotovyat-na-provody-v-rmiyu-prazdnichnyj-stol-na-provody-v-emiyu-minyu-servirovka

A snack in chips

  • Large potato chips
  • Chicken breast
  • Hard cheese
  • Mayonnaise
  • Cucumber
  • Pepper
  • Salt
  • Olives


  • Boil the breast and finely chop
  • Cuts cucumbers with small cubes
  • Three cheese on grater
  • Mix all the ingredients, add mayonnaise, pepper and salt to taste
  • We lay the filling in chips, decorate with olives and herbs

This snack must be served to the table immediately, as put it in chips. Otherwise, chips will lose their crunch

A snack in chips
A snack in chips

What to cook in the summer for an anniversary?

The cake for the anniversary is simply necessary. Examples of how to decorate the cake can be found here http://heaclub.ru/kak-krasivo-ukrasit-v-domashnih-usloviyah-kak-detskij-tort-remepty-ukrashiya-torta

Summer cake with fruit

We need:

  • For biscuit: flour, eggs sugar
  • For filling: sour cream, gelatin, sugar, vanilla
  • Fruits (apricots, peaches, kiwi or strawberries)


  • To begin with, bake the biscuit, as usual. Cut it into pieces
  • Pour the gelatin with water so that it swollen. Dissolve on the stove, stirring constantly
  • Beat sour cream with sugar and vanilla
  • Pour gelatin into sour cream with a thin stream, stirring all the time
  • Put the food film in deep dishes, put the fruit to the bottom
  • On top of fruit - biscuit, then again fruits and biscuit
  • Pour everything with a sour cream mixture and put in the refrigerator for two hours
  • Take out a summer cake and carefully turn over on a dish, removing the film
  • Decorate as desired
Summer cake
Summer cake

What to cook delicious summer?

Delicious drinks in the summer are able to relieve thirst and add energy.

Bezalco Mojito

  • Mint
  • Lime
  • Sprite
  • Ice


  • Put a mint and several pieces of limes in a glass. Pushing and spoon to form juice
  • We fall asleep ice
  • Pour the sprite
  • Mix the cocktail and serve, decorating the mint with a sheet

More Mojito recipes here http://heaclub.ru/recepty-koktejlya-mohito-alkogolnyj-bezalkogolnyj-sostav-domashnego-mhito


Food on the road by car in the summer, so as not to deteriorate

What to take in the Doga to be full and not to be poisoned:

  • Water. Must, and in large quantities
  • Nuts or dried fruits
  • Sweets (cookies or waffles)
  • Fruits and vegetables. They can be cut in advance and put in the ship
  • Pies or pizza. They should not have meat and mayonnaise. Then they will be able to "hold out" for 6 - 8 hours
  • Sandbones from dry sausage. Also, without the use of oil or mayonnaise
  • Yogurt or kefir. Able to be suitable for use without a refrigerator up to 3 - 4 hours

Video: delicious summer cocktail

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